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Due to its apparent absence in archaeologically derived skeletons, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has generally been believed to be of fairly recent origin. A growing body of evidence now demonstrates that erosive lesions typical of RA are present in archaeological populations and that the antiquity of RA may be greater than previously expected. In support of this argument, a case of erosive arthritis is reported in a skeleton from Kulubnarti, Republic of the Sudan (c. 700-1450 A.D.). Lytic, erosive lesions and subchondral cysts are present bilaterally in the carpal and metacarpal joints of a female skeleton with an estimated age at death of 50+ years. These lesions are typical of those seen in clinically diagnosed rheumatoid patients. While their expression and distribution are highly suggestive of RA, interpretation must be made with due consideration for problems of differential diagnosis of this disease in archaeological material.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of the true pelvis (defined as that portion lying below and including the pelvic brim) was undertaken on a sample of 36 females from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. Standard obstetric measurements were taken and compared to four additional prehistoric skeletal samples and to modern American standards for the same obstetric dimensions. Relative to the other prehistoric populations, the Kulubnarti pelves are smaller in most dimensions and, when compared to modern American standards, from one-third to one-half would be diagnosed as contracted in one or more planes. Given the meager, fluctuating resources of these Medieval Nubians' harsh desert environment, pelvic size reduction is a likely result of body size reduction as one biological response to nutritional stress (Mittler and Van Gerven, 1989; Moore et al., 1986; Van Gerven et al., 1981). It is argued, however, that size reduction created a high potential for either maternal-neonatal morbidity and mortality due to fetopelvic disproportion or neonatal loss due to low birth weight. In either case, it is suggested that the Kulubnarti population paid a significant biological price for this aspect of size reduction.  相似文献   

Hair samples from 76 burials at Semna South (Sudanese Nubia) were examined using a variety of techniques. Electrophoresis and fluorescence microscopy indicated some oxidation of the cuticule and keratin protein had taken place. However, the cuticular structure and the lack of fluorescence of the cortex indicate that the low humidity and non-alkaline conditions preserved the physical and chemical properties of the hair well. Pigmentation, even allowing for oxidation of melanin, showed a higher proportion of lighter samples than is currently associated with the Nubian area. Hair form analysis showed medium diameter and scale count; the curling variables were intermediate between European and African samples. There was a high ratio of maximum to minimum curvature (a measure of irregularity), approached only by Melanesian samples. Meroitic and X-group burial types were not statistically significantly different (largely due to sample sizes), but the X-group, especially males, showed more African elements than the Meroitic in the curling variables. Principal components analysis showed the Semna sample to be significantly different from seven populations examined earlier.  相似文献   

This research presents male-female differences in stress response evidenced in human remains from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. This analysis is unique in that a direct comparison of subadult males and females is rarely possible using archaeological remains. Rather, such analyses invariably rely on evidence of subadult differences retained in adult (sexable) skeletons. In the case of Kulubnarti, natural mummification has made it possible to measure sex-specific differences among subadults as well as adults following five avenues of investigation: 1) mortality, 2) growth and development, 3) enamel hypoplasia, 4) cribra orbitalia, and 5) cortical bone maintenance. A comparison of mean life expectancy (eox) values for males and females aged 10–55+ years revealed a consistent pattern of greater female survivorship, particularly in childhood (age 10 category) where female life expectancy exceeds that of males by 19%. Measures of growth and development, enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, and cortical bone loss were subsequently used to test a hypothesis of greater female resiliency based on the mortality data. Male-female differences in skeletal maturation are pronounced with male skeletal ages averaging a significant 2.9 years below their dental age. Females show no significant differences with an average skeletal age 0.75 years ahead of dental age. Males begin hypoplasia formation one year earlier than females and, prior to age four, average 18% more hypoplasias (p<0.05). Also, by age 8, males have on average more than twice the frequency of cribra orbitalia (p<0.05). In contrast to their consistent pattern of reduced childhood stress, adult females lose significantly more cortical bone than their male counterparts and have less cortical bone across the adult age range. Nevertheless, females outnumber males of all ages with a sex-ratio below but parallel to that observed in modern populations. The rapid age-related reduction in males relative to females, even in old age, suggests a continuing female resiliency in spite of their greater rate of osteopenia and may reflect a reproductive advantage to the population through heightened female survival and adaptability.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Crolet et al., 1993, J. Biomechanics 26, 677–687), a modelling of the mechanical behavior of compact bone was presented, in which the homogenization theory was the basic tool of computation. In this simulation, approximations were used for the modelling of the lamellae and the osteons: the lamella and the osteon were divided into cylindrical sectors, each sector being approximated as a parallelepiped having a periodic structure (fibrous composite for the lamella, superimposition of plates for the osteon). The present study deals with a new model without these approximations. First, it can be proved that the homogenized elasticity tensor for a lamella, which has a non-periodic structure, is obtained at each geometrical point as a homogenized tensor of a periodic problem. Similarly, for the osteonal structure, the components of the homogenized tensor are determined at each point as the result of a periodic homogenization.

The software OSTEON, which is the computational method associated with this model, allows one to obtain a better understanding of the effects of many bony parameters. The obtained results are in accordance with experimental data.  相似文献   

The relationship between advancing age in adults and patterns of cortical bone maintenance has been extensively documented for archaeological populations (Dewey, et al., 1969; Van Gerven et al., 1969; Perzigian, 1973). Most recently, this research has been expanded to include a more thorough consideration of the geometric properties of bone in relationship to adult age changes (Martin and Atkinsin, 1977; Ruff and Hayes, 1983). To date, however, few studies have documented subadult patterns of cortical bone maintenance in archaeological populations and none have incorporated the relationship between patterns of cortical bone loss and gain and the changing geometric properties of growing bone. Using a sample of 172 tibias from children excavated from the Medieval Christian site of Kulubnarti, located in Nubia's Batn el Hajar, the present research examines the relationship between percent cortical area, bone mineral content, and cross-sectional moments of inertia. Among these children, bone mineral content increases steadily from birth in spite of a reduction in percent cortical area during early and late childhood. It appears, therefore, that tissue quality of the bone is not adversely affected by the reduction. Furthermore, the reduction in percent cortical area in later childhood corresponds to a dramatic increase in bending strength measured by cross-sectional moments of inertia. Thus, whether this cortical reduction is due entirely or in part to either normal modeling or nutritional stress, the tissue and organ quality of the bone is not adversely affected.  相似文献   

Rats exposed to cold stress show a reduction of relative cortical thickness in their long bones. The reaction resembles reduction of cortical thickness observed in Asiatic humans of the Mongoloid race, in whom many morphological features have been postulated to be cold-adaptive. However, until it can be established that the physiological processes underlying the experimental and phylogenetic condition are similar, no extrapolation can be attempted from the one to the other.  相似文献   

The present research represents a comparison of dental and skeletal development as a means for determining nutritional stress in a Medieval Christian population from Nubia’sBatn el Hajar. The sample consists of 21 individuals from an early Christian (c 550–750) and 23 individuals from a late Christian cemetery (c mid-16th century) excavated from the site of Kulubnarti, Sudan. Ages at death ranged from 12 to 23 years. For the combined sample, a large majority (70.5%) of individuals had skeletal ages younger than their dental ages. However, a comparison of those individuals that could be sexed revealed that the pattern was not consistent for males and females. Females showed no difference between skeletal and dental age while males showed significant skeletal retardation. This pattern of sex differences is consistent with that observed for modern living children and subadults experiencing nutritional stress. A comparison by cemetry also suggests a reduction in stress from early to late Christian times with later Christians showing a closer correspondence between skeletal and dental ages. While not statistically significant, this apparent reduction is consistent with previous research on the subadult remains.  相似文献   

The mandibular condyle is considered a good model for developing cancellous bone because of its rapid growth and high rate of remodeling. The aim of the present study was to analyze the simultaneous changes in microarchitecture and mineralization of cancellous bone during development in a three-dimensional fashion. Eight mandibular condyles of pigs aged 8 weeks prepartum to 108 weeks postpartum were scanned using microCT with an isotropic spatial resolution of 10 microm. The number of trabeculae decreased during development, whereas both the trabecular thickness and the distance between the trabeculae increased. The bone surface to volume ratio decreased during development, possibly limiting the amount of (re)modeling. Both the mean degree of mineralization and intratrabecular differences in mineralization between the surfaces and cores of trabecular elements increased during development. The trabecular surfaces were more highly mineralized in the older condyles compared to the younger ones. Together with the observed decrease in the relative size of trabecular surface, this finding suggests a decrease in (re)modeling activity during development. In accordance with the general growth and development of the pig, it was concluded that most developmental changes in cancellous bone occur until the age of 40 weeks postpartum.  相似文献   

The experimental abrasion of forming bone surfaces was conducted so that such surfaces could be characterized. This is particularly important to bone remodeling studies utilizing scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging of archeological material. Forming surfaces derived from subadult macaque cranial bone were treated by particle abrasion, water abrasion, sliding abrasion, brushing, manual rubbing, weight, exfoliation, chipping and replication. Acetic acid treatments were also performed. The effects of abrasive agents are specific but generally fall into rough (particle and water abrasion) and smooth (sliding abrasion, brushing, rubbing and weight) categories. Protohistoric human and Plio-Pleistocene hominid subadult craniofacial remains were observed with the SEM for comparison with experimental data. The more recent material appeared smooth, probably as a result of specimen preparation procedures using brushes. Surfaces were still interpretable as forming, however, using a more abrasion-resistant feature called intervascular ridging (IVR) described in this study. The IVR pattern is also recognized on the hominid sample, confirming the possibility of performing remodeling studies on abraded fossil material. The abrasion characteristics are somewhat more difficult to classify, however. Abrasion is defined and discussed relative to remodeling studies and taphonomy. The usefulness of the experimental data reported here, however, in paleoenvironmental reconstruction, has yet to be fully realized. Acid and mechanical preparation techniques are briefly addressed. It is concluded that it is possible to characterize a forming surface as abraded according to the findings of this study and that acid, if handled with care, will more likely preserve microanatomical surface detail. It would also be in everyone's interest to employ a less abrasive cleaning regime on archeological specimens.  相似文献   

The analysis of humeral asymmetry in Recent human skeletal samples and an extant tennis-player sample documents minimal asymmetry in bone length, little asymmetry in distal humeral articular breadth, but pronounced and variable asymmetry in mid- and distal diaphyseal crosssectional geometric parameters. More specifically, skeletal samples of normal modern Euroamericans, prehistoric and early historic Amerindians, and prehistoric Japanese show moderate (ca. 5–14%) median asymmetry in diaphyseal cross-sectional areas and polar second moments of area, whereas the tennis-player sample, with pronounced unilateral physical activity, exhibits median asymmetries of 28–57% in the same parameters. A sample of Neandertals with nonpathological upper limbs exhibits similarly low articular asymmetry but pronounced diaphyseal asymmetries, averaging 24–57%. In addition, three Neandertals with actual or possible post-traumatic upper limb alterations have the same low articular asymmetry but extremely high diaphyseal asymmetries, averaging 112–215%. These data support those from experimental work on animals, exercise programs of humans, and human clinical contexts in establishing the high degree of diaphyseal plasticity possible for humans, past and present, under changing biomechanical loading conditions. This lends support to activity-related functional interpretations of changing human diaphyseal morphology and robusticity during the Pleistocene. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study explores age-related thinning of cortical bone in an area of the femur that is becoming of increasing clinical interest. It is based on measurements of medial-lateral and posterior-anterior radiographs of the proximal one-third of the right femur, below the greater trochanter. The study population consisted of 458 skeletons from the Terry collection and included approximately equal numbers of blacks and whites, males and females, aged 20 to 98 years. Cortical thicknesses were measured at 11 levels, beginning with a line drawn perpendicular to the linea aspera at the level of the inferior border of the greater trochanter. The four quadrants (medial, lateral, anterior, posterior) differed in amount of change with age. In general, except for the relatively thick medial cortex, intertrochanteric levels showed less change than subtrochanteric levels. It is postulated that this is because the greatest remodeling activity takes place in trabecular rather than cortical bone in the intertrochanteric region. The anterior and posterior cortex showed the most regular and greatest amount of thinning with age. In males at lower levels, there was little or no loss in either medial or lateral cortex, but females showed considerable loss after the sixth decade. It is suggested that a stress-related “maintenance” factor retards cortical thinning in these quadrants. A review of the literature suggests that age-related cortical loss in the femur may have been accelerated in archaeological population, compared with modern groups.  相似文献   



In a previous study we showed that mandibular alveolar (trabecular) bone appears to be less sensitive to estrogen deficiency than the proximal tibia spongiosa. We hypothesized that the mechanical loading of the alveolar process during mastication may protect the alveolar bone from the detrimental effects observed in other skeletal sites. To test this hypothesis we compared the effect of ovariectomy on the mandibular alveolar bone and the proximal tibia spongiosa of rats fed either a normal (hard) or a soft diet.


Forty six-month-old female Sprague–Dawley rats underwent trans-abdominal ovariectomy (OVX) or sham operation (SHAM). Half of the animals received their food in the usual form of pellets (hard consistency), while the other half received a soft, porridge-like, isocaloric diet of identical composition (soft consistency). Micro-computed tomographic histomorphometry was used to evaluate the trabecular micro-architecture. A two-factor analysis of variance was used to test for effects and interaction of ovariectomy and/or soft diet.


OVX had a significantly negative effect on the proximal tibia spongiosa (all parameters under study except trabecular thickness; p<0.001) and on the mandibular alveolar bone (trabecular number and spacing; p<0.05). Soft diet led to a further decrease of mandibular BV/TV (p<0.01), trabecular thickness (p<0.05) and number (p<0.05), as well as increase of separation (p<0.001). A significant interaction was observed between OVX and soft diet concerning the mandibular BV/TV, as well as trabecular thickness and spacing (p<0.05).


Normal (hard) diet limited significantly the negative effects of estrogen deficiency on mandibular alveolar bone micro-architecture four months after ovariectomy.  相似文献   

Bone remodelling is the process that maintains bone structure and strength through adaptation of bone tissue mechanical properties to applied loads. Bone can be modelled as a porous deformable material whose pores are filled with cells, organic material and interstitial fluid. Fluid flow is believed to play a role in the mechanotransduction of signals for bone remodelling. In this work, an osteon, the elementary unit of cortical bone, is idealized as a hollow cylinder made of a deformable porous matrix saturated with an interstitial fluid. We use Biot’s poroelasticity theory to model the mechanical behaviour of bone tissue taking into account transverse isotropic mechanical properties. A finite element poroelastic model is developed in the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Elasticity equations and Darcy’s law are implemented in this software; they are coupled through the introduction of an interaction term to obtain poroelasticity equations. Using numerical simulations, the investigation of the effect of spatial gradients of permeability or Poisson’s ratio is performed. Results are discussed for their implication on fluid flow in osteons: (i) a permeability gradient affects more the fluid pressure than the velocity profile; (ii) focusing on the fluid flow, the key element of loading is the strain rate; (iii) a Poisson’s ratio gradient affects both fluid pressure and fluid velocity. The influence of textural and mechanical properties of bone on mechanotransduction signals for bone remodelling is also discussed.  相似文献   



Osteoprotegerin (OPG) affects bone metabolism by intercepting the RANK-RANKL interaction which prevents osteoclastic differentiation and consequently reduces bone resorption. Different bone phenotypes of mice overexpressing OPG and of mice with knockdown of receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) or RANK-ligand (RANKL) suggest that the mechanism of action of the OPG-RANKL-RANK system in regulating bone remodeling is not completely understood. Furthermore, OPG increases bone mass and density independently from reduced osteoclastogenesis which is consistent with the possibility that OPG may directly affect bone metabolism beyond its known role as decoy receptor for RANKL.


We treated primary human osteoblastic cells with OPG and inhibitory anti-RANKL antibodies and measured cellular ALP activity, in vitro mineralization, vitronectin receptor protein expression and ERK phosphorylation. We also analyzed the mRNA co-expression of ALP and OPG ex vivo in bone biopsies from acute and old stable vertebral fractures.


OPG directly increased ALP activity and in vitro mineralization of HOC, enhanced expression of the vitronectin receptor thereby increasing adherence of HOC to vitronectin and stimulated ERK phosphorylation. All OPG-mediated effects could be prevented by RANKL antibodies or RANKL-siRNA transfection and MAPK inhibitor PD98059 reduced the stimulatory effect of OPG on integrin αv expression. In acutely fractured vertebrae OPG and ALP mRNA expression was significantly increased compared to stable vertebral fractures. In conclusion, OPG exerts direct osteoanabolic effects on HOC metabolism via RANKL in addition to its well described role as decoy receptor for RANKL.  相似文献   

M Ohgushi  A Wada 《FEBS letters》1983,164(1):21-24
In rat lacrimal glands, Forskolin induces a dose-dependent [3H]protein release. This effect can be potentiated by papaverine. As for the other inducers whose effects on protein secretion are assumed to be cAMP-mediated, Forskolin secretion time course shows a latency. Isoproterenol decreases the Forskolin EC5- at least 60--times. On the other hand, Forskolin enhances the efficacy of isoproterenol without affecting its potency. As a whole, the data collected show that isoproterenol-induced [3H]protein secretion in rat lacrimal glands involved adenylate cyclase activation by coupling with β-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

A quantitative approach to the analysis of long-bone fractures in skeletal populations is presented. These kinds of data are shown to be valuable in interpreting various behavioral aspects of the population. An example of application is provided for the Libben population. Data from this group show that the overall fracture rate was high (there is a 45% chance of a long-bone fracture in any single individual) but lower than the rates observed in nonhuman primates by almost an order of magnitude when data are adjusted for years of risk. The data for Libben also suggest that traumatic child abuse was not practiced, that most fractures occur as a consequence of accident, that fracture risk was highest in the 10–25 and 45 + age categories, that care of patients was enlightened and skillful in this group, and that chance of fracture is largely determined by accumulated years of risk in the population (r = 0.97).  相似文献   

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