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Jeanne Y. de Waal Antoinette P. Malan Matthew F. Addison 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2011,21(10):1161-1176
The biocontrol potential of South African isolates of Heterorhabditis zealandica, Steinernema citrae, S. khoisanae, S. yirgalemense, and Steinernema sp., was evaluated against codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Codling moth was susceptible to all six nematode isolates at a concentration of 50 infective juveniles/insect (78–100% mortality). Low temperatures (10 h at 17°C; 14 h at 12°C) negatively affected larvicidal activity (≤3%) for all isolates. All tested isolates were most effective at higher levels of water activity (a w=1). The average a w50-values for all isolates tested was 0.94 (0.93–0.95), except S. khoisanae 0.97 (0.97–0.98). Regarding host-seeking ability, no positive attraction to host cues could be detected amongst isolates, except for H. zealandica. Three of the isolates, H. zealandica, S. khoisanae, and the undescribed Steinernema sp., were selected for field-testing and proven to be effective (mortality >50%). Insect containment methods used during field experimentation was shown to influence larvacidal activity, as different levels of mortality were obtained using various containment methods (wooden planks vs. pear tree logs vs. mesh cages). Pear tree logs were impractical. Predictive equations were subsequently developed, enabling future trials to be conducted using either planks or cages, enabling the prediction of the expected level of control on tree logs. All tested isolates therefore showed a certain degree of biological control potential, however, none of the experiments showed clear efficacy-differences amongst isolates. The study highlighted the importance of environmental factors to ensure the successful application of these nematodes for the control of diapausing codling moth larvae in temperate regions. 相似文献
Jeanne Y. de Waal Antoinette P. Malan John Levings Matthew F. Addison 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2010,20(5):489-502
The non-insecticidal control strategies currently being implemented in South African orchards for the control of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) may be hampered by wooden fruit bins being infested with diapausing codling moth larvae, acting as a potential source of re-infestation. Key factors contributing to the success or failure of an entomopathogenic nematode application were investigated using the SF 41 isolate of Heterorhabditis zealandica in laboratory bioassays with wooden minibins. Under operational conditions, an application rate of 100 IJs/mL (LD90=102 IJs/mL) effectively controlled codling moth larvae in these bins, and for further laboratory bioassays, the LD50 value of 18 IJs/mL (?25 IJs/mL) was identified as the discriminating dosage. Maximum mortality was attained when bins were pre-wet for at least 1 min (>90% RH) and maintained at maximum humidity (>95% RH) post-treatment for at least 3 days (LT90=73 h), to ensure nematode survival and subsequent satisfactory infection of diapausing codling moth larvae. Tarping bins achieved the desired high level of humidity required. Furthermore, adjuvants (specifically Reverseal 10?) also improved an application. The study conclusively illustrated that if all the above-mentioned conditions are met, H. zealandica has the potential to successfully disinfest wooden fruit bins of codling moth. 相似文献
Lawrence A. Lacey David I. Shapiro-Ilan Gregory M. Glenn 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2010,20(9):909-921
Codling moth (CM), Cydia pomonella (L.) is the most serious pest of apple and other pome fruit worldwide. In temperate climates, diapausing cocooned larvae make up 100% of the population. Control of this stage would reduce or eliminate damage by first generation CM in late spring and early summer. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are good candidates for control of CM in the cryptic habitats where the larvae overwinter. The two predominant limiting factors for EPNs are adequate moisture and temperatures below 15°C. Formulation that maintains moisture and enables survival of EPN infective juveniles (IJs) until they can infect overwintering larvae would significantly improve their utility for protection of apple, pear and walnut. In laboratory studies conducted in moist mulch (consisting of apple and conifer wood), Galleria mellonella (L.) larvae infected with Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser), S. feltiae (Filipjev), or Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar and coated with starch and clay, produced mean mortalities of 42, 88, and 24%, respectively in CM larvae. Mulched field plots treated with formulated S. carpocapsae- or S. feltiae-infected G. mellonella larvae, then followed by an application of wood flour foam as an anti-desiccant, resulted in 56 and 86% mortality, respectively. Comparative tests of aqueous suspensions of S. carpocapsae IJs applied to cardboard bands on apple tree trunks followed by water, fire retardant gel or foam resulted in 11, 35, and 85% respective mortalities. Identical tests with S. feltiae resulted in 20, 19, and 97% respective mortalities. Our research with cadaver formulations of EPNs in mulch and aqueous suspensions on tree trunks combined with anti-desiccant agents, demonstrated significant improvement in larvicidal activity for diapausing cocooned CM larvae. 相似文献
Jeanne Y. de Waal Antoinette P. Malan Matthew F. Addison 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2011,21(3):255-270
The potential of using an entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar, together with different test mulches (pine chips, wheat straw, pine wood shavings, blackwood and apple wood chips) to control diapausing codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) larvae was evaluated. Mesh cages were identified as a suitable larval-containment method. High levels of codling moth mortality were obtained when using pine wood shavings as mulch (88%) compared to pine chips, wheat straw, blackwood and apple wood chips (41–88%). Humidity (>95% RH) has to be maintained for at least 3 days to ensure nematode survival. It was also proven that nematodes had the ability to move out of infected soil into moist mulch, to infect the codling moth larvae residing at heights of up to 10 cm. Field experiments showed the importance of climatic conditions on nematode performance. Low temperatures (<15°C) recorded during the first trial resulted in low levels of control (48%), as opposed to the 67% mortality recorded during the second trial (temperatures ranged between 20 and 25°C). Low levels of persistence (<10%) were recorded in the mulches post-application. The study conclusively illustrated some of the baseline requirements fundamental to the success of entomopathogenic nematodes together with mulches for the control of codling moth. 相似文献
Jeanne Y. De Waal Antoinette P. Malan Matthew F. Addison 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2013,23(1):62-78
Adequate moisture levels are required for nematode survival and subsequent efficacy as entomopathogens. Formulation of nematodes aimed at aboveground applications may assist in maintaining such moisture levels. In this study, we report the effects of a superabsorbent polymer formulation, Zeba® on the performance of an entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar, for controlling diapausing codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) larvae in cryptic habitats on trees. Water activity (aw-value) on bark was considered to be an indication of moisture levels on trees in cryptic habitats where codling moth larvae are known to occur, thereby influencing nematode efficacy. H. zealandica was only able to infect codling moth larvae at aw≥0.92, with aw50=0.94 and aw90=0.96. Laboratory experiments in which nematode concentration was investigated indicated a positive linear relationship between the concentration of nematodes applied and the level of control obtained, with the highest level of mortality recorded at 80 IJs/larva, requiring at least 4 h of conditions conducive to nematode activity to ensure infectivity and subsequent efficacy. Further experimentation showed that the use of the Zeba formulation, together with the nematodes, improved the level of control obtained at 60% and 80% RH in the laboratory and that it also enhanced the survival and infection-ability of the nematodes in the field. The study conclusively illustrates that the tested formulation assisted in maintaining adequate moisture levels on the application substratum, as required for nematode survival and subsequent efficacy. 相似文献
韩日畴 《Entomologia Sinica》1994,(4)
昆虫病原斯氏和导小杆线虫作为生物防治因子已受到世界各国的广泛重视,并得到了商品化的发展.自50年代,特别是7O年代末,我国从原捷克斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、美国等地引进了大批昆虫病原斯氏和异小杆线虫.同时也从土壤或自然寄主中分离出许多本国线虫种或品系,并对此类线虫进行了全面的研究,在昆虫病原线虫的种类调查和鉴定、田间大面积应用、安全性、共生细菌、大量繁殖等方面取得了可喜的进展.本文将综述这些方面的研究概况. 相似文献
Christopher C. Payne 《Journal of invertebrate pathology》1981,38(1):71-77
Laboratory studies demonstrated that neonate larvae of the pea moth, Cydia nigricana, are susceptible to infection with a granulosis virus (CpGV) isolated from the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Comparative LC50 values for C. nigricana and C. pomonella are 1.90 × 105 and 1.54 × 104 capsules/ml of diet, respectively. The virus extracted from CpGV-infected pea moth larvae is serologically related, and probably identical, to CpGV. 相似文献
Zaid Jumean Leila Fazel Charlene Wood Thomas Cowan Maya L. Evenden and Gerhard Gries 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》2009,11(2):205-212
1 Mature larvae of the Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and the Indianmeal moth (IMM) Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) leave their food source in search of suitable pupation sites in which to spin cocoons. These sites are typically well-concealed cracks and crevices within the environment. Such cocooning behaviour is also observed in larvae of the codling moth (CM) Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), which aggregate prior to pupation in response to a pheromone blend produced by cocoon-spinning conspecific larvae.
2 In laboratory experiments, we tested whether cocoon-spinning OFM and IMM larvae produce aggregation pheromones and whether CM larvae are cross-attracted to closely-related OFM larvae.
3 Fifth-instar OFM and IMM larvae were not attracted to, or arrested by, cocoon-spinning conspecifics. Moreover, fifth-instar CM larvae were not cross-attracted to either cocoon-spinning OFM or IMM larvae.
4 Analyses of volatiles released from cocoon-spinning OFM and IMM larvae revealed that both OFM and IMM lack components that are present in the aggregation pheromone of CM larvae. This information may help explain why CM larvae are not cross-attracted to cocooning OFM or IMM larvae. 相似文献
2 In laboratory experiments, we tested whether cocoon-spinning OFM and IMM larvae produce aggregation pheromones and whether CM larvae are cross-attracted to closely-related OFM larvae.
3 Fifth-instar OFM and IMM larvae were not attracted to, or arrested by, cocoon-spinning conspecifics. Moreover, fifth-instar CM larvae were not cross-attracted to either cocoon-spinning OFM or IMM larvae.
4 Analyses of volatiles released from cocoon-spinning OFM and IMM larvae revealed that both OFM and IMM lack components that are present in the aggregation pheromone of CM larvae. This information may help explain why CM larvae are not cross-attracted to cocooning OFM or IMM larvae. 相似文献
Xiaolong Yang Zhihua Gao Zhijun Yu Duo Wang Yao Tang Fengjiao Li 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2013,23(12):1349-1361
We determined the mortality of adult tick Dermacentor silvarum Olenev after it was exposed to five entomopathogenic nematode species: Steinernema carpocapsae BJ (Sc BJ), S. glaseri NC32 (Sg NC32), S. ceratophorum D43 (Sc D43), S. feltiae Otio (Sf Otio) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora E-6-7 (Hb E-6-7). All five species had lethal effects on adult ticks, and caused significant decreases in the amount of eggs laid by engorged female ticks (P < 0.05). Among them, Hb E-6-7 and Sc BJ were the most pathogenic to female adult ticks, with mortalities ranging from 70 to 90% (P < 0.05). Engorged females were more susceptible than unfed and partially fed females. The cumulative mortalities of engorged females exposed to Hb E-6-7 and Sc BJ for 14 days were 90%, with LT50 at 6.3 and 7.0 days, respectively. Dose-dependent effect was observed in the oviposition of the ticks after they were exposed to nematodes at concentrations of 1000–5000 IJs/dish. When the concentration was higher than 5000 IJs/dish, dose dependent effects disappeared (P > 0.05). All five nematode species were lethal to unfed male ticks, and there was significant difference in mortality when compared to the control group (P < 0.05); however, the pathogenicity varied among them. 相似文献
O. Soubabère 《中国病毒学》2009,24(5):470-477
The Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) has been used for many years as biological agent for codling moth control in apple orchards. Resistance to the Mexican strain of CpGV was detected in orchards in Germany, France and Italy. A laboratory insect colony was started from insects collected in a French resistant orchard. It was named RGV. Various virus isolates were identified as active against this resistant insect colony. Field tests were carried out in 2007 to test if the two virus isolates CpGV-I12 and NPP-R1 were effective in the field. Although these virus isolates were not able to reduce insect caused fruit damages, they significantly reduced the overwintering insect populations. NPP-R1 was subjected to eight passages on RGV larvae (NPP-R1.8) that improved its biological activity on RGV larvae. 2008 field trials were set up to test this improved virus strain, compared to CpGV-I12 and Madex plus active on RGV. These tests confirmed the ability to control both in susceptible and resistant insect populations. 相似文献
Benjamin A. McGraw Patricia J. Vittum Richard S. Cowles Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2010,20(2):149-163
The ability of entomopathogenic nematodes to suppress larval populations of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis, was investigated under field conditions over a 3-year period (2006–2008). Combination of nematode species, application rate and timing produced strong numerical yet few statistically significant reductions. Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser, S. feltiae Filipjev, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar applied at 2.5×109 IJs/ha reduced first generation late instars between 69 and 94% in at least one field trial. Steinernema feltiae provided a high level of control (94%) to low densities (~20 larvae per 0.09 m2), but gave inadequate control for higher densities (24 and 50% suppression). No significant differences were found among treatment timings. However, applications timed to coincide with the peak of larvae entering the soil (fourth instars) generally performed better than applications made prior to (preemptive) or after the majority of the population advanced from the fourth instar. Nematode populations declined sharply between 0 and 14 days after treatment (DAT). Although nematode populations later increased (at 28 DAT), indicating an ability to recycle within hosts in the environment, they were nearly undetectable 56 DAT when the second generation host larvae were present in the soil. Applying commercially available nematode species at standard field rates cannot reliably reduce L. maculicollis immature densities on golf courses, nor will single applications suppress multiple generations. Future research will need to identify application strategies to improve biocontrol consistency. 相似文献
Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer Cesar R. Rodriguez-Saona Sridhar Polavarapu Robert J. Holdcraft 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2008,18(1):21-31
A series of laboratory and greenhouse experiments evaluated the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema scarabaei Stock & Koppenhöfer, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, and H. zealandica Poinar for control of second- and third-instar cranberry white grub, Phyllophaga georgiana Horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in cranberries. Steinernema scarabaei was the most effective species with 76–100% control at a rate of 2.5×109 IJ/ha in the greenhouse experiments. H. zealandica and especially H. bacteriophora were generally less effective and required rates of 5×109 IJ/ha for acceptable control. Larval stage had no effect on H. zealandica and H. bacteriophora performance, whereas S. scarabaei was more effective against third instars than second instars in the laboratory but not in the greenhouse experiments. Steinernema scarabaei, should it become commercially available, could be an effective alternative to chemical insecticides for P. georgiana management. 相似文献
Cydia pomonella L. is an important insect pest of pome fruits worldwide. We have isolated and characterized 17 microsatellite loci from the enriched genomic libraries constructed using a biotin/streptavidin capture protocol. Among these loci, 11 were scored polymorphic when 50 individuals from a laboratory population were screened. Their alleles numbered two to four, with the observed heterozygosity (HO) ranging from 0.114 to 0.404. Successful amplification was obtained for all these loci when the designed primers were tested, showing the promise of use in genetic mapping and population studies. 相似文献
L.A. Mound 《New Zealand journal of zoology.》2013,40(4):615-222
Abstract Three new species of genus Thrips are described—austellus, coprosmae, and phormiicola—which are closely related to the common New Zealand species T. obscuratus (Crawford). The systematic and zoogeographic significance of this endemic species-group is discussed. Physemothrips hadrus n.sp. is described from the South Island; the only other member of this genus is from Macquarie Island. Anaphothrips zelandicus n.sp. is described from the South Island and the Chatham and Antipodes islands, A. woodi Pitkin is recorded from New Zealand, and the relationships of these two species to the Australian fauna are discussed. 相似文献
Lemma Ebssa Eugene M. Fuzy Matthew W. Bickerton 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2012,22(1):117-123
We tested the effect of host density on entomopathogenic nematode efficacy in 1-L pots with grass and soil. In four experiments, combinations ranged from somewhat resistant hosts (oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis, or northern masked chafer, Cyclocephala borealis, with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) over more susceptible hosts (Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, with Steinernema glaseri) to a highly susceptible host (P. japonica and S. scarabaei). In each experiment, four larval densities were exposed to two nematode rates over a 14-day period. A significant effect of host density on nematode efficacy occurred only in the A. orientalis–H. bacteriophora combination, but there was no clear trend in the data. This suggests that an exhaustion of available nematode populations to less lethal levels by high host numbers was counteracted by other factors such as increased chances for nematode-host contact and increased host susceptibility due to stress via reduced food resources and increased aggression between larvae. 相似文献
A.R. Abaajeh 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2015,25(7):828-842
Virulent entomopathogenic fungal strains against Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were isolated and identified in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Thirty-nine isolates belonging to six species were obtained using the insect bait method. Generally, Metarhizium robertsii (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) was the most frequently encountered species representing 51% of the total number of isolates collected from the soil samples. This is the first report of M. robertsii from southern Africa. Mortality data from an immersion bioassay indicated that the 39 fungal isolates were pathogenic against fifth instar larvae of C. pomonella inducing 47–85% insect mortalities. Two M. robertsii strains, MTL151 and GW461, induced 85% larval mortality and were selected for further evaluations. The exposure of freshly laid eggs to wax papers that were pre-treated with fungal spores ranging from 103 to 108 spores ml?1 of MTL151 and GW461 resulted in a significant reduction of egg hatchabilities, from 95 to 66% and 93 to 71%, respectively as spore concentration increased. First instar larval neonates were exposed to apples that were pre-sprayed topically with varied conidia suspensions (103?108 spores ml?1). The mean percentage of participating apples with larvae in their cores/flesh significantly reduced from 53 to 10% (MTL151) and 76 to 10% (GW461) of 10 apples, and a concurrent decrease in the incidence of apple fruit rot was observed as conidia concentration increased. Up to 90% of apples treated with 1 × 108 spores ml?1 had no larvae present in their cores and this result compared favourably with the commercial pesticide Fruitfly®, containing the active ingredient cypermethrin (20 g/l) used at a recommended dose of 0.25 ml/250 ml of water. 相似文献
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是全球温带地区果园主要害虫之一,是中国的重要检疫性有害生物,对我国苹果、梨等水果的安全生产造成极大危害及威胁。为详细了解苹果蠹蛾的产卵特性,从而为进行有效的监测与防控提供基础信息,作者于2006年在甘肃省山丹县梨果园中对树冠不同高度与朝向的蛀果率进行了调查,并于2010在内蒙古阿拉善左旗对梨树果枝上不同部位的产卵量进行了详细调查。主要研究结果如下:1)树冠2.5m以上的蛀果率显著高于2.5m以下的蛀果率,树冠东面的蛀果率最高,南面的蛀果率最低;2)在整个果园中,靠近北侧的果树上果实受害程度要高于南侧果树上的果实受害程度,整个果园中蛀果率由北向南逐渐降低;3)叶片上的卵数最多,占总卵数的73.1%,果实上的卵数次之,占总卵数的14.6%,枝条上的卵数最少,占总卵数的12.2%;4)在产卵的叶片上,卵主要产在叶背面,叶片背面卵量是叶正面的6.65倍。鉴于以上研究结果,在开展化学防治或颗粒体病毒防治时,应注意充分喷施果树上层树冠,且在对果实进行处理的同时,叶片和枝条也需要充分喷药。 相似文献
A. M. Koppenh fer Eugene M. Fuzy R. L. Crocker W. D. Gelernter S. Polavarapu 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2004,14(1):87-92
We compared the pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema glaseri, and S. scarabaei against third instars of 12 white grub species. The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) was highly susceptible to all nematode species. Oriental beetle [Exomala (=Anomala) orientalis], European chafer (Rhizotrogus majalis), Asiatic garden beetle (Maladera castanea), and the May/June beetles Phyllophaga crinita, Ph. congrua, and Ph. (Subgenus Phytalus) georgiana were highly susceptible to S. scarabaei but had mediocre to low susceptibility to H. bacteriophora and S. glaseri. The black turfgrass ataenius (Ataenius spretulus) was very susceptible to H. bacteriophora but had mediocre susceptibility to S. glaseri and S. scarabaei. Northern (Cyclocephala borealis) and southern masked chafer (C. lurida) had mediocre and southwestern masked chafer (C. pasadenae) and green June beetle (Cotinis nitida) had low susceptibility to all nematode species. 相似文献
Mapping of pachytene bivalents of female codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lep., Tortricidae)
Spread pachytene nuclei of codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lep., Tortricidae) females of a Syrian strain (SY) were used to investigate chromomere patterns of chromosome bivalents and determine their length. The karyotype of female codling moths consists of 28 chromosome bivalents, of which seven are clearly distinguishable using chromosome length and the number and size of the chromomeres in the pachytene stage. One autosome bivalent has two nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) that are located at the opposite ends of the chromosome and appear as distinct structural landmarks. In female codling moths, the WZ sex chromosome bivalent was easily identified in pachytene oocytes according to the heterochromatic thread of the W chromosome. This study contributed to the knowledge and identification of pachytene chromosomes of female codling moths. 相似文献