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In intact LLC-PK1 cells, occupancy of vasopressin receptors (Roy, C., and Ausiello, D. A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 3415-3522) correlated with cell cAMP production. This relationship was observed as a function of hormone dose, incubation time, and changes in receptor affinity. However, the rate of cAMP production diminished with time in intact cells exposed to high hormone concentrations, even in the presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. A rapid desensitization of adenylate cyclase activity was observed in minutes upon treatment of intact cells with high hormonal concentrations. Desensitization was dose- and time-dependent. Hypertonic sodium chloride, which increased hormonal binding and cell cAMP production, prevented desensitization. The acute decrease in hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity correlated with increased occupancy of low affinity binding sites. EDTA-suspended cells, which have a homogeneous population of binding sites, did not demonstrate desensitization. A proposal is made as to the consequences of this phenomenon at physiological concentrations of vasopressin.  相似文献   

Activation of the formyl peptide chemoattractant receptor (FPCR) of phagocytic cells mobilizes intracellular calcium stores and affects the plasma membrane potential. Affinity crosslinking of FPCR has demonstrated a 60-80 kDa glycoprotein, with core peptide of 32 kDa. It is not known whether functional FPCR is this single peptide or requires multiple subunits. We used Xenopus oocyte expression system to determine the size of mRNA required for synthesis of functional FPCR. Injection of oocytes with poly(A)+ RNA from HL60 cells differentiated to the granulocyte phenotype resulted in acquisition of formyl peptide-specific responses (inward transmembrane current with a reversal potential consistent with a chloride conductance, and calcium efflux). FPCR activity expressed in oocytes had a ligand concentration dependence, ligand structure dependence and pertussis toxin sensitivity similar to those reported in phagocytic cells. When RNA was size fractionated, a single peak of FPCR activity at 2 kilobases was observed after injection of mRNA into oocytes. Our data strongly suggest that FPCR is composed of a single-sized polypeptide.  相似文献   

Expression of a Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell taurine transporter was examined in Xenopus oocytes that had been injected with poly(A)+ RNA extracted from MDCK cells. Compared with water-injected oocytes, injection of total poly(A)+ RNA resulted in an increase in Na(+)-dependent taurine uptake which was directly related to the amount of RNA injected. The magnitude of expression in poly(A)+ RNA-injected oocytes was 5-10-fold higher than that of water-injected oocytes. Since the Vmax of taurine uptake in MDCK cells is increased by culture in hypertonic medium, we compared oocyte taurine uptake after injection with poly(A)+ RNA from MDCK cells cultured in hypertonic medium with uptake in oocytes injected with poly(A)+ RNA from hypertonic cells elicited twice the taurine uptake elicited by poly(A)+ RNA from isotonic cells. The transporter expressed in oocytes was like that in MDCK cells: it was completely dependent on external sodium and was also anion dependent (Cl- greater than or equal to Br- greater than SCN- much greater than gluconate-). Other beta-amino acids, beta-alanine and hypotaurine, inhibited taurine uptake, but L-alanine and 2-(methylamino) isobutyric acid did not. The apparent Km of the transporter was 7.0 microM. After size fractionation on a sucrose density gradient, poly(A)+ RNA encoding for the MDCK taurine transporter was found in the fraction whose average size was 4.4 kilobases.  相似文献   

The control of protein synthesis in oocytes of Xenopus laevis has been investigated by injecting oocytes with mRNA and polysomes followed by labeling with 14C-amino acid mixtures. Contrary to previous reports in which injected oocytes were labeled with 3H-histidine, injected globin mRNA is found to decrease amino acid incorporation into endogenous proteins competitively at all concentrations tested. No increase in overall amino acid incorporation is detected when more mRNA is supplied. Similar results are obtained after labeling injected oocytes with leucine, methionine, proline or valine individually. An explanation is presented for the conflicting results obtained when histidine is used as a label.When reticulocyte polysomes are injected, rather than purified globin mRNA, incorporation of amino acids into endogenous proteins remains roughly constant and overall incorporation increases. Similarly, when encephalomyocarditis viral RNA is injected together with either globin mRNA or reticulocyte polysomes, the globin mRNA causes decreased amino acid incorporation into encephalomyocarditis proteins, but the polysomes do not do so. The results demonstrate that different types of mRNA compete for a strictly limited translational capacity which is saturated in the normal oocyte. The limiting component is present in polysomes and is not message-specific. The constraint on protein synthesis in the amphibian oocyte cannot be fully explained by masked mRNA.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the use of Xenopus laevis oocytes for the detection of mRNA coding for a murine interleukin-5 (mI15) receptor. When injected with sucrose gradient fractionated polyA+ RNA derived from the murine 115-dependent pre B cell line B13, these oocytes could specifically bind 35S-methionine labeled mI15. A size of approximately 4000 nucleotides (25S) was estimated for the mRNA corresponding to the mIL5-binding activity. This binding was not blocked by a monoclonal antibody R52 specific for the MI15-receptor, suggesting that the oocytes express a different form of this receptor.  相似文献   

This study describes the isolation of mRNA for the murine interferon gamma receptor and its expression in frog oocytes. The binding properties and apparent molecular weight of the murine interferon gamma receptor protein synthesized in frog oocytes is similar to that found on mouse cells. This is the first report of a functional receptor for a polypeptide ligand (interferon gamma) expressed in and directly assayed on frog oocytes.  相似文献   

RNA metabolism in previtellogenic oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Serotonin receptors induced by exogenous messenger RNA in Xenopus oocytes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
When poly(A)+-mRNA, extracted from rat brain, was injected into Xenopus laevis oocytes, it induced the appearance of serotonin receptors in the oocyte membrane. Application of serotonin to injected oocytes elicited, after a long delay, oscillations in membrane current. The equilibrium potential of this current corresponded with the chloride equilibrium potential. It appears that rat brain mRNA encodes the translation of serotonin receptors into the oocyte membrane. The combination of serotonin with these receptors leads to the opening of membrane channels.  相似文献   

It is possible to label with radioactivity newly synthesized ovarian RNA after intraperitoneal injection of [3H]guanosine and [3H]uridine into immature Xenopus laevis, if ovaries in which only previtellogenic stage 1 oocytes are present. Following the amount of radioactivity in the ovarian pool of acid-soluble precursors indicates a complete clearance of acid-soluble radioactivity within 15–20 days after injection. Incorporation of radioactivity into total RNA (which is almost exclusively 4 and 5S RNAs at this stage) and poly(A)+ RNA ceases between 15 and 20 days after injection, but the total amount of radioactivity in these RNA fractions does not decline appreciably over the next 18 months. During this time, the ovary grows and develops since stage 6 oocytes eventually appear and there is a 10- to 20-fold increase in total RNA content, which changes in composition from almost exclusively (95%) 4 and 5S RNAs to mainly (75%) 18 and 28S RNAs. Thus, despite continued growth and development, radioactive RNA molecules synthesized during previtellogenesis survive for lengths of time commensurate with the length of oogenesis (1–2 years). Although very limited (<7%) reincorporation of radioactivity into RNA is detected, it cannot alone account for the stability of the label in poly(A)+ RNA. These results are interpreted as indicative of synthesis during previtellogenesis of tRNA, 5SrRNA, and messenger RNA molecules which are very long-lived.  相似文献   

Evidence for the synthesis and processing of Pr76 (precursor to group-specific antigens p27, p19, and p1215, upon injection of avian sarcoma virus 70S or 35S RNA into Xenopus oocytes has been presented. Further, we show that tRNAtrp primer, bound to 35S RNA, does not block translation of virion RNA under these conditions.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) has diverse biological activities through different mechanisms including its conversion into other types of lipid mediators such as lysophosphatidic acid and 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Previously, we found that a large portion of the fluorescent analog of alkyl type LPC (Bodipy-lysoPAF) on porcine kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1) was degraded to monoalkylglycerol by lysophospholipase C-like activity and then quickly internalized into the cells. In this study, we investigated whether exogenous fluorescently labeled LPC (NBD-LPC) itself was also metabolized and internalized by a similar mechanism. LLC-PK1 cells converted NBD-LPC to either NBD-MG, possibly due to lysophospholipase C-like activity of ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-6, or to free fatty acid (FA), due to lysophospholipase activity in the culture medium at both sites. The resultant NBD-MG was further degraded to NBD-FA by lipase activity before or after its uptake into the cells, and a portion of NBD-FA was finally released into the culture medium on the opposite side.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis has been studied in “large” oocytes of Xenopus laevis, both as a function of time after injection of females with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and in relation to the induction of maturation with progesterone in vitro. Rates of RNA synthesis were measured by analyzing the kinetics of incorporation of exogenous [3H]guanosine, and microinjected [3H]- or [14C]GTP, into acid-precipitable material, coupled with measurements of precursor pool specific activity. The kinetics of incorporation into RNA of injected precursor are biphasic, indicating the synthesis of both stable and unstable RNA species. Estimates of the total rate of synthesis (stable and unstable) were derived from fitting a linear function to data over the first 60–90 min, while a linear function fit to the data beyond 90 min represented largely the synthesis of stable RNA species.Exposure of oocytes to progesterone had no effect on initial synthetic rates, but maturing oocytes synthesized stable RNA at 1.4–1.6 times the rate in control oocytes. A comparison of data obtained with oocytes from unstimulated (no prior HCG treatment) and HCG-stimulated females indicated that HCG has no substantial effect on rates of RNA synthesis. The significance of continued RNA synthesis in large full grown oocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The pig kidney cell line LLC-PK1 cultured on a collagen coated membrane filter formed a continuous sheet of oriented asymmetrical epithelial cells joined by occluding junctions. A transepithelial electrical potential (PD) and short-circuit current (SCC) were dependent on the presence of Na and sugar in the apical bathing solution. In the presence of 5.5mm d-glucose, a PD of 2.8 mV, apical surface negative, a SCC of 13 A cm–2 and transepithelial resistance of 211 ohm·cm2 were recorded. The SCC was promptly reduced by the addition of phlorizin to the apical bath but unaffected when placed in the basolateral bath. The effect on SCC of various sugars was compared by the concentrations required for half-maximal SCC: 0.13mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.28mm d-glucose, 0.65mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.77mm 6-deoxy-d-glucose, 4.8mm d-galactose, and 29mm 3-O-methyl-glucose. When [Na] was reduced, the concentration ofd-glucose required for half-maximal SCC increased. Isotopically labeled3H and14Cd-glucose were used to simultaneously determine bidirectional fluxes; a resultant net apical-to-basolateral transport was present and abolished by phlorizin. The transported isotope cochromatographed with labeledd-glucose, indicating negligible metabolism of transported glucose. The pig kidney cell line, LLC-PK1, provides a cell culture model for the investigation of mechanisms of transepithelial glucose transport.  相似文献   

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