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Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is used by the Scottish Meningococcus and Pneumococcus Reference Laboratory (SMPRL) as a routine method for the characterization of certain bacterial pathogens. The SMPRL recently started performing MLST on strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, and here we describe a fully automated method for MLST using a 96-well-format liquid-handling robot and a 96-capillary automated DNA sequencer.  相似文献   


Saccharina latissima (sugar kelp) is one of the most widely cultivated brown marine macroalgae species in the North Atlantic and the eastern North Pacific Oceans. To meet the expanding demands of the sugar kelp mariculture industry, selecting and breeding sugar kelp that is best suited to offshore farm environments is becoming necessary. To that end, a multi-year, multi-institutional breeding program was established by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Macroalgae Research Inspiring Novel Energy Resources (MARINER) program. Hybrid sporophytes were generated using 203 unique gametophyte cultures derived from wild-collected Saccharina spp. for two seasons of farm trials (2019–2020 and 2020–2021). The wild sporophytes were collected from 10 different locations within the Gulf of Maine (USA) region, including both sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) and the skinny kelp species (Saccharina angustissima). We harvested 232 common farm plots during these two seasons with available data. We found that farmed kelp plots with skinny kelp as parents had an average increased yield over the mean (wet weight 2.48?±?0.90 kg m?1 and dry weight 0.32?±?0.10 kg m?1) in both growing seasons. We also found that blade length positively correlated with biomass in skinny kelp x sugar kelp crosses or pure sugar kelp crosses. The skinny x sugar progenies had significantly longer and narrower blades than the pure sugar kelp progenies in both seasons. Overall, these findings suggest that sugar x skinny kelp crosses provide improved yield compared to pure sugar kelp crosses.


A method to determine the steady-state kinetic parameters of single-nucleotide insertion in replication was developed using an automated DNA sequencer. The insertion of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates into a 6-carboxyfluorescein-labeled primer by DNA polymerase was quantified from the band pattern on a gel using GeneScan software. The parameters determined by this method were consistent with those obtained by the conventional radioisotope-labeling method. This non-radioactive, fluorescent-based method is rapid and can handle a large number of samples to assess cognate or non-cognate base pair formation between natural or unnatural bases in replication.  相似文献   

High-throughput quantitative analytical method for plant N-glycan has been developed. All steps, including peptide N-glycosidase (PNGase) A treatment, glycan preparation, and exoglycosidase digestion, were optimized for high-throughput applications using 96-well format procedures and automatic analysis on a DNA sequencer. The glycans of horseradish peroxidase with plant-specific core α(1,3)-fucose can be distinguished by the comparison of the glycan profiles obtained via PNGase A and F treatments. The peaks of the glycans with (91%) and without (1.2%) α(1,3)-fucose could be readily quantified and shown to harbor bisecting β(1,2)-xylose via simultaneous treatment with α(1,3)-mannosidase and β(1,2)-xylosidase. This optimized method was successfully applied to analyze N-glycans of plant-expressed recombinant antibody, which was engineered to contain a minor amount of glycan harboring β(1,2)-xylose. These results indicate that our DNA sequencer-based method provides quantitative information for plant-specific N-glycan analysis in a high-throughput manner, which has not previously been achieved by glycan profiling based on mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

A dynamical model for simulating growth of the brown macroalga Saccharina latissima is described. In addition to wet and dry weights, the model simulates carbon and nitrogen reserves, with variable C/N ratio. In effect, the model can be used to emulate seasonal changes in growth and composition of the alga. Simulation results based on published, environmental field data are presented and compared with corresponding data on growth and composition. The model resolves seasonal growth, carbon and nitrogen content well, and may contribute to the understanding of how seasonal growth in S. latissima depends simultaneously on a combination of several environmental factors: light, nutrients, temperature and water motion. The model is applied to aquaculture problems such as estimating the nutrient scavenging potential of S. latissima and estimating the potential of this kelp species as a raw material for bioenergy production.  相似文献   

Myburg AA  Remington DL  O'Malley DM  Sederoff RR  Whetten RW 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):348-52, 354, 356-7
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis is currently the most powerful and efficient technique for the generation of large numbers of anonymous DNA markers in plant and animal genomes. We have developed a protocol for high-throughput AFLP analysis that allows up to 70,000 polymorphic marker genotype determinations per week on a single automated DNA sequencer. This throughput is based on multiplexed PCR amplification of AFLP fragments using two different infrared dyelabeled primer combinations. The multiplexed AFLPs are resolved on a two-dye, model 4200 LI-COR automated DNA sequencer, and the digital images are scored using semi-automated scoring software specifically designed for complex AFLP banding patterns (AFLP-Quantar). Throughput is enhanced by using high-quality genomic DNA templates obtained by a 96-well DNA isolation procedure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand the growth dynamics of Saccharina japonica (previously known as Laminaria japonica), particularly the portion lost during its growth cycle and the key factors that control loss rate in Sungo Bay, China. Growth and loss of S. japonica were investigated between January and July 2010 in Sungo Bay. Losses of the seaweed are typically the result of three factors: removal of the entire individual from mariculture ropes (falloff), breakage in sections of the thalli (breakoff), and erosion of distal tissue. Results showed that individual growth rates in wet weight ranged between 2.4 and 32.7 g day?1. The total falloff rate was approximately 16% and took place during January and February. Breakoff rate showed a significant positive correlation with kelp length and took place during June and July. The erosion rate increased significantly from January to the end of April, reaching a maximum value of 20.4 g day?1 on 25 April, and maintained a relatively higher value following the peak value (approximately 10–15 g day?1). Erosion rates were positively correlated with temperature (r?=?0.787, n?=?23, p?<?0.01) before May; however, they were not significantly correlated with temperature from May to July (p?=?>0.05). There was no significant relationship between erosion and transparency. At the end of this experiment, the ratio of total loss of carbon and nitrogen to gross production was 61% and 54%, respectively. Loss from distal erosion, falloff, and breakoff in carbon was 91.5, 4.2, and 4.3%, respectively. In Sungo Bay, the annual gross production and total loss in carbon and nitrogen were estimated to be 58,652 t C and 3,506 t N, and 36,150 t C and 1,920 t N. This is expected to have a significant impact on the detritus available in the food chain.  相似文献   

Saccharina latissima is an economically and ecologically important native kelp. As its limited supply from wild stock cannot meet increasing current and future demands, methods for its cultivation in the ocean need to be developed. This kelp is now beginning to be farmed off the Atlantic coast of Spain using a regular method similar to the “forced cultivation” technique used with Asian kelps (kombu). Its cultivation is also a growing enterprise in other European countries. In this study, the open-sea farming of S. latissima using the transplanting method is tested on a commercial scale. This cultivation method has not been studied with kelp species outside Asian waters. The tested method includes the following steps: indoor production of seedlings, pre-culture in greenhouse tanks, and open-sea cultivation by transplanting young fronds. Results demonstrate that open-sea cultivation using transplanted young fronds is a technically and biologically viable method. The mean yield obtained (7.8 kg fresh wt per meter rope equivalent to 45.6 t fresh wt per hectare farm) is satisfactory, considering the low densities of transplanted fronds (25–30 fronds per meter rope). Moreover, these values are comparable to those reported in previous cultivations with this species, as well as in the farming of similar kelps. The transplanting method used in conjunction with the regular cultivation method has valuable practical applications for the commercial farming of S. latissima.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a convenient, fast and non-radioactive method with possibilities for automatization. To analyse single-stranded DNA molecules in a more automated way, we developed a heating device to melt double-stranded DNA fragments in the capillary during electrophoresis. In this study we used this device to obtain single-stranded DNA, necessary for the detection of point mutations in DNA using the single-strand conformation polymorphism technique. Results show that double-stranded DNA molecules can be melted on-line into single-stranded DNA molecules, although not for 100%. In an attempt to find universal electrophoretic conditions for the analysis of single-stranded DNA, we investigated the influence of several parameters on the yield of single-stranded DNA molecules and on the resolution of the single-stranded DNA peaks. We demonstrate that this heating device is a technical adjustment of CE which contributes to more automated analyses of DNA fragments.  相似文献   

A high-throughput plant DNA extraction method for marker analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of molecular markers to improve crops depends on the availability of rapid and efficient DNA extraction methods. Here we describe a simple and inexpensive method to isolate plant DNA suitable for RFLP, AFLP, and simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis. This procedure uses stainless steel ball bearings to grind 16 samples simultaneously using a high-speed flask shaker. The method used in routine laboratory exercises yields 120–144 DNA extractions in a day by a single person at a cost of $0.60 (AUD) per sample, doubling the throughput of conventional methods.  相似文献   

Quantification of specific RNA or DNA molecules that are present in minute amounts in biological samples has previously been performed using PCR in the presence of an internal standard. We have adapted this concept by introducing several modifications that facilitate the quantification of the products and obviate the need for radioisotopes. After amplification, individual products are separated on sequencing gels and directly quantified using a fluorescent automated DNA sequencer. We describe two applications of this approach: the quantitation of minute amounts of bcr-abl hybrid mRNA from malignant cells and the determination of gene copy number in cells stably transfected with a plasmid bearing a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene.  相似文献   

A protocol for DNA fragment extraction from polyacrylamide gels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A simple and efficient method of purifying linear plasmid DNA from contaminating DNA fragments is described. Both vector and insert containing plasmids may be used without extensive purification, in particular without cesium chloride centrifugation. Careful deproteinization with phenol-chloroform allows efficient restriction enzyme digestion. Fragment separation can be performed immediately after restriction endonuclease digestion in a single 6% polyacrylamide gel. Extraction of DNA fragments from the gel is easy and gives a good yield. The DNA may be used for ligation and transformation without further purification.  相似文献   

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) screening is a genome-wide genotyping strategy that has been widely used in plants and bacteria, but little has been reported concerning its use in humans. We investigated if the AFLP procedure could be coupled with high-throughput capillary electrophoresis (CE) for use in tumor diagnosis and classification. Using CE-AFLP, a series of molecular 'fingerprints' were generated for a set of gastric tumor and normal genomic DNA samples. The CE-AFLP procedure was qualitatively and quantitatively robust, and a variety of clustering tools were used to identify a specific DNA marker 'pattern' of 20 features that classified the tumor and normal samples to reasonable degrees of accuracy (Sensitivity 95%, Specificity 80%). The CE-AFLP-based approach also correctly classified 16 tumor samples, which in a previous study had exhibited no detectable genomic aberrations by comparative genome hybridization (CGH). This is the first reported application of CE-AFLP screening in tumor diagnosis. As the procedure is relatively inexpensive and requires minimal prior sequence knowledge and biological material, we suggest that CE-AFLP-based protocols may represent a promising new approach for DNA-based cancer screening and diagnosis.  相似文献   

The technique described here is a fast and simple method of extracting chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). It overcomes the need for differential centrifugation using density gradients. The leaves do not have to be kept in the dark and lyophilized before extraction, but lyophilization is still possible. The chloroplasts are specifically lysed in a cell extract of leaves, using a non-ionic detergent. After isolation by centrifugation, the cpDNA is purified by the combined action of proteolytic enzymes and detergents, followed by the elimination of proteins using a mixture of chloroform and isoamyl alcohol. This method provided good quality restriction profiles for all species analyzed.  相似文献   

Mutations were studied in phenylalanine hydroxylase gene of phenylketonuria patients from Kemerovo oblast and Altaiskii krai (15 and 2 families, respectively). The following mutations were identified in exons of this gene: R408W, R261Q, R243Q, Y414C, Y386C, P281L, Y168H, R68S (lead to amino acid substitutions), R243X (leads to stop codon formation), and three splice site mutations (IVS12nt 1g-->a, IVS2nt-13t-->g, IVS7nt 1g-->a).  相似文献   

The method of DNA molecules physical mapping based on the algorithms of discrete optimization and graph theory was proposed. The input information consisted of the sizes of single and double restrictions fragments and the level of their measurement errors. The method presents possibilities for optimal planning of experiments and step by step construction of physical maps. Efficiency of the method and examples of its application are discussed.  相似文献   

A simple and easy protocol for extracting high-quality DNA from microorganisms and plants is presented. The method involves inactivating proteins by using SDS/proteinase K and precipitating polysaccharides in the presence of high salt. Further purification is based on differential solubility of DNA and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides in aqueous media. The procedure does not use the toxic and potentially hazardous phenol and chloroform, and as many as 100 samples can be processed per day. Absorbency ratios (A260/A280) of 1.6–2.0 indicated a minimal presence of contaminating metabolites. The DNA was completely digested with 5 restriction enzymes:EcoR I,RsaI,TaqI,EcoR V, andHind III. PCR analysis using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) sequence, sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR), and random amplified microsatellite (RAMS) primers showed the DNA's compatibility with downstream applications. This procedure is applicable to a range of pathogens and plants and thus may find wide application in quarantine services and marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding.  相似文献   

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