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Genetic variation in tolerance for seaweed chemical defenses among populations of marine herbivores is poorly described, either because few marine studies have addressed the issue or because the feeding preferences of populations of marine herbivores rarely differentiate. We address this using the polyphagous amphipod Ampithoe longimana (Crustacea), which commonly consumes, and lives on, terpene-rich brown seaweeds in the tropical genus Dictyota. Previous work demonstrated that in areas where the amphipod and seaweeds overlap geographically, these chemically deterrent seaweeds provide the amphipod with spatial refuges from predation by omnivorous fishes that avoid consuming Dictyota. However, the amphipod's distribution extends northward of the seaweed's distribution, making this benefit of association unavailable to more northerly populations of amphipods. On average, populations sympatric with Dictyota have stronger feeding preference for Dictyota species and greater fitness when raised on Dictyota than do populations that are outside Dictyota's geographic endpoint. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that in areas where the amphipods co-exist with Dictyota, selection favors amphipods that tolerate Dictyota's chemical defenses and thereby access its enemy-free space. Amphipods allopatric with Dictyota are unable to tolerate Dictyota's chemical defenses, either because of selection, drift, or some mix of both forces. A trade-off between preference for Dictyota and for the chemically distinct seaweed Hypnea musciformis is suggested by the finding that populations with high preference for Dictyota tended to have lower preference for Hypnea. However, this population-level pattern appears to be the result of independent evolution and not a genetic trade-off: an analysis of full-sib families within a single population detected heritable variation in preferences for Dictyota and suggested this for Hypnea (although the latter was not statistically significant), yet no family-level covariation was detected. Phylogeographic analysis of mitocondrial DNA and nuclear sequences indicates a strong historical break between populations sympatric with Dictyota and populations more than 500 km beyond Dictyota's geographic endpoint. The historical separation of these most northerly populations could have allowed a random accumulation of alleles to effectively degrade tolerance for Dictyota, although selection may also be responsible for the degradation.  相似文献   

European eel ( Anguilla anguilla ; Teleostei) is a valuable commercial species. However, over the past 25 years, the population of European eel has been declining to such a degree that major concerns have been raised for its long‐term conservation. Since little information is available on the life‐cycle and genetic structure of European eel, it has been difficult to evaluate the existence of any population substructuring. Molecular genetic methods contribute to a better knowledge of the demography and population structure in marine fish. In addition, management strategies and conservation goals must consider information on genetic substructuring as well as on life history patterns.
The aim of the study is to provide more detailed knowledge on the genetic variability, demography and population substructuring of European eel by analysing and comparing natural and farmed individuals. Natural eel samples have been obtained in two geographical sites (Netherlands, France) including temporal samples in a short‐scale (within years) and a long‐scale (between years). Simultaneously, farmed glass eels have been grown in two separate batches during one year. Batches have been monitored and genetic samples have been obtained during the year.
A combination of selection‐sensitive (allozymes) and selection‐neutral markers (microsatellites) has been used in the study since selection seems to play an important role in the determination of the quality of future eel spawners. Results suggest a positive correlation between growth and genetic variability since individuals attaining a large length and mass present significant higher heterozygosities.  相似文献   

Screening newborn infants for inherited disorders has been effective in preventing mental retardation, growth failure, and death from several metabolic disorders for more than two decades. Technical advances have provided more screening tools for both genetic and nongenetic conditions, and in the coming decades these techniques will be used not only to screen newborns but to assess genetic risks in entire populations. The financial, legal, and ethical issues which these activities raise must influence the development of public policies in order to reap the benefits promised. The conference published here was designed to address these issues for health care practitioners, health policy planners, and public health professionals.  相似文献   

Turbot Scophthalmus maximus is the focus of a rapidly expanding aquaculture industry, while at the same time wild catches appear to be in decline. As a preliminary investigation into the effects of hatchery rearing, genetic variation at three polymorphic microsatellite loci was assessed in two wild populations and two farmed strains of turbot, from Ireland and Norway. Although a considerable loss of rare alleles was observed in the Irish farmed strain, no statistically significant reductions were found in mean heterozygosity or allelic diversity in farmed strains compared to wild populations. Significant genetic heterogeneity was found between wild and farmed samples from each country but not between the two wild populations. Genetic differentiation between the farmed strains was presumed to be caused by drift in the hatcheries. The utility of these particular microsatellite loci in comparing these samples and the importance of molecular genetic testing of farmed strains is stressed.  相似文献   

拷贝数目变异(copy-number variant, CNV)也称拷贝数目多态(copy-number polymorphism, CNP), 是一种大小介于1 kb至3 Mb的DNA片段的变异, 在人类基因组中广泛分布, 其覆盖的核苷酸总数大大超过单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)的总数, 极大地丰富了基因组遗传变异的多样性。CNV对于物种特异的基因组构成、物种的演化和系统发育以及基因组某些特定区域基因的表达和调控可能具有非常重要的生物学意义。本文从CNV的多态性、CNV的检测方法、CNV的多态性与表型的关联分析以及CNV的进化四个方面综述了CNV的研究成果, 并就CNV在动物基因组中的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Antioxidant potential, carbohydrate content, ash, minerals, proteins, and amino acids of Kappaphycus alvarezii farmed along the São Paulo coast, Brazil, were...  相似文献   

Development of activated tumoricidal macrophages following Mycobacterium bovis, strain BCG infection in vivo or lymphokine treatment in vitro was examined with more than 20 mouse strains. Peritoneal macrophages from 8 of 22 strains failed to develop tumoricidal capacity by 7 days after intraperitoneal BCG infection. Macrophages from 6 of 6 in vivo nonresponder strains also failed to develop tumoricidal capacity after in vitro treatment with lymphokines. Identification of nonresponder mouse strains should provide a useful resource for analysis of intermediary reactions in macrophage activation.  相似文献   

Efforts to build a comprehensive genetic linkage map for the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) have focused on development of genetic markers and experimental resource families. In this study, PCR amplification was attempted for 772 microsatellite markers that had been previously developed for three avian species (chicken, quail and turkey). Allelic polymorphism at 410 markers (53.1% of total examined) was determined by genotyping ten individuals (six F1 parents and four grandparents) in a new resource population specifically developed for genetic linkage mapping. Of these 410 markers, 109 (26.6%) were polymorphic in the tested individuals, with an average of 2.3 alleles per marker. Higher levels of polymorphism were found for the turkey-specific markers (61.1%) than for the chicken (22.7%) or quail-specific markers (33.3%). To test the fidelity of the matings, demonstrate the power of these families for linkage analysis, and determine genetic linkage relationships, 86 polymorphic markers were genotyped for up to 224 birds including founder grandparents, parents and F2 progeny. Linkage relationships for many of the chicken markers elucidated in the turkey were comparable to those observed in the chicken. These data demonstrate that the new UMN/NTBF resource population will provide a solid foundation for constructing a comparative genetic map of the turkey.  相似文献   

Feral animals represent an important problem in many ecosystems due to interbreeding with wild conspecifics. Hybrid offspring from wild and domestic parents are often less adapted to local environment and ultimately, can reduce the fitness of the native population. This problem is an important concern in Norway, where each year, hundreds of thousands of farm Atlantic salmon escape from fish farms. Feral fish outnumber wild populations, leading to a possible loss of local adaptive genetic variation and erosion of genetic structure in wild populations. Studying the genetic factors underlying relative performance between wild and domesticated conspecific can help to better understand how domestication modifies the genetic background of populations, and how it may alter their ability to adapt to the natural environment. Here, based upon a large-scale release of wild, farm and wild x farm salmon crosses into a natural river system, a genome-wide quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan was performed on the offspring of 50 full-sib families, for traits related to fitness (length, weight, condition factor and survival). Six QTLs were detected as significant contributors to the phenotypic variation of the first three traits, explaining collectively between 9.8 and 14.8% of the phenotypic variation. The seventh QTL had a significant contribution to the variation in survival, and is regarded as a key factor to understand the fitness variability observed among salmon in the river. Interestingly, strong allelic correlation within one of the QTL regions in farmed salmon might reflect a recent selective sweep due to artificial selection.  相似文献   

Use of isozymes (including allozymes) in studies of population genetics and systematics of seaweeds has increased sufficiently in the last decade to allow some generalization. Only a single locus has been observed for about half the enzymes analysed in seaweeds, compared with 29% in vascular plants. Compared with higher plants, macroalgal species generally have low amounts of electrophoretically detectable genetic variation; the lowest levels of genetic variation found in natural populations are those reported for seaweeds. Nonetheless, seaweeds show an association between levels of genetic diversity as revealed by isozymes and species-specific attributes, such as mating system and predominance of asexual versus sexual reproduction. In systematic studies, isozymes have revealed cryptic species and identified pairs of sibling taxa. The quaternary structure of enzymes appears to be conserved at the phylum level. With the current availability of improved techniques for enzyme electrophoresis and for data interpretation, we expect future studies utilizing isozyme electrophoresis to provide further insight into population and evolutionary processes in seaweeds.  相似文献   

Variation in the skeletons of over 400 male and female mice from 12 genotypes was investigated by using multivariate statistical methods. A series of discriminant functions explains the differences in the shape of six bones: mandible, os coxae, femur, tibia-fibula, scapula, and humerus. The anatomical features of bone shape described by these functions are summarized together with illustrations of the typical shapes of each bone from the 12 genotypes. Variability within genotypes was investigated by using the Mahalanobis D2 distance--a measure of the difference between two points representing multivariate data--from the group mean. A series of variants were detected ranging from grossly abnormal bones to bones showing subtle differences localized to specific regions. Examples of the variants found are illustrated.  相似文献   

Through the application of a specific oxidase stain to results of starch gel electrophoresis of human serum, three different electrophoretic forms of ceruloplasmin—denoted CpA (fast), CpB (intermediate), and CpC (slow)—have been defined. The electrophoretic differences are small and were first recognized through a rare variant individual who had only the fast and slow forms. Five phenotypes displaying different combinations of the three electrophoretic forms have been defined in American Negroes; these are called CpA, CpAB, CpB, CpAC, and CpBC. Twin, family, and population studies have yielded evidence indicating that the A and B electrophoretic forms are controlled by a pair of autosomal codominant alleles, designated Cp A and Cp B , and suggesting that the C form may be determined by a third allele, Cp C , at the same locus. The variants constitute a genetic polymorphism in American Negroes, but occur only rarely in Caucasians.Supported by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(11-1)-1552, by U.S. Public Health Service Research Grants AM 09381 and HD 02083, and by U.S. Public Health Service Career Development Awards 6-K3-HE-24, 980 (DCS) and 1-K3-A-7959 (GJB).  相似文献   

Lactase persistence (LP)—the ability to digest lactose in adulthood—is paradigmatic of Holocenic dietary change affecting the evolutionary trajectory of specific populations. Kuwait represents one location of high LP where the variation in associated genomic regions has not been examined. Here, we present new sequence data from a 427 bp amplicon 14 kb upstream of the LCT (lactase) gene for two Bedouin tribal populations, the Ajman and Mutran. We estimate the frequency of known LP associated alleles and discuss the impact of nomadic‐pastoralism on the associated genetic variation. We observe high frequency (56% on average) of the ?13,915*G allele in both tribes, which is consistent with the high prevalence of LP in Kuwait. Whilst LP associated alleles occur in Kuwait at a similar frequency to other regional populations, we suggest that the ?13,915*G allele frequency among the Kuwaiti Bedouin may be higher than among non‐Bedouin Kuwaitis, possibly due to greater historical reliance on milk consumption or genetic drift. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:140–144, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have examined the influence on patterns of human genetic variation of a variety of cultural practices. In India, centuries‐old marriage customs have introduced extensive social structuring into the contemporary population, potentially with significant consequences for genetic variation. Social stratification in India is evident as social classes that are defined by endogamous groups known as castes. Within a caste, there exist endogamous groups known as gols (marriage circles), each of which comprises a small number of exogamous gotra (lineages). Thus, while consanguinity is strictly avoided and some randomness in mate selection occurs within the gol, gene flow is limited with groups outside the gol. Gujarati Patels practice this form of “exogamic endogamy.” We have analyzed genetic variation in one such group of Gujarati Patels, the Chha Gaam Patels (CGP), who comprise individuals from six villages. Population structure analysis of 1,200 autosomal loci offers support for the existence of distinctive multilocus genotypes in the CGP with respect to both non‐Gujaratis and other Gujaratis, and indicates that CGP individuals are genetically very similar. Analysis of Y‐chromosomal and mitochondrial haplotypes provides support for both patrilocal and patrilineal practices within the gol, and a low‐level of female gene flow into the gol. Our study illustrates how the practice of gol endogamy has introduced fine‐scale genetic structure into the population of India, and contributes more generally to an understanding of the way in which marriage practices affect patterns of genetic variation. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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