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1 We examined the abundance and distribution patterns of pioneer seeds in the soil seed bank, and of pioneer seedlings in 53 recently formed gaps, in a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The aim was to assess the importance of dispersal limitation (failure of seeds to arrive at all sites suitable for their germination) and establishment limitation (failure of seeds having reached a site to germinate successfully and establish as seedlings) in determining patterns of gap occupancy.
2 The abundance of seeds in the soil seed bank was strongly negatively correlated with seed size, but was not correlated with the abundance of reproductive‐sized adult trees in the plot. In contrast, the abundance of pioneer seedlings > 10 cm height in natural gaps was strongly correlated with adult abundance, but was not correlated with seed size.
3 Seedlings were non‐randomly distributed among gaps, but seedling abundance was not directly related to gap size, and there was no evidence of partitioning of the light environment of gaps by small seedlings. Large differences in growth and mortality rates among species were observed after 1 year, and this may result in the gap size partitioning previously found in saplings of the same species.
4 Seedlings of most species, particularly those with large seeds, were relatively more abundant than expected in gaps close to their conspecific adults. Proximity to reproductives, and by inference dispersal limitation, therefore exerts some effect on seedling distribution. None the less, large differences between seed and seedling abundances for some species, and low seedling occupancy rates in some gaps close to adult conspecifics, suggest that seedling emergence probabilities and species‐specific establishment requirements may also be important determinants of local abundance.  相似文献   

王宁  刘俊娥  周正朝 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7464-7474
生物土壤结皮(BSC)在陆地生态系统中具有重要的生态地位,尤其是旱地生态系统中,BSC占据了种子植物之间的广阔地面。因此,BSC的发展必然影响种子植物更新过程与植被空间格局;但其作用方式、影响程度等因相关研究涉及多气候要素、土壤类型、BSC组成物种和种子植物物种的差异及其不同组合,导致目前的研究结论存在广泛争议。研究综合论述了BSC改变地表微形态对种子传播过程的影响;BSC改变土壤特性(物理、化学、生物学)对种子萌发和幼苗存活与建植等关键环节的影响;并结合种子形态特征及种子萌发、幼苗建植的性状等,综合分析了BSC对种子传播、种子萌发与幼苗建植等更新过程的潜在影响机理;探讨了目前研究矛盾性结论产生的原因。总体来说,深入研究并全面揭示BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,应加强学科交叉,将分子生物学、植物生理学、生物化学等微观研究,与遥感、野外生态因子过程监测、控制实验等宏观、中观研究结合,从机理到过程方面动态研究BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,并引入水文模型、气候模型、种群动态模型等模型预测方法,研究气候变化、各类干扰频发的情景下,BSC对种子传播、萌发及幼苗建植过程的潜在影响,以期促进对BSC与种子植物间相互关系的研究,加深对干旱脆弱生态系统植被发展规律的认识。  相似文献   

In semiarid environments, surface soil properties play a major role in ecosystem dynamics, through their influence on processes such as runoff, infiltration, seed germination, and seedling establishment. Surface soil properties usually show a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in semiarid areas, but direct tests to evaluate the consequences of this heterogeneity on seedling establishment are limited. Using a combination of spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) and principal components analysis (PCA) we quantified the spatiotemporal patterns of seedling survival of a Mediterranean native shrub (Pistacia lentiscus) during the first 3 years after planting on a semiarid degraded site in southeastern Spain. We used a variation partitioning method to identify environmental variables associated with seedling survival patterns. Three years after planting, only 36% of the seedlings survived. During the first summer, one-third of the seedlings died, with secondary major mortality in the 3rd summer after planting. The spatial pattern of survival became strongly clumped by the end of the first summer, with clearly defined patches (areas of high survival) and gaps (areas of low survival). The intensity of this pattern increased after subsequent high-mortality periods. Of the 14 variables, the ones most strongly coupled to seedling survival were bare soil cover, sand content, and soil compaction. These findings contribute to our understanding of the linkages between the spatial heterogeneity of abiotic factors and the response of plant populations in semiarid degraded ecosystems and can be used to optimize restoration practices in these areas.  相似文献   

种子萌发和幼苗生长对沙丘环境的适应机制   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
综述了植物沙生适应机制的研究及其进展.一些植物的种子在刚成熟时具有休眠特性.种子需要适度沙埋促进萌发并实现幼苗定居,但过度沙埋则会抑制种子萌发和出苗.在沙层深处,没有萌发的种子会进入休眠状态,形成土壤种子库.幼苗通过增加节数和延长节间来适应沙埋.沙埋深度超过植物的忍耐限度会抑制幼苗生长,甚至导致幼苗死亡.沙生植物必须适应其他环境因子,如盐风与土壤盐分、昆虫采食、土壤养分亏缺等,才能在沙丘上成功生长.沙蚀可导致幼苗根系暴露并干燥脱水.一些沙漠植物的幼苗在萌发后可忍耐一段时期的干燥,水分条件得到满足之后,幼苗能够恢复生长.  相似文献   

Changes in land‐use have resulted in the decline of many formerly common plants of nutrient‐poor grasslands in Europe. Recently, extensification schemes have been applied at sites in order to restore former habitat conditions. However, the establishment of rare and endangered plants is often severely limited by the lack of propagules both in the seed bank and in the surrounding landscape. For such species deliberate introductions may be necessary to overcome these limitations. In a 7‐year study, we assessed the importance of gaps created by sod cutting, of plant stage, and of plant origin for the restoration of populations of Scorzonera humilis, a threatened long‐lived plant of nutrient‐poor, wet grasslands. The effect of gaps on seedling emergence and survival varied strongly among the 12 sites. Gaps increased survival at nutrient‐rich, but reduced it at nutrient‐poor sites. Remarkably, young plants grown for only 5 weeks in the laboratory and transplanted into the same sites had much higher survival than seedlings from seeds sown and there were no differences in survival between nutrient‐rich and nutrient‐poor sites. The field performance of the plants from the various populations of origin varied depending on the site into which they were transplanted, indicating genotype by environment interactions and genetic differentiation among populations, but there was no home‐site advantage. While sowing only succeeded in producing adult plants in five sites, transplanting succeeded at 10 sites. Our results suggest that transplanting young plants could be a much more effective and faster way to establish new populations than sowing seeds.  相似文献   

  • The facultative root hemi‐parasite Rhinanthus minor is often used in grassland habitat restoration projects to regulate ecosystem structure and function. Its impact on community productivity and diversity as a function of resource supply, sward composition and management has been widely investigated. However, there is a lack of information about the possible influence of seed quality on the efficacy of the hemi‐parasite.
  • Ten seed lots from commercial sources were sown in the field and their germination characteristics investigated in the laboratory. Seeds from four lots were also germinated and sown in pots alongside plants of two host species, Lotus corniculatus and Holcus lanatus. Plant establishment, height and flowering density were evaluated for the hemi‐parasite, while plant biomass was measured for both R. minor and its host.
  • Two aspects of seed quality influenced the field emergence of seed lots of R. minor, the radicle emergence (%) and the length of the lag period from the beginning of imbibition to germination (mean germination time), which indicates seed vigour. A longer lag period (lower vigour) was associated with higher levels of seedling mortality and lower plant vigour, in terms of plant height and biomass accumulation and was also reflected in the parasitic impact of the seed lots.
  • Seed quality, specifically germination and vigour, can influence the establishment, survival, subsequent plant productivity and parasitic impact of R. minor in vegetation restoration projects. Seed quality is discussed as a key factor to consider when predicting the impact of the hemi‐parasite on community productivity and diversity.

Some aspects of the population biology of halophytes are considered in this review. Persistent seed banks have been reported for a number of inland- and coastal-salt marsh plant communities. Seeds of perennial grasses are often under-represented, while annuals and some perennial forbs may be over-represented in the seed bank. The persistent seed bank of annual halophytes appears adaptive, and provides multiple seed germination opportunities which may prevent local extinction when environmental stress increases. Somatic seed polymorphism provides a mechanism by which parent plants can respond to changing environments by partitioning their resources into reproductive units which have distinct germination responses. Parental effects may influence either seed morphology and/or physiological requirements of seeds when they are exposed to environmental stress. A prolonged germination period can provide plant populations with numerous opportunities to establish seedling cohorts. Early cohorts will have a selective advantage under moderate conditions because mortality will be low and plants will survive until maturity. However, fluctuations in salinity levels and tidal activity can cause high mortality in early cohorts in salt marsh habitats, providing later cohorts with an opportunity for establishment. Resource allocation to reproductive structures is related to plant size, which itself can be affected by both abiotic and biotic factors. Larger plants were found to produce more seeds than smaller plants in a population, but the mean seed weight was greater in small plants.  相似文献   

Seed size is a widely accepted measure of seed quality, because many earlier studies have shown that large seeds have high seedling survival, growth and establishment. We tested whether ovule loss increases size of the remaining seeds and whether such size increase affects seedling establishment. We removed all except one flower from inflorescences of Primula veris L. (Primulaceae), a perennial hemicryptophyte herb, at a late stage of flowering. Flower removal (FR) increased seed size by 33% compared to the control plants. We then divided the seeds within each treatment to small, middle-sized and large seeds and carried out a sowing experiment in the field. Within each experimental group, seedling establishment was positively associated with seed size. However, despite size differences, seeds from the FR and control groups had the same seedling establishment probability. Seeds from FR plants had a higher seedling emergence in May than those from control plants, but the number of seedlings alive per sowing plot in the late summer was the same in both experimental groups. Increase in seed mass after partial FR thus did not enhance seedling performance, although seed size variation due to other causes was positively correlated with seedling establishment. Further studies are needed to show whether plastic changes of seed size are usually adaptive or not.  相似文献   

The presence of biological soil crusts can affect the germination and survival of vascular plants, but the reasons are not well investigated. We have conducted a field investigation and greenhouse experiments to test the effect of crusts on two desert annual plants, which occur on the stabilized dunes of the Tengger Desert in N China. The results showed that biological soil crusts negatively influenced the seed bank of Eragrostis poaeoides and Bassia dasyphylla. The important effect of biological soil crusts on seed germination and establishment were performed indirectly through reducing the amount of germinating seeds. Field investigation and experimental results with regard to the seed bank indicated that higher seedling density was found in disturbed crust soil and bare soil surface than in intact crust soils. Greenhouse experiments showed that the effects of biological soil crusts on germination and establishment of the two plants are not obvious in moist condition, while disturbed crusts are more favorable to seed germination in dry treatment. Significant differences in biomass were found between disturbed crust soil and bare soil. Survival and growth of the two annual plants were enhanced in both algal and moss crusts during the season of rainfall or in moist environment, but crusts did not affect seedling survival in the dry period. The small seeded E. poaeoides has higher germination than larger-seeded B. dasyphylla in crust soils, but B. dasyphylla has a relatively higher survival rate than E. poaeoides in crust soils.  相似文献   


The seed size that is characteristic of each plant species is of central importance for their regeneration because of its effect on dispersability and seedling establishment. The chemical composition of the stored nutrients is also important in the early stages of growth. The factors that influence individual seed size and nutrient allocation during development on the parent plant are examined, and allocation strategies are compared in different plants. Experiments to determine the effective supply of different elements in seeds are reviewed. The apparent imbalance in the seed nutrient allocation is discussed. Mineral use in early seedling growth is described and the exhaustion of internal nutrient reserves is considered as a means of defining the end of seedling growth phase.  相似文献   

Seed delivery to site is a critical step in seed‐based restoration programs. Months or years of seed collection, conditioning, storage, and cultivation can be wasted if seeding operations are not carefully planned, well executed, and draw upon best available knowledge and experience. Although diverse restoration scenarios present different challenges and require different approaches, there are common elements that apply to most ecosystems and regions. A seeding plan sets the timeline and details all operations from site treatments through seed delivery and subsequent monitoring. The plan draws on site evaluation data (e.g. topography, hydrology, climate, soil types, weed pressure, reference site characteristics), the ecology and biology of the seed mix components (e.g. germination requirements, seed morphology) and seed quality information (e.g. seed purity, viability, and dormancy). Plan elements include: (1) Site treatments and seedbed preparation to remove undesirable vegetation, including sources in the soil seed bank; change hydrology and soil properties (e.g. stability, water holding capacity, nutrient status); and create favorable conditions for seed germination and establishment. (2) Seeding requirements to prepare seeds for sowing and determine appropriate seeding dates and rates. (3) Seed delivery techniques and equipment for precision seed delivery, including placement of seeds in germination‐promotive microsites at the optimal season for germination and establishment. (4) A monitoring program and adaptive management to document initial emergence, seedling establishment, and plant community development and conduct additional sowing or adaptive management interventions, if warranted. (5) Communication of results to inform future seeding decisions and share knowledge for seed‐based ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Aim To test whether ingestion by endemic frugivores differentially affects the seed germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival of endemic, native and exotic fleshy fruited plant species, and to identify the principal processes and attributes driving such effects. Location Round Island, Mauritius. Methods We conducted a germination and seedling survival experiment for 3 months to test whether ingestion (gut passage and deposition in faeces) by the endemic Telfair’s skink (Leiolopisma telfairii) had a differential effect on the germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival of two endemic, four native and two exotic fleshy fruited plant species. To assess the importance of factors involved in the ingestion process, we used a factorial design with gut passage (gut‐passed vs. not gut‐passed), depulping (whole fruit vs. manually depulped seed) and the presence of faecal material (faeces vs. without faeces). In addition, the roles of species‐specific traits, seed size and deposition density (average number of seeds per faeces) were examined. Results Exotic species had a higher germination percentage than indigenous (native and endemic) species when not ingested. Following skink ingestion, there was no longer a difference, as ingestion enhanced germination percentage most in endemic species. The exotic species still germinated faster overall than the indigenous species, despite ingestion accelerating the germination time of endemics. However, ingestion strongly reduced seedling survival of the exotic species, while having no negative effect on the survival of indigenous seedlings. Overall, ingested indigenous seeds were more likely to germinate and the seedlings more likely to survive than ingested exotic seeds and seedlings. Seed size, deposition density and the removal of fruit pulp by either manual depulping or gut passage were important predictors of germination time, germination percentage and seedling survival. Main conclusions These endemic frugivores can enhance the competitiveness of endemic compared with exotic fleshy fruited plants at the critical germination and seedling establishment stage. Consequently, conservation and restoration of mutualistic endemic plant–animal interactions may be vital to mitigating the degradation of habitats invaded by exotic plants, which is of particular relevance for island ecosystems in which large numbers of endemics are threatened by exotic invaders.  相似文献   

Native consumers and seed limitation may be particularly important in the restoration of native plants where they have been displaced by exotic plants. We used experimental exclosures and seed additions to examine the role of native mammalian consumers and seeding density (500 or 1,000 seeds/m2) in affecting the establishment of a native perennial grass, Purple needlegrass ( Nassella pulchra ), in the grasslands of California. To focus solely on consumers and propagule density, experimental areas were tilled and weeded. Consumers were important determinants of restoration success: averaged across propagule density, consumers reduced N. pulchra seedling recruitment by nearly 30%, reduced seedling height by 44%, reduced plant establishment by 52%, and reduced reproductive tiller length by 43%. Small rodents affected seedling establishment, especially where seeding density was high but did not affect seedling height. Plots accessible by squirrels and rabbits exhibited significantly decreased seedling height and plant establishment, whereas there was no additional impact of allowing large consumers (i.e., deer) access. Despite strong, spatially variable effects of consumers, doubling seed density led to nearly doubled N. pulchra establishment on average. Consumer effects were persistent, shaping N. pulchra abundance in the subsequent growing season and remaining evident over 18 months after the experiment was initiated. Our work suggests that, despite strong consumer effects, seed addition may be a viable strategy for restoration of N. pulchra in invaded areas where it has been displaced by exotic plants, especially when combined with restoration strategies that reduce competition with exotic plants.  相似文献   

Seeds, young plants and adult plants of the perennial Mediterranean leguminous shrub Dorycnium pentaphyllum Scop. were exposed to Cd (1–100 μM) or Zn (10–10,000 μM) on nutrient solution. This species is resistant to Cd and Zn at different phenological stages. The lowest doses of Zn and Cd improved seed germination and young seedling growth, while only the highest doses of both heavy metals inhibited germination and decreased growth. High doses of Cd reduced seed imbibition and young seedling water content, while Zn did not. Osmotic adjustment was more efficient in Zn-treated young plants than in Cd-treated ones, while chlorophyll concentrations decreased in the former but not in the latter. Those differences were not observed anymore in adult plants. Exclusion processes were more efficient at the adult stage than at the young seedling stage and were more marked in response to Zn than to Cd. It is concluded that D. pentaphyllum could be used for phytostabilization of heavy metal-contaminated areas. The physiological strategies of tolerance, however, differ according to the age of the plants and the nature of the metal.  相似文献   

High variation in seed size, as is common among angiosperms, may be maintained in a plant species when several factors select for seed size. Variation may also result from differences among adult plants, such as nutrient and water availability or the amount of photosynthetic tissue. In a study of Sabal palmetto seed ecology I found high seed size variation both within- and among-palms, and investigated possible factors maintaining this variation. Seed size was positively correlated with the number of leaves on parent palms. Larger seeds produced more vigorous seedlings that had greater leaf length, area, and mass, and greater root mass. Caryobruchus gleditsiae (Bruchidae: Coleoptera), whose larvae develop within palm seeds, preferentially oviposited on larger seeds, which in turn produced larger beetle offspring. By choosing the largest seeds available, ovipositing beetles thus affect both the quantity and the quality of seeds available for recruitment. I conclude that because beetle predation selects against large seeds, while larger seeds promote seedling vigor, the maintenance of seed size variation may be an adaptation of S. palmetto promoting both seed escape from predators and seedling vigor.  相似文献   

Climate change induced alterations to rainfall patterns have the potential to affect the regeneration dynamics of plant species, especially in historically everwet tropical rainforest. Differential species response to infrequent rainfall may influence seed germination and seedling establishment in turn affecting species distributions. We tested the role of watering frequency intervals (from daily to six-day watering) on the germination and the early growth of Dipterocarpaceae seedlings in Borneo. We used seeds that ranged in size from 500 to 20,000 mg in order to test the role of seed mass in mediating the effects of infrequent watering. With frequent rainfall, germination and seedling development traits bore no relationship to seed mass, but all metrics of seedling growth increased with increasing seed mass. Cumulative germination declined by 39.4% on average for all species when plants were watered at six-day intervals, and days to germination increased by 76.5% on average for all species from daily to six-day intervals. Final height and biomass declined on average in the six-day interval by 16% and 30%, respectively, but the percentage decrease in final size was greater for large-seeded species. Rooting depth per leaf area also significantly declined with seed mass indicating large-seeded species allocate relatively more biomass for leaf production. This difference in allocation provided an establishment advantage to large-seeded species when water was non-limiting but inhibited their growth under infrequent rainfall. The observed reduction in the growth of large-seeded species under infrequent rainfall would likely restrict their establishment in drier microsites associated with coarse sandy soils and ridge tops. In total, these species differences in germination and initial seedling growth indicates a possible niche axis that may help explain both current species distributions and future responses to climate change.  相似文献   

The influence of cyanobacterial soil crusts combined with mechanical soil disturbance on germination, establishment, growth and nutrition of Lepidium sativum seedlings on nutrient poor sand was analyzed under controlled conditions in a growth chamber. Marked release of nitrate and ammonia into the soil was only found in established and older (aging) crusts. Analyses of the 15N signatures of the crust and the seedling biomass revealed, that there was clear evidence that the established seedlings took up considerable amounts of the released nitrogen. This positively affected plant performance. Mechanical disturbance of the crust led to a temporal increase of nitrogen release but later to a considerable decrease of the released nitrogen components. Undisturbed crusts had a low stimulating effect on seed germination. In contrast and independent of the presence or absence of crusts mechanical soil disturbance led to significantly higher seed germination rates. It is concluded that the occurrence of small-scale disturbance events of moderate intensity at an intermediate frequency, which is the typical disturbance regime in many natural soil crust habitats, seems to be necessary for the successful coexistence of crust organisms and higher plants in nutrient poor environments.  相似文献   

恶劣环境下,人工海防林因面临养分胁迫而经营困难。为探讨盐、磷胁迫对主要海防林树种木麻黄和台湾相思种子萌发及生长的影响,该研究分别用不同浓度的NaCl(盐)和KH2PO4(磷)溶液处理种子和浇灌幼苗,测定种子萌发和幼苗生长指标。结果表明:(1)高盐胁迫显著抑制种子萌发,对幼苗生长有一定影响,但两种植物影响程度不同;台湾相思种子萌发耐盐性高于木麻黄,前者相对盐害率最大值为23.03%,后者为89.15%;随着盐浓度增加,木麻黄和台湾相思种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均降低,对应最大值分别为38.70%、34.67%、18.70、0.055和76.67%、62.22%、48.46、6.11。(2)两种植物的株高和根长随盐浓度增加而降低,木麻黄和台湾相思株高分别为12.29~6.01 mm和48.27~17.33 mm,根长分别为8.57~1.45 mm和33.41~5.88 mm;台湾相思根、茎、叶生物量及根冠比均随盐浓度的增加逐渐减小,木麻黄各处理差异较小。(3)台湾相思的种子和幼苗较木麻黄更耐低磷环境,二者最适磷浓度存在差异;木麻黄种...  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment limitations create a demographic bottleneck that largely determines the viability and structure of plant populations and communities, and pose a core restriction on the colonization of novel habitat. We use a shade‐tolerant, invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, to examine the interplay between seed and establishment limitations – phenomena that together determine recruitment success but usually are investigated individually. We add increasing amounts of seed to microhabitats containing variable levels of leaf litter thickness – with reduced leaf litter simulating disturbance – to investigate whether reduced seed limitation overcomes the establishment limitation posed by litter cover. We do this across gradients in understory light, moisture and temperature, and quantify germination, survival, and then per capita adult biomass and reproduction in order to understand the implications for invasion across the landscape. We find that the combined effects of seed and establishment limitation influence recruitment; however, propagule pressure overwhelms the inhibitory effects of leaf litter thickness. Leaf litter reduces germination by 22–57% and seedling survival by 13–15% from that observed on bare soil. However, density‐dependent reproduction compensates as 1–3 plants can produce far more seeds (approx. 525) than are required for persistence. As such, just a few plants may establish in understory forest habitat and subsequently overwhelm establishment barriers with copious propagule production. These results, for a widespread, invasive plant, are consistent with the emerging perspective for native plants that seed and establishment limitation jointly influence recruitment. The ability for an exotic plant species to compensate for low population densities with high per capita seed production, that then overrides establishment limitations, makes its invasive potential daunting. Further work is required to test if this is a common mechanism underlying plant invasions.  相似文献   

Recent reviews of rare plant reintroduction success indicate that far fewer studies have been conducted with seeds than whole plants, and of these, less than 10% have established or had long‐term population persistence reported. Because seed reintroductions are relatively less expensive than plant reintroductions, determining ways to increase efficacy of using seeds to establish rare populations has conservation benefits. In laboratory trials, we examined seed germination of an endangered legume, Dalea carthagenensis var. floridana, endemic in South Florida, U.S.A. Laboratory treatments confirmed that seeds are hard seeded, remaining viable for 1,452 days even when moist; nicking, heat, and freezing triggered higher and more rapid germination than controls. Field trials begun in 2009, using pretreated (frozen) and untreated seeds within two habitats (natural and novel) revealed that freezing pretreatment increased germination in both habitats. However, plants matured, reproduced, and established seedlings only in natural habitat, not in novel habitat. By 2012, seed treatment plots in natural pine rockland had significantly greater numbers of reproductive plants and seedlings than controls. In a restoration context, using seed pretreatments to stimulate germination can improve establishment success in suitable habitats. When paired with essential vegetation management and a controlled burn, seed augmentation helped rescue the population from the brink of extinction.  相似文献   

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