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Does encouragement help address gender imbalances in technical fields? We present the results of one of the first and largest randomized controlled trials on the topic. Using an applied statistics conference in the social sciences as our context, we randomly assigned half of a pool of 3,945 graduate students to receive two personalized emails encouraging them to apply (n = 1,976) and the other half to receive nothing (n = 1,969). We find a robust, positive effect associated with this simple intervention and suggestive evidence that women responded more strongly than men. However, we find that women’s conference acceptance rates are higher within the control group than in the treated group. This is not the case for men. The reason appears to be that female applicants in the treated group solicited supporting letters at lower rates. Our findings therefore suggest that “low dose” interventions may promote diversity in STEM fields but may also have the potential to expose underlying disparities when used alone or in a non-targeted way.  相似文献   



The Hutchinson Study of High School Smoking was the first randomized trial to show effectiveness of a smoking cessation intervention on 6-months prolonged smoking abstinence at one year post-intervention in a large population-based sample of adolescent smokers. An important question remains: Do the positive effects from teen smoking cessation interventions seen at up to 12 months post-intervention endure into young adulthood? This study examines for the first time whether such positive early effects from teen smoking cessation intervention can endure into young adulthood in the absence of additional intervention.


High school smokers (n = 2,151) were proactively recruited into the trial from fifty randomly selected Washington State high schools randomized to the experimental (Motivational Interviewing + Cognitive Behavioral Skills Training telephone counseling intervention) or control (no intervention) condition. These smokers were followed to 7 years post high school to ascertain rates of six-year prolonged smoking abstinence in young adulthood. All statistical tests are two-sided.


No evidence of intervention impact at seven years post high school was observed for the main endpoint of six-year prolonged abstinence, neither among all smokers (14.2% in the experimental condition vs. 13.1% in the control condition, difference = +1.1%, 95% confidence interval (CI) = -3.4 to 5.8, p = .61), nor among the subgroups of daily smokers and less-than-daily smokers, nor among other a priori subgroups. But, observed among males was some evidence of an intervention impact on two endpoints related to progress towards quitting: reduction in number of days smoked in the past month, and increase in the length of the longest quit attempt in the past year.


There was no evidence from this trial among adolescent smokers that positive effectiveness of the proactive telephone intervention for smoking abstinence, observed previously at one year post-intervention, was sustained for the long-term into young adulthood. In light of the positive short-term effectiveness consistently observed from this and other trials for teen smokers, together with the lack of evidence from this study that such short-term impact can endure into young adulthood, sustained interventions that continue into young adulthood should be developed and tested for long-term impact.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00115882  相似文献   

In many clinical trials, such as those undertaken by large cooperative cancer groups (CALGB, ECOG, SWOG, EORTC), patients are randomized to one of two treatments within an institution (a hospital or clinic). In such clinical trials, it has often occurred that outcomes of patients within institutions tend to be similar (correlated), due, possibly, to unmeasured variables such as quality of staff or quality of hospital equipment. We discuss when, in the presence of random hospital effects, the usual test statistics for no treatment effect, which do not take these hospital effects into account, are (asymptotically) unbiased.  相似文献   

If biological-motion point-light displays are presented upside down, adequate perception is strongly impaired. Reminiscent of the inversion effect in face recognition, it has been suggested that the inversion effect in biological motion is due to impaired configural processing in a highly trained expert system. Here, we present data that are incompatible with this view. We show that observers can readily retrieve information about direction from scrambled point-light displays of humans and animals. Even though all configural information is entirely disrupted, perception of these displays is still subject to a significant inversion effect. Inverting only parts of the display reveals that the information about direction, as well as the associated inversion effect, is entirely carried by the local motion of the feet. We interpret our findings in terms of a visual filter that is tuned to the characteristic motion of the limbs of an animal in locomotion and hypothesize that this mechanism serves as a general detection system for the presence of articulated terrestrial animals.  相似文献   

A delayed school start time (DSST), achieved by removing zero period, could change students’ other time use during school as well as other forms of human capital accumulation. Using difference-in-differences, we find evidence that a DSST in South Korea reduced the time students spent in gym class without worsening students’ health status. Combined with previous studies that provided evidence that DSSTs increased students’ test scores, our results imply that a DSST can increase students’ academic achievement without reducing other forms of human capital accumulation, although schools might change students’ other time use.  相似文献   

Background to the debate: Placebos are used in trials to conceal whether a treatment is being given or not and hence to control for the psychosomatic effects of offering treatment. Placebo-controlled trials are controversial. Critics of such trials argue that if a proven effective therapy exists, a placebo should not be used. But proponents argue that placebo trials are still crucial to prove the efficacy and safety of many treatments.  相似文献   

Treatment of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with alpha-pheromone has been reported to lead to massive apoptosis of cells finding no conjugation partner [Severin FF, Hyman AA. Pheromone induces programmed cell death in S. cerevisiae. Curr Biol 2002;12:R233-5]. We report here that this effect is not common in yeast. Using different yeast strains, we demonstrate that identical treatment results in a low mortality even after prolonged treatment with the pheromone. These findings are followed by a general discussion of the biological relevance of apoptosis in yeast.  相似文献   

Trial by CCN2: a standardized test for fibroproliferative disease?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major issue concerning clinical trials is the availability of standardized assays to evaluate drug efficacy. Ideally, such assays should test the effect of a putative drug on the expression of a biomarker in biological fluids. In a recent study by Kuiper et al. (PLOS One, 3(7): e2675). The relative levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor [CTGF]) were examined in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). This paper is the subject of this commentary.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Examinations today are often computerized and the primary motivation and curriculum is often based on the examinations. This study aims to test if competition widgets in e-learning quiz modules improve post-test and follow-up test results and self-evaluation. The secondary aim is to evaluate improvements during the training period comparing test-results and number of tests taken.


Two groups were randomly assigned to either a quiz-module with competition widgets or a module without. Pre-, post- and follow up test-results were recorded. Time used within the modules was measured and students reported time studying. Students were able to choose questions from former examinations in the quiz-module.


Students from the competing group were significantly better at both post-and follow-up-test and had a significantly better overall learning efficiency than those from the non-competing group. They were also significantly better at guessing their post-test results.


Quiz modules with competition widgets motivate students to become more active during the module and stimulate better total efficiency. They also generate improved self-awareness regarding post-test-results.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is an evolutionarily conserved vacuolar, self-digesting mechanism for cellular components, which end up in the lysosomal compartment. In mammalian cells, macroautophagy is cytoprotective, and protects the cells against the accumulation of damaged organelles or protein aggregates, the loss of interaction with the extracellular matrix, and the toxicity of cancer therapies. During periods of nutrient starvation, stimulating macroautophagy provides the fuel required to maintain an active metabolism and the production of ATP. Macroautophagy can inhibit the induction of several forms of cell death, such as apoptosis and necrosis. However, it can also be part of the cascades of events that lead to cell death, either by collaborating with other cell death mechanisms or by causing cell death on its own. Loss of the regulation of bulk macroautophagy can prime self-destruction by cells, and some forms of selective autophagy and non-canonical forms of macroautophagy have been shown to be associated with cell demise. There is now mounting evidence that autophagy and apoptosis share several common regulatory elements that are crucial in any attempt to understand the dual role of autophagy in cell survival and cell death.  相似文献   

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