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Structure and mechanism of bacterial periplasmic transport systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Bacterial periplasmic transport systems are complex, multicomponent permeases, present in Gram-negative bacteria. Many such permeases have been analyzed to various levels of detail. A generalized picture has emerged indicating that their overall structure consists of four proteins, one of which is a soluble periplasmic protein that binds the substrate and the other three are membrane bound. The liganded periplasmic protein interacts with the membrane components, which presumably form a complex, and which by a series of conformational changes allow the formation of an entry pathway for the substrate. The two extreme alternatives for such pathway involve either the formation of a nonspecific hydrophilic pore or the development of a ligand-binding site(s) on the membrane-bound complex. One of the membrane-bound components from each system constitutes a family of highly homologous proteins containing sequence domains characteristic of nucleotide-binding sites. Indeed, in several cases, they have been shown to bind ATP, which is thus postulated to be involved in the energy-coupling mechanism. Interestingly, eukaryotic proteins homologous to this family of proteins have been identified (mammalianmdr genes and Drosophilawhite locus), thus indicating that they perform a universal function, presumably related to energy coupling in membrane-related processes. The mechanism of energy coupling in periplasmic permeases is discussed.  相似文献   

铁、铜、锌、锰等金属离子是各类生物体生存和增殖所必需的微量元素,可影响生物体内蛋白酶活性、免疫反应、生理过程和抗感染机制。细菌感染过程中,宿主可通过限制或提高体内环境中金属离子的浓度来抑制细菌增殖,与此同时,细菌进化出各种转运系统以适应宿主体内金属离子水平的变化。由于不同细菌的金属离子外排系统在结构和生化特性上存在变异,它们呈现出独特的金属离子外排模式。本文根据现有文献报道及本团队研究结果,对铁、铜、锌和锰离子的细菌外排系统进行讨论和总结,旨在综述目前对细菌金属离子稳态调控机制研究进展的认识,为深入理解细菌金属稳态调控相关机制提供参考。  相似文献   

A carrier model in which transport across the cytoplasmic membrane is mediated by a periplasmic binding protein (Krupka, R.M. (1992) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1110, 1-10) is shown to account for many of the properties of these systems: (i) Michaelis-Menten kinetics; (ii) seemingly irreversible uptake; (iii) the absence of exchange transport and counter-transport; (iv) substrate half-saturation constants that in different systems may be lower or higher than the dissociation constant of the binding protein; (v) the high concentration of the binding protein in the periplasm and its weak association with the membrane component. The binding protein appears to function as a valve or rectifier that permits the substrate to enter the cell, but blocks exit in both the energized and de-energized states. The asymmetry depends on both the abruptness and the extent of the conformational change in the binding protein. Characteristically, these systems build up steep gradients across the membrane, circumstances in which such a valve might be important. In agreement with the mechanism, (a) the binding protein is missing in members of the same family of transporters that function in export of the substrate rather than import; and (b) in Gram-positive organisms, which have no periplasmic space, binding proteins function while anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Bacterial periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems require the function of a specific substrate-binding protein, located in the periplasm, and several membrane-bound components. We present evidence for a nucleotide-binding site on one of the membrane components from each of three independent transport systems, the hisP, malK and oppD proteins of the histidine, maltose and oligopeptide permeases, respectively. The amino acid sequence of the oppD protein has been determined and this protein is shown to share extensive homology with the hisP and malK proteins. Three lines of evidence lead us to propose the existence of a nucleotide-binding site on each of these proteins. A consensus nucleotide-binding sequence can be identified in the same relative position in each of the three proteins. The oppD protein binds to a Cibacron Blue affinity column and can be eluted by ATP but not by CTP or NADH. The oppD protein is labelled specifically by the nucleotide affinity analogue 5'-p-fluorosulphonylbenzoyladenosine. The identification of a nucleotide-binding site provides strong evidence that transport by periplasmic binding protein-dependent systems is energized directly by the hydrolysis of ATP or a closely related nucleotide. The hisP, malK and oppD proteins are thus responsible for energy-coupling to their respective transport systems.  相似文献   

We have determined and refined the X-ray crystal structures of six periplasmic binding proteins that serve as initial receptors for the osmotic-shock sensitive, active transport of L-arabinose, D-galactose/D-glucose, maltose, sulphate, leucine/isoleucine/valine and leucine. The tertiary structures and atomic interactions between proteins and ligands show common features that are important for understanding the function of the binding proteins. All six structures are ellipsoidal, consisting of two similar, globular domains. The ligand-binding site is located deep in the cleft between the two domains. Irrespective of the nature of the ligand (e.g. saccharide, sulphate dianion or leucine zwitterion), the specificities and affinities of the binding sites are achieved mainly through hydrogen-bonding interactions. Binding of ligands induces a large protein conformational change. Three different structures have been observed among the binding proteins: unliganded 'open cleft', liganded 'open cleft', and liganded 'closed cleft'. Here we discuss the functions of binding proteins in the light of numerous crystallographic and ligand-binding studies and propose a mechanism for the binding protein-dependent, high-affinity active transport.  相似文献   

Periplasmic permeases are composed of four proteins, one of which has an ATP-binding site that has been postulated to be involved in energy coupling. Previous data suggested that these permeases derive energy from substrate level phosphorylation (Berger, E. A. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70, 1514-1518); however, conflicting results later cast doubt upon this hypothesis. Here, we make use of two well characterized periplasmic permeases and of a well characterized unc mutant (ATPase-) to examine this energetics problem in depth. We have utilized the histidine and maltose periplasmic permeases in Escherichia coli as model systems. Isogenic unc strains were used in order to study separately the effect of the proton-motive force and of ATP on transport. These parameters were analyzed concomitantly with transport assays. Starvation experiments indicate that both histidine and maltose transport require ATP generation and that a normal level of delta psi is not sufficient. Uncouplers such as carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol dissipated the delta psi without decreasing the ATP level and without significant effect on these permeases, showing that delta psi is not needed. Inhibition of ATP synthesis by arsenate eliminates transport through both permeases, confirming the need for ATP. In agreement with previous results with the glutamine permease (Plate, C. A. (1979) J. Bacteriol. 137, 221-225), valinomycin plus K+ dissipates delta psi without affecting ATP levels and inhibits histidine transport; however, maltose transport is not inhibited under these conditions. This result is discussed in terms of the artefactual side effects caused by valinomycin/K+ treatment on some periplasmic permeases. Histidine transport is also shown to be sensitive to changes in the cytoplasmic pH. It is concluded that periplasmic permeases indeed have an obligatory requirement for ATP (or a closely related molecule), whereas the proton-motive force is neither sufficient nor essential.  相似文献   

Cupriavidus metallidurans is adapted to high concentrations of transition metal cations and is a model system for studying metal homeostasis in difficult environments. The elemental composition of C. metallidurans cells cultivated under various conditions was determined, revealing the ability of the bacterium to shield homeostasis of one essential metal from the toxic action of another. The contribution of metal uptake systems to this ability was studied. C. metallidurans contains three CorA members of the metal inorganic transport (MIT) protein family of putative magnesium uptake systems, ZupT of the ZRT/IRT protein, or ZIP, family, and PitA, which imports metal phosphate complexes. Expression of the genes for all these transporters was regulated by zinc availability, as shown by reporter gene fusions. While expression of zupT was upregulated under conditions of zinc starvation, expression of the other genes was downregulated at high zinc concentrations. Only corA(1) expression was influenced by magnesium starvation. Deletion mutants were constructed to characterize the contribution of each system to transition metal import. This identified ZupT as the main zinc uptake system under conditions of low zinc availability, CorA(1) as the main secondary magnesium uptake system, and CorA(2) and CorA(3) as backup systems for metal cation import. PitA may function as a cation-phosphate uptake system, the main supplier of divalent metal cations and phosphate in phosphate-rich environments. Thus, metal homeostasis in C. metallidurans is achieved by highly redundant metal uptake systems, which have only minimal cation selectivity and are in combination with efflux systems that "worry later" about surplus cations.  相似文献   

Bacteria have evolved many routes for taking up nutrients, demonstrating great versatility in the types and mechanism of uptake used in different physiological conditions. The discovery of a single transporter in the bacterium Advenella mimigardefordensis for the uptake of five different sugars, including L‐glucose and D‐xylose, is described in this issue (Meinert et al., 2017 ), providing yet another example of the surprising adaptability of bacterial transport strategies. The transporter identified is a tripartite ATP‐independent (TRAP) transporter, not previously associated with sugar transport, and in fact does not transport the sugars directly at all, rather requiring them to be converted in the periplasm to their respective sugar acid forms before transport through what appears to be a novel general sugar acid transporter. In this commentary, I describe how this process is consistent with the known mechanisms of TRAP transporters and consider how the role of sugar oxidation, or oxidative fermentation, operates with multiple hexose and pentose sugars. Finally I suggest that the periplasmic conversion of nutrients acquired across the outer membrane, before transport across the inner membrane, could have potentially useful biological functions in Gram negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria possess an outer membrane (OM) containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Proper assembly of the OM not only prevents certain antibiotics from entering the cell, but also allows others to be pumped out. To assemble this barrier, the seven-protein lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) system extracts LPS from the outer leaflet of the inner membrane (IM), transports it across the periplasm and inserts it selectively into the outer leaflet of the OM. As LPS is important, if not essential, in most Gram-negative bacteria, the LPS biosynthesis and biogenesis pathways are attractive targets in the development of new classes of antibiotics. The accompanying paper (Simpson BW, May JM, Sherman DJ, Kahne D, Ruiz N. 2015 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20150029. (doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0029)) reviewed the biosynthesis of LPS and its extraction from the IM. This paper will trace its journey across the periplasm and insertion into the OM.  相似文献   

To maintain an optimum cytoplasmic K(+)/Na+ ratio, cells employ three distinct strategies: 1) strict discrimination among alkali metal cations at the level of influx, 2) efficient efflux of toxic cations from cells, and 3) selective sequestration of cations in organelles. Cation efflux and influx are mediated in cells by systems with different substrate specificities and diverse mechanisms, e.g. ATPases, symporters, antiporters, and channels. Simple eukaryotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells proved to be an excellent model for studying the transport properties and physiological function of alkali-metal-cation transporters, and the existence of mutant strains lacking their own transport systems provided an efficient tool for a molecular study of alkali-metal-cation transporters from higher eukaryotes upon their expression in yeast cells.  相似文献   

We have identified a cluster of six genes involved in trehalose transport and utilization (thu) in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Four of these genes, thuE, -F, -G, and -K, were found to encode components of a binding protein-dependent trehalose/maltose/sucrose ABC transporter. Their deduced gene products comprise a trehalose/maltose-binding protein (ThuE), two integral membrane proteins (ThuF and ThuG), and an ATP-binding protein (ThuK). In addition, a putative regulatory protein (ThuR) was found divergently transcribed from the thuEFGK operon. When the thuE locus was inactivated by gene replacement, the resulting S. meliloti strain was impaired in its ability to grow on trehalose, and a significant retardation in growth was seen on maltose as well. The wild type and the thuE mutant were indistinguishable for growth on glucose and sucrose. This suggested a possible overlap in function of the thuEFGK operon with the aglEFGAK operon, which was identified as a binding protein-dependent ATP-binding transport system for sucrose, maltose, and trehalose. The K(m)s for trehalose transport were 8 +/- 1 nM and 55 +/- 5 nM in the uninduced and induced cultures, respectively. Transport and growth experiments using mutants impaired in either or both of these transport systems show that these systems form the major transport systems for trehalose, maltose, and sucrose. By using a thuE'-lacZ fusion, we show that thuE is induced only by trehalose and not by cellobiose, glucose, maltopentaose, maltose, mannitol, or sucrose, suggesting that the thuEFGK system is primarily targeted toward trehalose. The aglEFGAK operon, on the other hand, is induced primarily by sucrose and to a lesser extent by trehalose. Tests for root colonization, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation suggest that uptake of disaccharides can be critical for colonization of alfalfa roots but is not important for nodulation and nitrogen fixation per se.  相似文献   

Transition metal homeostasis: from yeast to human disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transition metal ions are essential nutrients to all forms of life. Iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and nickel all have unique chemical and physical properties that make them attractive molecules for use in biological systems. Many of these same properties that allow these metals to provide essential biochemical activities and structural motifs to a multitude of proteins including enzymes and other cellular constituents also lead to a potential for cytotoxicity. Organisms have been required to evolve a number of systems for the efficient uptake, intracellular transport, protein loading and storage of metal ions to ensure that the needs of the cells can be met while minimizing the associated toxic effects. Disruptions in the cellular systems for handling transition metals are observed as a number of diseases ranging from hemochromatosis and anemias to neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer??s and Parkinson??s disease. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proved useful as a model organism for the investigation of these processes and many of the genes and biological systems that function in yeast metal homeostasis are conserved throughout eukaryotes to humans. This review focuses on the biological roles of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel and cobalt, the homeostatic mechanisms that function in S. cerevisiae and the human diseases in which these metals have been implicated.  相似文献   

Homeostasis as an ability to maintain structural-functional parameters of the system at the required level is a basic characteristic for providing the stability of any biological system (from biosphere and separate ecosystems to communities, populations, and individuals). The study of homeostatic mechanisms that provide the stability of biological systems is the main task for solving many theoretical and practical questions. The search for criteria of homeostasis estimation and study of homeostatic mechanism ratio at different levels are principally important in this direction. Estimation of the role of homeostatic mechanisms of the organism and population for providing the stability of biological systems of different levels when using the approach based on estimation of the population state from ontogenetic positions (population developmental biology) seems promising.  相似文献   

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