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Regulation of DNA replication machinery by Mrc1 in fission yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Faithful replication of chromosomes is crucial to genome integrity. In yeast, the ORC binds replication origins throughout the cell cycle. However, Cdc45 binds these before S-phase, and, during replication, it moves along the DNA with MCM helicase. When replication progression is inhibited, checkpoint regulation is believed to stabilize the replication fork; the detailed mechanism, however, remains unclear. To examine the relationship between replication initiation and elongation defects and the response to replication elongation block, we used fission yeast mutants of Orc1 and Cdc45--orp1-4 and sna41-928, respectively--at their respective semipermissive temperatures with regard to BrdU incorporation. Both orp1 and sna41 cells exhibited HU hypersensitivity in the absence of Chk1, a DNA damage checkpoint kinase, and were defective in full activation of Cds1, a replication checkpoint kinase, indicating that normal replication is required for Cds1 activation. Mrc1 is required to activate Cds1 and prevent the replication machinery from uncoupling from DNA synthesis. We observed that, while either the orp1 or the sna41 mutation partially suppressed HU sensitivity of cds1 cells, sna41 specifically suppressed that of mrc1 cells. Interestingly, sna41 alleviated the defect in recovery from HU arrest without increasing Cds1 activity. In addition to sna41, specific mutations of MCM suppressed the HU sensitivity of mrc1 cells. Thus, during elongation, Mrc1 may negatively regulate Cdc45 and MCM helicase to render stalled forks capable of resuming replication.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Mrc1 (mediator of replication checkpoint 1) is an adaptor checkpoint protein required for Rad3-dependent activation of the checkpoint kinase Cds1 in response to arrest of replication forks. Here we report studies on the regulation of Mrc1 by phosphorylation. Replication arrest induced by hydroxyurea (HU) induces Mrc1 phosphorylation that is detected by a change in Mrc1 electrophoretic mobility. Phosphorylation is maintained in cds1Delta, rad3Delta, and tel1Delta single mutants but eliminated in a rad3Delta tel1Delta double mutant. Mrc1 has two clusters of S/TQ motifs that are potential Rad3/Tel1 phosphorylation sites. Mutation of six S/TQ motifs in these two clusters strongly impairs Mrc1 phosphorylation. Two motifs located at S604 and T645 are vital for HU resistance. The T645A mutation strongly impairs a Cds1-Mrc1 yeast two-hybrid interaction that is dependent on a functional forkhead-associated (FHA) domain in Cds1, indicating that phosphorylation of T645 mediates Mrc1's association with Cds1. Consistent with this model, the T645 region of Mrc1 effectively substitutes for the T11 region of Cds1 that is thought to be phosphorylated by Rad3 and to mediate FHA-dependent oligomerization of Cds1. The S/TQ cluster that includes S604 is needed for Mrc1's increased association with chromatin in replication-arrested cells. These data indicate that Rad3 and Tel1 regulate Mrc1 through differential phosphorylation to control Cds1.  相似文献   

Regulation of replication timing in fission yeast.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S M Kim  J A Huberman 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(21):6115-6126
Here we report the first characterization of replication timing and its regulation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We used three different synchronization methods: centrifugal elutriation, cdc10 temperature-shift and release, and starvation for deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) by treatment with hydroxyurea (HU) followed by removal of HU, to study the times when specific autonomously replicating sequence elements (ARS elements; potential replication origins) replicate during S phase. We found that individual ARS elements replicate at characteristic times, some early and some late, independently of synchronization method. In wild-type cells treated with HU, early ARS elements replicated but late ones did not. However, in HU-treated mutant cells lacking the Rad3 (similar to human ATR and ATM) or Cds1 (similar to human CHK2) checkpoint kinase, both early and late ARS elements were able to replicate. Thus under conditions of dNTP starvation the Rad3 and Cds1 kinases are needed to suppress the replication of normally late-replicating regions.  相似文献   

DNA replication origins fire stochastically in fission yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
DNA replication initiates at discrete origins along eukaryotic chromosomes. However, in most organisms, origin firing is not efficient; a specific origin will fire in some but not all cell cycles. This observation raises the question of how individual origins are selected to fire and whether origin firing is globally coordinated to ensure an even distribution of replication initiation across the genome. We have addressed these questions by determining the location of firing origins on individual fission yeast DNA molecules using DNA combing. We show that the firing of replication origins is stochastic, leading to a random distribution of replication initiation. Furthermore, origin firing is independent between cell cycles; there is no epigenetic mechanism causing an origin that fires in one cell cycle to preferentially fire in the next. Thus, the fission yeast strategy for the initiation of replication is different from models of eukaryotic replication that propose coordinated origin firing.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA replication is initiated from multiple origins of replication, but little is known about the global regulation of origins throughout the genome or in different types of cell cycles. Here, we identify 401 strong origins and 503 putative weaker origins spaced in total every 14 kb throughout the genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The same origins are used during premeiotic and mitotic S-phases. We found that few origins fire late in mitotic S-phase and that activating the Rad3 dependent S-phase checkpoint by inhibiting DNA replication had little effect on which origins were fired. A genome-wide analysis of eukaryotic origin efficiencies showed that efficiency was variable, with large chromosomal domains enriched for efficient or inefficient origins. Average efficiency is twice as high during mitosis compared with meiosis, which can account for their different S-phase lengths. We conclude that there is a continuum of origin efficiency and that there is differential origin activity in the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles.  相似文献   



In budding yeast, the replication checkpoint slows progress through S phase by inhibiting replication origin firing. In mammals, the replication checkpoint inhibits both origin firing and replication fork movement. To find out which strategy is employed in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we used microarrays to investigate the use of origins by wild-type and checkpoint-mutant strains in the presence of hydroxyurea (HU), which limits the pool of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) and activates the replication checkpoint. The checkpoint-mutant cells carried deletions either of rad3 (which encodes the fission yeast homologue of ATR) or cds1 (which encodes the fission yeast homologue of Chk2).


Our microarray results proved to be largely consistent with those independently obtained and recently published by three other laboratories. However, we were able to reconcile differences between the previous studies regarding the extent to which fission yeast replication origins are affected by the replication checkpoint. We found (consistent with the three previous studies after appropriate interpretation) that, in surprising contrast to budding yeast, most fission yeast origins, including both early- and late-firing origins, are not significantly affected by checkpoint mutations during replication in the presence of HU. A few origins (~3%) behaved like those in budding yeast: they replicated earlier in the checkpoint mutants than in wild type. These were located primarily in the heterochromatic subtelomeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 2. Indeed, the subtelomeric regions defined by the strongest checkpoint restraint correspond precisely to previously mapped subtelomeric heterochromatin. This observation implies that subtelomeric heterochromatin in fission yeast differs from heterochromatin at centromeres, in the mating type region, and in ribosomal DNA, since these regions replicated at least as efficiently in wild-type cells as in checkpoint-mutant cells.


The fact that ~97% of fission yeast replication origins – both early and late – are not significantly affected by replication checkpoint mutations in HU-treated cells suggests that (i) most late-firing origins are restrained from firing in HU-treated cells by at least one checkpoint-independent mechanism, and (ii) checkpoint-dependent slowing of S phase in fission yeast when DNA is damaged may be accomplished primarily by the slowing of replication forks.  相似文献   

Tsolou A  Lydall D 《DNA Repair》2007,6(11):1607-1617
Mrc1 (Mediator of Replication Checkpoint 1) is a component of the DNA replication fork machinery and is necessary for checkpoint activation after replication stress. In this study, we addressed the role of Mrc1 at uncapped telomeres. Our experiments show that Mrc1 contributes to the vitality of both cdc13-1 and yku70Delta telomere capping mutants. Cells with telomere capping defects containing MRC1 or mrc1(AQ), a checkpoint defective allele, exhibit similar growth, suggesting growth defects of cdc13-1 mrc1Delta are not due to checkpoint defects. This is in accordance with Mrc1-independent Rad53 activation after telomere uncapping. Poor growth of cdc13-1 mutants in the absence of Mrc1 is a result of enhanced single stranded DNA accumulation at uncapped telomeres. Consistent with this, deletion of EXO1, encoding a nuclease that contributes to single stranded DNA accumulation after telomere uncapping, improves growth of cdc13-1 mrc1Delta strains and decreases ssDNA production. Our observations show that Mrc1, a core component of the replication fork, plays an important role in telomere capping, protecting from nucleases and checkpoint pathways.  相似文献   

In fission yeast cells cortical nodes containing the protein Blt1p and several kinases appear early in G2, mature into cytokinetic nodes by adding anillin Mid1p, myosin-II, formin Cdc12p, and other proteins, and condense into a contractile ring by movements that depend on actin and myosin-II. Previous studies concluded that cells without Mid1p lack cytokinetic nodes and assemble rings unreliably from myosin-II strands but left open questions. Why do strands form outside the equatorial region? Why is ring assembly unreliable without Mid1p? We found in Δmid1 cells that Cdc12p accumulates in cytokinetic nodes scattered in the cortex and produces actin filaments that associate with myosin-II, Rng2p, and Cdc15p to form strands located between the nodes. Strands incorporate nodes, and in ∼67% of cells, strands slowly close into rings that constrict without the normal ∼25-min maturation period. Ring assembly is unreliable and slow without Mid1p because the scattered Cdc12p nodes generate strands spread widely beyond the equator, and growing strands depend on random encounters to merge with other strands into a ring. We conclude that orderly assembly of the contractile ring in wild-type cells depends on Mid1p to recruit myosin-II, Rng2p, and Cdc15p to nodes and to place cytokinetic nodes around the cell equator.  相似文献   

The functions of the actin-myosin–based contractile ring in cytokinesis remain to be elucidated. Recent findings show that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cleavage furrow ingression is driven by polymerization of cell wall fibers outside the plasma membrane, not by the contractile ring. Here we show that one function of the ring is to spatially coordinate septum cell wall assembly. We develop an improved method for live-cell imaging of the division apparatus by orienting the rod-shaped cells vertically using microfabricated wells. We observe that the septum hole and ring are circular and centered in wild-type cells and that in the absence of a functional ring, the septum continues to ingress but in a disorganized and asymmetric manner. By manipulating the cleavage furrow into different shapes, we show that the ring promotes local septum growth in a curvature-dependent manner, allowing even a misshapen septum to grow into a more regular shape. This curvature-dependent growth suggests a model in which contractile forces of the ring shape the septum cell wall by stimulating the cell wall machinery in a mechanosensitive manner. Mechanical regulation of the cell wall assembly may have general relevance to the morphogenesis of walled cells.  相似文献   

DNA replication of eukaryotic chromosomes initiates at a number of discrete loci, called replication origins. Distribution and regulation of origins are important for complete duplication of the genome. Here, we determined locations of Orc1 and Mcm6, components of pre-replicative complex (pre-RC), on the whole genome of Schizosaccharomyces pombe using a high-resolution tiling array. Pre-RC sites were identified in 460 intergenic regions, where Orc1 and Mcm6 colocalized. By mapping of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-incorporated DNA in the presence of hydroxyurea (HU), 307 pre-RC sites were identified as early-firing origins. In contrast, 153 pre-RC sites without BrdU incorporation were considered to be late and/or inefficient origins. Inactivation of replication checkpoint by Cds1 deletion resulted in BrdU incorporation with HU specifically at the late origins. Early and late origins tend to distribute separately in large chromosome regions. Interestingly, pericentromeric heterochromatin and the silent mating-type locus replicated in the presence of HU, whereas the inner centromere or subtelomeric heterochromatin did not. Notably, MCM did not bind to inner centromeres where origin recognition complex was located. Thus, replication is differentially regulated in chromosome domains.  相似文献   

A preincubation of fission yeast cells with hyperosmotic solution improved the electro-transformation efficiency. The efficiency increased approximately five-fold when the cells were preincubated with 2.0 M sorbitol and 1.5 M NaCl at 30 degrees C for 60 min before an applied high electric pulse. Losses in the efficiency of the cells after hyperosmotic stress above 2.5 M sorbitol and 2.0 M NaCl were directly related to the marked reduction of viability. The efficiency at 2.0 M sorbitol gradually increased until 60 min of the preincubation period, but longer exposure resulted in a gradual decrease. On the other hand, when the cells of the osmotic-sensitive mutant were preincubated with isosmotic solution of 0.5 M sorbitol, the efficiency was also dramatically increased by approximately 15-fold. These improvements in efficiency were observed in sublethal conditions of osmotic stress regardless of osmoticums and strains.  相似文献   

Replication fork protection complex Swi1-Swi3 and replication checkpoint mediator Mrc1 are required for maintenance of replication fork integrity during the course of DNA replication in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These proteins play crucial roles in stabilizing stalled forks and activating replication checkpoint signaling pathways. Although they are conserved replication fork components, precise biochemical roles of these proteins are not known. Here we purified Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3 proteins and show that these proteins bind to DNA independently but synergistically in vitro. Mrc1 binds preferentially to arrested fork or D-loop-like structures, although the affinity is relatively low, whereas the Swi1-Swi3 complex binds to double-stranded DNA with higher affinity. In the presence of a low concentration of Swi1-Swi3, Mrc1 generates a novel ternary complex and binds to various types of DNA with higher affinity. Moreover, purified Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3 physically interact with each other, and this interaction is lost by mutations in the known DNA binding domain of Mrc1 (K235E,K236E). The interaction is also lost in a mutant form of Swi1 (E662K) that is specifically defective in polar fork arrest at a site called RTS1 and causes sensitivity to genotoxic agents, although the DNA binding affinity of Swi1-Swi3 is not affected by this mutation. As expected, the synergistic effect of the Swi1-Swi3 on DNA binding of Mrc1 is also lost by these mutations affecting the interaction between Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3. Our results reveal an aspect of molecular interactions that may play an important role in replication pausing and fork stabilization.  相似文献   

We isolated four fragments from the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome that mediate autonomous replication. A two-dimensional gel analysis revealed that in each case initiation could be mapped to within the S. pombe sequences. In three of the fragments, initiation could be mapped to one discrete location. In the fourth fragment, subcloning and two-dimensional gel analysis suggested that two discrete origins of replication were located within 3 kb of each other. When in proximity, usually only one of these origins fired, suggesting origin interference. Two-dimensional gel analysis of the four origin fragments at their genomic locations demonstrated that each is used in the chromosomes, but in only a subset of cells or cell divisions. The S. pombe genome appears to contain many discrete origins, not all of which fire in any given cell and some of which are closely spaced. Not I/Sfi I mapping of the five origins from this and a previous study indicates that they are randomly distributed throughout the genome and appear to be representative of chromosomal origins of replication in this organism. We compare the features of S. pombe replication origins with those of S. cerevisiae and animal cells.  相似文献   

Rho1p regulates cell integrity by controlling the actin cytoskeleton and cell wall synthesis. We have identified a new GEF, designated Rgf1p, which specifically regulates Rho1p during polarized growth. The phenotype of rgf1 null cells was very similar to that seen after depletion of Rho1p, 30% of cells being lysed. In addition, rgf1(+) deletion caused hypersensitivity to the antifungal drug Caspofungin and defects in the establishment of bipolar growth. rho1(+), but none of the other GTPases of the Rho-family, suppressed the rgf1Delta phenotypes. Moreover, deletion of rgf1(+) suppressed the severe growth defect in rga1(+) null mutants (a Rho1-GAP, negative regulator). Rgf1p and Rho1p coimmunoprecipitated and overexpression of rgf1(+) specifically increased the GTP-bound Rho1p; it caused changes in cell morphology, and a large increase in beta(1,3)-glucan synthase activity. These effects were similar to those elicited when the hyperactive rho1-G15V allele was expressed. A genetic relationship was observed between Rgf1p, Bgs4p (beta[1,3]-glucan synthase), and Pck1p (protein kinase C [PKC] homologue); Bgs4p and Pck1p suppressed the hypersensitivity to Caspofungin in rgf1Delta mutants. Rgf1p localized to the growing ends and the septum, where Rho1, Pck1p, and Bgs4p are known to function. Our results suggest that Rgf1p probably activates the Rho functions necessary for coordinating actin deposition with cell wall biosynthesis during bipolar growth, allowing the cells to remodel their wall without risk of rupture.  相似文献   

Cdc7/Hsk1 is a conserved kinase required for initiation of DNA replication that potentially regulates timing and locations of replication origin firing. Here, we show that viability of fission yeast hsk1Δ cells can be restored by loss of mrc1, which is required for maintenance of replication fork integrity, by cds1Δ, or by a checkpoint-deficient mutant of mrc1. In these mutants, normally inactive origins are activated in the presence of hydroxyurea and binding of Cdc45 to MCM is stimulated. mrc1Δ bypasses hsk1Δ more efficiently because of its checkpoint-independent inhibitory functions. Unexpectedly, hsk1Δ is viable at 37°C. More DNA is synthesized, and some dormant origins fire in the presence of hydroxyurea at 37°C. Furthermore, hsk1Δ bypass strains grow poorly at 25°C compared with higher temperatures. Our results show that Hsk1 functions for DNA replication can be bypassed by different genetic backgrounds as well as under varied physiological conditions, providing additional evidence for plasticity of the replication program in eukaryotes.  相似文献   


In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mrc1 (homolog of human Claspin and mediator of replication checkpoint) is not only a part of the replication machine, but also participates in the replication stress response when DNA replication is blocked by hydroxyurea. Since Mrc1 is expressed in a small amount in cells and has many proteins interacting with it as a mediator, it is difficult to obtain Mrc1 with high concentration and purity. This article reports the purification of a stable truncation of Mrc1 and the full length Mrc1. High concentration and high purity of Mrc1 was obtained and the three-dimensional structure of Mrc1 was analyzed, which is a ring with a hole in the center. At the same time, we found that Mrc1 has an interaction with Rad24-RFC a clamp loader in the replication checkpoint, and can form a complex with it, implying that we can assemble large replication checkpoint complexes in vitro. These results initially reveal the ring structure of Mrc1 and its interaction with Rad24-RFC in replication checkpoints in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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