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Previous studies have shown that a variety of mammalian cell types, including macrophages, contain small amounts of redox-active iron in their lysosomes. Increases in the level of this iron pool predispose the cell to oxidative stress. Limiting the availability of intralysosomal redox-active iron could therefore represent potential cytoprotection for cells under oxidative stress.

In the present study we have shown that an initial 6 h exposure of J774 macrophages to 30 μM iron, added to the culture medium as FeCl3, increased the lysosomal iron content and their sensitivity to H2O2-induced (0.25 mM for 30 min) oxidative stress. Over time (24-72 h), however, the cells were desensitized to the cytotoxic effects of H2O2; most likely as a consequence of both lysosomal iron exocytosis and of ferritin synthesis (demonstrated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, autometallography, and immunohistochemistry). When the cells were exposed to a second dose of iron, their lysosomal content of iron increased again but the cells became no further sensitized to the cytotoxic effects of H2O2. Using the lysosomotropic weak base, acridine orange, we demonstrated that after the second exposure to iron and H2O2, lysosomes remained intact and were no different from control cells which were exposed to H2O2 but not iron.

These data suggest that the initial induction of ferritin synthesis leads to enrichment of lysosomes with ferritin via autophagocytosis. This limits the redox-availability of intralysosomal iron and, in turn, decreases the cells' sensitivity to oxidative stress. These in vitro observations could also explain why cells under pathological conditions, such as haemochromatosis, are apparently able to withstand high iron concentrations for some time in vivo.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the major causes of infectious diarrhea world-wide, although relatively little is know about its mechanisms of pathogenicity. This bacterium can gain entry into intestinal epithelial cells, which is thought to be important for its ability to persistently infect and cause disease. We found that C. jejuni is able to survive within intestinal epithelial cells. However, recovery of intracellular bacteria required pre-culturing under oxygen-limiting conditions, suggesting that C. jejuni undergoes significant physiological changes within the intracellular environment. We also found that in epithelial cells the C. jejuni-containing vacuole deviates from the canonical endocytic pathway immediately after a unique caveolae-dependent entry pathway, thus avoiding delivery into lysosomes. In contrast, in macrophages, C. jejuni is delivered to lysosomes and consequently is rapidly killed. Taken together, these studies indicate that C. jejuni has evolved specific adaptations to survive within host cells.  相似文献   

Melanosomes and premelanosomes are lysosome-related organelles with a unique structure and cohort of resident proteins. We have positioned these organelles relative to endosomes and lysosomes in pigmented melanoma cells and melanocytes. Melanosome resident proteins Pmel17 and TRP1 localized to separate vesicular structures that were distinct from those enriched in lysosomal proteins. In immunogold-labeled ultrathin cryosections, Pmel17 was most enriched along the intralumenal striations of premelanosomes. Increased pigmentation was accompanied by a decrease in Pmel17 and by an increase in TRP1 in the limiting membrane. Both proteins were largely excluded from lysosomal compartments enriched in LAMP1 and cathepsin D. By kinetic analysis of fluid phase uptake and immunogold labeling, premelanosomal proteins segregated from endocytic markers within an unusual endosomal compartment. This compartment contained Pmel17, was accessed by BSA-gold after 15 min, was acidic, and displayed a cytoplasmic planar coat that contained clathrin. Our results indicate that premelanosomes and melanosomes represent a distinct lineage of organelles, separable from conventional endosomes and lysosomes within pigmented cells. Furthermore, they implicate an unusual clathrin-coated endosomal compartment as a site from which proteins destined for premelanosomes and lysosomes are sorted.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, macromolecules internalized by endocytosis are transported via endosomes for digestion by lysosomal acid hydrolases . The mechanism by which endosomes and lysosomes exchange content remains equivocal . However, lysosomes are reusable organelles because they remain accessible to endocytic enzyme replacement therapies and undergo content mixing with late endosomes . The maturation model, which proposes that endosomes mature into lysosomes , cannot explain these observations. Three mechanisms for content mixing have been proposed. The first is vesicular transport, best supported by a yeast cell-free assay . The second suggests that endosomes and lysosomes engage in repeated transient fusions termed "kiss-and-run" . The third is that endosomes and lysosomes fuse completely, yielding hybrid compartments from which lysosomes reform , termed "fusion-fission" . We utilized time-lapse confocal microscopy to test these hypotheses in living cells. Lysosomes were loaded with rhodamine dextran by pulse-chase, and subsequently late endosomes were loaded with Oregon green 488 dextran. Direct fusions were observed between endosomes and lysosomes, and one such event was captured by correlative electron microscopy. Fluorescence intensity analyses of endosomes that encountered lysosomes revealed a gradual accumulation of lysosomal content. Our data are compatible with a requirement for direct contact between organelles before content is exchanged.  相似文献   

The bile acid, deoxycholate (DOC), can induce apoptosis in cells containing adequate amounts of all key nutrients, but it is unknown whether DOC-induced apoptosis can occur in cells lacking a single key nutrient. The aim of this study was to determine if DOC is able to induce apoptosis in HCT-116 colon epithelial cells depleted of iron. The cells were made iron-deficient by pre-treating them with the iron chelator, deferoxamine (DFO), before subsequent exposure to DOC. Mitochondrial dysfunction was detected in control cells exposed to DOC, but not in iron-depleted cells exposed to DOC. Moreover, characteristic features of apoptosis, namely, membrane blebbing, formation of apoptotic bodies, cytochrome c release into cytosol, generation of the activated form of caspase-3, chromatin condensation and fragmentation, and also plasma membrane phospholipid translocation, were all induced by DOC in control cells but not in iron-depleted cells. Treating DFO-pretreated cells with ferrous sulfate to replenish cellular iron restored the ability of DOC to induce apoptosis. In relating these findings to oxidative stress, it was found that DOC also induced the formation of reactive oxygen species and caused DNA damage in control cells, but not in iron-depleted cells. Collectively, the results suggest that in order for HCT-116 cells to undergo apoptosis when exposed to DOC, adequate amounts of intracellular iron must be present.  相似文献   

Thomas G. McWilliams 《Autophagy》2016,12(12):2506-2507
The past decade has seen an intensive and concerted research effort into the molecular regulation of mitophagy, the selective autophagy of mitochondria. Cell-based studies have implicated mitophagy in the pathology of diverse conditions ranging from cancer to neurodegeneration. However, a definitive link between mitophagy and the etiology of human disease remains to be demonstrated. Moreover, we do not know how pervasive mammalian mitophagy is in vivo and fundamental questions remain unanswered. For example, is mitophagy common to all tissues under basal conditions or does it only occur in highly oxidative tissues under stress? This paucity of knowledge is largely due to a lack of experimentally tractable tools that can measure and monitor mitophagy in tissues. Our recent work describes the development of mito-QC, a mouse model to study mitophagy at single cell resolution in vivo.  相似文献   

Haem binding to horse spleen ferritin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterioferritin has been studied by spectroscopic methods. A maximum of 16 haems per ferritin molecule, and 24 haems per bacterioferritin molecule, has been shown to bind. The influence of the bound haem on the rate of reductive iron release has been investigated. With a range of reductants and in the absence of haem the rate of release varied with the reductant, but in the presence of haem the rate was both independent of the reductant and faster than with any of the reductants alone. This indicates the rate-limiting step for iron release in the absence of haem was electron-transfer across the protein shell. Based on the results obtained with the in vitro assay system and from a consideration of data currently in the literature, plausible schemes for ferritin and bacterioferritin iron uptake and release are described.  相似文献   

Distinct molecular mechanisms of Fas resistance in murine B lymphoma cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A panel of murine B lymphoma cell lines, which express different levels of Fas, was extensively studied for sensitivity to Fas-mediated death signals via an anti-Fas mAb and Fas ligand-bearing cell lines. Expression of the Fas receptor on the B lymphoma cell lines did not correlate with their capacity to undergo Fas-mediated apoptosis. Moreover, Fas-associated death domain protein recruitment to the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) complex occurred in all cell lines expressing Fas, regardless of whether they were sensitive to Fas-mediated death. Interestingly, the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, and protein kinase C inhibitors, such as bisindolylmaleimide, rendered one of the resistant cell lines, CH33, sensitive to signals from the Fas receptor, although the levels of Fas were unchanged. This suggests that constitutive PKC activation plays a role in Fas resistance, perhaps by up-regulating NF-kappaB or Bcl-2 family members. Interestingly, CH33 demonstrated caspase 8 activity upon engagement of the Fas receptor in the absence of pharmacological manipulation, suggesting that the block in apoptosis is downstream of the DISC complex. In contrast, the fact that Fas-associated death domain protein was recruited to the DISC complex in other resistant lines, such as WEHI-231, with no caspase 8 activation indicates that these cells may be blocked within the DISC complex. Indeed, Western blot analysis showed that WEHI-231 expressed an isoform of FLICE-like inhibitory protein (cFLIPL), an antiapoptotic protein within the DISC. These studies provide evidence that murine B lymphoma cells utilize different molecular mechanisms along the Fas-signaling cascade to block apoptosis.  相似文献   

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder that leads to the severe loss of central vision in elderlies. The health of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is critical for the onset of AMD. Chronic oxidative stress along with loss of lysosomal activity is a major cause for RPE cell death during AMD. Hence, development of a molecule for targeted lysosomal delivery of therapeutic protein/drugs in RPE cells is important to prevent RPE cell death during AMD. Using human RPE cell line (ARPE-19 cells) as a study model, we confirmed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced oxidative stress results in CD44 cell surface receptor overexpression in RPE cells; hence, an important target for specific delivery to RPE cells during oxidative stress. We also demonstrate that the known nucleic acid CD44 aptamer - conjugated with a fluorescent probe (FITC) - is delivered into the lysosomes of CD44 expressing ARPE-19 cells. Hence, as a proof of concept, we demonstrate that CD44 aptamer may be used for lysosomal delivery of cargo to RPE cells under oxidative stress, similar to AMD condition. Since oxidative stress may induce wet and dry AMD, both, along with proliferative vitreoretinopathy, CD44 aptamer may be applicable as a carrier for targeted lysosomal delivery of therapeutic cargoes in ocular diseases showing oxidative stress in RPE cells.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of community‐acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. Evidence indicates that Klebsiella might be able to persist intracellularly within a vacuolar compartment. This study was designed to investigate the interaction between Klebsiella and macrophages. Engulfment of K. pneumoniae was dependent on host cytoskeleton, cell plasma membrane lipid rafts and the activation of phosphoinositide 3‐kinase (PI3K). Microscopy studies revealed that K. pneumoniae resides within a vacuolar compartment, the Klebsiella‐containing vacuole (KCV), which traffics within vacuoles associated with the endocytic pathway. In contrast to UV‐killed bacteria, the majority of live bacteria did not co‐localize with markers of the lysosomal compartment. Our data suggest that K. pneumoniae triggers a programmed cell death in macrophages displaying features of apoptosis. Our efforts to identify the mechanism(s) whereby K. pneumoniae prevents the fusion of the lysosomes to the KCV uncovered the central role of the PI3K–Akt–Rab14 axis to control the phagosome maturation. Our data revealed that the capsule is dispensable for Klebsiella intracellular survival if bacteria were not opsonized. Furthermore, the environment found by Klebsiella within the KCV triggered the down‐regulation of the expression of cps. Altogether, this study proves evidence that K. pneumoniae survives killing by macrophages by manipulating phagosome maturation that may contribute to Klebsiella pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Raloxifene and idoxifene areselective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that exhibittissue-specific agonist or antagonist properties via interactions withthe estrogen receptor (ER). Both compounds are similarlyosteoprotective in the ovariectomized rat in vivo as assessed bymeasurement of bone mineral density, urinary pyridinium cross-links,and serum osteocalcin, suggesting a similar mechanism of action.However, we have identified a fundamental difference in this mechanismvia the estrogen response element (ERE) in osteoblast-like cells. Withthe use of ERE-luciferase reporter constructs, raloxifene, like thecomplete ER-antagonist ICI-182780, acts as an antagonist viathe ERE in osteoblastic cells. In contrast, idoxifene, like17-estrogen itself and 4-OH-tamoxifen, acts as an agonist inosteoblastic cells via an ER/ERE-mediated mechanism. Both ICI-182780and raloxifene inhibited the ERE-dependent agonist activity of17-estradiol and idoxifene in osteoblastic cells. In contrast, inbreast cells, raloxifene, idoxifene, 4-OH-tamoxifen, and ICI-182780 hadno agonist activity and, indeed, raloxifene and idoxifene were potentantagonists of ERE-mediated 17-estradiol action, indicating anERE-dependent mode of action in these cells. Although these SERMsexhibit a similar antagonist activity profile in breast cells, they canbe distinguished mechanistically in osteoblastic cells.


In a previous series of studies, we had shown that the constitutive Ia expression in an immunoselected Ia-human B cell variant, RJ 2.2.5, could be restored by somatic cell hybridization with mouse B cells. These experiments allowed us to show the existence of a transacting activator factor(s) operating across species barriers and encoded by the aIr-1 locus located on mouse chromosome 16. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the B cell constitutive Ia expression and the inducible Ia expression, as seen in macrophages treated with IFN-gamma, are controlled by similar intracellular factors. To this purpose, we constructed an interspecies somatic cell hybrid between the human Ia-RJ 2.2.5 B cells and the mouse Ia-P388 D1 macrophage cells. These murine cells transiently express Ia antigens when incubated with IFN-gamma. Our results show that RJ 2.2.5 X P388 D1 cell hybrids do not express either human or mouse class II gene products. Treatment with human recombinant IFN-gamma did not modify the MHC phenotype of either the hybrid cells or the human parental cells. On the other hand, treatment of the hybrid cells with murine recombinant IFN-gamma resulted in de novo expression of mouse Ia mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens without, however, reinduction of the human class II-positive phenotype. Furthermore, treatment with the mouse lymphokine significantly increased the levels of human HLA class I mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens in the hybrid cells, further reinforcing the notion of the existence of non-species-specific secondary mediators generated after receptor-ligand interaction in the IFN-gamma system. Together, these results indicate that in macrophages, the intracellular events taking place after binding of IFN-gamma with its own receptor and leading to the expression of a class II-positive phenotype do not operate via an activation of the aIr-1 locus and/or its products. Thus, at least in our experimental system, we can firmly establish a first, relevant distinction between constitutive and inducible class II gene expression. This difference, dictated by the specific differentiation program of each cell type, may be relevant for the understanding of the function of class II gene products.  相似文献   

Binding studies with cells that had been permeabilized with saponin indicate that alveolar macrophages have an intracellular pool of mannose-specific binding sites which is about 4-fold greater than the cell surface pool. Monensin, a carboxylic ionophore which mediates proton movement across membranes, has no effect on binding of ligand to macrophages but blocks receptor-mediated uptake of 125I-labelled beta-glucuronidase. Inhibition of uptake was concentration- and time-dependent. Internalization of receptor-bound ligand, after warming to 37 degrees C, was unaffected by monensin. Moreover, internalization of ligand in the presence of monensin resulted in an intracellular accumulation of receptor-ligand complexes. The monensin effect was not dependent on the presence of ligand, since incubation of macrophages with monensin at 37 degrees C without ligand resulted in a substantial decrease in cell-surface binding activity. However, total binding activity, measured in the presence of saponin, was much less affected by monensin treatment. Removal of monensin followed by a brief incubation at pH 6.0 and 37 degrees C, restored both cell-surface binding and uptake activity. Fractionation experiments indicate that ligands enter a low-density (endosomal) fraction within the first few minutes of uptake, and within 20 min transfer to the lysosomal fraction has occurred. Monensin blocks the transfer from endosomal to lysosomal fraction. Lysosomal pH, as measured by the fluorescein-dextran method, was increased by monensin in the same concentration range that blocked ligand uptake. The results indicate that monensin blockade of receptor-mediated endocytosis of mannose-terminated ligands by macrophages is due to entrapment of receptor-ligand complexes and probably receptors in the pre-lysosomal compartment. The inhibition is linked with an increase in the pH of acid intracellular vesicles.  相似文献   

A panel of 52 murine monoclonal antibodies was found to recognize antigenic determinants that had been conserved among all major genetic subgroups of the H5N1 avian influenza virus prevalent since 1997. We screened a phage display library for peptides recognized by one such antibody (8H5). We analysed the specificity of 8H5 for reactive peptides presented as fusion proteins of HBc (hepatitis B core protein) and HEV (hepatitis E virus) structural protein, p239. This was then related to the specificity of the native HA (haemagglutinin) molecule by virtue of the capacity of fusion proteins to compete for 8H5 binding with different strains of H5N1 virus and the reactivity of antisera generated against fusion proteins to bind native HA molecules, and to inhibit haemagglutination and arrest infection by the virus. Nine reactive peptides of different amino acid sequences were identified, six of which were also reactive with the antibody in association with HBc and four were in association with p239. Binding occurred with the dimeric form of the four p239-fusion proteins and one of the HBc-fusion proteins, but not with the monomeric form. The HBc-fusion proteins blocked 8H5 binding with four strains of H5N1 influenza virus. Mouse antisera generated against fusion proteins bound to HA molecules, but did not inhibit haemagglutination or arrest H5N1 infection. Our findings indicate that 8H5 recognizes discontinuous sites presented by secondary and possibly higher structural orders of the peptides in spatially favourable positions for binding with the antibody, and that the peptides partially mimic the native 8H5 epitopes on the H5N1 virus.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are the main degradative compartments of eukaryotic cells. The CORVET and HOPS tethering complexes are well known for their role in membrane fusion in the yeast endocytic pathway. Yeast Vps33p is part of both complexes, and has two mammalian homologues: Vps33A and Vps33B. Vps33B is required for recycling of apical proteins in polarized cells and a causative gene for ARC syndrome. Here, we investigate whether Vps33B is also required in the degradative pathway. By fluorescence and electron microscopy we show that Vps33B depletion in HeLa cells leads to significantly increased numbers of late endosomes that together with lysosomes accumulate in the perinuclear region. Degradation of endocytosed cargo is impaired in these cells. By electron microscopy we show that endocytosed BSA‐gold reaches late endosomes, but is decreased in lysosomes. The increase in late endosome numbers and the lack of internalized cargo in lysosomes are indicative for a defect in late endosomal–lysosomal fusion events, which explains the observed decrease in cargo degradation. A corresponding phenotype was found after Vps33A knock down, which in addition also resulted in decreased lysosome numbers. We conclude that Vps33B, in addition to its role in endosomal recycling, is required for late endosomal–lysosomal fusion events.   相似文献   

Hydrazide horseradish peroxidase, (hydHRP), a hydrazide derivative of the common cytochemical tracer HRP, was covalently coupled to the surface of periodate-treated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and used to study the distribution and internalization of plasma membrane glycoconjugates. The Schiff-base coupling of hydHRP to the cell surface at 4 degrees C had little effect on cell viability. After coupling, cells were washed at 4 degrees C and the subcellular distribution of hydHRP was determined immediately or after incubation at 37 degrees C. Within 1 hr, hydHRP was observed to cap over pseudopodal-like extensions and then accumulate over a 2.5 h period in a punctate to perinuclear staining pattern over the cell body. By electron microscopy, the pseudopodal-like regions were found to be areas of extensive cell surface invaginations, rich in microfilaments. HydHRP internalized over a 2.5 to 18 hr period was observed in smooth vesicles resembling pinosomes/endosomes, multivesicular bodies (lysosomes), and small perinuclear vesicles. Little, if any, hydHRP activity was detected in association with elements of Golgi apparatus. By cell fractionation in 10% Percoll gradients, hydHRP was found to have accumulated in prelysosomal endocytic vesicles and lysosomes. For cells that were first surface labeled with 125I at 4 degrees C and then conjugated with hydHRP, little, if any, cotransport of the 125I label with hydHRP was observed. Over the entire capping and internalization period, most hydHRP activity remained membrane associated. Overall, these results indicate that the dominant intracellular transport route for a covalent membrane probe, hydHRP glycoconjugate, is similar if not identical to that previously reported for the solute probe native HRP (16) in CHO cells. HydHRP internalization provides further evidence for the independent sorting of proteins in endocytic transport.  相似文献   

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