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Abstract Serologically distinct, surface-associated, mannose-resistant haemagglutinins have been reported on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli of serotype O6:K15:H16 or H- of human origin. Using immune electron microscopy, these haemagglutinins, termed the CS1 and CS2 antigens, have been identified as serologically distinct fimbriae, the presence of which correlates with the rhamnose fermentation phenotype of strains. The CS1 and CS2 fimbriae are morphologically indistinguishable from common type fimbriae. In contrast, using the same technique, no labelling of fimbriae was obtained with specific antibodies to another protein surface antigen termed the CS3 antigen, which is common to most strains of this serotype and also found on certain enterotoxigenic E. coli of serotype O8:H9. The morphological nature of the CS3 antigen was not disclosed.  相似文献   

Two enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of serotype 0.25.H42 that produced coli surface associated antigens CS4 and CS6 hybridized with a probe containing the cfaD sequence that regulates expression of colonization factor antigen CFA/I. Transformation of a cloned cfaD gene into some derivatives of the strains that were negative for CS4 and CS6 resulted in expression of CS4 but not CS6. By hybridization the sequence that regulated CS4 production in the wild type 025 strains was located on a plasmid that also encoded the CS6 antigen. The structural genes for the CS4 antigen were on a separate plasmid. The 025 strains carried a third plasmid encoding enterotoxin production which was therefore unlinked to regulation sequences or genes encoding CS antigens.  相似文献   

Abstract A non-conjugative CS-fimbriae-associated plasmid pCS001 was mobilized into rifampicin-resistant mutants of strains of Escherichia coli of O-serovar 6 or K-serovar 15 or H-serovar 16. By a variety of serological procedures only the production of CS3 fimbriae was detected in transoconjugants. The finding extend previous observations that only strains of E. coli of serotype O6:K15:H16 or H− and of appropriate biotype are able to express either CS1 or CS2 fimbriae, as even a recipient of serotype O6:K15:H31 possessing a rhamnose-positive fermentation phenotype did not express either of these two fimbriae. The results indicate that expression of CS1 or CS2 fimbriae probably involves chromosomal determinants only found in strains of serotype O6:K15:H16 or H−.  相似文献   

Zeng Y  Kong F 《Carbohydrate research》2004,339(8):1503-1510
Syntheses of a hexasaccharide, the dimer of the repeating unit of the group E streptococci polysaccharide, and a tetrasaccharide, the repeating unit of the E. coli O7:K98:H6, were achieved by constructing alternate alpha-L-(1-->2)- and alpha-L-(1-->3)-linked L-rhamnopyranose backbones and substituting with beta-linked D-glucopyranose side chains for the former, and a D-glucopyranosyluronate branch for the latter, respectively, at O-2 of the L-rhamnose ring.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide, derived from the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the CS1 fimbrial subunit protein was used to identify the subunit gene on recombinant plasmid pDEP23 containing the structural genes of the CS1 fimbrial operon. The nucleotide sequence of the subunit gene (csoA), encoding a protein of 171 amino acids, was determined. Flanking it upstream, a gene (csoB) encoding a protein of 238 amino acids was found. The CsoB and CsoA proteins are homologous to the CfaA and CfaB proteins in the CFA/I fimbrial operon. For all the CS1 producing strains investigated the structural genes are located on plasmids. Like CFA/I fimbriae, CS1 fimbriae are only expressed in the presence of a positive regulator, CfaD for CFA/I and Rns for CS1, respectively. The promoter region upstream of the csoB gene was cloned in front of the promoterless alkaline phosphatase (phoA) gene of the promoter-probe vector pCB267. PhoA activity was enhanced approximately two-fold by the introduction of compatible plasmids containing either rns or cfaD.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment that can functionally substitute for cfaD, the positive regulatory gene involved in expression of CFA/I fimbriae, has recently been cloned from an Escherichia coli strain of serotype O167:H5 that produces CS5 fimbriae. Nucleotide sequence determination showed that the fragment contained a gene, csvR (Coli Surface Virulence factor Regulator) homologous to the cfaD gene, which encoded for a protein of 301 amino acid residues. The csvR gene was found to be located between two different insertion sequences. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the CsvR and CfaD proteins showed that CsvR is 34 amino acid residues longer at the C-terminus and, in the sequence, it also contains an insertion of two amino acid residues. The similarity between CfaD and Rns, the positive regulator of CS1 and CS2 expression, is much higher (97%) than between CsvR and CfaD (87%). This is reflected by the fact that the level of expression of CFA/I fimbriae induced by CsvR is not as high as when expression is induced by CfaD or Rns.  相似文献   

Two strains of Escherichia coli of serotype O111:H12 produced a mannose-resistant haemagglutinin (MREHA) of Duguid's pattern 7 that reacted strongly with the red cells of ox and sheep. These strains also adhered to HEp2-epithelial cells and formed fibrillae demonstrable by negative staining and immunogold labelling.  相似文献   

DNA hybridization experiments demonstrated that the gene clusters encoding the F8 fimbriae (fei) as well as the type I fimbriae (pil) exist in a single copy on the chromosome of E. coli O18:K5 strain 2980. In conjugation experiments with appropriate donors, the chromosomal site of these gene clusters was determined. The pil genes were mapped close to the gene clusters thr and leu controlling the biosynthesis of threonine and leucine, respectively. The fei genes were found to be located close to the galactose operon (gal) between the position 17 and 21 of the E. coli chromosomal linkage map.  相似文献   

We address the problem of clustering the whole protein content of genomes into three different categories-globular, all-alpha, and all-beta membrane proteins-with the aim of fishing new membrane proteins in the pool of nonannotated proteins (twilight zone). The focus is then mainly on outer membrane proteins. This is performed by using an integrated suite of programs (Hunter) specifically developed for predicting the occurrence of signal peptides in proteins of Gram-negative bacteria and the topography of all-alpha and all-beta membrane proteins. Hunter is tested on the well and partially annotated proteins (2160 and 760, respectively) of Escherichia coli K 12 scoring as high as 95.6% in the correct assignment of each chain to the category. Of the remaining 1253 nonannotated sequences, 1099 are predicted globular, 136 are all-alpha, and 18 are all-beta membrane proteins. In Escherichia coli 0157:H7 we filtered 1901 nonannotated proteins. Our analysis classifies 1564 globular chains, 327 inner membrane proteins, and 10 outer membrane proteins. With Hunter, new membrane proteins are added to the list of putative membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria. The content of outer membrane proteins per genome (nine are analyzed) ranges from 1.5% to 2.4%, and it is one order of magnitude lower than that of inner membrane proteins. The finding is particularly relevant when it is considered that this is the first large-scale analysis based on validated tools that can predict the content of outer membrane proteins in a genome and can allow cross-comparison of the same protein type between different species.  相似文献   

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