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Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) are enzymes involved in editing adenosine to inosine in the dsRNAs of cells associated with cancer development. The p150 isoform of ADAR1 is the only isoform containing the Zα domain that binds to both Z-DNA and Z-RNA. The Zα domain is suggested to modulate the immune response and could be a suitable target for antiviral treatment and cancer immunotherapy. In this study, we aimed to identify potential inhibitors for ADAR1 protein that bind the Zα domain using molecular docking and simulation tools. Virtual docking and molecular dynamics simulation approaches were used to screen the potential activity of 2115 FDA-approved compounds on the Zα domain of ADAR1 and filtered for to obtain the top-scoring hits. The top three compounds with the best XP Gscore—namely alendronate (−7.045), etidronate (−6.923), and zoledronate (−6.77)—were subjected to 50 ns simulations to characterize complex stability and identify the fundamental interactions that contribute to inhibition of the ADAR1 Zα domain. The three compounds were shown to interact with Lys169, Lys170, Asn173, and Tyr177 of the Zα domain-like helical backbone of Z-RNA. The study provides a comprehensive and novel insights of repurposes drugs for the inhibition of ADAR1 function.  相似文献   

The Zab domain of the editing enzyme ADAR1 binds tightly and specifically to Z-DNA stabilized by bromination or supercoiling. A stoichiometric amount of protein has been shown to convert a substrate of suitable sequence to the Z form, as demonstrated by a characteristic change in the CD spectrum of the DNA. Now we show that Zab can bind not only to isolated Z-forming d(CG)(n) sequences but also to d(CG)(n) embedded in B-DNA. The binding of Zab to such sequences results in a complex including Z-DNA, B-DNA, and two B-Z junctions. In this complex, the d(CG)(n) sequence, but not the flanking region, is in the Z conformation. The presence of Z-DNA was detected by cleavage with a Z-DNA specific nuclease, by undermethylation using Z-DNA sensitive SssI methylase, and by circular dichroism. It is possible that Zab binds to B-DNA with low affinity and flips any favorable sequence into Z-DNA, resulting in a high affinity complex. Alternatively, Zab may capture Z-DNA that exists transiently in solution. The binding of Zab to potential as well as established Z-DNA segments suggests that the range of biological substrates might be wider than previously thought.  相似文献   

Z-DNA, the left-handed conformer of DNA, is stabilized by the negative supercoiling generated during the movement of an RNA polymerase through a gene. Recently, we have shown that the editing enzyme ADAR1 (double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase, type 1) has two Z-DNA binding motifs, Zalpha and Zbeta, the function of which is currently unknown. Here we show that a peptide containing the Zalpha motif binds with high affinity to Z-DNA as a dimer, that the binding site is no larger than 6 bp and that the Zalpha domain can flip a range of sequences, including d(TA)3, into the Z-DNAconformation. Evidence is also presented to show that Zalpha and Zbeta interact to form a functional DNA binding site. Studies with atomic force microscopy reveal that binding of Zalpha to supercoiled plasmids is associated with relaxation of the plasmid. Pronounced kinking of DNA is observed, and appears to be induced by binding of Zalpha. The results reported here support a model where the Z-DNA binding motifs target ADAR1 to regions of negative supercoiling in actively transcribing genes. In this situation, binding by Zalpha would be dependent upon the local level of negative superhelicity rather than the presence of any particular sequence.  相似文献   

Both G-quadruplex and Z-DNA can be formed in G-rich and repetitive sequences on genome, and their formation and biological functions are controlled by specific proteins. Z-DNA binding proteins, such as human ADAR1, have a highly conserved Z-DNA binding domain having selective affinity to Z-DNA. Here, our study identifies the Z-DNA binding domain of human ADAR1 (hZαADAR1) as a novel G-quadruplex binding protein that recognizes c-myc promoter G-quadruplex formed in NHEIII1 region and represses the gene expression. An electrophoretic migration shift assay shows the binding of hZαADAR1 to the intramolecular c-myc promoter G-quadruplex-forming DNA oligomer. To corroborate the binding of hZαADAR1 to the G-quadruplex, we conducted CD and NMR chemical shift perturbation analyses. CD results indicate that hZαADAR1 stabilizes the parallel-stranded conformation of the c-myc G-quadruplex. The NMR chemical shift perturbation data reveal that the G-quadruplex binding region in hZαADAR1 was almost identical with the Z-DNA binding region. Finally, promoter assay and Western blot analysis show that hZαADAR1 suppresses the c-myc expression promoted by NHEIII1 region containing the G-quadruplex-forming sequence. This finding suggests a novel function of Z-DNA binding protein as a regulator of G-quadruplex-mediated gene expression.  相似文献   

αv integrins have been identified as coreceptors for adenovirus (Ad) internalization; however, direct interactions of these molecules with Ad have not been demonstrated. We report here the expression of soluble integrin αvβ5, which retains the ability to recognize the Ad penton base as well as vitronectin, an Arg Gly Asp (RGD)-containing extracellular matrix protein. Soluble integrin αvβ5 reacted with seven different Ad serotypes (subgroups A to E) in solid-phase binding assays. The soluble integrin exhibited different levels of binding to each Ad serotype; however, binding to multiple Ad types required the presence of divalent metal cations and was inhibited by a synthetic RGD peptide, indicating that RGD and cation-binding sequences regulate Ad interactions with αvβ5. Incubation of Ad particles with soluble αvβ5 integrin also inhibited subsequent Ad internalization into epithelial cells as well as virus attachment to monocytic cells. These findings suggest that soluble αv integrins or antagonists of these coreceptors could be used to limit infection by multiple Ad types. The generation of soluble αv integrins should also permit further detailed kinetic and structural analysis of Ad interactions with its coreceptors.  相似文献   

A regulated order of adhesion events directs leukocytes from the vascular compartment into injured tissues in response to inflammatory stimuli. We show that on human T cells, the interaction of the β2 integrin leucocyte function–associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) will decrease adhesion mediated by α4β1 and, to a lesser extent, α5β1. Similar inhibition is also seen when T cells are exposed to mAb 24, which stabilizes LFA-1 in an active state after triggering integrin function through divalent cation Mg2+, PdBu, or T cell receptor/ CD3 complex (TCR/CD3) cross-linking. Such cross talk decreases α4β1 integrin–mediated binding of T cells to fibronectin and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). In contrast, ligand occupancy or prolonged activation of β1 integrin has no effect on LFA-1 adhesion to ICAM-1. We also show that T cell migration across fibronectin, unlike adhesion, is mediated solely by α5β1, and is increased when the α4β1-mediated component of fibronectin adhesion is decreased either by cross talk or the use of α4-blocking mAb. The ability of mAb 24 Fab′ fragments to induce cross talk without cross-linking LFA-1 suggests signal transduction through the active integrin. These data provide the first direct evidence for cross talk between LFA-1 and β1 integrins on T cells. Together, these findings imply that activation of LFA-1 on the extravasating T cell will decrease the binding to VCAM-1 while enhancing the subsequent migration on fibronectin. This sequence of events provides a further level of complexity to the coordination of T cell integrins, whose sequential but overlapping roles are essential for transmigration.  相似文献   

α-Ionone, α-methylionone, and α-isomethylionone were converted by Aspergillus niger JTS 191. The individual bioconversion products from α-ionone were isolated and identified by spectrometry and organic synthesis. The major products were cis-3-hydroxy-α-ionone, trans-3-hydroxy-α-ionone, and 3-oxo-α-ionone. 2,3-Dehydro-α-ionone, 3,4-dehydro-β-ionone, and 1-(6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-3-cyclohexenyl)-buten-3-one were also identified. Analogous bioconversion products from α-methylionone and α-isomethylionone were also identified. From results of gas-liquid chromatographic analysis during the fermentation, we propose a metabolic pathway for α-ionones and elucidation of stereochemical features of the bioconversion.  相似文献   

The DNA binding properties of hMutSα and hMutLα and complex formation of hMutSα with hMutLα and hMutLβ were investigated using binding experiments on magnetic bead-coupled DNA substrates with nuclear extracts as well as purified proteins. hMutSα binding to homoduplex DNA was disrupted by lower NaCl concentrations than hMutSα binding to a mismatch. ATP markedly reduced the salt resistance of hMutSα binding but hMutSα still retained affinity for heteroduplexes. hMutSα formed a complex with hMutLα and hMutLβ on DNA in the presence of ATP. This complex only formed on 81mer and not 32mer DNA substrates. Complex formation was enhanced by a mismatch in the DNA substrate, and hMutLα and hMutLβ were shown to enter the complex at different ATP concentrations. Purified hMutLα showed an intrinsic affinity for DNA, with a preference for single-stranded over double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that a fine-tuned integrin cross talk can generate a high degree of specificity in cell adhesion, suggesting that spatially and temporally coordinated expression and activation of integrins are more important for regulated cell adhesive functions than the intrinsic specificity of individual receptors. However, little is known concerning the molecular mechanisms of integrin cross talk. With the use of beta(1)-null GD25 cells ectopically expressing the beta(1)A integrin subunit, we provide evidence for the existence of a cross talk between beta(1) and alpha(V) integrins that affects the ratio of alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) integrin cell surface levels. In particular, we demonstrate that a down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) and an up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) occur as a consequence of beta(1)A expression. Moreover, with the use of GD25 cells expressing the integrin isoforms beta(1)B and beta(1)D, as well as two beta(1) cytoplasmic domain deletion mutants lacking either the entire cytoplasmic domain (beta(1)TR) or only its "variable" region (beta(1)COM), we show that the effects of beta(1) over alpha(V) integrins take place irrespective of the type of beta(1) isoform, but require the presence of the "common" region of the beta(1) cytoplasmic domain. In an attempt to establish the regulatory mechanism(s) whereby beta(1) integrins exert their trans-acting functions, we have found that the down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) is due to a decreased beta(3) subunit mRNA stability, whereas the up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) is mainly due to translational or posttranslational events. These findings provide the first evidence for an integrin cross talk based on the regulation of mRNA stability.  相似文献   

Complement fragment iC3b serves as a major opsonin for facilitating phagocytosis via its interaction with complement receptors CR3 and CR4, also known by their leukocyte integrin family names, αMβ2 and αXβ2, respectively. Although there is general agreement that iC3b binds to the αM and αX I-domains of the respective β2-integrins, much less is known regarding the regions of iC3b contributing to the αX I-domain binding. In this study, using recombinant αX I-domain, as well as recombinant fragments of iC3b as candidate binding partners, we have identified two distinct binding moieties of iC3b for the αX I-domain. They are the C3 convertase-generated N-terminal segment of the C3b α’-chain (α’NT) and the factor I cleavage-generated N-terminal segment in the CUBf region of α-chain. Additionally, we have found that the CUBf segment is a novel binding moiety of iC3b for the αM I-domain. The CUBf segment shows about a 2-fold higher binding activity than the α’NT for αX I-domain. We also have shown the involvement of crucial acidic residues on the iC3b side of the interface and basic residues on the I-domain side.  相似文献   

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) are distributed along the length of the intestine and are considered the frontline of immune surveillance. The precise molecular mechanisms, especially epigenetic regulation, of their development and function are poorly understood. The trimethylation of histone 3 at lysine 27 (H3K27Me3) is a kind of histone modifications and associated with gene repression. Kdm6b is an epigenetic enzyme responsible for the demethylation of H3K27Me3 and thus promotes gene expression. Here we identified Kdm6b as an important intracellular regulator of small intestinal IELs. Mice genetically deficient for Kdm6b showed greatly reduced numbers of TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs. In the absence of Kdm6b, TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs exhibited increased apoptosis, disturbed maturation and a compromised capability to lyse target cells. Both IL-15 and Kdm6b-mediated demethylation of histone 3 at lysine 27 are responsible for the maturation of TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs through upregulating the expression of Gzmb and Fasl. In addition, Kdm6b also regulates the expression of the gut-homing molecule CCR9 by controlling H3K27Me3 level at its promoter. However, Kdm6b is dispensable for the reactivity of thymic precursors of TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs (IELPs) to IL-15 and TGF-β. In conclusion, we showed that Kdm6b plays critical roles in the maturation and cytotoxic function of small intestinal TCRαβ+CD8αα+ IELs.Subject terms: Epigenetics, Gene regulation, Immunological disorders, T cells  相似文献   

During development, changes occur in both the sites of erythropoiesis and the globin genes expressed at each developmental stage. Previous work has shown that high-level expression of human β-like globin genes in transgenic mice requires the presence of the locus control region (LCR). Models of hemoglobin switching propose that the LCR and/or stage-specific elements interact with globin gene sequences to activate specific genes in erythroid cells. To test these models, we generated transgenic mice which contain the human Aγ-globin gene linked to a 576-bp fragment containing the human β-spectrin promoter. In these mice, the β-spectrin Aγ-globin (βsp/Aγ) transgene was expressed at high levels in erythroid cells throughout development. Transgenic mice containing a 40-kb cosmid construct with the micro-LCR, βsp/Aγ-, ψβ-, δ-, and β-globin genes showed no developmental switching and expressed both human γ- and β-globin mRNAs in erythroid cells throughout development. Mice containing control cosmids with the Aγ-globin gene promoter showed developmental switching and expressed Aγ-globin mRNA in yolk sac and fetal liver erythroid cells and β-globin mRNA in fetal liver and adult erythroid cells. Our results suggest that replacement of the γ-globin promoter with the β-spectrin promoter allows the expression of the β-globin gene. We conclude that the γ-globin promoter is necessary and sufficient to suppress the expression of the β-globin gene in yolk sac erythroid cells.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase α-primase is known to be phosphorylated in human and yeast cells in a cell cycle-dependent manner on the p180 and p68 subunits. Here we show that phosphorylation of purified human DNA polymerase α-primase by purified cyclin A/cdk2 in vitro reduced its ability to initiate simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication in vitro, while phosphorylation by cyclin E/cdk2 stimulated its initiation activity. Tryptic phosphopeptide mapping revealed a family of p68 peptides that was modified well by cyclin A/cdk2 and poorly by cyclin E/cdk2. The p180 phosphopeptides were identical with both kinases. By mass spectrometry, the p68 peptide family was identified as residues 141 to 160. Cyclin A/cdk2- and cyclin A/cdc2-modified p68 also displayed a phosphorylation-dependent shift to slower electrophoretic mobility. Mutation of the four putative phosphorylation sites within p68 peptide residues 141 to 160 prevented its phosphorylation by cyclin A/cdk2 and the inhibition of replication activity. Phosphopeptide maps of the p68 subunit of DNA polymerase α-primase from human cells, synchronized and labeled in G1/S and in G2, revealed a cyclin E/cdk2-like pattern in G1/S and a cyclin A/cdk2-like pattern in G2. The slower-electrophoretic-mobility form of p68 was absent in human cells in G1/S and appeared as the cells entered G2/M. Consistent with this, the ability of DNA polymerase α-primase isolated from synchronized human cells to initiate SV40 replication was maximal in G1/S, decreased as the cells completed S phase, and reached a minimum in G2/M. These results suggest that the replication activity of DNA polymerase α-primase in human cells is regulated by phosphorylation in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

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