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The non-protein amino acids, -alanine and -aminobutyric acid, frequently dominate the amino acid composition of deep-sea sediments. This accumulation is most likely due to the slower decomposition of non-protein amino acids by microorganisms or to the preferential adsorption of non-protein amino acids by clay minerals. We investigated relative rates of heterotrophic uptake of alanine, -ala, and -aba in sea water to see if there were different rates of microbial assimilation and respiration between these protein and non-protein amino acids. Heterotrophic uptake was rapid for all three amino acids with turnover times of hours in productive coastal waters and days in more oligotrophic open-ocean waters. Uptake of the non-protein amino acids was significantly slower than uptake of alanine, particularly in anoxic waters. However, the difference in uptake rates is probably not great enough to cause significant preferential accumulation of non-protein amino acids.  相似文献   

The recombinant eukaryotic expression vector pCMV4-rmCG, inserted full-length cDNA of the -subunit of rhesus monkey chorionic gonadotropin (rmCG), as DNA immuno-contraceptive against CG glycoprotein, has previously demonstrated the biological expression of rmCG in vitro and in vivo. The plasmid DNA of pCMV4-rmCG was inoculated into BALB/c mice at different doses and routes as DNA immuno-contraceptive to understand its antifertility effect. The results of immune responses indicated that the intradermal inoculation is the optimal pCMV4-rmCG DNA delivery method for BALB/c mice, and the dose of 10 g should be enough to elicit immune response. With different doses from 10–50 g, marked reductions in the fertility of the female mice after two intramuscular inoculations of pCMV4-rmCG DNA were seen, while the similar level of humoral immune responses were induced. With the dose of 20 g of pCMV4-rmCG DNA, the mice showed reduction in fertility from intraperitoneal, and intradermal to intramuscular inoculating method. The antifertility effect of antiserum from immunized mice confirmed that the antibodies elicited by pCMV4-rmCG DNA could prevent pregnancy in female mice. At the same time, the full-length cDNA of -subunit of mouse chorionic gonadotropin (muCG) was cloned from placenta and sequenced for the first time (GenBank Accession No. AF333067). Sequence analysis showed that muCG shares 99.6% homology with rmCG and 90.6% with hCG respectively. The results indicated that the infertility of BALB/c mice induced by pCMV4-rmCG contraceptive should be further studied as a CG DNA contraceptive.  相似文献   

Gal1-3GlcNAc (1) and Gal1-3GlcNAc-SEt (2) were synthesized on a 100 mg scale by the transgalactosylation reaction of bovine testes -galactosidase with lactose as donor andN-acetylglucosamine and GlcNAc-SEt as acceptors. In both cases the product mixtures contained unwanted isomers and were treated with -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli which has a different specificity, under conditions favouring hydrolysis, yielding besides the desired products, monosaccharides and traces of trisaccharides. The products were purified to >95% by gel filtration, with a final yield of 12% of 1 and 17% of 2, based on added acceptor. In a separate experiment Gal1-6GlcNAc-SEt (3) was synthesized by the transglycosylation reaction using -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli. No other isomers were detected. Compound 3 was purified by HPLC.  相似文献   

We have quantitatively characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy the contents of secondary structure of -lactoglobulin during thermal unfolding and subsequent refolding. Our data clearly indicate that considerable amount of secondary structure, particularly -sheet, still remained intact even at 90°C. Noticeable changes in secondary structure of -lactoglobulin were observed only above 70°C. The refolded protein regained, within limits of experimental error, all of the secondary structure lost during thermal unfolding. The data also indicate that the refolding mechanism operating at pH 7.0 and 2.0 are the same. Identical secondary structure of native and refolded -lactoglobulin was also indicated by far-UV circular dichroic spectra of the two forms of protein. Near UV circular dichroic spectra of the same two forms showed considerable differences indicating less tertiary structure of refolded -lactoglobulin. The combined CD and FT-IR data indicated that refolded form of -lactoglobulin could be characterized as a molten globule state as it had native-like secondary structure and compromised tertiary structure.  相似文献   

P. Bucheli  M. Dürr  A. J. Buchala  H. Meier 《Planta》1985,166(4):530-536
Cotton fibres possess several -glucanase activities which appear to be associated with the cell wall, but which can be partially solubilised in buffers. The main activity detected was that of an exo-(13)--d-glucanase (EC but which also had the characteristics of a -glucosidase (EC Endo-(13)--d-glucanase activity (EC and much lower levels of (14)--d-glucanase activity were also detected. The exo-(13)--glucanase showed a maximum late on (40 days post-anthesis) in the development of the fibres, whereas the endo-(13)--glucanase activity remained constant throughout fibre development. The -glucanase complex associated with the cotton-fibre cell wall also functions as a transglucosylase introducing, inter alia, (16)--glucosyl linkages into the disaccharide cellobiose to give the trisaccharide 4-O--gentiobiosylglucose.Abbreviations CMC carboxymethylcellulose - ONPG o-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside - TLC thin-layer chromatography Presented at the Third Cell Wall Meeting held in Fribourg in 1984  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the sequence of a rat A3/A1-crystallin complementary DNA (cDNA) clone and the (partial) sequence of the human B3-crystallin gene. Calculation of the ratio of silent to nonsynonymous substitution between orthologous A3/A1-, B3-, and other - and -crystallin sequences revealed that the region encoding the two globular domains of the A3/A1-crystallin sequence is the best conserved during evolution, much better than the corresponding region of the B1-, B3-, or the -crystallin sequences, and even better (at least in the rodent/frog comparison) that the well-conserved A-crystallin sequence. Remarkably, the rate of change of the A3/A1-crystallin coding sequence does not differ in the rodent and primate lineages, in contrast with previous findings concerning the evolution rates of the A- or -crystallin sequences in these two lineages. Comparison of the regions that encode the four motifs of the -crystallin between orthologous mammalian sequences showed that the extent of nonsynonymous substitution in each of these four homologous motif regions is the same. However, when the orthologous -crystallin genes of more distantly related species (mammals vs chicken or frog) are compared, the extent of nonsynonymous substitution is higher in the regions encoding the external motifs I and III than in the regions encoding the internal motifs II and IV. This phenomenon is also observed when paralogous members of the /-crystallin supergene family are compared.  相似文献   

Here we investigated the neuroprotective effect of 17-estradiol in an in vitro model of ischemia. We used organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, acute or chronically treated with 17-estradiol (10 nM), and exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD). Cellular death was quantified by measuring uptake of propidium iodide (PI), a marker of dead cells. In OGD exposed cultures, treated only with vehicle, about 70% of the CA1 area of hippocampus was labeled with PI, indicating a great percentage of cellular death. When cultures were treated with 17-estradiol (acute or chronically), this cellular death was reduced to 15%. This effect was prevented by LY294002 but was not by PD98059. Immunoblotting revealed that both, chronic and acute, treatments with 17-estradiol induced the phosphorylation/activation of Akt and the phosphorylation/inactivation of GSK-3. Our results show a clear neuroprotective effect of 17-estradiol and suggest that this effect could involve PI3-K pathway.  相似文献   

A promising method for diabetes treatment is the implantation of immunoisolated cells secreting insulin in response to glucose. Cell availability limits the application of this approach at a medically-relevant scale. We explore the use of transformed cells that can be grown to large homogeneous populations in developing artificial pancreatic tissues. We also investigate the use of NMR in evaluating, non-invasively, cellular bioenergetics in the tissue environment. The system employed in this study consisted of mouse insulinoma TC3 cells entrapped in calcium alginate/poly-L-lysine (PPL)/alginate beads. The PPL layer imposed a molecular weight cutoff of approximately 60 kDa, allowing nutrients and insulin to diffuse through but excluding high molecular weight antibodies and cytotoxic cells of the host. We fabricated a radiofrequency coil that can be double-tuned to1H and31P, and an NMR-compatible perfusion bioreactor and support circuit that can maintain cells viable during prolonged studies. The bioreactor operated differentially, was macroscopically homogeneous and allowed the acquisition of1H images and31P NMR spectra in reasonable time intervals. Results indicated that entrapment had little effect on cell viability; that insulin secretion from beads was responsive to glucose; and that the bioenergetics of perfused, entrapped cells were not grossly different from those of cells never subjected to the immobilization procedure. These findings offer promise for developing an artificial pancreatic tissue for diabetes treatment based on continuous cell lines.  相似文献   

Incubation of -lactoglobulin with immobilized trypsin at 5–10°C results in a time-dependent release of several fragments of the core domain in yields approaching 15%. Digests were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography with a Mono Q HR5/5 column and analyzed after disulfide reduction by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. Three fragments with approximate molecular weights of 13.8, 9.6, and 6.7 kD were identified. The fraction from ion-exchange chromatography yielding the 6.7 kD fraction after disulfide reduction was further characterized because it was most homogeneous and gave the highest yield. The C-terminal cleavage site of the 6.7 kD core fragment appeared to be Lys100 or Lys101 as determined by C-terminal amino acid analysis. The exact masses, after reduction with dithiothreitol, are 6195 and 6926 as determined by laser desorption mass spectrometry, corresponding to residues 48–101 and 41–100. Prior to reduction, -lactoglobulin C-terminal residues 149–162 are connected to these core domain fragments as shown by C-terminal analysis and mass spectrometry. Structural studies indicate that these 7.9 and 8.6 kD core domain fragments released by immobilized trypsin retain much of their native structure. CD spectra indicate the presence of antiparallel -sheet structure similar to the native protein but the -helix is lost. Spectra in the aromatic region indicate the existence of tertiary structure. Moreover, structural transitions in urea are completely reversible as measured by CD spectra, although the extrapolated G D H20 and the urea concentration at the transition midpoint are lower than for the native protein. The core domain fragments also display apH-dependent binding to immobilizedtrans-retinal as does intact protein. A single endotherm is obtained for both core domain fragments and native protein upon differential scanning calorimetry, but again, the domain is less stable as indicated by a transition peak maxima of 56.9°C as compared with 81.1°C for native protein.Abbreviations used: CD, circular dichroism; CPG, controlled pore glass; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; DTT, dithiothreitol; FPLC, fast flow liquid chromatography; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; PITC, phenylisothiocyanate; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; TEA, triethylamine; UV, ultraviolet.  相似文献   

The parallel /-barrel domain consisting of eight parallel -sheets surrounded by eight -helices has been currently identified in crystal structures of more than 20 enzymes. This type of protein folding motif makes it possible to catalyze various biochemical reactions on a variety of substrates (i.e., it seems to be robust enough so that different enzymatic functionalities could be designed on it). In spite of many efforts aimed at elucidation of evolutionary history of the present-day /-barrels, a challenging question remains unanswered: How has the parallel /-barrel fold arisen? Although the complete sequence comparison of all /-barrel amino acid sequences is not yet available, several sequence similarities have been revealed by using the highly conserved regions of -amylase as structural templates. Since many starch-processing enzymes adopt the parallel /-barrel structure these enzymes might be useful in the search for evolutionary relationships of the whole parallel eight-folded /-barrel enzyme family.  相似文献   

The relative potency of interferon (IFN), interferon (IFN), and interferon (IFN) in inducing the expression of HLA class I antigens, as well as their capacity to counteract the inhibition induced by glucocorticoid hormones on HLA class I antigen expression, were analysed in the human melanoma cell line M14, both at membrane and at mRNA level. The data obtained indicate that (a) IFN enhance with different potency (IFN>IFN>IFN) the expression of HLA class I antigens in M14 cells, (b) prednisone inhibits HLA class I antigen expresion, (c) glucocorticoid hormones, when associated with IFN or IFN, inhibit the HLA class I enhancement induced by IFN alone, and ffinally, (c) the association between 1 M prednisone or 1 M deflazacort and IFN seems to potentiate the enhancing capacity of IFN on the expression of HLA class I molecules at the mRNA level. These findings, if confirmed, might indicate that IFN and glucocorticoid hormones are not mutually exclusive in the management of human melanoma.  相似文献   

Affinity labeling and genetic studies on the glycine-rich sequence of the subunit ofE. coli F-type ATPase are discussed. A model of the structure of the enzyme near the phosphate moiety is proposed.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were prepared against conjugated transforming growth factor 1 (TGF1) peptides: amino acid positions 48–60 and positions 86–101. Two antibodies, mAb 16-3G1 [anti-(48–60)] and mAb 5-2G6 [anti-(86–101)] cross-reacted with native TGF1,-2 and-3 (16-3G1) or only with native TGF1 (5-2G6). Both mAb were used to characterize TGF-mediated effects on the metastatic potential in nude mice of human carcinoma cell line SLU-1 and its metastatic subline SLU-M1. Autocrine TGF1-mediated up-regulation of cell proliferation and its suppression by anti-TGF antibodies in vitro was recorded for SLU-M1 cells whereas SLU-1 cell proliferation in vitro appeared to be refractory to anti-TGF antibodies and exogenous TGF-1. However, the potential of s.c. tumours to develop distant metastases in nude mice was about the same for both cell lines. Development of primary tumours and distant metastases could be suppressed by treatment of mice with anti-TGF antibodies. Thus we assume that the metastatic potential of tumour cells is independent of TGF-mediated growth-regulation effects in vitro. The anti-TGF-induced suppression of tumour progression and metastasis in nude mice might rather result from stimulation of the immune surveillance. TGF-mediated autocrine down-regulation of MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity of activated human monocytes and CD56+ LAK cells and its reversion by anti-TGF antibodies could be readily demonstrated. In all our experimental series, the neutralizing potential of both anti-TGF antibodies, though directed against opposite sites of the TGF1 molecule, was very similar.  相似文献   

Lathyrism is a non-progressive motor neuron disease produced by consumption of the excitatory amino acid, 3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (-ODAP). To learn more about the mechanisms underlying Lathyrism three structural analogs of -ODAP were synthesized. Carboxymethyl-,-diaminopropanoic acid (CMDAP) evoked inward currents which were antagonized by APV (30 M), but not by CNQX (10 M). N-acetyl-,-diaminopropanoic acid (ADAP) evoked no detectable ionic currents but potentiated N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-activated currents. The potentiation of NMDA currents by ADAP was blocked by 7-chlorokynurenic acid. Carboxymethylcysteine (CMC) did not activate any detectable ionic currents. None of the three -ODAP analogs produced visible symptoms of toxicity in day old chicks when administered for 2–3 consecutive days. Ligand binding studies demonstrated that all the three compounds were effective to in displacing [3H]glutamate. The maximum inhibition was 92% for CMDAP, 61% for ADAP, 65% for CMC and 99% for -ODAP. These data indicate that analogs of -ODAP may interact with glutamate receptors without producing neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

X-ray structures of the conformation of carbohydrate moieties and connected regions of glycoproteins are summarized. Evidence is presented that there is some preference for carbohydrate attachment at -bends. Evolution may have favored glycosylation to occur at bends to ensure free mobility of the carbohydrate moieties.  相似文献   

Summary Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) of paediatric tumours obtained from 37 lesions of different histo-type (12 osteosarcomas, 5 Wilms' tumours, 7 soft-tissue sarcomas, 5 neuroblastomas and 8 miscellaneous) were studied to establish their potential for therapy. Fresh isolated TIL were cultured for the first 2 weeks with low doses of interleukin-2 (IL-2) (20 Cetus U/ml) to select for tumour-specific lymphocytes potentially present in the neoplastic lesion, followed by culture with high doses of IL-2 (1000 Cetus U/ml) to achieve TIL expansion. TIL were grown with more than 10-fold expansion in only 9 cases (mean expansion: 58-fold, range 13.5–346). In 17 cases no viable cells were obtained. After 30 days of culture with IL-2 the proliferative ability of TIL declined sharply in the majority of cases and TIL became refractory to any further stimulus, including addition of IL-4, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) or interferon , and activation with OKT3 in solid phase. In 20 out of 37 cases TIL were available for phenotypic and functional analysis. TIL after long-term culture were predominantly CD3+ but 2 cases of osteosarcoma showed a predominance of CD3+TcR / cells. The CD4/CD8 ratio was more than 1 in 10 cases, without correlation with tumour histology, site of lesion or TIL growth. The number of CD16+ and CD25+ lymphocytes decreased progressively during culture, the latter concomitantly with a reduction of TIL growth rate. The lytic pattern of TIL against allogeneic and autologous tumour (Auto-Tu) cells was variable, but specific lysis of Auto-Tu was seen in only one case (Wilms' tumour) after culture with TNF and irradiated Auto-Tu cells. The immunohistochemical analysis of tumour lesions revealed a limited lymphocyte infiltrate, a low expression of histocompatibility leukocyte antigens (HLA) class I and of the adhesion molecules ICAM1, LFA3, and a significant production of transforming growth factor (TGF). These data indicate that TIL obtained from paediatric patients are difficult to expand at levels required for immunotherapy and lack a significant number of tumour-specific T lymphocytes. A low expression of immunomodulatory molecules on tumour cells or the production of suppressive factors may prevent activation and expansion of TIL in paediatric tumours.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the major and minor globin chains from DBA/2 mice have been determined. This information is of interest because DBA/2 mice are the strain of origin for most murine erythroleukemia lines. The primary structure of DBA/2 globins agrees completely with that predicted from the coding properties of BALB/c globin genes. This identity does not support a rapid evolutionary divergence in inbred mouse strains, at least at these loci in these strains.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants AM26956, HL24908, and AM14923 and by the Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with Martin Marietta Systems. The SUNY Buffalo Sequencing Facility was supported by a grant from the James Cummings Foundation and National Institutes of Health Grants RR05400 and RR07066.  相似文献   

To study the pattern of gene regulation of the plastid chaperonin 60 gene family a chimaeric gene was constructed fusing the 5-flanking region of the chaperonin 60 B3 gene to the -glucuronidase reporter gene. Histochemical and fluorometric analysis of the GUS activity present in transgenic plants harbouring this gene construct showed that the B3 promoter is expressed in leaves, stem, petioles and several flower tissues. The pattern of cell type-specific expression in stems and flowers was found to be developmentally regulated. Expression of the B3 promoter was found not to be heat-inducible, but highly repressed by wounding. The rapid decay in GUS activity upon wounding indicates that, at least under some physiological conditions, the gene product of this reporter gene is not as stable as has been previously thought.  相似文献   

The specificity of induction of cellulose- and xylan-degrading enzymes was investigated on the yeast strain Trichosporon cutaneum CCY 30-5-4 using series of compounds structurally related to cellulose and xylan, including monosaccharides, glycosides, glucooligosaccharides and xylooligosaccharides. Determination of activities of secreted cellulase and -xylanase, intracellular, cell wall bound and extracellular -glucosidase and -xylosidase revealed that: (1) The synthesis of xylan-degrading enzymes is induced in the cell only by xylosaccharides, 1,3--xylobiose, 1,2--xylobiose, 1,4--xylosyl-L-arabinose, 1,4--xylobiose and thioxylobiose being the best inducers. The xylan-degrading enzymes show different pattern of development in time and discrete cellular localization, i.e. intracellular -xylosidase precedes extracellular -xylanase. (2) A true cellulase is not inducible by glucosaccharides and cellulose. Negligible constitutive cellulase activity was detected which was about two orders lower than an induced cellulase in the typical cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma reesei QM 9414. (3) The best inducer of intracellular -glucosidase splitting cellobiose was thiocellobiose in a wide range of concentration (0.1–10 mM), whereas xylosaccharides at high concentrations induced -xylosidase of xylobiose type and a non-specific aryl -D-glucosidase.The results were confirmed by growing cells on cellulose and xylan. T. cutaneum was found to be a xylan-voracious yeast, unable to grow on cellulose.  相似文献   

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