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SPP1-encoded replicative DNA helicase gene 40 product (G40P) is an essential product for phage replication. Hexameric G40P, in the presence of AMP-PNP, preferentially binds unstructured single-stranded (ss)DNA in a sequence-independent manner. The efficiency of ssDNA binding, nucleotide hydrolysis and the unwinding activity of G40P are affected in a different manner by different nucleotide cofactors. Nuclease protection studies suggest that G40P protects the 5′ tail of a forked molecule, and the duplex region at the junction against exonuclease attack. G40P does not protect the 3′ tail of a forked molecule from exonuclease attack. By using electron microscopy we confirm that the ssDNA transverses the centre of the hexameric ring. Our results show that hexameric G40P DNA helicase encircles the 5′ tail, interacts with the duplex DNA at the ss–double-stranded DNA junction and excludes the 3′ tail of the forked DNA.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 G40P hexameric replicative DNA helicase unidirectionally translocates with a 5'-->3' polarity while separating the DNA strands. A G40P mutant derivative lacking the N-terminal domain (containing amino acid residues 110-442 from G40P, G40PDeltaN109) was purified and characterized. G40PDeltaN109 showed an ATPase activity that was dependent on the presence of single-stranded (ss) DNA. Unlike G40P, G40PDeltaN109 was shown to bind with similar affinity both ssDNA arms of forked structures by nuclease protection assays. In a pH-dependent manner, G40PDeltaN109 unwound a branched double-arm substrate preferentially with a 3'-->5' polarity. Our results show that the linker region and the C-terminal domain of G40P are sufficient to render an enzyme capable of encircling the ssDNA tails of the forked DNA and to unwind DNA with both 5'-->3' and 3'-->5' polarity. The presence of the N-terminal domain, which does not play an essential role in helicase action, might be required indirectly for strand discrimination and polarity of translocation.  相似文献   

Initiation of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 replication requires the phage-encoded genes 38, 39 and 40 products (G38P, G39P and G40P). G39P, which does not bind DNA, interacts with the replisome organiser, G38P, in the absence of ATP and with the ATP-activated hexameric replication fork helicase, G40P. G38P, which specifically interacts with the phage replication origin (oriL) DNA, does not seem to form a stable complex with G40P in solution. G39P when complexed with G40P-ATP inactivates the single-stranded DNA binding, ATPase and unwinding activities of G40P, and such effects are reversed by increasing amounts of G38P. Unwinding of a forked substrate by G40P-ATP is increased about tenfold by the addition of G38P and G39P to the reaction mixture. The specific protein-protein interactions between oriL-bound G38P and the G39P-G40P-ATPgammaS complex are necessary for helicase delivery to the SPP1 replication origin. Formation of G38P-G39P heterodimers releases G40P-ATPgammaS from the unstable oriL-G38P-G39P-G40P-ATPgammaS intermediate. G40P-ATPgammaS binds to the origin region, the uncomplexed G38P fraction remains bound to oriL, and the G38P-G39P heterodimer is lost from the complex. We demonstrate that G39P is a component of an oligomeric nucleoprotein complex which plays an important role in the initiation of SPP1 replication.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis SPP1 phage-encoded protein G39P is a loader and inhibitor of the phage G40P replicative helicase involved in the initiation of DNA replication. We have carried out a full x-ray crystallographic and preliminary NMR analysis of G39P and functional studies of the protein, including assays for helicase binding by a number of truncated mutant forms, in an effort to improve our understanding of how it both interacts with the helicase and with the phage replisome organizer, G38P. Our structural analyses reveal that G39P has a completely unexpected bipartite structure comprising a folded N-terminal domain and an essentially unfolded C-terminal domain. Although G39P has been shown to bind its G40P target with a 6:6 stoichiometry, our crystal structure and other biophysical characterization data reveal that the protein probably exists predominantly as a monomer in solution. The G39P protein is proteolytically sensitive, and our binding assays show that the C-terminal domain is essential for helicase interaction and that removal of just the 14 C-terminal residues abolishes interaction with the helicase in vitro. We propose a number of possible scenarios in which the flexibility of the C-terminal domain of G39P and its proteolytic sensitivity may have important roles for the function of G39P in vivo that are consistent with other data on SPP1 phage DNA replication.  相似文献   

The terminase of bacteriophage SPP1, constituted by a large (G2P) and a small (G1P) subunit, is essential for the initiation of DNA packaging. A hexa-histidine G2P (H6-G2P), which is functional in vivo, possesses endonuclease, ATPase, and double-stranded DNA binding activities. H6-G2P introduces a cut with preference at the 5'-RCGG downward arrowCW-3' sequence. Distamycin A, which is a minor groove binder that mimics the architectural structure generated by G1P at pac, enhances the specific cut at both bona fide 5'-CTATTGCGG downward arrowC-3' sequences within pacC of SPP1 and SF6 phages. H6-G2P hydrolyzes rATP or dATP to the corresponding rADP or dADP and P(i). H6-G2P interacts with two discrete G1P domains (I and II). Full-length G1P and G1PDeltaN62 (lacking domain I) stimulate 3.5- and 1.9-fold, respectively, the ATPase activity of H6-G2P. The results presented suggest that a DNA structure, artificially promoted by distamycin A or facilitated by the assembly of G1P at pacL and/or pacR, stimulates H6-G2P cleavage at both target sites within pacC. In the presence of two G1P decamers per H6-G2P monomer, the H6-G2P endonuclease is repressed, and the ATPase activity stimulated. Based on these results, we propose a model that can account for the role of terminase in headful packaging.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence suggests that the SPP1-encoded gene 35 product (G35P) is essential for phage DNA replication. Purified G35P binds single-strand DNA (ssDNA) and double-strand (dsDNA) and specifically interacts with SPP1-encoded replicative DNA helicase G40P and SSB protein G36P. G35P promotes joint molecule formation between a circular ssDNA and a homologous linear dsDNA with an ssDNA tail. Joint molecule formation requires a metal ion but is independent of a nucleotide cofactor. Joint molecules formed during these reactions contain a displaced linear ssDNA strand. Electron microscopic analysis shows that G35P forms a multimeric ring structure in ssDNA tails of dsDNA molecules and left-handed filaments on ssDNA. G35P promotes strand annealing at the AT-rich region of SPP1 oriL on a supercoiled template. These results altogether are consistent with the hypothesis that the homologous pairing catalyzed by G35P is an integral part of SPP1 DNA replication. The loading of G40P at a d-loop (ori DNA or at any stalled replication fork) by G35P could lead to replication fork reactivation.  相似文献   

In vitro packaging of bacteriophage SPP1 DNA into procapsids is described and the requirements of this process were determined. Combination of proheads with an extract supplying terminase, DNA and phage tails yielded up to 10(7 )viable phages per milliliter of in vitro reaction under optimized conditions. The presence of neutral polymers and polyamines had a concentration and type dependent effect in the packaging reaction. The terminase donor extract lost rapidly activity at 30 degrees C in contrast to the stability of the prohead donor extract. Maturation to infective virions was observed using both procapsids assembled in SPP1 infected cells and procapsid-like structures assembled in Escherichia coli that overexpressed the SPP1 prohead gene clusters. Neither a majority of aberrant capsid-related structures present in the latter material nor procapsids lacking the portal protein inhibited DNA packaging. Addition of purified portal protein reduced DNA packaging activity in vitro only at concentrations 20-fold higher than those found in the SPP1 infected cell. The SPP1 DNA packaged in vitro originated exclusively from the terminase donor extract. This packaging selectivity was not observed in vivo during mixed infections. The data are compatible with a model for processive headful DNA packaging in which terminase and DNA co-produced in the same cell are tightly associated and can effectively discriminate the portal vertex of DNA packaging-proficient proheads from aberrant structures, from portal-less procapsids, and from isolated portal protein.  相似文献   

Summary The development of bacteriophages SPP1, and 29 has been studied in several B. subtilis mutants defective in host DNA replication, under non permissive conditions.Several gene products, involved in the synthesis of host DNA, are required for 29 replication, while SPP1 seems to require obly the host DNA polymerase III. In addition both phages are unable to grow in a dna A mutant (ribonucleotide reductase). Taking advantage of the fact that SPP1 DNA is actively replicated in several dna mutants at non-permissive temperature, we have studied the structure of the replicative intermediates of this phage in the absence of interfering host DNA synthesis.Fast sedimenting forms of SPP1 DNA can be isolated from phage infected cells and evidence of covalently joined concatemers has been obtained, suggesting the presence of terminally repeated sequences.  相似文献   

Initiation of headful packaging of SPP1 DNA concatemers involves the interaction of the terminase, G1P and G2P, and the portal protein, G6P. G1P, which specifically recognizes the non-adjacent pacL and pacR subsites and directs loading of G2P to pacC, interacts with G6P. G2P, which has endonuclease, DNA binding, and ATPase activities, interacts with G1P and does it transiently with G6P. The stoichiometry of G1P on the G1P.G2P complex promotes the transition from a G2P endonuclease to an ATPase. G6P does not alter the endonuclease activity of G2P. Both G1P and G6P, which do not have endogenous ATPase activity, synergistically enhance and modulate the ATPase activity of G2P. Based on these results, we propose a model in which the modulation of the ATPase and endonuclease activities of G2P accounts for the role of the terminase in headful packaging.  相似文献   

The availability of a detailed restriction map of SPP1 DNA allowed defined manipulations of such molecules. These were performed to investigate structural requirements for SPP1 transfection. (i) The transfection activity of SPP1 DNA was destroyed by degradation with restriction enzymes. Biological activity could be regenerated when transfection was performed with a combination of two different restriction endonuclease digests, provided that such digests generated widely overlapping DNA fragments. (ii) Unique DNA molecules were constructed from the natural population of circularly permuted SPP1 DNA molecules by using genetic engineering techniques. Such molecules had the same specific transfection activity as did the circularly permuted SPP1 DNA. These results are discussed in the context of current models of DNA processing in transfection.  相似文献   

Any SPP1 DNA restriction fragment cloned into Bacillus subtilis plasmid pC194 or pUB110 increased the transduction frequency of the plasmid by SPP1 100- to 1,000-fold over the transduction level of the plasmid alone. This increment was observed irrespective of whether a fragment contained the SPP1 packaging origin (pac). Furthermore, an SPP1 derivative into whose genome pC194 DNA had been integrated transduced pC194 DNA with a greatly enhanced frequency. Transduction enhancement mediated by DNA-DNA homology between plasmid and SPP1 was independent of the extent of homology (size range analyzed, 0.5 to 3.9 kilobases) and the recombination proficiency of donor or recipient.  相似文献   

SPP1-encoded replication and recombination proteins, involved in the early steps of the initiation of concatemeric DNA synthesis, have been analyzed. Dimeric G34.1P exonuclease degrades, with a 5' to 3' polarity and in a Mg2+-dependent reaction, preferentially linear double-stranded (ds) DNA rather than single-stranded (ss) DNA. Binding of the replisome organizer, G38P, to its cognate sites (oriDNA) halts the 5' to 3' exonucleolytic activity of G34.1P on dsDNA. The G35P recombinase increases the affinity of G34.1P for dsDNA, and stimulates G34.1P activity on dsDNA, but not on ssDNA. Then, filamented G35P promotes limited strand exchange with a homologous sequence. The ssDNA binding protein, G36P, protects ssDNA from the G34.1P exonuclease activity and stimulates G35P-catalyzed strand exchange. The data presented suggest a model for the role of G34.1P during initiation of sigma replication: G38P bound to oriDNA might halt replication fork progression, and G35P, G34.1P and G36P in concert might lead to the re-establishment of a unidirectional recombination-dependent replication that accounts for the direction of DNA packaging.  相似文献   

The results reported here have identified yueB as the essential gene involved in irreversible binding of bacteriophage SPP1 to Bacillus subtilis. First, a deletion in an SPP1-resistant (pha-2) strain, covering most of the yueB gene, could be complemented by a xylose-inducible copy of yueB inserted at amyE. Second, disruption of yueB by insertion of a pMutin4 derivative resulted in a phage resistance phenotype regardless of the presence or absence of IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside). YueB homologues are widely distributed in gram-positive bacteria. The protein Pip, which also serves as a phage receptor in Lactococcus lactis, belongs to the same family. yueB encodes a membrane protein of approximately 120 kDa, detected in immunoblots together with smaller forms that may be processed products arising from cleavage of its long extracellular domain. Insertional inactivation of yueB and the surrounding genes indicated that yueB is part of an operon which includes at least the upstream genes yukE, yukD, yukC, and yukBA. Disruption of each of the genes in the operon allowed efficient irreversible adsorption, provided that yueB expression was retained. Under these conditions, however, smaller plaques were produced, a phenotype which was particularly noticeable in yukE mutant strains. Interestingly, such reduction in plaque size was not correlated with a decreased adsorption rate. Overall, these results provide the first demonstration of a membrane-bound protein acting as a phage receptor in B. subtilis and suggest an additional involvement of the yukE operon in a step subsequent to irreversible adsorption.  相似文献   

Encapsidation of the DNA of the virulent Bacillus subtilis phage SPP1 follows a processive unidirectional headful-mechanism and initiates at a unique genomic location (pac). We have cloned a fragment of SPP1 DNA containing the pac site flanked by reporter genes into the chromosome of B. subtilis. Infection of such cells with SPP1 led to highly efficient packaging, initiated at the inserted pac site, of chromosomal DNA. The directionality in the packaging of this DNA was the same as observed with vegetative phage DNA. Mutagenizing the chromosomal pac insert defined an 83 base pair segment containing the pac cleavage site which is sufficient to direct phage specific DNA encapsidation. The packaging recognition signal as defined can also be utilized by the SPP1 related phages 41c, SF6 and rho 15.  相似文献   

In vivo studies of PBS2 phage replication in a temperature-sensitive Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III (Pol III) mutant and a temperature-resistant revertant of this mutant have suggested the possible involvement of Pol III in PBS2 DNA synthesis. Previous results with 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil (HPUra), a specific inhibitor of Pol III and DNA replication in uninfected cells, suggest that Pol III is not involved in phage DNA replication, due to its resistance to this drug. Experiments were designed to examine possible explanations for this apparent contradiction. First, assays of the host Pol III and the phage-induced DNA polymerase activities in extracts indicated that a labile Pol III did not result in a labile phage-induced enzyme, suggesting that this new polymerase is not a modified HPUra-resistant form of Pol III. Indeed the purified phage-induced enzyme was resistant to the active, reduced form of HPUra under all assay conditions tested. Since in vitro Pol III was capable of replicating the uracil-containing DNA found in this phage, the sensitivity of the purified enzyme to reduced HPUra was examined using phage DNA as template-primer and dUTP as substrate; these new substrates did not affect the sensitivity of the host enzyme to the drug.  相似文献   

The virulent Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 encapsidates its DNA by a headful mechanism. Analyzing phage missense mutants, which package less DNA than SPP1 wild-type but show no other affected properties, we have identified a gene whose product is involved in the sizing of phage DNA during maturation. Characterization of this gene and its product provides an experimental access to the poorly understood mechanism of DNA sizing in packaging. The gene (gene 6 or siz) was cloned and sequenced. An open reading frame (ORF) coding for a 57.3 kDa polypeptide was identified. All the single nucleotide substitutions present in different siz mutants affect the net charge of that protein. The gene was further characterized by assignment of several nonsense mutations (sus) to the ORF. Phages carrying the latter type of mutations could be complemented in trans when gene 6 is provided by a plasmid.  相似文献   

The small subunit of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 terminase (G1P) forms a sequence-specific nucleoprotein complex with the SPP1 non-encapsidated end (pacL site) during initiation of DNA encapsidation. Gel mobility shift assay was used to study the G1P-pacL interaction. Distamycin, a minor groove binder that induces local distortion of the DNA, inhibits G1P-pacL complex formation. The competition of G1P with distamycin for DNA binding at the pacL site is independent of the order of addition of the reactants. Other minor groove binders, such as spermine or Hoechst 33258, which do not distort DNA, failed to compete with G1P for pacL DNA binding. Cationic metals, which generate a repertoire of DNA structures different from that caused by the minor groove binders, can partially reverse the distamycin-induced inhibition of G1P binding to pacL DNA. The major groove binder methyl green, which does not distort sequence-directed bending of pacL DNA, competes with G1P for binding at the pacL site. Our data suggest that the natural sequence-directed bend that exists within the pacL site is the architectural element that facilitates assembly of a nucleoprotein complex and hence initiation of DNA encapsidation by bacteriophage SPP1.  相似文献   

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