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We previously isolated a cDNA encoding the 60-kDa murine protein (RBP-J kappa protein) that specifically binds to the immunoglobulin J kappa recombination signal sequence. The RBP-J kappa gene is highly conserved in a wide variety of organisms including man, Xenopus, Drosophila, and yeast. We have isolated and characterized the Drosophila homologue of the RBP-J kappa gene. The Drosophila RBP-J kappa gene was mapped to the polytene region 35BC of chromosome 2. The nucleotide sequence of this gene indicates that it is not one of the known genes located in the 35 BC region. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the Drosophila and mouse RBP-J kappa genes are 60 and 75% homologous, respectively. The central 248-residue regions of RBP-J kappa proteins of the two species are 93% homologous and include the 40-residue integrase motif. The Drosophila RBP-J kappa protein expressed in COS cells bound to the J kappa recognition sequence with the same specificity as the murine counterpart. These results suggest that Drosophila may have a site-specific recombination system which utilizes the immunoglobulin recombination signal sequence. Implications for evolution of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement were also discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether J kappa recombination signal sequence (RS) binding protein (RBP-J kappa) has any partial catalytic activities involved in the VDJ recombination reaction, such as cleavage, ligation, and bending of DNA. Murine RBP-J kappa protein purified by J kappa-RS affinity chromatography did not show DNA cleavage activities but contained a strong DNA ligase activity. To obtain a large amount of purified RBP-J kappa protein, recombinant RBP-J kappa was synthesized in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein and also in silkworm cells. Although recombinant RBP-J kappa produced in silkworm cells could bind J kappa-RS, it failed to show either ligase or DNA bending activity. Since the DNA affinity-purified RBP-J kappa has the ligase activity, the RBP-J kappa protein may form a complex with a ligase in vivo. We have raised monoclonal antibodies against the RBP-J kappa fusion protein which was synthesized in E. coli and unable to bind J kappa-RS. Using the anti-RBP-J kappa monoclonal antibody we have shown that the RBP-J kappa protein is expressed ubiquitously in mammalian tissues. The ubiquitous expression of the RBP-J kappa protein is consistent with the hypothesis that the RBP-J kappa protein may have dual function [Furukawa et al. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 23334-23340].  相似文献   

The murine DNA binding protein Rc binds to the heptamer motif of the V(D)J recombination signal sequences and to the kappa B motif of the immunoglobulin enhancer. Bacterial fusion proteins for Rc and DNA ligands of Rc form multiple protein-DNA complexes in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA). Large complexes formation is favored by an increased Rc concentration. In order to determine the architecture of these complexes, the apparent molecular weights of the protein-DNA complexes were first determined by their gel mobilities. The data suggest that Rc binds to its DNA ligands as dimers, tetramers, and multiples of tetramers. The inference that Rc binds DNA as dimers was substantiated by the formation of chimeric complexes when two electrophoretically distinguishable Rc proteins were employed in EMSA. Methylation interference experiments show that there are no contiguous protein binding sites evident in the DNA of the larger complexes. Apparently, multimerization occurs via protein-protein interactions. Such interaction was demonstrated by the formation of Rc dimers and tetramers in a chemical crosslinking experiment. Significantly, the multimerization of DNA-bound Rc could be involved in bringing the variable region gene segments together for the somatic V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 5.5-kilobase segment of cloned mouse DNA which includes regions encoding two parts of the mouse kappa immunoglobulin gene: the J regions (amino acids 96-108 of the kappa chain) and the C region (residues 109-214). This sequence allows us to rule out interruptions in the germline constant region coding segment as well as the presence of additional functional J genes in the sequenced DNA segment, although two weak homologies to J regions have been found. The complete sequence also allows us to identify a single occurrence of the heptanucleotide palindrome thought to play a role in V/J joining. This palindrome, midway between J and C regions, is the site of aberrant joining in the plasmacytoma MPC11 and may be a target for such aberrant recombination of other kappa genes. In addition, computer analysis of the J sequences suggests that those closest to the C region arose by the most recent duplication event.  相似文献   

We previously identified a protein activity from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, OBF1, that bound specifically to a DNA element present in autonomously replicating sequences ARS120 and ARS121 (S. Eisenberg C. Civalier, and B. K. Tye, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:743-746, 1988). OBF1 has now been purified to near homogeneity by conventional protein and DNA affinity chromatography. Electrophoresis of the purified protein in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels revealed the presence of two polypeptides. The major protein band had a relative molecular size of 123 kilodaltons, and the minor protein band, which constituted only a small fraction of total protein, had a molecular size of 127 kilodaltons. Both polypeptides cochromatographed with the specific ARS120 DNA-binding activity and formed a stable protein-DNA complex, isolatable by sedimentation through sucrose gradients. Using antibodies, we have shown that both polypeptides are associated with the isolated protein-DNA complexes. The ARS DNA-binding activity had a Stokes radius of 54 A (5.4 nm) and a sedimentation coefficient of 4.28S, as determined by gel filtration and sedimentation through glycerol gradients, respectively. These physical parameters, together with the denatured molecular size values, suggested that the proteins exist in solution as asymmetric monomers. Since both polypeptides recognized identical sequences and had similar physical properties, they are probably related. In addition to binding to ARS120, we found that purified OBF1 bounds with equal affinity to ARS121 and with 5- and 10-fold-lower affinity to ARS1 and HMRE, respectively. Furthermore, in the accompanying paper (S. S. Walker, S. C. Francesconi, B. K. Tye, and S. Eisenberg, Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:2914-2921, 1989), we demonstrate the existence of a high, direct correlation between the ability of purify OBF1 to bind to ARS121 and optimal in vivo ARS121 activity as an origin of replication. These findings, taken together, suggest a role for OBF1 in ARS function, presumably at the level of initiation of DNA replication at the ARS.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn7 encodes five transposition genes tnsABCDE. We report a simple and rapid procedure for the purification of TnsC protein. We show that purified TnsC is active in and required for Tn7 transposition in a cell-free recombination system. This finding demonstrates that TnsC participates directly in Tn7 transposition and explains the requirement for tnsC function in Tn7 transposition. We have found that TnsC binds adenine nucleotides and is thus a likely site of action of the essential ATP cofactor in Tn7 transposition. We also report that TnsC binds non-specifically to DNA in the presence of ATP or the generally non-hydrolyzable analogues AMP-PNP and ATP-gamma-S, and that TnsC displays little affinity for DNA in the presence of ADP. We speculate that TnsC plays a central role in the selection of target DNA during Tn7 transposition.  相似文献   

We have purified TnsB, a transposition protein encoded by the bacterial transposon Tn7. The purification procedure involves three chromatographic steps (DNA-cellulose, norleucine-Sepharose, and phosphocellulose) and yields milligram quantities of highly purified protein. The apparent molecular mass of denatured TnsB protein is approximately 85 kDa. Gel filtration chromatography and sucrose gradient sedimentation studies indicate that in solution, native TnsB is a monomer of nonspherical shape. Using DNase I protection analysis, we established that TnsB is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that recognizes multiple sites in both ends of the transposon. The TnsB binding sites, three in the left end of Tn7 and four in the right end, are highly related in nucleotide sequence and are located in DNA segments that we have previously shown contain cis-acting sequences important for Tn7 transposition. Our results also show that one of the TnsB binding sites overlaps a proposed promoter for the transposition genes of Tn7. These studies suggest that the specific binding of TnsB to the ends of Tn7 mediates recombination and may also regulate the expression of Tn7-encoded transposition genes.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between transferred and chromosomal DNAs provides a means of introducing well-defined, predetermined changes in the chromosomal genes. Here we report that this approach can be used to specifically modify the immunoglobulin genes in mouse hybridoma cells. The test system is based on the Sp6 hybridoma, which synthesizes immunoglobulin M (kappa) specific for the hapten 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP). As recipient cells, we used the Sp6-derived mutant hybridoma igk14, which has a deletion of the kappa TNP gene and consequently does not synthesize TNP-specific immunoglobulin M. igk14 retains the mu TNP gene and two additional rearranged kappa genes, denoted kappa M21B1 and kappa M21G. As a transfer vector, we used pSV2neo bearing the functionally rearranged TNP-specific V kappa segment. Following DNA transfer by electroporation, we isolated rare transformants which produced normal amounts of the functional kappa TNP chain. Analysis of the DNA of these transformants indicated that in all cases, a functional kappa TNP gene had been formed as the result of a homologous integrative recombination event with the igk14 kappa M21B1 gene. These results suggest that homologous recombination might be used for mapping and introducing immunoglobulin gene mutations and for more conveniently engineering specifically altered immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

A cDNA from a B-cell library was previously isolated that encodes a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein with affinities for related sites in a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and kappa immunoglobulin gene enhancers. We report here approximately 6.5 kilobases of sequence of the MBP-1 (MHC enhancer binding protein 1) cDNA. MBP-1 protein has a molecular weight predicted to be greater than 200,000. A DNA-binding domain with high affinity for the MHC enhancer sequence TGGGGATTCCCCA was localized to an 118-amino-acid protein fragment containing two zinc fingers of the class Cys2-X12-His2. Analysis of expression of MBP-1 mRNA revealed relatively high expression in HeLa cells and in a human retinal cell line, with lower levels in Jurkat T cells and in two B-cell lines. Interestingly, expression of MBP-1 mRNA was inducible by mitogen and phorbol ester treatment of Jurkat T cells and by serum treatment of confluent serum-deprived human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

SET, the translocation breakpoint-encoded protein in acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL), is a 39-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein and has an inhibitory activity for protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). SET is fused to a putative oncoprotein, CAN/NUP214, in AUL and is thought to play a key role in leukemogenesis by its nuclear localization, protein-protein interactions and PP2A inhibitory activity. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA encoding a protein with 1542 amino-acid residues that specifically interacts in a yeast two-hybrid system as well as in human cells with SET. This new protein, which we name SEB (SET-binding protein), is identified as a 170-kDa protein by immunoprecipitation with a specific antibody and is localized predominantly in the nucleus. SEB1238--1434 is determined as a SET-binding region that specifically binds to SET182--223. SEB also has an oncoprotein Ski homologous region (amino acids 654--858), six PEST sequences and three sequential PPLPPPPP repeats at the C-terminus. SEB mRNA is expressed ubiquitously in all human adult tissues and cells examined. The SEB gene locus is assigned to the chromosome 18q21.1 that contains candidate tumor suppressor genes associated with deletions in cancer and leukemia. Although the function of SEB is not known, we propose that SEB plays a key role in the mechanism of SET-related leukemogenesis and tumorigenesis, perhaps by suppressing SET function or by regulating the transforming activity of Ski in the nucleus.  相似文献   

M J Hughes  H M Liang  J Jiricny  J P Jost 《Biochemistry》1989,28(23):9137-9142
A non-histone protein, NHP1, that binds with high affinity to the estrogen response element (ERE), GGTCAGCGTGACC, has been purified approximately 45,000-fold from HeLa cells by a combination of chromatography on Sephacryl S-300, heparin-Sepharose, Mono Q (FPLC), and sequence-specific oligonucleotide-Sepharose. The native protein has a molecular weight of 170,000 and is composed of two polypeptides of 85 and 75 kDa. The two polypeptides are different as judged by peptide mapping, and only the 85-kDa polypeptide can be cross-linked to the bromodeoxyuridine-substituted synthetic ERE by UV irradiation. The native protein binds to the ERE with an apparent KD of 1 x 10(-11) M and has a pI of 5. The contact points of the protein with individual bases of the ERE have been determined by using partially depurinated and depyrimidinated synthetic oligonucleotides. The strongest contact points of NHP1 with the ERE are 5'AGCG3' in the center of the palindrome and differ from those of the estrogen receptor. NHP1 appears to produce specific nicks around the central CpGs of the ERE, thereby suggesting that it may play a role in active demethylation of mCpGs.  相似文献   

A protein of Mr 94000 was isolated from detergent-solubilized bovine intestinal, liver and mammary-gland membranes. It binds immunoglobulin M and also undergoes proteolytic fragmentation in a similar manner to bovine secretory component (Mr 74000). The affinity-purified membrane protein is therefore most likely to be the bovine epithelial receptor for polymeric immunoglobulin. A structural model is proposed.  相似文献   

J F Hofmann  S M Gasser 《Cell》1991,64(5):951-960
We have identified a yeast protein that binds specifically to the ARS consensus sequence. By two-step chromatography we have purified the factor to apparent homogeneity as a single polypeptide of 67 kd. The purified ARS consensus-binding protein (ACBP) recognizes the ARS consensus of the four genomic ARS elements tested, binding preferentially to the T-rich single strand. Point mutations in the consensus significantly reduce the affinity of the single-strand binding. At the histone H4 ARS, ACBP recognizes both the perfect ARS consensus and a 9/11 match 3' of it. These two binding sites correlate with the boundaries of the minimal functional H4 ARS element. A similar configuration of binding sites is found at ARS1. We propose a model implicating this factor in an early step of the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Following intravenous administration to rats of the azo dye hepatocarcinogen 3'-methyl-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazo-[14C]benzene, 60-70% of the injected dose was recovered in bile in 2 h. Approximately 10% of bile radioactivity was trichloroacetic acid-precipitable, not extracted by n-butanol and non-dialyzable. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of bile followed by fluorography revealed two major and several minor proteins to which radiolabelled azo dye metabolites were bound; one of these major proteins (50 kDa) was purified from bile and shown to be homogeneous by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing (pI 7) under denaturing conditions and N-terminal analysis. The protein (MBP) comprises 15% of the total bile protein. Amino acid analysis revealed a preponderance of acidic and hydrophobic amino acids. The absorption spectrum of the native protein had a major peak at 280 nm and minor peaks at 345, 400, 600 and 650 nm. The fluorescence spectrum showed a major excitation maxima at 285 and 350 nm and corresponding emission maxima at 345 and 440 nm. Atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed 5 atoms of Cu per mol protein. Approximately 90% of the Cu was EPR silent. MBP did not react with antisera directed against rat serum IgA, albumin or ceruloplasmin; nor did these proteins react against antisera to MBP. Seven distinct peptide bands ranging from 5 to 18 kDa were obtained when MBP was subjected to CNBr cleavage and the digests were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The [14C]-Me-DAB derived radioactivity was present in only two of the peptides, indicating specific binding sites for azodye metabolites.  相似文献   

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