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The region of mitochondrial DNA corresponding to the intron mutant M6-200 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D273-10B has been isolated, and the nucleotide sequence of a 519 bp RsaI fragment has been determined. Three nucleotide substitutions were found at nucleotides +2650 (G----T), +2668 (G----A) and +2798 (A----G), all within the genetically defined location in the gene. Particular significance can be attributed to the first two changes (+2650 and +2668), that can be genetically isolated from the third substitution and, in addition, alter conserved sequence features detected in a study [(1982) Biochimie 64, 867-881] of fungal mitochondrial introns.  相似文献   

Initiator methionine tRNA from the cytoplasm of Neurospora crassa has been purified and sequenced. The sequence is: pAGCUGCAUm1GGCGCAGCGGAAGCGCM22GCY*GGGCUCAUt6AACCCGGAGm7GU (or D) - CACUCGAUCGm1AAACGAG*UUGCAGCUACCAOH. Similar to initiator tRNAs from the cytoplasm of other eukaryotes, this tRNA also contains the sequence -AUCG- instead of the usual -TphiCG (or A)- found in loop IV of other tRNAs. The sequence of the N. crassa cytoplasmic initiator tRNA is quite different from that of the corresponding mitochondrial initiator tRNA. Comparison of the sequence of N. crassa cytoplasmic initiator tRNA to those of yeast, wheat germ and vertebrate cytoplasmic initiator tRNA indicates that the sequences of the two fungal tRNAs are no more similar to each other than they are to those of other initiator tRNAs.  相似文献   

We have located and sequenced the gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit III (CoIII) in Neurospora crassa mitochondria. The CoIII gene is located downstream from the small rRNA gene within a cluster of tRNA genes and is coded by the same strand as the tRNA and the rRNA genes. Like the tRNA and the rRNA genes, the CoIII gene is also flanked by the GC-rich palindromic DNA sequences which are highly conserved in N. crassa mitochondria. The CoIII coding sequence predicts a protein 269 amino acids long including 8 tryptophan residues. All 8 tryptophan residues are coded for by UGA. This supports our previous conclusion based on the anticodon sequence of N. crassa mitochondrial tryptophan tRNA and provides evidence for the notion that use of UGA as a codon for tryptophan rather than chain termination may be a feature common to most mitochondrial protein synthesis systems. The close correspondence between the amino acid composition of N. crassa CoIII and that of the protein predicted by the CoIII gene sequence suggests that unlike in mammalian mitochondria, AUA is a codon for isoleucine and not for methionine in N. crassa mitochondria. The N. crassa CoIII sequence shows strong homologies to the corresponding yeast and human proteins (53 and 47%, respectively). The overall hydrophobic character of the protein is consistent with suggestions that most of CoIII is embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial DNA of the two interfertile algal species Chlamydomonas smithii and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are co-linear with the exception of ca. 1 kb insertion (the a insert) present in C. smithii DNA only. In vegetative diploids resulting from interspecific crosses, mitochondrial genomes are transmitted biparentally except for the a insert which is transmitted to all C. reinhardtii molecules in a manner reminiscent of the intron-mediated conversion event that occurs at the omega locus in yeast mitochondria, under the action of the I-SceI endonuclease. Here we report that the insert corresponds to a typical group I intron of 1075 bp, inserted within the gene for apocytochrome b and containing a 237 codon open reading frame (ORF). We also report the complete sequence of the apocytochrome b gene of C. smithii. Comparison with the sequence of the same gene in C. reinhardtii reveals the precise intron insertion site. These data, together with the previous genetic data provide the first example of intron mobility in mitochondria of the plant kingdom. The product of the intronic ORF shows 36% amino acid identity with the I-SceI endonuclease whereas the intron ribozyme shows a 60% identity at the nucleotide level with the Neurospora crassa cob · 1 intron. The possibility of a recent horizontal transfer of introns between fungi and algae is discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA complementary to the mRNA of the ADP/ATP carrier from Neurospora crassa was identified among ordered cDNA clones by hybridizing total polyadenylated RNA to pools of 96 cDNA recombinant plasmids and subsequent cell-free translation of hybridization-selected mRNA. Further carrier cDNAs were found by colony filter hybridization at a frequency of 0.2-0.3%. The gene of the carrier was cloned and isolated on a 4.6-kbp EcoRI fragment of total Neurospora DNA, and the start of the mRNA was determined by S1 nuclease mapping. From the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA and the genomic DNA, the primary structure of the gene, of the mRNA and of the ADP/ATP carrier protein could be deduced. The gene occurs in a single copy in the genome and related genes are absent. It contains two short introns, and a pyrimidine-rich promoter region. The mRNA has a 46-bp 5' end and a 219-bp 3' end. There is an open reading frame coding for the 313 amino acid residues of the Neurospora carrier protein. The amino acid sequence is homologous in 148 positions with the established primary structure of the beef heart carrier.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of 5S rRNA molecules isolated from the cytosol and the mitochondria of the ascomycetes A. nidulans and N. crassa were determined by partial chemical cleavage of 3'-terminally labelled RNA. The sequence identity of the cytosolic and mitochondrial RNA preparations confirms the absence of mitochondrion-specific 5S rRNA in these fungi. The sequences of the two organisms differ in 35 positions, and each sequence differs from yeast 5S rRNA in 44 positions. Both molecules contain the sequence GCUC in place of GAAC or GAUY found in all other 5S rRNAs, indicating that this region is not universally involved in base-pairing to the invariant GTpsiC sequence of tRNAs.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequence of intron 1 and flanking exons in the mitochondrial apocytochrome b gene of the Neurospora laboratory strain 74A and the natural isolate North Africa. In contrast to a previous report, we find that this intron contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 951 bases in frame with the upstream exon. The putative intron-encoded protein resembles those of other intron ORFs with respect to length, calculated isoelectric point, and proportion of basic, acidic, polar, and non-polar amino acids; however, no amino acid sequences resembling the "decapeptides" characteristic of maturase-like ORFs were found. Coupled with the previous finding that this intron is capable of self-splicing in vitro in the absence of proteins, the observations discussed here raise the possibility that other introns with long, in-frame ORFs may also be capable of RNA-catalyzed splicing in vitro.  相似文献   

Nucleotide degrading enzymes in Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Biogenesis of mitochondria requires import of several hundreds of different nuclear-encoded preproteins needed for mitochondrial structure and function. Import and sorting of these preproteins is a multistep process facilitated by complex proteinaceous machineries located in the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. The translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane, the TOM complex, comprises receptors which specifically recognize mitochondrial preproteins and a protein conducting channel formed by TOM40. The TOM complex is able to insert resident proteins into the outer membrane and to translocate proteins into the intermembrane space. For import of inner membrane or matrix proteins, the TOM complex cooperates with translocases of the inner membrane, the TIM complexes. During the past 30 years, intense research on fungi enabled the identification and mechanistic characterization of a number of different proteins involved in protein translocation. This review focuses on the contributions of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa to our current understanding of mitochondrial protein import, with special emphasis on the structure and function of the TOM complex.  相似文献   

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