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Sexual adhesion between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gametes elicits a rise in intracellular cAMP levels, and exogenous elevation of intracellular cAMP levels in gametes of a single mating type induces such mating responses as cell wall loss, flagellar tip activation, and mating structure activation (Pasquale, S. M., and U. W. Goodenough. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2279-2292). Here evidence is presented that sexual adhesion mobilizes agglutinin to the flagellar surface, and that this mobilization can be induced by exogenous presentation of cAMP to gametes of a single mating type. It is proposed that Chlamydomonas adhesion entails a positive feedback system--initial contacts stimulate the presentation of additional agglutinin--and that this feedback is mediated by adhesion-induced cAMP generation.  相似文献   

Adenylylcyclase activity in the flagella of gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was inhibited by prior incubation at or below 30 degrees C in the presence of ATP. This decrease did not occur in the absence of ATP, in the presence of the ATP analog 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (App(NH)p), or in the presence of ATP plus the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine (2 microM). If ATP treatment was performed in the absence of an ATP-regenerating system, activity initially declined and subsequently recovered. Incubation of flagella at 45 degrees C in the absence of ATP or incubation at lower temperatures in the presence of either App(NH)p or staurosporine both increased adenylylcyclase activity (over 10-fold) and blocked subsequent ATP-dependent loss of activity at 30 degrees C. This heat-induced activation was prevented by the presence of ATP plus an ATP-regenerating system. Incubation of flagella with [gamma-32P]ATP followed by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated the presence of endogenous protein kinase and protein phosphatase activities. These data suggest that the flagellar adenylylcyclase in Chlamydomonas gametes is inhibited by phosphorylation and stimulated by dephosphorylation. This mechanism for regulating adenylylcyclase may underlie the rapid increase in cyclic AMP that is induced by flagellar adhesion during fertilization in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Four genes specifically expressed during gametogenesis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been cloned and their expression patterns analyzed. mRNAs encoded by these gamete-specific genes (gas) were absent or present only at very low levels in vegetative cells and mature zygotes. In young zygotes 2 h after gamete fusion, the mRNAs of three gas genes still persisted. The gas mRNAs accumulated during gametic differentiation. The temporal patterns of accumulation of individual mRNAs differed; some started to increase early during gametogenesis, others accumulated in the late phase. The accumulation of one of the late mRNAs (gas28) was stricly light-dependent. To illustrate the utility of the genes cloned in the analysis of sexual differentiation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii we show that in a gametogenesis-defective mutant, the expression of late genes is prevented while that of early genes is normal.  相似文献   

Cells of the vertebrate neural crest (crest cells) are an invaluable model system to address cell fate specification. Crest cells are amenable to tissue culture, and they differentiate to a variety of neuronal and nonneuronal cell types. Earlier studies have determined that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP-2, -4, and -7) and agents that elevate intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulate the development of the sympathoadrenal (SA, adrenergic) lineage in neural crest cultures. To investigate whether interactive mechanisms between signaling pathways influence crest cell differentiation, we characterized the combinatorial effects of BMP-2 and cAMP-elevating agents on the development of quail trunk neural crest cells in primary culture. We report that the cAMP signaling pathway modulates both positive and negative signals influencing the development of SA cells. Specifically, we show that moderate activation of cAMP signaling promotes, in synergy with BMP-2, SA cell development and the expression of the SA lineage-determining gene Phox2a. By contrast, robust activation of cAMP signaling opposes, even in the presence of BMP-2, SA cell development and the expression of the SA lineage-determining ASH-1 and Phox2 genes. We conclude that cAMP signaling acts as a bimodal regulator of SA cell development in neural crest cultures.  相似文献   

Gametes of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii undergo sexual adhesion via enormous chimeric Hyp-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs), the plus and minus sexual agglutinins, that are displayed on their flagellar membrane surfaces. We have previously purified the agglutinins and analyzed their structural organization using electron microscopy. We report here the cloning and sequencing of the Sag1 and Sad1 genes that encode the two agglutinins and relate their derived amino acid sequences and predicted secondary structure to the morphology of the purified proteins. Both agglutinin proteins are organized into three distinct domains: a head, a shaft in a polyproline II configuration, and an N-terminal domain. The plus and minus heads are related in overall organization but poorly conserved in sequence except for two regions of predicted hydrophobic alpha-helix. The shafts contain numerous repeats of the PPSPX motif previously identified in Gp1, a cell wall HRGP. We propose that the head domains engage in autolectin associations with the distal termini of their own shafts and suggest ways that adhesion may involve head-head interactions, exolectin interactions between the heads and shafts of opposite type, and antiparallel shaft-shaft interactions mediated by carbohydrates displayed in polyproline II configurations.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP as an intraspheroidal differentiation signal in Volvox carteri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Gilles  R Moka  C Gilles  L Jaenicke 《FEBS letters》1985,184(2):309-312
The action of the macromolecular inducer glycoprotein on sexual reproduction in the green alga Volvox carteri can be modified by altering the external (intraspheroidal) cAMP concentration. Direct proof for the presence of cAMP in the spheroids is given. Protein binding assay and HPLC-fluorimetric analysis independently demonstrate the existence of cAMP in the matrix, cells, and culture medium. Its concentration is higher in sexual cultures, pointing to a transmitting function in sex induction. The presence in the matrix of other members of a protein phosphorylation system suggests an induction-specific signal cascade in this plant.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Gibberellin A7 and cyclic AMP increased mating efficiency of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii when the cells were treated during gametogenesis. No change in mating activity was observed when cells were treated with 5′-AMP. Actinomycin D inhibited both normal mating and gibberellin-stimulated mating.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplasts as protein factories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein-based therapeutics are the fastest growing sector of drug development, mainly because of the high sensitivity and specificity of these molecules. Their high specificity leads to few side effects and excellent success rates in drug development. However, the inherent complexity of these molecules restricts their synthesis to living cells, making recombinant proteins expensive to produce. In addition to therapeutic uses, recombinant proteins also have a variety of industrial applications and are important research reagents. Eukaryotic algae offer the potential to produce high yields of recombinant proteins more rapidly and at much lower cost than traditional cell culture. Additionally, transgenic algae can be grown in complete containment, reducing any risk of environmental contamination. This system might also be used for the oral delivery of therapeutic proteins, as green algae are edible and do not contain endotoxins or human viral or prion contaminants.  相似文献   

Seven naturally occurring furoquinoline alkaloids were investigated for their photobiological activity using arg-1 cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. UV-A-mediated toxicity of the compounds was calculated from the colony-forming ability of the treated cells. The UV-A-mediated mutagenicity was measured by counting the number of Arg+ revertants induced by the treatment. Dictamnine was found to be the strongest mutagen as well as the most toxic compound of the group. The mutagenic activities were measured as mutation frequencies at equal substance concentration and ranked in the following order: An increase in the number of substituents on the lateral aromatic nucleus greatly decreased the photomutagenicity. Except for evolitrine, a similar ranking order was found as reported for the dark mutagenicity of these compounds in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98. Based on the result that furoquinolines are able to intercalate into DNA, we assume that the different mutagenic potencies may reflect differences in the geometry of the intercalation complex, which is important for the subsequent photochemical reaction.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, basal bodies and their structural equivalents, centrioles, play essential roles. They are needed for the assembly of flagella or cilia as well as for cell division. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii provides an excellent model organism for the study of the basal body and centrioles. Genes for two new members of the tubulin superfamily are needed for basal body/centriole duplication. In addition, other genes that play roles in the duplication and segregation of basal bodies are discussed.  相似文献   

Gametogenesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been studied in mating-type plus cells utilizing several different culture conditions, all of which are shown to depend on the depletion of nitrogen from the medium, and the fine structure of gametes prepared under these conditions has been compared by using thin sections of fixed materials. We document alterations in ribosome levels, in chromatin morphology, in starch levels, in the organization of chloroplast membranes, and in the appearance of nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum membranes during gametogenesis. We also noted the acquisition of two new organelles: a mating structure (Friedman, L., A. L. Colwin, and L. H. Colwin. 1968. j. cell Sci. 3:115-128; goodenough, U. W., and R. L. Weiss. 1975. J. Cell Biol. 67:623-637), and Golgi-derived vesicles containing a homogeneous material. We chart the time course of these morphological changes during synchronous gametogenesis. We note that many of these changes may represent adjustments to nitrogen starvation rather than direct features of gametic differentiation, and we also document that cells can differentiate so that they survive conditions of nitrogen starvation for many weeks after they become gametes. We conclude that metabolic alterations, the acquisition of mating ability, and the preparation for long-term survival are all elicited in this organism by nitrogen withdrawal, and we discuss how the various structural alterations observed in this study may relate to these three interrelated avenues of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

When mt+ and mt gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiwere mixed, shedding of cell walls took place in both matingtypes during massive agglutination and/or pairing. This wascaused by a cell wall lytic factor that had been induced byflagellar agglutination and excreted into the medium by cellsconcurrently with their cell wall release. When glutaraldehyde-fixed gametes and isolated flagella of onemating type caused isoagglutination of live gametes of the othermating type, the live mt+ gametes induced the lytic factor andshed their walls, whereas none of the live mt did this.The cell walls of mt gametes were lost only when thelytic factor, which had been excreted by mt+ gametes into themedium, acted from the outside. These data imply that mt+ gametesare responsible for the induction of the lytic factor by agglutination,which acts on cell walls of both mating types either endogenouslyor exogenously. (Received February 28, 1978; )  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the mt- sexual agglutinin of Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes. Those that blocked the agglutination site were selected. They were divided into two classes dependent upon whether they gave a weak (class A) or clear positive (class B) reaction with mt- flagellar membranes in an ELISA and an indirect immunofluorescence test using glutaraldehyde-fixed mt- gametes. Class A antibodies were shown to be specific for the agglutinin in an extract of mt- gametes, based on results from immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, affinity chromatography, and the absence of a reaction with nonagglutinable cells. Surprisingly, class A mAbs also recognized two mt+ glycoproteins, one of which is the mt+ agglutinin. Class B antibodies were shown to bind to several glycoproteins in both mt- and mt+ gametes, including the mt- agglutinin. Fab fragments from class A mAbs blocked the sexual agglutination process, but those from class B did not, even though the parent antibody did. We conclude that the class A epitope lies in or close to the agglutination site of the mt- agglutinin, whereas the class B epitope lies elsewhere on the molecule. We also conclude that the mt- agglutinin is the only component on the mt- flagellar surface directly involved in agglutination. Class A mAbs were found to elicit several reactions displayed by the mt+ agglutinin. They bound to the mt- agglutinin on gamete flagella and induced most of the reactions typical of sexual agglutination, with the exception of flagellar tip activation. None of these reactions was induced by Fab fragments. High concentrations of class A mAbs completely repressed the sexual competence of live mt- gametes, but low concentrations stimulated cell fusion.  相似文献   

A purified fraction of unstacked thylakoid membranes (TMF1u) has been obtained from homogenates of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (wild type 137+) by using repeated centrifugates in sucrose density gradients and low salt treatment. The contaminants of the fraction are reduced to a few mitochondria (approximately 3% of the total mitochondrial population), a few osmiophilic granules, and fragments of chloroplast envelopes. By SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the polypeptide components of TMF1u were resolved into at least 30 bands. To determine the relative rates of assembly of newly synthesized polypeptides into thylakoid membranes, synchronized algal cells were doubly labeled in vivo with L-[14C] and L-[3H]arginine--used for long- and short-term labeling, respectively. TMF1u's were isolated from the labeled cells at selected time points during the cycle and the distribution of radioactivity was assayed in the gel electrophoretograms of their solubilized polypeptides. Incorporation of newly synthesized polypeptides into the bands of the gels was found to occur continuously but differentially throughout the cycle. Maximal rates of incorporation for the majority of the polypeptides were detected shortly after cell division (6D-7D; equivalent to early G1 phase). The rates of radioactive labeling decreased gradually to a low level at the end of the dark period and then rose slightly at the beginning of the next light period. The findings suggest that, in addition to the light/dark control postulated in the past, assembly of newly synthesized proteins into thylakoid membranes is activated by signals at work in the early G1 phase.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been used as an experimental model organism for circadian rhythm research for more than 30 yr. Some of the physiological rhythms of this alga are well established, and several clock mutants have been isolated. The cloning of clock genes from these mutant strains by positional cloning is under way and should give new insights into the mechanism of the circadian clock. In a spectacular space experiment, the question of the existence of an endogenous clock vs. an exogenous mechanism has been studied in this organism. With the emergence of molecular analysis of circadian rhythms in plants in 1985, a circadian gene expression pattern of several nuclear and chloroplast genes was detected. Evidence is now accumulating that shows circadian control at the translational level. In addition, the gating of the cell cycle by the circadian clock has been analyzed. This review focuses on the different aspects of circadian rhythm research in C. reinhardtii over the past 30 yr. The suitability of Chlamydomonas as a model system in chronobiology research and the adaptive significance of the observed rhythms will be discussed.  相似文献   

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