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The nucleocapsid protein NCp7 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is characterized by two highly conserved CCHC motifs that bind Zn2+ strongly. To elucidate the striking pH-dependence of the apparent Zn2+-binding constants of these motifs further, we investigated, using 1H NMR, potentiometry and fluorescence spectroscopy, the acid-base properties of the four Zn2+-coordinating residues of (35-50)NCp7, a peptide corresponding to the distal finger motif of NCp7. With the exception of the H(beta2) proton of Cys39, the pH-dependence of the H(beta) proton resonances of the three Cys residues and, the H(delta) and H(epsilon) resonances of His44 in the apopeptide could be fitted adequately with a single pK(a). This suggests that the protonating groups are non-interacting, a feature that was confirmed by a potentiometric titration. The pK(a) of His44, Cys36, Cys39, and Cys49 in the apopeptide were found to be 6.4, 8.0, 8.8 and 9.3, respectively. Accordingly, the deprotonation is almost sequential and may thus induce a sequential binding of Zn2+ to the four coordinating residues. The high pK(a) of Cys49 is probably related to the negative charge of the neighboring Asp48. Such a high pK(a) may be a general feature in nucleocapsid proteins (NCs), since an acidic residue generally occupies the (i-1) position of the C-terminal Cys residue of single-finger NCs and distal finger motifs in two-finger NCs. Molecular dynamics simulation suggested the formation of a hydrogen bonded network that weakly structured the Cys36-Cys39 segment in the apopeptide. This network depends on the protonation state of Cys36 and may thus explain the biphasic behavior of the pH-dependence of the Cys39 H(beta2) resonance. Finally, the pK(a) values were used to build up a model describing the coordination of Zn2+ to (35-50)NCp7 at equilibrium. It appears that each protonation step of the coordination complex decreases the Zn2+-binding constant by about four orders of magnitude and that a significant dissociation of Zn2+ from the holopeptide can be achieved in acidic cell compartments.  相似文献   

Bombarda E  Roques BP  Mély Y  Grell E 《Biochemistry》2005,44(19):7315-7325
The kinetics of Zn(2+) binding by two point-mutated forms of the HIV-1 NCp7 C-terminal zinc finger, each containing tridentate binding motif HCC [Ser49(35-50)NCp7] or CCC [Ala44(35-50)NCp7], has been studied by stopped-flow spectrofluorimetry. Both the formation and dissociation rate constants of the complexes between Zn(2+) and the two model peptides depend on pH. The results are interpreted on the basis of a multistep reaction model involving three Zn(2+) binding paths due to three deprotonated states of the coordinating motif, acting as monodentate, bidentate, and tridentate ligands. For Ser49(35-50)NCp7 around neutral pH, binding preferentially occurs via the deprotonated Cys36 in the bidentate state also involving His44. The binding rate constants for the monodentate and bidentate states are 1 x 10(6) and 3.9 x 10(7) M(-)(1) s(-)(1), respectively. For Ala44(35-50)NCp7, intermolecular Zn(2+) binding predominantly occurs via the deprotonated Cys36 in the monodentate state with a rate constant of 3.6 x 10(7) M(-)(1) s(-)(1). In both mutants, the final state of the Zn(2+) complex is reached by subsequent stepwise ligand deprotonation and intramolecular substitution of coordinated water molecules. The rate constants for the intermolecular binding paths of the bidentate and tridentate states of Ala44(35-50)NCp7 and of the tridentate state of Ser49(35-50)NCp7 are much smaller than expected according to electrostatic considerations. This is attributed to conformational constraints required to achieve proper metal coordination during folding. The dissociation of Zn(2+) from both peptides is again characterized by a multistep process and takes place fastest via the protonated Zn(2+)-bound bidentate and monodentate states, with rate constants of approximately 0.3 and approximately 10(3) s(-)(1), respectively, for Ser49(35-50)NCp7 and approximately 4 x 10(-)(3) and approximately 500 s(-)(1), respectively, for Ala44(35-50)NCp7.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and computational methods were employed for the structure determination of an 18-residue peptide with the amino acid sequence of the C-terminal retroviral-type (r.t.) zinc finger domain from the nucleocapsid protein (NCP) of HIV-1 [Zn(HIV1-F2)]. Unlike results obtained for the first retroviral-type zinc finger peptide, Zn(HIV1-F1), [Summers et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 329], broad signals indicative of conformational lability were observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Zn-(HIV1-F2) at 25 degrees C. The NMR signals narrowed upon cooling to -2 degrees C, enabling complete 1H NMR signal assignment via standard two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods. Distance restraints obtained from qualitative analysis of 2D nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data were used to generate 30 distance geometry (DG) structures with penalties (penalty = sum of the squared differences between interatomic distances defined in the restraints file and in the DG structures) in the range 0.02-0.03 A2. All structures were qualitatively consistent with the experimental NOESY spectrum based on comparisons with 2D NOESY back-calculated spectra. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) for residues C(1)-C(14) gave pairwise RMSD values in the range 0.16-0.75 A. The folding of Zn(HIV1-F2) is very similar to that observed for Zn(HIV1-F1). Small differences observed between the two finger domains are localized to residues between His(9) and Cys(14), with residues M(11)-C(14) forming a 3(10) helical corner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) contains two highly conserved CCHC zinc fingers that strongly bind Zn(2+) through coordination of one His and three Cys residues. It has been suggested that NCp7 function is conformation specific since substitution of any of the zinc coordinating residues in the zinc finger motifs leads to subsequent loss of viral infectivity. To further determine the structural requirements necessary for this specific conformation, we investigated by (1)H 2D NMR and molecular dynamics simulations the structure of the distal finger motif of NCp7 in which the zinc coordinating amino acid, His 44, was substituted by a noncoordinating Ala residue. While the fold of the N-terminal part of this mutated peptide was similar to that of the native peptide, an increased lability and significant conformational changes were observed in the vicinity of the His-to-Ala mutation. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations suggested a mechanism by which the variant peptide can bind zinc ion even though one zinc-coordinating amino acid was lacking. Using the fluorescence of the naturally occurring Trp37 residue, the binding affinity of the variant peptide to the (TG)(3) model oligonucleotide was found to be decreased by about 2 orders of magnitude with respect with the native peptide. Modeling of the DNA:NCp7 complex using structures of the variant peptide suggests that the residues forming a hydrophobic cleft in the native protein are improperly oriented for efficient DNA binding by the variant peptide.  相似文献   

The two highly conserved Zn(2+) finger motifs of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein, NCp7, strongly bind Zn(2+) through coordination of one His and three Cys residues. To further analyze the role of these residues, we investigated the Zn(2+) binding and acid-base properties of four single-point mutants of a short peptide corresponding to the distal finger motif of NCp7. In each mutant, one Zn(2+)-coordinating residue is substituted with a noncoordinating one. Using the spectroscopic properties of Co(2+), we first establish that the four mutants retain their ability to bind a metal cation through a four- or five-coordinate geometry with the vacant ligand position(s) presumably occupied by water molecule(s). Moreover, the pK(a) values of the three Cys residues of the mutant apopeptide where His44 is substituted with Ala are found by (1)H NMR to be similar to those of the native peptide, suggesting that the mutations do not affect the acid-base properties of the Zn(2+)-coordinating residues. The binding of Zn(2+) was monitored by using the fluorescence of Trp37 as an intrinsic probe. At pH 7.5, the apparent Zn(2+) binding constants (between 1.6 x 10(8) and 1.3 x 10(10) M(-)(1)) of the four mutants are strongly reduced compared to those of the native peptide but are similar to those of various host Zn(2+) binding proteins. As a consequence, the loss of viral infectivity following the mutation of one Zn(2+)-coordinating residue in vivo may not be related to the total loss of Zn(2+) binding. The pH dependence of Zn(2+) binding indicates that the coordinating residues bind Zn(2+) stepwise and that the free energy provided by the binding of a given residue may be modulated by the entropic contribution of the residues already bound to Zn(2+). Finally, the pK(a) of Cys49 in the holopeptide is found to be 5.0, a value that is at least 0.7 unit higher than those for the other Zn(2+)-coordinating residues. This implies that Cys49 may act as a switch for Zn(2+) dissociation in the distal finger motif of NCp7, a feature that may contribute to the high susceptibility of Cys49 to electrophilic attack.  相似文献   

Anti-HIV-1 drug design has been notably challenging due to the virus’ ability to mutate and develop immunity against commercially available drugs. The aims of this project were to develop a series of fleximer base analogues that not only possess inherent flexibility that can remain active when faced with binding site mutations, but also target a non-canonical, highly conserved target: the nucleocapsid protein of HIV (NC). The compounds were predicted by computational studies not to function via zinc ejection, which would endow them with significant advantages over non-specific and thus toxic zinc-ejectors. The target fleximer bases were synthesized using palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling techniques and subsequently tested against NC and HIV-1. The results of those studies are described herein.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) protein NCp7 of the immunodeficiency virus type 1 is a small basic protein with two zinc finger motifs. NCp7 has key roles in virus replication and structure, which rely on its interactions with nucleic acids. Although most interactions involve RNAs, binding to the viral DNA is thought to be of importance to achieve protection of the DNA against cellular nucleases and its integration into the host genome. We investigated the interaction of NCp7 with plasmid DNA as a model system. The fluorescence probe YOYO-1 was used as the reporter. Binding of NCp7 to DNA caused DNA condensation, as inferred from the dramatic decrease in YOYO-1 fluorescence. Efficient condensation of DNA required the full length NCp7 with the zinc fingers. The fingerless peptide was less efficient in condensing DNA. Binding of both these NC peptides led to freezing of the segmental dynamics of DNA as revealed by anisotropy decay kinetics of YOYO-1. The truncated peptide NC(12–55) which retains the zinc fingers did not lead to DNA condensation despite its ability to bind and partially freeze the segmental motion of DNA. We propose that the histone-like property of NCp7 leading to DNA condensation contributes to viral DNA stability, in vivo.  相似文献   

Rothman JE  Schekman R 《Cell》2011,146(6):851-854
F.-Ulrich Hartl and Arthur Horwich will share this year's Lasker Basic Medical Science Award for the discovery of the cell's protein-folding machinery, exemplified by cage-like structures that convert newly synthesized proteins into their biologically active forms. Their fundamental findings reveal mechanisms that operate in normal physiologic processes and help to explain the problems that arise in diseases of protein folding.  相似文献   

An 18-residue peptide (NC-F1) with an amino acid sequence corresponding to the N-terminal zinc finger of human immunodeficiency virus-1 nucleocapsid protein has been shown to bind to nucleic acids by fluorescence and NMR methods. Previously, this peptide has been shown to fold into a defined structure when bound to zinc (Summers et al., 1990). We have used a fluorescent polynucleotide, poly(ethenoadenylic acid), to monitor binding of this peptide to nucleic acids. In the presence of zinc, the peptide had a smaller site size (1.75 nucleotide residues/peptide) than in the absence of the metal ion (2.75). The salt sensitivity of the interaction indicated that two ion pairs are involved in the association of Zn2+ (NC-F1) with polynucleotide, whereas one ion pair is found in the metal-free peptide-nucleic acid complex. Competition experiments with single-stranded DNA (ss DNA) in either the presence or absence of Zn2+ showed that the peptide bound to ss DNA. Using NMR methods, we monitored the binding of a synthetic oligonucleotide, d(TTTGGTTT), to Zn(NC-F1). The hydrophobic residues F2 and I10, which are on the surface of the peptide and have been implicated in viral RNA recognition, were shown to interact with the oligomer. In accord with this observation, analysis of the salt dependence of the polynucleotide-peptide interaction indicates a nonelectrostatic component of about -6 kcal/mol, a value consistent with theoretical estimates of stacking energies of phenylalanine with nucleic acid bases.  相似文献   

Unfolding of DNA quadruplexes induced by HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone that catalyzes the rearrangement of nucleic acids into their thermodynamically most stable structures. In the present study, a combination of optical and thermodynamic techniques were used to characterize the influence of NC on the secondary structure, thermal stability and energetics of monomolecular DNA quadruplexes formed by the sequence d(GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG) in the presence of K+ or Sr2+. Circular dichroism studies demonstrate that NC effectively unfolds the quadruplexes. Studies carried out with NC variants suggest that destabilization is mediated by the zinc fingers of NC. Calorimetric studies reveal that NC destabilization is enthalpic in origin, probably owing to unstacking of the G-quartets upon protein binding. In contrast, parallel studies performed on a related DNA duplex reveal that under conditions where NC readily destabilizes and unfolds the quadruplexes, its effect on the DNA duplex is much less pronounced. The differences in NC's ability to destabilize quadruplex versus duplex is in accordance with the higher ΔG of melting for the latter, and with the inverse correlation between nucleic acid stability and the destabilizing activity of NC.  相似文献   

A unimolecular oligonucleotide switch, termed here an AlloSwitch, binds the mature HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein, NCp7. This switch can be used as an indicator for the presence of free NCp7 and NC domains in precursor and fusion proteins. It is thermodynamically stable in two conformations, H and O. A FRET pair is covalently attached to the strands to report on the molecular state of the switch. The results show that NC has an affinity for O 170 times higher than its affinity for H and that in the absence of NC the equilibrium ratio K1 = [O]/[H] = 0.10 +/- 0.03 for the switch sequence reported here. The change between the two states happens on a rapid kinetic time scale. A framework is introduced to aid in the design of AlloSwitches aimed at other targets. A high-affinity probe segment must be available to bind the target in the O-form, while a cover segment hides the probe in H. A key is adjusting the cover sequence to favor the H-form by a factor of 10-1000. This affords a robust response to small changes in target concentration, while saturation produces more than 90% of the maximal change in fluorescence. When a competitor displaces the switch from the NC-O complex, the released switch reverts to the H-form. This is the basis for a mix-and-read strategy for high-throughput screening of anti-nucleocapsid drug candidates that is much simpler to execute than traditional assays that require immobilization and washing steps.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes a heterotrimeric helicase-primase complex that is composed of the products of the UL5, UL52, and UL8 genes. A subcomplex consisting of the UL5 and UL52 proteins retains all the enzymatic activities exhibited by the holoenzyme in vitro. The UL52 protein contains a putative zinc finger at its C terminus which is highly conserved among both prokaryotic and eukaryotic primases. We constructed a mutation in which two highly conserved cysteine residues in the zinc finger motif were replaced with alanine residues. A UL52 expression plasmid containing the mutation in the zinc finger region is unable to support the growth of a UL52 mutant virus in a transient complementation assay. Wild type and mutant UL5.UL52 subcomplexes were purified from insect cells infected with recombinant baculoviruses. Surprisingly, the mutant protein was severely affected in all biochemical activities tested; no helicase or primase activities could be detected, and the mutant protein retains only about 9% of wild type levels of single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Gel mobility shift assays showed that DNA binding is severely affected as well; the mutant subcomplex only retains approximately 8% of wild type levels of binding to a forked substrate. On the other hand, the mutant protein retains its ability to interact with UL5 as indicated by copurification and with UL8 as indicated by a supershifted band in the gel mobility shift assay. In addition, the ability of individual subunits to bind single-stranded DNA was examined by photo cross-linking. In the wild type UL5.UL52 subcomplex, both subunits are able to bind an 18-mer of oligo(dT). The mutant subcomplex was severely compromised in the ability of both UL5 and UL52 to bind the oligonucleotide; total cross-linking was only 2% of wild type levels. These results are consistent with the proposal that the putative zinc binding motif of UL52 is required not only for binding of the UL52 subunit to DNA and for primase activity but also for optimal binding of UL5 to DNA and for the subsequent ATPase and helicase activities.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein (NC) plays an important role in HIV-1, mainly through interactions with the genomic RNA and its DNA copies. Though the structures of several complexes of NC with oligonucleotides (ODNs) are known, detailed information on the ODN dynamics in the complexes is missing. To address this, we investigated the steady state and time-resolved fluorescence properties of 2-aminopurine (2Ap), a fluorescent adenine analog introduced at positions 2 and 5 of AACGCC and AATGCC sequences. In the absence of NC, 2Ap fluorescence was strongly quenched in the flexible ODNs, mainly through picosecond to nanosecond dynamic quenching by its neighboring bases. NC strongly restricted the ODN flexibility and 2Ap local mobility, impeding the collisions of 2Ap with its neighbors and thus, reducing its dynamic quenching. Phe16→Ala and Trp37→Leu mutations largely decreased the ability of NC to affect the local dynamics of 2Ap at positions 2 and 5, respectively, while a fingerless NC was totally ineffective. The restriction of 2Ap local mobility was thus associated with the NC hydrophobic platform at the top of the folded fingers. Since this platform supports the NC chaperone properties, the restriction of the local mobility of the bases is likely a mechanistic component of these properties.  相似文献   

Storjohann L  Holst B  Schwartz TW 《FEBS letters》2008,582(17):2583-2588
Ala substitution of potential metal-ion binding residues in the main ligand-binding pocket of the Zn2+-activated G protein-coupled receptor 39 (GPR39) receptor did not decrease Zn2+ potency. In contrast, Zn2+ stimulation was eliminated by combined substitution of His17 and His19, located in the N-terminal segment. Surprisingly, substitution of Asp313 located in extracellular loop 3 greatly increased ligand-independent signaling and apparently eliminated Zn2+-induced activation. It is proposed that Zn2+ acts as an agonist for GPR39, not in the classical manner by directly stabilizing an active conformation of the transmembrane domain, but instead by binding to His17 and His19 in the extracellular domain and potentially by diverting Asp313 from functioning as a tethered inverse agonist through engaging this residue in a tridentate metal-ion binding site.  相似文献   

A high affinity binding site for the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV-1 is a small zinc finger protein that contributes to multiple steps of the viral life cycle, including the proper encapsidation of HIV RNA. This is accomplished through an interaction between NC and a region at the 5'-end of the RNA, defined as the Psi element. However, the specificity of NC for Psi or for RNA in general is not well understood. To study this problem, we used SELEX to identify high affinity RNA ligands that bind to NC. A 'winner' molecule (SelPsi), as well as a subregion of Psi RNA, were further characterized to understand the interaction between NC and SelPsi and its relationship to the interaction between NC and Psi. The comparison makes predictions about the sequence and structure of a high affinity binding site within the HIV-1 Psi element.  相似文献   

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