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The effect of chlorine on β- D- galactosidase activity of sewage bacteria and Escherichia coli was studied. β- D- galactosidase activity of sewage was more resistant to chlorine than faecal coliform cultivability. At low initial dosage (0·05 mg Cl2 l−1) neither cultivability (colony-forming units (cfu)), nor enzyme activity of E. coli suspensions were severely impaired. When initial chlorine concentration was increased to 0·1 mg Cl2 l−1, the cfu number decreased whereas enzyme activity remained high, i.e. the enzyme activity calculated cfu−1 increased. At higher chlorine doses both cfu and enzyme activity were reduced, but non-cultivable cells retained assayable activity after chlorination. Mean values of the enzyme activity calculated cfu−1 decreased when the chlorine dosage was increased from 0·1 to 0·5 mg Cl2 l−1, but were not significantly different ( P > 0·05) for dosages of 0·2–0·7 mg Cl2 l−1. After chlorination, β- D- galactosidase activity of E. coli was less reduced than cfu and direct viable count numbers, but more reduced than 5-cyano-2-3, ditolyl tetrazolium chloride and total cell counts, and the enzyme activity represented an alternative activity parameter of chlorinated samples.  相似文献   

One Escherichia coli and two F lac + Salmonella strains were carbon and nitrogen stressed at 37°C over 35 days in the presence or absence of chloramphenicol; the number, activity and culturability of cells in the resultant populations were studied. Active cells were enumerated by fluorescence microscopy after treatment with the lac inducer IPTG and cytological assay for β-galactosidase. In all experiments, active and total cell counts remained within a three-fold range of each other and their initial values, while culturability fell by >108-fold and 103-fold in chloramphenicol-treated and untreated preparations, respectively. Quantitative image analysis revealed different distributions of cell-specific fluorescence and indicated a progressive decline in the levels of induced enzyme activity in both E. coli and Salmonella enteritidis . It was concluded that the non-culturable cells studied retained inducible enzyme activity and that this activity did not result from a starvation-induced programme of gene expression. Whether or not such active but non-culturable cells are viable, they are clearly responsive and have the potential to influence their environment. The assay described can be applied to heterogeneous populations and environments and shows considerable potential for the study of gene expression at the single cell level.  相似文献   

C.M. DAVIES, S.C. APTE AND S.M. PETERSON. 1995. An investigation into possible interferences in β-D-galactosidase-based assays for coliform bacteria in marine waters was carried out. A rapid instrumental fluorescence assay for β-D-galactosidase activity, using 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-galactosidase as a substrate, was used to investigate activities of this enzyme in non-coliform bacterial isolates from coastal waters. Only 2% of isolates showed slight enzyme activity after a 1-h incubation period at 44.5βC. At a lower incubation temperature of 20βC, 51% and 94% of the isolates showed some enzyme activity within 6 h and 48 h, respectively. Fifty-nine out of 67 of these isolates were identified as Vibrio species. A lac+ strain of Vibrio vulnificus was found to produce β-D-galactosidase which caused significant false-positive reactions in the Colilert-Marine Water assay when present at concentrations of 10 cfu ml−1 or greater. This interference could be overcome by addition of the vibriostatic agent O/129. The high fluorescence of this reagent, however, precluded the simultaneous determination of Escherichia coli in the Colilert test and also its use in instrumental fluorescence assays. It was concluded that in assays employing high temperatures and short incubation times, Vibrio species are unlikely to cause significant interferences.  相似文献   

While the decrease of the β-glucuronidase activity of sonicated cells of Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli was obvious for sodium deoxycholate (DC), it was not so obvious for other bile salts (sodium glycocholate and sodium cholate). The enzyme activity of intact cells of these bacteria was significantly enhanced by the presence of DC, but not by the other bile salts in the buffer. These results suggest that the permeability of the bacterial cells is increased more by the presence of DC than by other bile salts.  相似文献   

The effect of u.v. light irradiation and two other types of stress (heat and starvation) on cellular functions of Escherichia coli have been studied. The severe reduction of the culturable cell number (cfu) and the direct viable count (DVC) after exposure to moderate u.v. light doses (48 mWs cm-2), was not reflected by the dehydrogenase activity (5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC)-positive cells), the membrane integrity (SYTOX Green-negative cells), the membrane potential (bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol (DiBAC4[3]) (OXONOL)-negative cells), and the beta-D-galactosidase activity. All parameters were affected by high u.v. light doses. Cellular activities (CTC, SYTOX, OXONOL, beta-D-galactosidase activity) were intact in non-culturable cells with presumably severe damage to DNA, and the activities seemed not to be appropriate for detection of viable E. coli after u.v. light irradiation. Heating for 20-30 min at 63 degrees C was required to cause a severe loss of the beta-D-galactosidase activity and the numbers of CTC-positive, SYTOX Green-negative or OXONOL-negative cells. A large portion (> or = 38%) of pre-irradiated (190 mWs cm-2) cells maintained their ability to reduce CTC and exclude SYTOX Green and OXONOL after 51 d of starvation (dark, 7 degrees C) in phosphate-buffered saline.  相似文献   

细菌有活力但不可培养状态及其机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有活力但不可培养(viable but non-culturable,VBNC)状态是细菌遭遇逆境时进入的一种特殊状态,该状态下的菌体在条件适宜时可复苏并恢复其致病性,被认为是细菌躲避不良环境的一种生存策略。VBNC状态菌体对人类医学和工农业生产具有巨大的潜在威胁,开展关于VBNC状态的检测及诱导、复苏及其机制研究可为减少或避免该状态细菌的危害提供理论基础。本文简要综述了细菌VBNC状态在诱导、复苏及致病性等方面的研究进展,并结合本实验室及国内外相关团队近年来在植物病原细菌VBNC状态研究中的结果,详细总结了VBNC状态细菌的形成和复苏机制,对植物病原细菌在环境胁迫下的存活机制、病害田间初侵染来源分析及VBNC状态菌体在病害循环中的作用等相关研究具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: The regional distributions of the G protein β subunits (Gβ1–β5) and of the Gγ3 subunit were examined by immunohistochemical methods in the adult rat brain. In general, the Gβ and Gγ3 subunits were widely distributed throughout the brain, with most regions containing several Gβ subunits within their neuronal networks. The olfactory bulb, neocortex, hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem exhibited light to intense Gβ immunostaining. Negative immunostaining was observed in cortical layer I for Gβ1 and layer IV for Gβ4. The hippocampal dentate granular and CA1–CA3 pyramidal cells displayed little or no positive immunostaining for Gβ2 or Gβ4. No anti-Gβ4 immunostaining was observed in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra or in the cerebellar granule cell layer and Purkinje cells. Immunoreactivity for Gβ1 was absent from the cerebellar molecular layer, and Gβ2 was not detected in the Purkinje cells. No positive Gγ3 immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral habenula, lateral septal nucleus, or Purkinje cells. Double-fluorescence immunostaining with anti-Gγ3 antibody and individual anti-Gβ1–β5 antibodies displayed regional selectivity with Gβ1 (cortical layers V–VI) and Gβ2 (cortical layer I). In conclusion, despite the widespread overlapping distributions of Gβ1–β5 with Gγ3, specific dimeric associations in situ were observed within discrete brain regions.  相似文献   

T. FUJISAWA AND M. MORI. 1996. The β-glucuronidase activity of intact cells of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was increased in the presence of bile salts. In contrast, bile salts had inhibitory effects on the activity of β-glucuronidase extracted from the lysed cells. These results suggest that the permeability of the bacterial cells is increased by the presence of bile salts, and that bile salts may significantly enhance bacterial β-glucuronidase activity in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

A conventional plate count is the most commonly employed method to estimate the number of living bacteria in environmental samples. In fact, judging the level of viable culture by plate count is limited, because it is often several orders of magnitude less than the number of living bacteria actually present. Most of the bacteria are in “viable but non-culturable” (VBNC) state, whose cells are intact and alive and can resuscitate when surrounding conditions are more favorable. The most exciting recent development in resuscitating VBNC bacteria is a bacterial cytokine, namely, the resuscitation-promoting factor (Rpf), secreted by Micrococcus luteus, which promotes the resuscitation and growth of high G+C Gram-positive organisms, including some species of the genus Mycobacterium. However, most of studies deal with VBNC bacteria only from the point of view of medicine and epidemiology. It is therefore of great significance to research whether these VBNC state bacteria also possess some useful environmental capabilities, such as degradation, flocculation, etc. Further studies are needed to elucidate the possible environmental role of the VBNC bacteria, rather than only considering their role as potential pathogens from the point view of epidemiology and public health. We have studied the resuscitation of these VBNC bacteria in polluted environments by adding culture supernatant containing Rpf from M. luteus, and it was found that, as a huge microbial resource, VBNC bacteria could provide important answers to dealing with existing problems of environmental pollution. This mini-review will provide new insight for considering the potentially environmental functions of VBNC bacteria.  相似文献   

Killing of wild-type spores of Bacillus subtilis with formaldehyde also caused significant mutagenesis; spores (termed αβ) lacking the two major α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) were more sensitive to both formaldehyde killing and mutagenesis. A recA mutation sensitized both wild-type and αβ spores to formaldehyde treatment, which caused significant expression of a recA - lacZ fusion when the treated spores germinated. Formaldehyde also caused protein–DNA cross-linking in both wild-type and αβ spores. These results indicate that: (i) formaldehyde kills B. subtilis spores at least in part by DNA damage and (b) α/β-type SASP protect against spore killing by formaldehyde, presumably by protecting spore DNA.  相似文献   

The evidence accumulated to date indicates that 1,3-β-glucan synthase (EC and 1,4-β-glucan synthase (EC are regulated by different effectors. Further that the same synthase has different effectors, depending upon its presence in green plants, fungi, and bacteria. Synthases from plants require divalent cations and β-linked glucosides whereas fungal enzymes require neither cations nor β-glucosides, but most require nucleoside triphosphates for activation. Two endogenous effectors have been characterized and shown to produce activation in vitro. One is 3',5'-cyclic diguanylic acid that is the activator of cellulose synthase in bacteria. The other is a β-linked glucosyl dioleoyl diglyceride from mung bean, capable of activating synthases that produce both β-(1–3) and β-(1–4) products. The results of product analysis of the β-linked glucoside activated reaction suggest that the synthesis of (1–3) and (1–4) glucosyl linkages may share a common enzyme in plants. All synthases utilize uridine 5'-diphosphoglucose (UDPG) and are associated with the plasma membrane. Efforts to solubilize the synthases from cellular fractions enriched in plasma membranes have been generally successful. The purification of the soluble enzymes, however, remains a major obstacle to the full understanding of their regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the problems faced when using heterologous expression systems to study receptors is that the pharmacological and physiological properties of expressed receptors often differ from those of native receptors. In the case of neuronal nicotinic receptors, one or two subunit cDNAs are sufficient for expression of functional receptors in Xenopus oocytes. However, the stoichiometries of nicotinic receptors in neurons are not known and expression patterns of mRNA coding for different nicotinic receptor subunits often overlap. Consequently, one explanation for the discrepancy between properties of native versus heterologously expressed nicotinic receptors is that more than two types of subunit are necessary for correctly functioning receptors. The Xenopus oocyte expression system was used to test the hypothesis that more than two types of subunit can coassemble; specifically, can two different β subunits assemble with an α subunit forming a receptor with unique pharmacological properties? We expressed combinations of cDNA coding for α3, β2, and β4 subunits. β2 and β4, in pairwise combination with α3, are differentially sensitive to cytisine and neuronal bungarotoxin (nBTX). α3β4 receptors are activated by cytisine and are not blocked by low concentrations of nBTX; acetylcholine-evoked currents through α3β2 receptors are blocked by both cytisine and low concentrations of nBTX. Coinjection of cDNA coding for α3, β2, and β4 into oocytes resulted in receptors that were activated by cytisine and blocked by nBTX, thus demonstrating inclusion of both β2 and β4 subunits in functional receptors.  相似文献   

Two bacteriocins produced by Lactobacillus plantarum TMW1.25 have been purified by a four-step purification procedure, including ammonium sulphate precipitation and cation-exchange chromatography followed by hydrophobic-interaction chromatography on octyl sepharose. The final purification was performed by repeated reversed-phase chromatography steps which yielded two bacteriocin fractions designated plantaricin 1.25 alpha and plantaricin 1.25 beta. The molecular masses of the peptides in these fractions were 5979 and 5203 Da, respectively. Combination of the fractions did not have any synergistic effects on bacteriocin activity, indicating that they each contain a one-peptide bacteriocin. The major peptide in the alpha fraction was blocked at its N-terminus, and a partial sequence (25 residues) could only be obtained after cleavage with CNBr. This sequence did not show clear homologies with known bacteriocins. The beta peptide has been sequenced almost completely and consists, presumably, of 53 residues. This peptide displayed strong homology to the known N-terminal part of brevicin 27 produced by Lactobacillus brevis SB27. The results showed that the beta peptide contains as many as six consecutive lysine residues at the N-terminus.  相似文献   

Viable counts of aerobic and anaerobic chemotrophic sulphur-oxidizers as well as phototrophic sulphur bacteria were determined in sediment samples taken from two different areas along the Baltic Sea shore which were known to regularly develop sulphidic conditions. Depth profiles of bacterial cell counts were correlated with concentration profiles of chloride, sulphate, sulphide, nitrate and phosphate in the pore water of these sediments and with potential activities of nitrate reduction, thiosulphate transformation and sulphate formation. The data revealed a complex multilayered structure within the sediments. Sulphide was released into the water from sediments of both sampling areas, but it was found that light and the availability of oxygen significantly reduced this amount. In the highly reduced sediment at Hiddensee, the highest numbers of phototrophic and chemotrophic sulphur-oxidizers were found near the sediment surface. Therefore, it was concluded that the combined action of both groups of bacteria most efficiently oxidizes reduced sulphur compounds in the top layers of the sediments. Nitrate may replace oxygen as final electron acceptor and will support oxidation of sulphide, in particular when oxygen and light are limiting.  相似文献   

Abstract The metabolism of testosterone by coryneform bacteria in vitro has been studied. Metabolites identified after derivatization by capillary gas chromatography and further by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were 17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one and 17β-hydroxy-5β-androstan-3-one. The mass spectral characteristics of the methyl oxime trimethylsilyl ethers of all the 17-hydroxy-androstan-3-one and 3-hydroxy-androstan-17-one isomers are recorded.  相似文献   

Characterization of β-glucosidase activity in yeasts of oenological origin   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
I. ROSI, M. VINELLA AND P. DOMIZIO. 1994. Three hundred and seventeen strains representing 20 species of yeasts were screened for the presence of β-glucosidase activity. All of the strains of the species Debaryomyces castellii, Deb. hansenii, Deb. polymorphus, Kloeckera apiculata and Hansenula anomala showed β-glucosidase activity, but only one of 153 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The other species behaved differently, depending upon the strain. The strains that hydrolysed arbutin were checked to localize the β-glucosidase activity. A strain of Deb. hansenii exhibited the highest exocellular activity and some wall-bound and intracellular activity. The β-glucosidase synthesis from this yeast was enhanced by aerobic conditions of growth, was repressed by high glucose concentration (9%) and occurred during exponential growth. The optimum conditions for enzymatic preparations of Deb. hansenii were between pH 4.0 and 5.0 and 40C. A high concentration of ethanol and glucose did not reduce the ezymatic activity. The enzymatic preparations of Deb. hansenii released monoterpenols and other alcohols from a grape glycoside extract.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a beta-lactamase inhibitor/beta-lactam combination against Gram-negative pathogens depends on many interplaying factors, one of which is the penetration of the inhibitor across the outer membrane. In this work we have measured the relative penetrations of clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam and BRL 42715 into two strains of Escherichia coli producing TEM-1 beta-lactamase, two strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing either TEM-1 or K-1, and two strains of Enterobacter cloacae each producing a Class C beta-lactamase. It was shown that clavulanic acid penetrated the outer membranes of all these strains more readily than the other beta-lactamase inhibitors. For the strains of E. coli and K. pneumoniae clavulanic acid penetrated approximately 6 to 19 times more effectively than tazobactam, 2 to 9 times more effectively than sulbactam and 4 to 25 times more effectively than BRL 42715. The superior penetration of clavulanic acid observed in this study is likely to contribute to the efficacy of clavulanic acid/beta-lactam combinations in combating beta-lactam resistant bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

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