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The aim of the present study was two-fold. First, to characterize the secretory profiles of oestradiol-17beta and progesterone in relation to the structural changes observed by ultrasonography during follicular dynamics in non-ovulating llamas. Second, to evaluate the effect of exogenous progesterone on follicular activity, in terms of follicle development and hormone production. In experiment one, six adult non-pregnant, non-lactating llamas were examined daily by rectal palpation and transrectal ultrasonography during 70 days. On day 54, intravaginal devices containing 0.33 g of progesterone (CIDR) were inserted and left in the vagina during 16 days. The mean duration of a follicular wave was 22.6+/-2.5 days. The follicular growth phase (follicles growing from 3mm to maximum size) averaged 9.2+/-2.8 days, the mature phase (follicles around maximum size) 5.2+/-1.4 days and regression phase (follicles with decreasing size) 8.2+/-2.2 days. Oestradiol-17beta plasma concentrations exhibited a similar wave pattern (P<0.05). In addition, oestradiol-17beta peak plasma concentrations (46.9+/-3.3 pmoll(-1)) were attained approximately 12 days after the beginning of the growing phase in connection with maximum follicle size (11.8+/-1.6mm). After CIDR insertion, a rapid increase in plasma progesterone concentrations was observed, with peak concentrations attained on day 1 after insertion. Thereafter, concentrations decreased gradually. Mean follicle size steadily decreased from the day of CIDR insertion to day 11 post-insertion (10.3+/-1.6 and 3.3+/-0.8mm, respectively). In order to investigate the effect of follicle size at CIDR insertion on the outcome of progesterone treatment, experiment two was designed. Sixteen adult non-pregnant and non-lactating llamas were divided into four groups according to follicle development at the time of CIDR insertion (group I: follicles < or =6 mm; group II: follicles between 6 and 9 mm; group III: follicles between 10 and 14 mm and group IV, regressing follicles). In groups II, III and IV, a significant decrease in follicle size was observed after the insertion of the CIDR device. In group I, no further development of dominant follicles was observed until the device was withdrawn. In all cases, the smallest diameter was registered between days 5 and 7 after the beginning of treatment. In conclusion, a detailed characterization of follicular waves using ultrasound and hormone determinations simultaneously in non-ovulating llamas and after the insertion of progesterone releasing devices, is presented.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between various behavioral signs of estrous and time of ovulation and, determine which behavioral estrous sign(s) best predicted time of ovulation. In total, 94 ovulations were observed in 67 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Different behavioral estrous signs were observed at 3-h intervals and their relation with time of ovulation (ultrasound examinations at 3-h intervals) was investigated. In all estrous periods, sniffing and chin resting was displayed, while mounting was displayed in 90% and standing heat in 58% of estrous periods. Estrus was more intense in primiparous cows compared to multiparous cows and when more animals were in estrus at the same time. Although, these factors influenced intensity of estrous behavioral signs, they did not influence time of ovulation. Ovulation occurred 30.0 +/- 5.1 h after onset of estrus (ranging between 18.5 and 48.5 h) and 18.8 +/- 4.4 h after end of estrus (ranging between 9.5 and 33.5 h). Although informative, these predictors are highly variable between individuals and the method used to determine the onset and end of estrus is time consuming this, therefore limits in their use as a practical predictor of ovulation. Sniffing and chin resting were displayed during the non-estrous period and are therefore, not useful predictors of ovulation time. For animals that displayed standing heat, onset of standing heat was a good predictor for ovulation time (occurring 26.4 +/- 5.2 h before ovulation). However, standing heat was only displayed in a limited number of cows, especially when only one cow was in estrus at a time. Onset of mounting was the best predictor for time of ovulation (occurring 28.7 +/- 5.3 h before ovulation), and it was displayed in 90% of the estrous periods. However, mounting cannot yet be assessed automatically, which limits its practical use as ovulation predictor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to study the relationship between increase in number of steps measured by pedometers, behavioral estrous parameters and time of ovulation, in order to investigate whether the number of steps can be used as a tool for estrous detection and as a predictor for time of ovulation. In total, 63 ovulations were observed in 43 Holstein-Friesian cows. Different behavioral signs of estrus were observed at 3h intervals. Cows were equipped with pedometers, which stored number of steps in 2h time periods and pedometer estrus alerts were defined using different algorithms and thresholds. The percentage of behavioral estruses also detected by pedometers measurements, ranged between 51 and 87% for all estrous periods. When only estrous periods where taken into account in which more than one animal was in estrus, detection percentages increased up to 95%. Number of steps taken during the estrous period was higher when more animals were in behavioral estrus at the same time, and number of steps taken during the estrous period was also higher for primiparous cows compared to multiparous cows. Ovulation occurred 29.3+/-3.9h after onset of increased number of steps (ranging between 39 and 22 h) and 19.4+/-4.4h after the end of increased number of steps (ranging between 35 and 12h). The intervals were not influenced by the number of animals that were in estrus at the same time or by parity. In conclusion, pedometers can detect estrus accurately and appear to be a promising tool for prediction of ovulation and hence could be a tool for improving fertilization rates.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected for the measurement of progesterone concentrations from 320 Holstein-Friesian heifers on Days 7 and 21 post-estrus. All animals were the recipients of either a fresh or previously frozen embryo on Day 7 and were palpated for pregnancy on Day 60 post-estrus. At the time of transer, progesterone levels were highly variable and were not strongly related to subsequent pregnancy status. There was a tendency for lower pregnancy rates in heifers receiving fresh embryos if progesterone levels were less than 1 ng/ml (33 vs 64% overall), and for previously frozen embryos when progesterone concentrations were less than 3 ng/ml (34 vs 44% overall). Progesterone concentrations were not related to subjective evaluation of corpus luteum quality by palpation per rectum. No heifers which maintained pregnancy had progesterone levels less than 1 ng/ml on Day 21. Only 41% of 247 heifers receiving either fresh or previously frozen embryos that were not pregnant on Day 60 had progesterone concentrations less than 1 ng/ml on Day 21. These data suggest that many recipients that do not maintain a pregnancy will experience an extended estrous cycle after transfer.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous progesterone (P4) and of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) on plasma progesterone concentration and follicle dynamics was studied in anovulatory anoestrus (AA) post-partum pasture-fed dairy cattle. Cows (n=32) were defined AA based on not detecting a corpus luteum upon transrectal ultrasonography of the ovaries. Cows were randomly assigned to treatment with an intravaginal P4-releasing device containing 1.56 g of P4 (1Q; Cuemate, Pfizer Animal Health, Auckland, NZ; n=11) or with modified devices with double (2Q; n=11) or triple (3Q; n=10) the normal P4 dose for 8 days. Half of each group received 2 mg ODB at device insertion (Day 0) while the other half did not receive ODB at this time. All cows were treated with 1 mg ODB 1 day after intravaginal device removal (Day 9). Ultrasonography occurred daily until either ovulation or Day 15 whichever occurred sooner. Blood samples were drawn on Days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15 and 22 for plasma P4 determination. Increasing P4 dose was associated with an increase in plasma P4 concentration during the time of device insertion (P <0.05). The highest P4 dose was associated with a delay in emergence of, but a shorter interval from emergence to maximum diameter and ovulation of, the subsequent dominant follicle (DF2) compared to the lowest P4 dose. Treatment with ODB resulted in a delay in emergence of DF2 (4.2 (0.4) versus 2.0 (0.4) days (S.E.M.) to emergence for ODB versus no-ODB; P=0.01), a smaller maximum diameter of DF2 (15.2 (0.5) versus 17.9 (0.6)mm (S.E.M.) for ODB versus no-ODB; P <0.01), a shorter interval to maximum DF2 diameter (5.0 (0.3) versus 6.8 (0.3) days (S.E.M.) for ODB versus no-ODB; P=0.03), a shorter interval from DF2 emergence to ovulation (6.3 (0.4) versus 8.5 (0.4) days (S.E.M.) for ODB versus no-ODB; P=0.02) and a tendency for a lower average plasma P4 concentration post-ovulation (i.e. average of Days 15 and 22; 2.5 (0.4) versus 3.4 (0.4) ng/ml plasma P4 for ODB versus no-ODB, respectively; P=0.08). The DF present at device insertion, was still present at device removal in three (9%) cows of which two were treated with 1Q + no-ODB and one with 3Q + ODB. It is concluded that increasing P4 dose and ODB treatment are associated with a delay in subsequent follicle wave emergence and more rapid follicle growth. Oestradiol benzoate treatment also tends to reduce the plasma P4 concentration in the subsequent luteal phase in post-partum, anoestrous dairy cattle.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was done to determine if a reduction in daily grain consumption or decline in daily milk yield were accurate indicators of estrus in 25 Holstein cows. A computer automatically identified all cows that left more than 10% of their daily grain allocation in the feed stall or that gave less than 85% of their most current 7-d daily average milk yeild. By retrospectively analyzing breeding records, grain refusal and milk declines were identified as either occurring in conjunction with estrus or nonestrus. Declines in grain consumption and milk yield were frequently associated with estrus, but many cows in estrus did not exhibit such declines. While such declines hold promise as estrous detection aids, it was concluded that refusals of daily grain allocation or declines in daily milk yield were not sufficiently accurate to supplant other methods of estrous detection in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Beta-carotene functions independently of vitamin A in the reproductive performance of dairy cows. The concentrations of beta-carotene in plasma decrease during the dry period, and reach a nadir in about the first week postpartum. This coincides with a negative energy balance, which affects the onset of the first ovulation in early postpartum cows. Thus, we hypothesised that plasma beta-carotene concentrations during the peripartum period may affect ovulation in the first follicular wave postpartum in dairy cows. The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in the profiles of plasma beta-carotene concentrations during the peripartum period in ovulatory and anovulatory cows during the first follicular wave postpartum. We used 22 multiparous Holstein cows, which were fed a total mixed ration consisting of grass, corn silage and concentrate, and collected blood samples for beta-carotene and progesterone analysis from week 3 prepartum to week 3 postpartum when the period of day 0-6 after parturition was regarded as the parturient week (week 0). The first ovulation was confirmed using the profile of plasma progesterone concentrations and colour Doppler ultrasound. Thirteen cows ovulated during the first postpartum follicular wave. Parity, the dry-off period, calving interval, mastitis episodes, and actual 305 days' milk yield during the previous lactation, and milk composition in the last month during the previous lactation in this study did not differ between ovulatory and anovulatory cows. Differences in the plasma beta-carotene profile were observed between ovulatory and anovulatory cows. Plasma beta-carotene concentrations at week 3 prepartum were greater in ovulatory cows (2.97+/-0.24 mg/L) than in anovulatory cows (1.53+/-0.14 mg/L; P<0.001), after that its concentrations in ovulatory cows decreased and reached the lowest level at week 1 postpartum, although its concentrations in anovulatory cows remained unchanged. No differences in plasma beta-carotene concentrations between the two groups were observed postpartum. The present study indicates for the first time that the lower beta-carotene concentrations in plasma during the prepartum period is associated with anovulation during the first follicular wave postpartum.  相似文献   

Two methods for the determination of ovulation were compared to one ultrasonography performed 5 times a day. Time of ovulation by echography was 40 +/- 5.8 h (mean +/- SD) after the onset of oestrus. Preovulatory LH rise (two blood samples per day) began near the onset of oestrus but, in our conditions, this parameter could not be used to predict ovulation. The basal level of progesterone (two blood samples per day) was determined with a non-linear model, the timing when progesterone rose more than one SD (0.3 ng x mL(-1)) coincided with the timing of ovulation determined by echography (R2 = 0.98). This method was efficient and was used in a field trial to measure the consequences of the variability of the interval between Al and ovulation on litter size. The interval between Al and ovulation had an effect on litter size; litter size decreased by one piglet when this interval increased by 10h.  相似文献   

The hypotheses tested in this study were that neither average progesterone (P4) concentrations in plasma and milk nor average progesterone metabolites concentrations in faeces would differ during an oestrous cycle in two groups of cows with differing daily milk yields. High producing (HP = 8) and low producing (LP = 8) dairy cows were selected randomly for the study. Their oestrous cycles were initially synchronised using P4 and prostaglandin F2alpha. Chromic oxide capsules were administered twice daily to measure total faecal output. Samples of blood, faeces and milk were taken daily throughout one oestrous cycle, plasma and milk P4, and faecal progesterone metabolites (FP4M) assayed. The average daily milk yields in the two groups were 30.8 and 21.9l per day, respectively (P < 0.0001), although daily faecal output was similar in both the groups (HP, 7.7 versus LP, 6.9 kg DM; P = 0.24). Mean plasma and milk P4 concentrations were similar in both the groups (plasma P4, 4.12 versus 4.05 ng/ml; P = 0.3; milk P4, 8.2 versus 8.3; P = 0.9) during dioestrus. Average daily excretion of P4 to the milk was greater in HP than LP cows (252 versus 185 microg, P = 0.04). Neither concentration nor the daily yield of FP4Ms was affected by level of milk yield (concentration: 12.2 versus 11.5 microg/g; daily yield: 89.1 versus 82.9 mg per day; P > 0.05). These data showed that the concentrations of P4 in plasma and milk, and the concentrations and daily yields of FP4M were not affected by the level of daily milk yields which differed by about 41% of the LP average of 21.9l.  相似文献   



Recently, selection for milk technological traits was initiated in the Italian dairy cattle industry based on direct measures of milk coagulation properties (MCP) such as rennet coagulation time (RCT) and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition (a30) and on some traditional milk quality traits that are used as predictors, such as somatic cell score (SCS) and casein percentage (CAS). The aim of this study was to shed light on the causal relationships between traditional milk quality traits and MCP. Different structural equation models that included causal effects of SCS and CAS on RCT and a30 and of RCT on a30 were implemented in a Bayesian framework.


Our results indicate a non-zero magnitude of the causal relationships between the traits studied. Causal effects of SCS and CAS on RCT and a30 were observed, which suggests that the relationship between milk coagulation ability and traditional milk quality traits depends more on phenotypic causal pathways than directly on common genetic influence. While RCT does not seem to be largely controlled by SCS and CAS, some of the variation in a30 depends on the phenotypes of these traits. However, a30 depends heavily on coagulation time. Our results also indicate that, when direct effects of SCS, CAS and RCT are considered simultaneously, most of the overall genetic variability of a30 is mediated by other traits.


This study suggests that selection for RCT and a30 should not be performed on correlated traits such as SCS or CAS but on direct measures because the ability of milk to coagulate is improved through the causal effect that the former play on the latter, rather than from a common source of genetic variation. Breaking the causal link (e.g. standardizing SCS or CAS before the milk is processed into cheese) would reduce the impact of the improvement due to selective breeding. Since a30 depends heavily on RCT, the relative emphasis that is put on this trait should be reconsidered and weighted for the fact that the pure measure of a30 almost double-counts RCT.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0123-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The relationship between accumulation of triacylglycerols in the liver and first ovulation post partum was studied in an experiment with 32 dairy cows. During the dry period, 16 treated cows were fed a high energy diet to induce overconditioning, while 16 control cows were fed a recommended diet. After parturition, the treated cows entered deeper negative energy balance state, required more days to reach the nadir of negative energy balance, required more days to regain positive value of energy balance, and lost more body weight than the control cows. The treated cows also accumulated greater amounts of triacylglycerols in the liver and had higher concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and 3-hydroxybutyrate post partum than the control cows. Although the number of days to first ovulation did not differ significantly between the 2 groups, the results of pooled data demonstrated that the liver triacylglycerol concentration was positively correlated with the number of days to first ovulation. In conclusion, negative energy balance caused the body fat of cows to mobilize. As a consequence, the cows accumulated greater amounts of triacylglycerols in the liver, and this accumulation was associated with an increase in the interval from parturition to first ovulation.  相似文献   

Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between post-insemination milk progesterone concentration and embryo survival, and between milk yield and milk progesterone concentration. Milk samples were collected on Days 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (insemination=Day 0) following 871 inseminations in spring-calving dairy cows. Milk progesterone concentrations were measured by enzyme-immunoassay and pregnancy diagnosis was conducted with transrectal ultrasonography at approximately Day 30. There was a negative linear relationship (P<0.01) between milk progesterone concentration on Day 4 and embryo survival while, in contrast, there was a positive linear and quadratic relationship between milk progesterone concentration on Days 5, 6 and 7 (P<0.05) and also between the rate of change in progesterone concentrations between Days 4 and 7 inclusive and embryo survival (P<0.05). There was a weak negative linear relationship between average daily milk yield at the time of insemination and milk progesterone concentrations (P<0.001). There was no association between many production parameters, including liveweight and body condition score measured at various stages between calving and insemination, and milk progesterone concentration between Days 4 and 7 inclusive (P>0.05). In conclusion, low progesterone during Days 5-7 (after insemination) was associated with low fertility in dairy cows and there were indications of a range of progesterone concentrations within which embryo survival was maximal.  相似文献   

A simple direct-addition microtitre plate enzymeimmunoassay (EIA) for progesterone in whole milk is described. The assay used antiserum raised against 11 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone 11-hemisuccinate (progesterone 11-hemisuccinate) and a heterologous label prepared by conjugation of 11 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone 11-glucuronide (progesterone 11-glucuronide) with alkaline phosphatase using an active ester procedure. The sensitivity, analytical recovery, linearity of response and precision of the assay compared favourably with radioimmunoassay (RIA). Results from EIA of milk samples were compared with determinations made after isolation of progesterone by HPLC (r = 0.910). Milk samples (200) were assayed by RIA at both the Milk Marketing Board and the Cattle Breeding Centre and the results were correlated with EIA performed at the Cattle Breeding Centre (r = 0.890 and r = 0.833 respectively). Calving data were obtained from a further 110 cows for which the milk progesterone EIA had provided a pregnancy test 24 days after AI; 46 cows were correctly identified as non-pregnant and 58 as pregnant and there were 4 false positive and 2 inconclusive results.  相似文献   

The objectives of the current study were to determine the incidence of silent ovulation (based on walking activity and milk progesterone profiles), identify risk factors for silent ovulation, and investigate its impact on reproductive performance in high-yielding dairy cows in free-stall housing. Overall, 277 lactations in 161 Holstein Friesian cows from a commercial dairy herd in northern Japan were studied. Walking activity (measured with pedometers) >80% above the mean for the preceding 2 d was defined as estrus, whereas day of ovulation was estimated using milk progesterone concentrations. Ovulation not preceded by increased walking activity was considered silent ovulation; the incidence was 55.2%, 23.8%, 21.3%, and 10.5% at the first, second, third, and fourth ovulations postpartum, respectively. Moderate and high milk yield significantly increased the risk of silent ovulation at second (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7 and 1.2; P = 0.04) and third and/or fourth ovulations (OR = 6.7 and 12.9; P = 0.03). Based on survival analysis, silent ovulations at the first, second, third, and/or fourth ovulations were associated with 28% (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.72), 55% (HR = 0.45), and 47% (HR = 0.53) reductions in pregnancy rate, respectively, and 41% (HR = 0.59), 66% (HR = 0.34), and 65% (HR = 0.35) reductions in artificial insemination (AI) submission rate. Cows with at least one silent ovulation (with the exception of the first ovulation) had a longer interval from calving to first AI (72 vs. 54 d, P < 0.001) and to achievement of pregnancy (133 vs. 80 d, P < 0.001). In conclusion, approximately one third of the ovulations (based on milk progesterone concentrations) in Holstein cows within 90 d postpartum were silent. Silent ovulations at the second to fourth ovulations were associated with high milk yields and at all ovulations were associated with impaired reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The essential role played by progesterone in the maintenance of pregnancy is unequivocal; however, the effects of progesterone on the secretory patterns of placental and pituitary molecules during the gestation period are not well defined. The objective of this study was to describe pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations (measured by RIA-497 and RIA-Pool) in pregnant females with progesterone concentrations lower (low-P4 group, n=20) or higher (high-P4 group, n=17) than the mean of 8.74 ng/mL on Day 21 (AI=Day 0). Luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin concentrations were also measured in both groups. Throughout the study period, blood samples were collected on Days 0, 21, 45, 60, and 80 from 37 females that were confirmed to be pregnant. PAG concentrations measured by both RIA-497 and RIA-Pool tended to be higher in high-P4 group than in low-P4 group from Day 30 until Day 80. On Day 80, plasma PAG concentrations that were measured using RIA-497 were observed to be higher (P<0.05) in the high-P4 group than in the low-P4 group (10.2+/-8.7 ng/mL versus 6.9+/-3.8 ng/mL). Concentrations of LH on Day 60 and prolactin on Day 80 were observed to be significantly lower (P<0.05) in the high-P4 group. There was a tendency for the concentrations of LH (Days 45 and 80) and prolactin (Days 30, 45, and 60) to be lower in cows in the high-P4 group than in the low-P4 group. Our results suggest the existence of a relationship among the concentration levels of progesterone, PAG, LH, and prolactin during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

Estrous cycles of 10 postpartum cyclic Holstein cows were synchronized using prostaglandin f(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) given twice 12 d apart to study the relationship of the onset of estrus, body temperature, milk yield, luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone concentration to ovulation. Blood samples and body temperatures (vaginal and rectal) were taken every 4 h until ovulation, starting 4 h prior to the second PGF(2alpha) treatment. All cows were observed for estrus following the second administration of PGF(2alpha). Ultrasound scanning of the ovaries commenced at standing estrus and thereafter every 2 h until the disappearance of the fluid filled preovulatory follicle (ovulation). Two cows failed to ovulate and became cystic following the second PGF(2alpha) treatment. The remaining eight cows exhibited a decline in progesterone to <1.0 ng/ml within 28 h, standing estrus and a measurable rise (> 1.0 degrees C) in vaginal but not rectal temperature, and ovulated 90 +/- 10 h after the second PGF(2alpha) treatment. Onset of standing estrus, LH peak and vaginal temperature were highly correlated (P<0.05) with time of ovulation (0.82, 0.81 and 0.74, respectively). Intervals to ovulation tended to depend upon parity. Pluriparous (n = 4) and biparous (n = 4) cows ovulated within 24 and 30 +/- 3 h from the onset of standing estrus; 22 and 31 +/- 2 h from the LH peak; and 22 and 27 +/- 3 h from peak vaginal temperature (mean +/- standard error of the mean), respectively. The results indicated that the onset of standing estrus and rise in vaginal temperature are good practical parameters for predicting ovulation time in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Ovulation failure and double ovulation rates were examined in 1917 inseminations performed in high-yielding dairy cows under standard commercial conditions. The ovulation rate was determined 11 days post-insemination by ultrasound detection of at least one corpus luteum in the ovaries. Analyzing the double ovulation and pregnancy rates, the study population consisted only of ovulated cows (n = 1792). Data were analyzed using logistic regression methods. A failure to ovulate was recorded in 125/1917 (6.5%) services: 82/663 (12.4%) during the warm and 43/1254 (3.4%) during the cool period. Based on the odds ratios, the risk of ovulation failure was 3.9 times higher for inseminations performed during the warm period. No significant effects of estrous synchronization, milk production and days in milk at AI, and service and lactation number on ovulation failure were found. Double ovulation was recorded in 277/1792 (15.5%) services: 146 (52.7%) unilateral double ovulations (42.5% left versus 57.5% right); 115 (41.5%) bilateral double ovulations; and 16 (5.8%) triple ovulations. Double ovulation was recorded in 72 (12.4%) and 205 (16.9%) AI during the warm and the cool period, respectively. The percentages of double ovulation for first, second and third or more lactations were 6.7, 16.6 and 25%, respectively. Double ovulation rates for early (less than 90 days), mid- (90-150 days) and late (more than 150 days) lactation periods were 13, 20.7 and 14.2%, respectively. Reaching estrus during the warm period decreased the likelihood of double ovulation by a factor of 0.86; the risk of double ovulation was lower in cows with higher milk production (a 1 kg increase in milk yield led to a 0.97-fold reduced risk of double ovulation); cows in their second and in their third or more lactations showed a likelihood of double ovulation (using the first lactation as reference) increased by factors of 3.4 and 5.6, respectively; and reaching estrus during the early and late lactation period was related to a decreased probability of double ovulation (using the mid-lactation period as reference) by factors of 0.56 and 0.84, respectively. No significant effects of synchronization and service number on the double ovulation rate were found. Pregnancy was recorded in 914/1792 (51%) services: rates of 53.5% (811/1515) were recorded for single ovulations; 37.2% (103/277) for double ovulations: 28.8% (42/146) for unilateral double ovulations; 45.2% (52/115) for bilateral double ovulations; and 56.3% (9/16) for triple ovulations. The likelihood of pregnancy diminished in cows: inseminated during the warm period (by a factor of 0.5); inseminated by one particular bull (by a factor of 0.33); with higher milk production (a 1 kg increase in milk yield decreased the probability of pregnancy by a factor of 0.98); or undergoing unilateral (by a factor of 0.31) and bilateral (by a factor of 0.64) double ovulation. Logistic regression analysis indicated no significant effects of synchronization, days in milk, lactation number and service number on pregnancy rate. Collectively, our results indicate that cows showing estrus in conditions of heat stress had a high risk of ovulation failure. The effect of milk production on double ovulation was negative, whereas lactation number was positively correlated with this factor; the highest incidence of double ovulation occurring during the mid-lactation period.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal progesterone concentration and conceptus synthesis of interferon-tau as an index of conceptus viability at the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy. Heifers of mixed beef breeds were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 2 treatments: 1) intramuscular injection of 1500 IU hCG on Day 5 after artificial insemination (AI; n = 12) or 2) intramuscular injection of saline on Day 5 after AI (n = 17). Ovaries were scanned daily by transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Progesterone concentrations were determined from daily blood samples collected from the jugular vein. Heifers were slaughtered on Day 18 after AI and conceptus tissues were collected. These were incubated individually at 37 degrees C in RPMI medium, and supernatant collected after 24 h. Conceptus secretory products in the supernatant were analyzed for interferon concentration by antiviral assay using vesicular stomatitis virus. Transrectal ultrasonography showed all heifers that received hCG had at least 1 extra corpus luteum (CL) in addition to the spontaneous CL formed from the previous ovulation (10 with 2 CL, 2 with 3 CL). A significant increase in plasma progesterone concentration was detected in pregnant heifers treated with hCG (n = 9) vs pregnant control heifers (n = 11; P < 0.001). There was a tendency for an increase (P = 0.059) in synthesis of interferon-tau by conceptuses from hCG-treated heifers compared to control heifers. Maternal plasma progesterone concentrations were correlated with interferon-tau production by the conceptuses (r = 0.593, P < 0.006), suggesting that higher maternal progesterone may provide a more suitable environment for the developing conceptus.  相似文献   

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