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Ecological stoichiometry seeks to understand the ecological consequences of elemental imbalances between consumers and their resources. Therein, the well-accepted growth rate hypothesis (GRH) states that organisms exhibiting rapid growth have higher phosphorus (P) demand – and thus lower C:P and N:P ratios – than slow growing ones, due to a higher allocation to P-rich rRNA. However, GRH has rarely been extended to other biological traits than growth, especially at the community level. In this study, we investigated whether macroinvertebrate stoichiometric traits (e.g. C:P and N:P ratios) can be linked to their development traits, and whether these stoichiometric traits are related to macroinvertebrate community assemblage under different nutrient conditions. We allocated more than 400 European taxa to different groups, defined using available information about three development-related traits: ‘life span', ‘voltinism' and ‘number of reproductive cycles per individual'. We sampled 18 invertebrate taxa in six streams exhibiting different levels of nutrient concentration and measured their stoichiometric traits. Further, we quantified invertebrate taxon abundances in these streams during an annual survey. Based on these data, we tested whether community composition regarding the developmental groups differs, depending on nutrient concentration. We found significant differences in the proportions of the developmental groups along a gradient of water N:P, in relation to their stoichiometric traits. Taxa with low C:P and N:P ratios were generally associated with faster development groups, and these taxa tended to occur at higher proportions in streams exhibiting low dissolved N:P ratios. In contrast, communities from P-poor, high dissolved N:P streams, were dominated by slowly developing taxa with high N:P ratios. Our results highlight that extending the GRH to species development rate might give some insights about the mechanisms by which nutrient concentrations in ecosystems influence consumers' community composition.  相似文献   

Pollinators represent one of the main agents of selection on floral traits. Here, we estimated phenotypic selection on floral morphology and phenology in a sympatric population of two orchid species, Platanthera bifolia and P. chlorantha, including enigmatic individuals with intermediate column morphology (as reflected by the distance between viscidia and caudicle length, two traits involved in assortative mating and reproductive isolation among Platanthera species), but genetically indistinguishable from P. bifolia. Our aim was to clarify whether the occurrence of intermediate phenotypes could be explained by the presence of selective pressures exerted by pollinators. Simple linear and quadratic regressions together with univariate and multivariate analyses were used to evaluate the strength of directional, disruptive and stabilizing selection. We found that selection on phenotypic traits varied between groups and sex functions. Contrary to our hypothesis, selection on the viscidia distance and caudicle length appeared to be consistent in the two P. bifolia groups. Interestingly, the viscidia distance was under significant stabilizing selection through female reproductive success in intermediate individuals. Based on these results, we conclude that, despite a significant selective pressure on some phenotypic traits, the presence of individuals with intermediate phenotype is not due to selection. Stabilizing selection on distance between viscidia in intermediate individuals may suggest that assortative mating play a role in the maintenance of this phenotypic polymorphism.  相似文献   

1. The ecological and economic costs of introduced species can be high. Ecologists try to predict the probability of success and potential risk of the establishment of recently introduced species, given their biological characteristics.
2. In 1990 gudgeon, Gobio gobio , were released in a drainage canal of the Rhône delta of southern France. The Asian topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva, was found for the first time in the same canal in 1993. Those introductions offered a unique opportunity to compare in situ the fate of two closely related fish in the same habitat.
3. Our major aims were to assess whether G. gobio was able to establish in what seemed an unlikely environment, to compare populations trends and life-history traits of both species and to assess whether we could explain or could have predicted our results, by considering their life-history strategies.
4. Data show that both species have established in the canal and have spread. Catches of P. parva have increased strongly and are now higher than those of G. gobio .
5. The two cyprinids have the same breeding season and comparable traits (such as short generation time, small body, high reproductive effort), so both could be classified as opportunists. The observed difference in their success (in terms of population growth and colonization rate) could be explained by the wider ecological and physiological tolerance of P. parva .
6. In conclusion, our field study seems to suggest that invasive vigour also results from the ability to tolerate environmental changes through phenotypic plasticity, rather than from particular life-history features pre-adapted to invasion. It thus remains difficult to define a good invader simply on the basis of its life-history features.  相似文献   

Group size is related to parasite infections in primates. This relationship probably reflects the fact that group size is associated with body contact between group members and with contact with contaminated items in the environment. The latter is highly associated with range use. In the present study we hypothesized that if infection by directly transmitted parasites (DTP) is mainly determined by the exposure of individuals to parasites that accumulate in the environment, and group size correlates negatively with the intensity of home range use, then smaller groups should be more infected by DTP. Additionally, groups that share a higher proportion of their home range with other groups should be more infected. To test our hypothesis we observed and collected fecal samples of two groups of Alouatta palliata (large group size) and two groups of A. pigra (small group size) that live sympatrically in a forest fragment located in Macuspana (Mexico). Group size was positively correlated with range area size and negatively correlated with the intensity of home range use. Range use variables were not related to either DTP prevalence or load. However, there were significant differences in DTP loads between groups, which were positively correlated with group size. Our results suggest that the intensity of home range use is a poor predictor of DTP infection parameters in groups with marked differences in size. Therefore, it is possible that the individual or combined effects of other ecological (e.g., microclimate), social (e.g., contact rate), or physiological (e.g., immune function) factors are more important in the dynamics of DTP in free-ranging primates.  相似文献   

Climate is predicted to change rapidly in the current century, which may lead to shifts of species' ranges, reduced populations and extinctions. Predicting the responses of species abundance to climate change can provide valuable information to quantify climate change impacts and inform their management and conservation, but most studies have been limited to changes in habitat area due to a lack of abundance data. Here, we use generalized linear model and Bayesian information criteria to develop a predictive model based on the abundance of the grey‐headed robin (GHR) and the data of climatic environmental variables. The model is validated by leave‐one‐out cross‐validation and equivalence tests. The responses of GHR abundance, population size and habitat area by elevation are predicted under the current climate and 15 climate change scenarios. The model predicts that when temperature increases, abundance of GHR displays a positive response at high elevation, but a negative response at low elevation. High precipitation at the higher elevations is a limiting factor to GHR and any reduction in precipitation at high elevation creates a more suitable environment, leading to an increase in abundance of GHR, whereas changes in precipitation have little impact at low elevation. The loss of habitat is much more than would otherwise be assumed in response to climate change. Temperature increase is the predominant factor leading to habitat loss, whereas changes in precipitation play a secondary role. When climate changes, the species not only loses part of its habitat but also suffers a loss in its population size in the remaining habitat. Population size declines more than the habitat area under all considered climate change scenarios, which implies that the species might become extinct long before the complete loss of its habitat. This study suggests that some species might experience much more severe impacts from climate change than predicted from models of habitat area alone. Management policies based on predictions of habitat area decline using occurrence data need to be re‐evaluated and alternative measures need to be developed to conserve species in the face of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

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