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Reaction of ADP with hexamethylene diisocyanate in hexamethylphosphoramide followed by treatment in an acidic medium afforded three new adenine nucleotide analogues, N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-ADP, N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-ATP, and N6-[N-(6-aminohexyl)carbamoyl]-AMP in yields of 13%, 12% and 17%, respectively. The occurrence of the ATP analogue may be interpreted in terms of the equilibrium, 2ADP = ATP + AMP. Coenzymic activities of the ADP analogue against acetate kinase and pyruvate kinase were 82% and 20%, respectively, relative to ADP and those of the ATP analogue against hexokinase and glycerokinase were 63% and 87%, respectively, relative to ATP. These analogues were bound to CNBr-activated soluble dextran through their terminal amino group to give an immobilized ADP and an immobilized ATP, each of which was recycled in a system comprising acetate kinase and hexokinase, and when placed in a membrane reactor together with the enzymes, functioned as an immobilized coenzyme continuously yielding glucose 6-phosphate. A series of chemically defined affinity adsorbents were obtained by coupling these analogues to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and were used to separate the enzymes in a mixture of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Binding of native adenine nucleotides to rat liver and adipose plasma membranes was studied under steady-state conditions using EDTA/Na for inhibition of ecto-nucleotidase activity. [3H]-labelled ATP, ADP and AMP are able to interact with specific binding sites with respective Kd values of 88 +/- 9, 278 +/- 29 and 495 +/- 40 nmol/l for liver membranes; and of 64 +/- 7, 231 +/- 36 and 2050 +/- 290 nmol/l for adipose membranes. The nucleotide-binding capacity (Bmax) varied from 15 to 18 pmol/mg protein in the case of [3H]ATP and [3H]ADP-binding studies and from 22 to 26 pmol/mg protein for [3H]AMP-binding sites. Both 2-MeSATP and ADP inhibited [3H]ATP-binding to membranes with respective IC50 values of 60 +/- 7 and 285 +/- 30 nM. Other purinergic agents suramin, Reactive blue 2, alpha,beta-MeATP and beta,gamma-MeATP were less potent competitors of [3H]ATP binding, whereas AMP, adenosine, GTP, UTP, and CTP did not cause any displacement effect at concentrations of 10(-6)-10(-5) M. It is suggested that the described ATP/ADP-binding sites are linked to G protein-coupled P2Y receptors, whereas AMP-binding sites may represent a substrate-binding component of the membrane ecto-5'-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

The reaction of mitochondrial F1-ATPase with immobilized substrate was studied by using columns of agarose-hexane-ATP. Mg2+ was required for binding of the enzyme to the column matrix. The column-bound enzyme could be eluted fully by ATP and other nucleoside triphosphates. Nucleoside di- and mono-phosphates were less effective. At a fixed concentration of nucleotide the effectiveness of elution was proportional to the charge on the eluting molecule. The ATP of the column matrix was hydrolysed by the bound F1-ATPase to release phosphate, probably by a uni-site reaction mechanism. Thus the F1-ATPase was bound to the immobilized ATP by a catalytic site. Treatment of the bound F1-ATPase with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan prevented complete release of the enzyme by ATP. Only one-third of the bound enzyme was now eluted by the nucleotide. The inhibition of release could be due either to the inhibitor blocking co-operative interactions between sites or to its increasing the tightness of binding of immobilized ADP at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The C-terminal two-thirds of the rat liver ATP synthase beta subunit has been overexpressed and exported to the Escherichia coli periplasm under the direction of the alkaline phosphatase (phoA) promoter and leader peptide. The processed soluble protein contains the 358 amino acids from glutamate 122 to the rat liver beta C-terminal serine 479, including all the regions that have been predicted by chemical and genetic modification studies to be involved in nucleotide, Pi, and Mg2+ binding. Through a simple sequence of Tris/EDTA/lysozyme treatment, osmotic lysis, and alkaline pH washes, the processed beta subunit fragment can be prepared in greater than 95% purity and at a yield of greater than 20 mg/liter of culture. It interacts with 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) which exhibits a strong enhancement of fluorescence upon binding. A similar enhancement is observed upon interaction with TNP-ADP. Enhancement observed with both TNP-nucleotides is markedly reduced by prior addition of either ATP or ADP and almost completely prevented by the ATP synthase inhibitor 7-chloro-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole. Both TNP-ATP and TNP-ADP bind at a stoichiometry of approximately 1 mol of nucleotide/mol of beta subunit fragment. Under the same conditions, TNP-AMP does not exhibit a fluorescence enhancement. This work demonstrates that, in the absence of interaction with other ATP synthase subunits, the rat liver beta subunit sequence from glutamate 122 to the C terminus exhibits no more than one readily detectable nucleotide binding domain. This success in producing a "functional" beta subunit fragment has significance for the pursuit of genetic and physical studies focused on the structure and function of the rat liver ATP synthase beta subunit.  相似文献   

M Klingenberg  I Mayer  A S Dahms 《Biochemistry》1984,23(11):2442-2449
The binding to the ADP/ATP carrier in mitochondrial membranes of the 3'-O-(dimethylamino)naphthoyl (DAN) derivatives of AMP, ADP, and ATP was quantitatively analyzed. The sidedness of the fluorescent type binding to the "m" side only was shown comparing the mitochondrial membranes in various stages of integrity and surface orientation. In particles displacement by bongkrekate (BKA) is direct, whereas in the case of carboxyatractylate (CAT) the requirement for ADP and ATP demonstrates the transition from the "m" to the "c" state. Quantitatively the "physical" binding of [3H]DAN-AMP and fluorescence are well correlated, allowing for a little nonfluorescent binding to the c side. For DAN-AMP KD is 1.6 microM, for DAN-ADP KD is 0.8 microM, and in the Hill plot a straight line with n = 1.25 is obtained. The maximum number of binding sites for [3H]DAN-AMP (1.5 mumol/g of protein) is about equal to the sites found for [3H]BKA if the unspecific binding of both ligands is differentiated by blocking carrier sites with CAT. [3H]CAT binding is somewhat lower in accordance with the limited access of CAT to inverted vesicles. ADP is able to decrease fluorescence only by about 35% at high concentrations (10 mM) whereas GDP has virtually no effect. With ADP, DAN-AMP binding decreases by 30% of the total binding sensitive to BKA. Binding to ATPase is low because of the absence of Mg2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle exhibits considerable variation in mitochondrial content among fiber types, but it is less clear whether mitochondria from different fiber types also present specific functional and regulatory properties. The present experiment was undertaken on ten 170-day-old pigs to compare functional properties and control of respiration by adenine nucleotides in mitochondria isolated from predominantly slow-twitch (Rhomboideus (RM)) and fast-twitch (Longissimus (LM)) muscles. Mitochondrial ATP synthesis, respiratory control ratio (RCR) and ADP-stimulated respiration with either complex I or II substrates were significantly higher (25-30%, P<0.05) in RM than in LM mitochondria, whereas no difference was observed for basal respiration. Based on mitochondrial enzyme activities (cytochrome c oxidase [COX], F0F1-ATPase, mitochondrial creatine kinase [mi-CK]), the higher ADP-stimulated respiration rate of RM mitochondria appeared mainly related to a higher maximal oxidative capacity, without any difference in the maximal phosphorylation potential. Mitochondrial K(m) for ADP was similar in RM (4.4+/-0.9 microM) and LM (5.9+/-1.2 microM) muscles (P>0.05) but the inhibitory effect of ATP was more marked in LM (P<0.01). These findings demonstrate that the regulation of mitochondrial respiration by ATP differs according to muscle contractile type and that absolute muscle oxidative capacity not only relies on mitochondrial density but also on mitochondrial functioning per se.  相似文献   

The most reactive single thiol group of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase per protomer was modified with the following thiol reagents: iodoacetamide, iodoacetate, 2-hydroxyethyl disulfide, 3,3'-dithiodipropionate, and glutathione disulfide. As a result of the modification, there was increase in not only the apparent activation constants of activating monovalent cations, NH4+ (about 3-, 9-, 12-, 20-, and 30-fold, respectively) and K+ (about 3-, 10-, 15-, 17-, and 20-fold, respectively), but also the apparent Km for ATP (about 3-, 10-, 15-, 100-, and 20-fold, respectively) without any significant change in maximum velocity or apparent Km for fructose 6-phosphate in the presence of high concentrations of NH4+. These results suggest that modification of the thiol group destabilizes the enzyme-monovalent cation-MgATP complex proposed by Suelter [Science (1970) 168, 789-795], causing an apparent loss in catalytic activity.  相似文献   

A method using the principle of charge-transfer chromatography has been developed for the determination of cyclic AMP levels in intact prelabeled cells. The ATP pool was prelabeled by incubating the cells in the presence of radioactive adenine. The cyclic AMP formed from ATP was extracted with HC10(4) and separated from adenine and other adenosine-related nucleotides by chromatography on acriflavin-Sephadex G-25. This method provides a rapid and sensitive isolation of cyclic AMP with high recovery (95-100%) and low blnks. Further, no contamination of the cyclic AMP fractions was found by either adenine or adenosine nucleotides such as ATP, ADP or AMP. This procedure is applicable to a variety of cell or tissue systems.  相似文献   

A new method for the selective isolation of cysteine-containing peptides was designed. The method is based on the specific labelling of thiol groups with a hydrophobic chromophore followed by enzymic fragmentation of the labelled protein and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid-chromatographic separation of the peptide mixture. This new method has several distinct advantages: (1) the hydrophobic-chromophore-labelled cysteine-containing peptides are easily separated from non-cysteine-containing peptides by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography; (2) only cysteine-containing peptides are detected in the visible region with sensitivity at the low picomole level; this high sensitivity allows isolation of nanogram amounts of pure cysteine-containing peptide; (3) during sequence determination of the chromophore-labelled cysteine-containing peptides, the cysteine residues are released as coloured anilinothiazolinone derivatives and can be detected directly in the picomole range; (4) with proteins bearing several disulphide groups, each disulphide group may undergo a different degree of reduction, and therefore the recovery of individual cysteine-containing peptides may be used to deduce the disulphide linkages present in the native protein. Two thiol-specific reagents, 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-iodoacetamide and 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-N-maleimide, were synthesized and characterized. The method was successfully used to isolate five cysteine-containing peptides from a completely reduced monoclonal-antibody kappa-light chain raised against the azobenzenearsonate determinant and six cysteine-containing peptides from a kappa-light chain raised against streptococcal group A polysaccharide. The principle of this method is applicable to the isolation of any peptide containing amino acid residues that can be specifically labelled with a hydrophobic chromophore.  相似文献   

The beta subunit of the rat liver mitochondrial ATP synthase contains a glycine-rich amino acid sequence implicated in binding nucleotides by its similarity to a sequence found in many other nucleotide-binding proteins. A C-terminal three-quarter-length rat liver beta subunit fragment (Glu122 through Ser479), containing this homology region, interacts with adenine nucleotides (Garboczi, D.N., Hullihen, J.H., and Pedersen, P.L. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 15694-15698). Here we directly test the involvement of the glycine-rich region in nucleotide binding by altering its amino acid sequence through mutation or deletion. Twenty-one mutations within the glycine-rich region of the beta subunit cDNA were randomly generated. Wild-type and mutant beta subunit proteins were purified from overexpressing Escherichia coli strains. The mutant proteins were screened for changes in their interaction with 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP), a fluorescent nucleotide analog. Only one mutant protein bearing two amino acid changes (Gly153----Val, Gly156----Arg) exhibited a fluorescence enhancement higher than that of the wild-type "control." Further analysis of this protein revealed a lower affinity for TNP-ATP (Kd = 10 microM) compared with wild type (Kd = 5 microM). In addition, a mutant from which amino acids Gly149-Lys214 had been deleted was prepared. This mutant protein, which lacks the entire glycine-rich region, also displayed a marked reduction in affinity for TNP-ATP (Kd greater than 60 microM). Prior addition of 0.5 mM ATP significantly reduced the binding of TNP-ATP to both the double and deletion mutants. The altered interaction of nucleotide with both glycine-rich region mutants points to the involvement of this region in the binding site. Further, this work shows that a beta subunit protein that lacks the glycine-rich homology region can still interact with nucleotide, indicating that one or more additional regions of this subunit contribute to the nucleotide binding site.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - The goal of this study was to determine the validity of using N6-etheno-bridged adenine nucleotides to evaluate ecto-nucleotidase activity. We observed that the metabolism...  相似文献   

Audia JP  Roberts RA  Winkler HH 《Biochemistry》2006,45(8):2648-2656
We have determined the accessibility of the Rickettsia prowazekii ATP/ADP translocase transmembrane domains (TMs) IV-VII and IX-XII to the putative, water-filled ATP translocation pathway. A library of 177 independent mutants, each with a single cysteine substitution, was expressed in Escherichia coli, and those with substantial ATP transport activity were assayed for inhibition by thiol-reactive, methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents. The MTS reagents used were MTSES (negatively charged), MTSET (positively charged), and MTSEA (amphipathic). Inhibition of ATP transport by a charged MTS reagent indicates the exposure of a TM to the water-filled ATP translocation pathway. The eight TMs characterized in this study had 32 mutants with no assayable transport activity, indicating that cysteine substitution at these positions is not tolerated. ATP transport proficient mutants in TMs IV, V, VII, X, and XI were inhibited by charged MTS reagents, indicating that these TMs are exposed to the aqueous ATP translocation pathway, which is a pattern similar to those of TMs I, II (Alexeyev, M. F. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 6995-7002), and VIII (Winkler, H. H. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 12562-12569). Conversely, ATP-transport-proficient mutants in TMs VI, IX, and XII were not inhibited by charged MTS reagents, indicating that these TMs are sequestered from the aqueous environment, which is a pattern similar to that of TM III (Alexeyev, M. F. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 6995-7002). Preexposure of several MTS-sensitive mutants in TMs V, VII, X, and XI to ATP concentrations 10 times the K(m) resulted in protection from MTS-mediated inhibition; thus, confirming exposure of these TMs to the aqueous ATP translocation pathway, a pattern of protection similar to that observed for TMs I, II, and VIII.  相似文献   

In a cytosolic extract from rat liver, the number and the concentration of ADP-binding sites as well as their dissociation constants were determined by using the rate-of-dialysis technique. Interfering cytosolic adenylate kinase was extracted from the cytosol by affinity chromatography on Ap5A-agarose, and remaining traces of enzyme activity were inhibited with (+)-catechin. Binding of ADP to cytosolic proteins was increased by poly(ethylene glycol) and decreased by EDTA. The effect of 0.1 mM-EDTA could be reversed by addition of equimolar concentrations of Mn2+ or Mg2+. In presence of 5% poly(ethylene glycol), added to increase local protein concentration, two binding sites for ADP were observed, with KD values of 1.9 microM (site I) and 10.8 microM (site II). The concentration of these binding sites, when extrapolated to cellular protein concentrations, were 30 microM (site I) and 114 microM (site II). It is concluded that a minimum of about 50% of total cytosolic ADP is bound to proteins, and that the ratio of free ATP/free ADP is at least twice that of total ATP/total ADP.  相似文献   

In a prospective study of 505 patients aged 65 years or over admitted to a general surgical unit the overall hospital mortality rate was 14.5% and the postoperative mortality rate 12.0%. These rates fell to 3.6% and 5.8% respectively when deaths in non-viable patients were excluded from the analysis. An audit of surgical outcome that fails to identify non-viable patients is therefore potentially misleading. A standardised system of reporting surgical mortality is proposed to aid the comparison of results from different units. The key elements of this system are (a) the separation of the results from non-viable and potentially viable patients; (b) the consideration of both operative and non-operative mortality; (c) the differentiation between medical and surgical causes of postoperative mortality; and (d) the identification of patients who are discharged from the unit but who have residual malignancy. Data presented in such a way should be of direct relevance to surgeons and physicians who are seeking ways of improving the service provided for surgical patients of all ages.  相似文献   

We have developed a method of searching for similar spatial arrangements of atoms around a given chemical moiety in proteins that bind a common ligand. The first step in this method is to consider a set of atoms that closely surround a given chemical moiety. Then, to compare the spatial arrangements of such surrounding atoms in different proteins, they are translated and rotated so that the chemical moieties are superposed on each other. Spatial arrangements of surrounding atoms in a pair of proteins are judged to be similar, when there are many corresponding atoms occupying similar spatial positions. Because the method focuses on the arrangements of surrounding atoms, it can detect structural similarities of binding sites in proteins that are dissimilar in their amino acid sequences or in their chain folds. We have applied this method to identify modes of nucleotide base recognition by proteins. An all-against-all comparison of the arrangements of atoms surrounding adenine moieties revealed an unexpected structural similarity between protein kinases, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK), and casein kinase-1 (CK1), and D-Ala:D-Ala ligase (DD-ligase) at their adenine-binding sites, despite a lack of similarity in their chain folds. The similar local structure consists of a four-residue segment and three sequentially separated residues. In particular the four-residue segments of these enzymes were found to have nearly identical conformations in their backbone parts, which are involved in the recognition of adenine. This common local structure was also found in substrate-free three-dimensional structures of other proteins that are similar to DD-ligase in the chain fold and of other protein kinases. As the proteins with different folds were found to share a common local structure, these proteins seem to constitute a remarkable example of convergent evolution for the same recognition mechanism. Received: 9 December 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

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