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Epidemiological evidence indicates that sudden loading of the torso is a risk factor for low back injury. Accurately quantifying the time-varying loading of the spine during sudden loading events and how these loading profiles are affected by workplace factors such as fatigue, expectation, and training can potentially lead to intervention strategies that can reduce these risks. Electromyographic and trunk motion data were collected from six male participants who performed a series of sudden loading trials with varying levels of expectation (no preview, 300-ms audible preview), fatigue (no fatiguing exertion preceding sudden load, short duration/high intensity fatiguing exertion preceding sudden load), and training (untrained, trained). These data were used as inputs to an adaptive system identification model wherein time-varying lower back stiffness, torque, work, and impulse magnitudes were calculated. Results indicated that expectation significantly increased peak and average stiffness by 70% and 113%, respectively, and significantly decreased peak torque, work, and impulse magnitudes by 36%, 50%, and 45%, respectively. Training significantly decreased peak torque and work by 25% and 34%, respectively. The results also showed a significant interaction between expectation and training wherein training had a positive effect during the trials with preview but no effect during the trials with no preview (increased peak stiffness by 17% and decreased impulse magnitude by 43%).  相似文献   

Determining muscle contractile properties following exercise is critical in understanding neuromuscular function. Following high intensity training, individuals often experience exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD). The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of whole-body vibration (WBV) on muscle contractile properties following EIMD. Twenty-seven females volunteered for 7 sessions and were randomly assigned to a treatment or control group. Muscle contractile properties were assessed via voluntary torque (VT), peak twitch torque (TT), time to reach peak torque, half relaxation time of twitch torque, percent activation (%ACT), rate of rise (RR), rate of decline (RD), mean and peak electromyography during maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Two testing sets were collected each day, consisting of pre measures followed by WBV or control and post measures. A mixed factor analysis of variance was conducted for each variable. %ACT measures found baseline being less than day 1 in both measures in the control group. TT was found to be greater in the control group compared to WBV group. TT and VT baseline measures were greater than all other time points. RR showed control group had higher values than WBV group. These results indicate that WBV following EIMD had some positive effects on muscle contractile properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers in response to sudden trunk loading in healthy subjects. Fifteen healthy male subjects were anteriorly loaded under different experimental conditions. Tests were conducted at rest and while performing each of the stabilization maneuvers (expiration and abdominal bracing) at 15% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the internal oblique muscle. Subjects had no knowledge of the perturbation timing. An electromyographic biofeedback system was used to control the intensity of internal oblique muscle activation. Muscular pre-activation of three trunk muscles (internal oblique, external oblique, and L3 erector spinae muscles) and lumbar acceleration in response to loading were measured. The expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers promoted torso co-contraction, reduced the magnitude of lumbar acceleration, and increased spinal stability compared to the resting condition. There were no differences between the expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers in the pre-activation of the three trunk muscles or in lumbar acceleration in response to loading. It appears that both expiration and abdominal bracing maneuvers are effective in increasing spinal stability in response to sudden anterior loading.  相似文献   

Coactivation is an important component for understanding the physiological cost of muscular and spinal loads and their associations with spinal pathology and potentially myofascial pain. However, due to the complex and dynamic nature of most activities of daily living, it can be difficult to capture a quantifiable measure of coactivation. Many methods exist to assess coactivation, but most are limited to two-muscle systems, isometric/complex analyses, or dynamic/uniplanar analyses. Hence, a void exists in that coactivation has not been documented or assessed as a multiple-muscle system under realistic complex dynamic loading. Overall, no coactivation index has been capable of assessing coactivation during complex dynamic exertions. The aim of this review is to provide an understanding of the factors that may influence coactivation, document the metrics used to assess coactivity, assess the feasibility of those metrics, and define the necessary variables for a coactivation index that can be used for a variety of tasks. It may also be clinically and practically relevant in the understanding of rehabilitation effectiveness, efficiency during task performance, human-task interactions, and possibly the etiology for a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of the knee flexion on muscle activation and transmissibility during whole body vibration is controversially discussed in the literature. In this study, 34 individuals had electromyography activity (EMG) of the vastus lateralis and the acceleration assessed while squatting with 60° and 90° of knee flexion either with or without whole-body vibration (WBV). The conditions were maintained for 10 s with 1 min of rest between each condition. The main findings were (1) the larger the angle of knee flexion (90° vs. 60°), the greater the EMG (p < 0.001), with no difference on acceleration transmissibility; (2) for both angles of knee flexion, the addition of WBV produced no significant difference in EMG and higher acceleration compared to without WBV (p < 0.001). These results suggest that the larger the knee flexion angle (60° vs. 90°), the greater the muscle activation without acceleration modification. However, the addition of WBV increases the transmissibility of acceleration in the lower limbs without modification in EMG of vastus lateralis.  相似文献   

PurposeMany potential countermeasures for muscle and bone loss caused by exposure to microgravity require an uncompromised stretch reflex system. This is especially true for whole body vibration (WBV), as the main source of the neuromuscular activity during WBV has been attributed to stretch reflexes. A priori, it cannot be assumed that reflexes and Ia afferent transmission in particular have the same characteristics in microgravity as in normal gravity (NG). Therefore, the purpose of the study was to compare Ia afferent transmission in microgravity and NG and to assess how microgravity affects muscle activity during WBV.MethodsIn 14 participants, electromyographic activity of four leg muscles as well as Hoffmann-reflexes were recorded during NG and microgravity induced by parabolic flights.ResultsThe size of the Hoffmann-reflex was reduced during WBV, but did not differ during acute exposure to microgravity compared to NG. The influence of the gravity conditions on the electromyographic activity did not change depending on the vibration condition.ConclusionsAs far as the electromyographic activity of the recorded leg muscles is concerned, the effect of WBV is the same in microgravity as in NG. Moreover, Ia afferent transmission does not seem to be affected by acute exposure to microgravity when subjects are loaded with body weight and postural sway is minimized.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of two sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the proteome of cerebellum, hippocampus, and frontal lobe in Balb/c mice following long-term whole body irradiation. Three equally divided groups of animals (6 animals/group) were used; the first group was exposed to a typical mobile phone, at a SAR level range of 0.17–0.37 W/kg for 3 h daily for 8 months, the second group was exposed to a wireless DECT base (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications/Telephone) at a SAR level range of 0.012–0.028 W/kg for 8 h/day also for 8 months and the third group comprised the sham-exposed animals. Comparative proteomics analysis revealed that long-term irradiation from both EMF sources altered significantly (p < 0.05) the expression of 143 proteins in total (as low as 0.003 fold downregulation up to 114 fold overexpression). Several neural function related proteins (i.e., Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), Alpha-synuclein, Glia Maturation Factor beta (GMF), and apolipoprotein E (apoE)), heat shock proteins, and cytoskeletal proteins (i.e., Neurofilaments and tropomodulin) are included in this list as well as proteins of the brain metabolism (i.e., Aspartate aminotransferase, Glutamate dehydrogenase) to nearly all brain regions studied. Western blot analysis on selected proteins confirmed the proteomics data. The observed protein expression changes may be related to brain plasticity alterations, indicative of oxidative stress in the nervous system or involved in apoptosis and might potentially explain human health hazards reported so far, such as headaches, sleep disturbance, fatigue, memory deficits, and brain tumor long-term induction under similar exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) causes a loss of locomotor function with associated compromise of the musculo-skeletal system. Whole body vibration (WBV) is a potential therapy following SCI, but little is known about its effects on the musculo-skeletal system. Here, we examined locomotor recovery and the musculo-skeletal system after thoracic (T7-9) compression SCI in adult rats. Daily WBV was started at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days after injury (WBV1-WBV28 respectively) and continued over a 12-week post-injury period. Intact rats, rats with SCI but no WBV (sham-treated) and a group that received passive flexion and extension (PFE) of their hind limbs served as controls. Compared to sham-treated rats, neither WBV nor PFE improved motor function. Only WBV14 and PFE improved body support. In line with earlier studies we failed to detect signs of soleus muscle atrophy (weight, cross sectional diameter, total amount of fibers, mean fiber diameter) or bone loss in the femur (length, weight, bone mineral density). One possible explanation is that, despite of injury extent, the preservation of some axons in the white matter, in combination with quadripedal locomotion, may provide sufficient trophic and neuronal support for the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Translational vertebral motion during functional tasks manifests itself in dynamic loci for center of rotation (COR). A shift of COR affects moment arms of muscles and ligaments; consequently, muscle and joint forces are altered. Based on posture- and level-specific trends of COR migration revealed by in vivo dynamic radiography during functional activities, it was postulated that the instantaneous COR location for a particular joint is optimized in order to minimize the joint reaction forces. A musculoskeletal multi-body model was employed to investigate the hypotheses that (1) a posterior COR in upright standing and (2) an anterior COR in forward flexed posture leads to optimized lumbar joint loads. Moreover, it was hypothesized that (3) lower lumbar levels benefit from a more superiorly located COR.The COR in the model was varied from its initial position in posterior-anterior and inferior-superior direction up to ±6 mm in steps of 2 mm. Movement from upright standing to 45° forward bending and backwards was simulated for all configurations. Joint reaction forces were computed at levels L2L3 to L5S1. Results clearly confirmed hypotheses (1) and (2) and provided evidence for the validity of hypothesis (3), hence offering a biomechanical rationale behind the migration paths of CORs observed during functional flexion/extension movement. Average sensitivity of joint force magnitudes to an anterior shift of COR was +6 N/mm in upright and −21 N/mm in 30° forward flexed posture, while sensitivity to a superior shift in upright standing was +7 N/mm and −8 N/mm in 30° flexion. The relation between COR loci and joint loading in upright and flexed postures could be mainly attributed to altered muscle moment arms and consequences on muscle exertion. These findings are considered relevant for the interpretation of COR migration data, the development of numerical models, and could have an implication on clinical diagnosis and treatment or the development of spinal implants.  相似文献   

It has been reported that altered neuromuscular control of the trunk is associated with lower back pain. In this context reflex delays of the trunk muscles have often been assessed but the reliability of the tests has not been well established. The aim of this study was to test the reliability of measuring reflex delays of the trunk muscles after two types of postural perturbations. 24 Healthy subjects participated in the intra-session study and 13 of them repeated the test protocol within 1–3 weeks, to determine inter-session reliability. Postural reflex delays to unexpected loading and unloading of the arms were assessed in a standing unrestrained position. Each subject performed 40 trials of each test in order to evaluate muscle responses of 5 trunk muscles using surface electromyography. Overall reliability increased with higher number of the averaged trials. Good intra-session (ICC3,1>0.75) and moderate (ICC3,1>0.60) inter-session reliability were reached in most of the monitored trunk muscles. Within the performed number of trials we did not observe any significant systematic intra- or inter-session bias effect. Averaging a higher number of consecutive trials would be recommended in future research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Vibrations of the thorax and electrical activity (EMG) of gypsy moth flight muscles were recorded during wing fanning following pheromone stimulation. The percentage of positive responses and durations of bursts of flight muscle activity increased with the logarithm of pheromone dose, whereas latency decreased. The results correlated well with wing fanning responses of freely moving gypsy moths exposed to nearly identical stimulus conditions. Typical dose-response curves in the range of 0.04-400ng disparlure were obtained in both types of experiments. These methods provide an electrical analogue of wing fanning behaviour.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that sudden unexplained death (SUD) in some epileptic patients is related to geomagnetic activity we exposed rats in which limbic epilepsy had been induced to experimentally produced magnetic fields designed to simulate sudden storm commencements (SSCs). Prior studies with rats had shown that sudden death in groups of rats in which epilepsy had been induced months earlier was associated with the occurrence of SSCs and increased geomagnetic activity during the previous night. Schnabel et al. [(2000) Neurology 54:903–908) found no relationship between SUD in human patients and geomagnetic activity. A total of 96 rats were exposed to either 500, 50, 10–40 nT or sham (less than 10 nT) magnetic fields for 6 min every hour between midnight and 0800 hours (local time) for three successive nights. The shape of the complex, amplitude-modulated magnetic fields simulated the shape and structure of an average SSC. The rats were then seized with lithium and pilocarpine and the mortality was monitored. Whereas 10% of the rats that had been exposed to the sham field died within 24 h, 60% of the rats that had been exposed to the experimental magnetic fields simulating natural geomagnetic activity died (P<.001) during this period. These results suggest that correlational analyses between SUD in epileptic patients and increased geomagnetic activity can be simulated experimentally in epileptic rats and that potential mechanisms might be testable directly.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of exposure to cold air (10 °C) on thermal responses, muscle performance and dexterity of muscular subjects and their matched lean counterparts.  相似文献   

Radioadaptive response provides a considerable impact on the risk assessment of low-dose and low dose-rate exposures to ionizing radiations. The cells previously exposed to low doses of radiations become resistant to the induction of mutations, chromosome aberrations and cell killing by the subsequent doses but more susceptible to malignant transformation. The reaction kinetics of radioadaptive response were incorporated into a modelling of biological consequences of protracted low dose-rate exposures to radiations. The model is also consistent with the low dose-rate effects on spermatogonial mutations and translocations in the experimental animals and inverse dose-rate effects of morphological transformation in cultured cells.  相似文献   

This pilot study investigated the effect of age on the ability of motor prediction during self-triggered drop perturbations (SLF) to modulate startle-like first trial response (FTR) magnitude during externally-triggered (EXT) drop perturbations. Ten healthy older (71.4 ± 1.44 years) and younger adults (26.2 ± 1.63 years) stood atop a moveable platform and received blocks of twelve consecutive EXT and SLF drop perturbations. Following the last SLF trial, participants received an additional EXT trial spaced 20 min apart to assess retention (EXT RTN) of any modulation effects. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded bilaterally over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), medial gastrocnemius (MG), and tibialis anterior (TA). Whole-body kinematics and kinetic data were recorded. Stability in the antero-posterior direction was quantified using the margin of stability (MoS). Compared with EXT trials, both groups reduced SCM peak amplitude responses during SLF and EXT RTN trials. VL/BF and TA/MG coactivation were reduced during SLF FTR compared to EXT FTR (p < 0.05) with reduced peak vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF) in both younger and older adults (p < 0.05). Older adults increased their MoS during SLF FTR compared to EXT FTR (p < 0.05). Both groups performed more eccentric work during SLF trials compared to EXT (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that abnormal startle effects with aging may interfere with balance recovery and increase risk of injury with external balance perturbations. Motor prediction may be used to acutely mitigate abnormal startle/postural responses with aging.  相似文献   

Two independent series of experiments were performed on 114 male Sprague-Dawley derived, albino rat pups, which represented 61 litters in experimental series I and 53 litters in experimental series II. Animals were exposed for 20 h/day from conception to testing (postnatal days 11–20) to a vertical, 65-kV/m, 60-Hz electric field or sham-exposed. Recordings of the visual-evoked response (VER) were obtained using a small silver ball electrode placed epidurally over the visual cortex. Visual stimuli consisted of 10-μS light flashes delivered at 0.2 Hz. Computer-averaged VERs were obtained and power spectral analyses (fast Fourier transform) were performed on the tapered (split cosine-bell window), averaged VERs. The expected age-related changes were clearly evident; however, a detailed analysis of VER component latencies, peak-to-peak amplitude, and power spectra failed to reveal any consistent, statistically significant effect of exposure to 60-Hz electric fields.  相似文献   

Low, non-freezing temperatures are a major factor limiting growth and development of vegetation in cold climates. Activation of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) regulatory pathway by acute cold treatment is important for cold acclimation and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana ; however, the potential role of this pathway in response to chronic cold treatment has been less well characterised. We studied long-term (chronic) effects of low, non-freezing temperatures on the expression of CBF pathway genes ( CBF2/3 , COR15a , RD29A ) and cell cycle-related genes ( CDKA;1 , CYCD2;1 , CYCB1;1 ) in roots of accessions from habitats differing in growing season temperatures. Elongation rates of primary roots at 21 and 10 °C were not significantly correlated with average growing season temperatures, indicating that there is no ecotypic differentiation for these traits. Measurements of mRNA accumulation in roots of seven accessions showed that expression of CBF2/3 , COR15a and RD29A is induced by both acute cold treatment (2–24 h at 4 °C) and chronic cold treatment (5–6 weeks at 10 °C), while CYCB1;1 is only induced by chronic cold treatment. RD29A and COR15a mRNA levels were correlated (P < 0.05) with the rate of root elongation in the cold for three high-altitude accessions relative to the common laboratory stain, Col-0. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that induction of CBF2/3 , COR15a , RD29A and CYCB1;1 is a physiological response to cold that, in the case of RD29A and COR15a , may be important for root growth at low temperatures.  相似文献   

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