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Kinematic and kinetic changes following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture and reconstruction (ACLR) have been fundamental to the understanding of mechanical disrupted load as it contributes to the development of posttraumatic osteoarthritis. These analyses overlook the potential contribution of muscle activity as it relates to the joint loading environment. Males and females classified as non-copers present with unique knee kinematics and kinetics after ACL injury. The purpose of this study was to perform sex-specific analyses in these individuals to explore muscle activity timing during gait after ACL rupture. Thirty-nine participants (12 females, 27 males) were enrolled. Muscle activity during gait was evaluated before and after pre-operative physical therapy, and six months after ACLR. Surface electromyography data were evaluated to determine timing (e.g., the time the muscle activity begins (‘On’) and ends (‘Off’)) for seven muscles: vastus lateralis and medialis (VL, VM), lateral and medial hamstrings (LH, MH), lateral and medial gastrocnemius (LG, MG), and soleus (SOL). General linear models with generalized estimating equations detected the effects of limb and time for muscle activity timing. Males presented with more limb asymmetries before and after pre-operative PT in the VL On (p < 0.001) and Off (p = 0.007), VM On and Off (p < 0.001), and MH off (p < 0.001), but all limb differences resolved by six months post ACLR. Changes in muscle activity in males were pervasive over time in both limbs. Females presented with no interlimb differences pre-operatively, and only involved limb VL off (p = 0.027) and VM off (p = 0.003) and the LH off in both limbs (p < 0.038) changed over time. Our data indicate that inter-limb differences in muscle activity across time points and changes in muscle activity timing over the course of physical therapy were sex specific. Males presented with more inter-limb differences in muscle activity across time points, and females presented with fewer asymmetries before and after pre-operative physical therapy. These data support that sex-specific adaptations should be taken into consideration when assessing biomechanical changes after ACLR.  相似文献   

Non-contact ACL injuries are one of the most common injuries to the knee joint among adolescent/collegiate athletes, with sex and limb dominance being identified as risk factors. In children under 12 years of age (U12), these injuries occur less often and there is no sex-bias present. This study set out to explore if sex and/or limb dominance differences exist in neuromuscular activations in U12 athletes. Thirty-four U12 males and females had six bilateral muscles analyzed during unanticipated side-cuts. Principal component analysis was performed, capturing differences in overall magnitudes and timing of peak magnitudes. Two-way mixed-model ANOVAs determined significant limb effects with both sexes displaying (i) greater magnitudes in the lateral gastrocnemius and both hamstrings in the dominant limb and (ii) earlier timing of peak magnitudes in both gastrocnemii, both hamstrings and vastus medialis in the non-dominant limb, while no sex differences were identified. This study demonstrated that limb dominance, not sex, affects neuromuscular activation strategies in U12 athletes during unanticipated side-cuts. When developing injury prevention programs for younger athletes, an increased focus on balancing neuromuscular activations in both limbs could be beneficial in reducing the likelihood of ACL injuries in these athletes as they mature through puberty.  相似文献   

Most biomechanical studies into changing direction focus on final contact (FC), whilst limited research has examined penultimate contact (PEN). The aim of this study was to explore the kinematic and kinetic differences between PEN and FC of cutting and pivoting in 22 female soccer players (mean ± SD; age: 21 ± 3.1 years, height: 1.68 ± 0.07 m, mass: 58.9 ± 7.3 kg). Furthermore, the study investigated whether horizontal force–time characteristics during PEN were related to peak knee abduction moments during FC. Three dimensional motion analyses of cutting and pivoting on the right leg were performed using Qualysis ‘Proreflex’ infrared cameras (240 Hz). Ground reaction forces (GRF) were collected from two AMTI force platforms (1200 Hz) to examine PEN and FC. Both manoeuvres involved significantly (P < 0.05) greater knee joint flexion angles, peak horizontal GRF, but lower average horizontal GRF during PEN compared to FC. Average horizontal GRF during PEN (R = −0.569, R2 = 32%, P = 0.006) and average horizontal GRF ratio (R = 0.466, R2 = 22%, P = 0.029) were significantly related to peak knee abduction moments during the FC of cutting and pivoting, respectively. The results indicate PEN during pre-planned changing direction helps reduce loading on the turning leg where there is greater risk of injuries to knee ligaments.  相似文献   

Female athletes are more prone to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. A neuromuscular imbalance called leg dominance may provide a biomechanical explanation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the side-to-side lower limb differences in movement patterns, muscle forces and ACL forces during a single-leg drop-landing task from two different heights. We hypothesized that there will be significant differences in lower limb movement patterns (kinematics), muscle forces and ACL loading between the dominant and non-dominant limbs. Further, we hypothesized that significant differences between limbs will be present when participants land from a greater drop-landing height. Eight recreational female participants performed dominant and non-dominant single-leg drop landings from 30 to 60 cm. OpenSim software was used to develop participant-specific musculoskeletal models and to calculate muscle forces. We also predicted ACL loading using our previously established method. There were no significant differences between dominant and non-dominant leg landing except in ankle dorsiflexion and GMED muscle forces at peak GRF. Landing from a greater height resulted in significant differences among most kinetics and kinematics variables and ACL forces. Minimal differences in lower-limb muscle forces and ACL loading between the dominant and non-dominant legs during single-leg landing may suggest similar risk of injury across limbs in this cohort. Further research is required to confirm whether limb dominance may play an important role in the higher incidence of ACL injury in female athletes with larger and sport-specific cohorts.  相似文献   

The purposes were twofold: (a) to ascertain the inter-session reliability of hamstrings total reaction time, pre-motor time and motor time; and (b) to examine sex-related differences in the hamstrings reaction times profile. Twenty-four men and 24 women completed the study. Biceps femoris and semitendinosus total reaction time, pre-motor time and motor time measured during eccentric isokinetic contractions were recorded on three different occasions. Inter-session reliability was examined through typical percentage error (CVTE), percentage change in the mean (CM) and intraclass correlations (ICC). For both biceps femoris and semitendinosus, total reaction time, pre-motor time and motor time measures demonstrated moderate inter-session reliability (CVTE < 10%; CM < 3%; ICC > 0.7). The results also indicated that, although not statistically significant, women reported consistently longer hamstrings total reaction time (23.5 ms), pre-motor time (12.7 ms) and motor time (7.5 ms) values than men. Therefore, an observed change larger than 5%, 9% and 8% for total reaction time, pre-motor time and motor time respectively from baseline scores after performing a training program would indicate that a real change was likely. Furthermore, while not statistically significant, sex differences were noted in the hamstrings reaction time profile which may play a role in the greater incidence of ACL injuries in women.  相似文献   

Background: Muscle fatigue is associated with biomechanical changes that may lead to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Alterations in trunk and pelvis kinematics may also be involved in ACL injury. Although some studies have compared the effects of muscle fatigue on lower limb kinematics between men and women, little is known about its effects on pelvis and trunk kinematics. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of fatigue on lower limb, pelvis and trunk kinematics and muscle activation between men and women during landing. Methods: The participants included forty healthy subjects. We performed kinematic analysis of the trunk, pelvis, hip and knee and muscle activation analysis of the gluteal muscles, vastus lateralis and biceps femoris, during a single-leg landing before and after fatigue. Results: Men had greater trunk flexion than women after fatigue. After fatigue, a decrease in peak knee flexion and an increase in Gmax and BF activation were observed. Conclusion: The increase in the trunk flexion can decrease the anterior tibiofemoral shear force resulted from the lower knee flexion angle, thereby decreasing the stress on the ACL.  相似文献   

Partial anterior cruciate ligament (p-ACL) rupture is a common injury, but the impact of a p-ACL injury on in vivo joint kinematics has yet to be determined in an animal model. The in vivo kinematics of the ovine stifle joint were assessed during ‘normal’ gait, and at 20 and 40 weeks after p-ACL transection (Tx). Gross morphological scoring of the knee was conducted. p-ACL Tx creates significant progressive post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA)-like damage by 40 weeks. Statistically significant increases for flexion angles at hoof-strike (HS) and mid-stance (MST) were seen at 20 weeks post p-ACL Tx and the HS and hoof-off (HO) points at 40 weeks post p-ACL-Tx, therefore increased flexion angles occurred during stance phase. Statistically significant increases in posterior tibial shift at the mid-flexion (MF) and mid-extension (ME) points were seen during the swing phase of the gait cycle at 40 weeks post p-ACL Tx. Correlation analysis showed a strong and significant correlation between kinematic changes (instabilities) and gross morphological score in the inferior-superior direction at 40 weeks post p-ACL Tx at MST, HO, and MF. Further, there was a significant correlation between change in gross morphological combined score (ΔGCS) and the change in location of the helical axis in the anterior direction (ΔsAP) after p-ACL Tx for all points analyzed through the gait cycle. This study quantified in vivo joint kinematics before and after p-ACL Tx knee injury during gait, and demonstrated that a p-ACL knee injury leads to both PTOA-like damage and kinematic changes.  相似文献   

We present findings on the way in which to use electromyographic (EMG) measurements from muscles acting on the knee in planning rehabilitation of subjects after rupture of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). ACL subjects demonstrated an earlier recruitment and a tendency to prolonged activity in muscles around the deficient knee as compared with a control group. Especially the hamstring lateralis and the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscles showed an earlier EMG onset and a longer EMG burst duration. The clinical relevance of the EMG findings was assessed by comparing the muscle coordination and relative levels of activity between a functionally excellent/good and a functionally poor ACL patient group. Significant differences between the two groups were noted in EMG onset and burst duration of the GM muscle. A rehabilitation program based on the EMG findings from the GM muscle was designed. In this program, the ACL subjects with poor stability were trained to change the EMG activity of the gastrocnemius muscles according to the recruitment pattern of the good/excellent ACL-group. We were able to train the subjects to change their muscle recruitment and to improve their knee stability. The stability of the knee joint depends on the stiffness of the muscles and ligaments around and within the knee. We discuss the importance of the gastrocnemius muscles with regard to knee joint stiffness.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can result in failure to return to pre-injury activity levels and future osteoarthritis predisposition. Single leg hop is used in late rehabilitation to evaluate recovery and inform treatment but biomechanical understanding of this activity is insufficient.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether mechanical adaptations were present in patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient knees during high-demand activities. Twenty-two subjects with unilateral ACL deficiency (11 males and 11 females, 19.6 months after injury) performed five different activities at a comfortable speed (level walking, ascending and descending steps, jogging, jogging to a 90-degree side cutting toward the opposite direction of the tested side). Three-dimensional knee kinematics for the ACL-deficient knees and uninjured contralateral knees were evaluated using the Point Cluster Technique. There was no significant difference in knee flexion angle, but an offset toward the knee in less valgus and more external tibial rotation was observed in the ACL-deficient knee. The tendency was more obvious in high demand motions, and a significant difference was clearly observed in the side cutting motions. These motion patterns, with the knee in less valgus and more external tibial rotation, are proposed to be an adaptive movement to avoid pivot shift dynamically, and reveal evidence in support of a dynamic adaptive motion occurring in ACL-deficient knees.  相似文献   

Controlling dynamic interactions between the lower limb and ground is important for skilled locomotion and may influence injury risk in athletes. It is well known that female athletes sustain anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears at higher rates than male athletes, and exhibit lower extremity biomechanics thought to increase injury risk during sport maneuvers. The purpose of this study was to examine whether lower extremity dexterity (LED) – the ability to dynamically control endpoint force magnitude and direction as quantified by compressing an unstable spring with the lower limb at submaximal forces – is a potential contributing factor to the “at-risk” movement behavior exhibited by female athletes. We tested this hypothesis by comparing LED-test performance and single-limb drop jump biomechanics between 14 female and 14 male high school soccer players. We found that female athletes exhibited reduced LED-test performance (p=0.001) and higher limb stiffness during landing (p=0.008) calculated on average within 51 ms of foot contact. Females also exhibited higher coactivation at the ankle (p=0.001) and knee (p=0.02) before landing. No sex differences in sagittal plane joint angles and center of mass velocity at foot contact were observed. Collectively, our results raise the possibility that the higher leg stiffness observed in females during landing is an anticipatory behavior due in part to reduced lower extremity dexterity. The reduced lower extremity dexterity and compensatory stiffening strategy may contribute to the heightened risk of ACL injury in this population.  相似文献   

As one of the most complex and vulnerable structures of body, the human knee joint should maintain dynamic equilibrium and stability in occupational and recreational activities. The evaluation of its stability and factors affecting it is vital in performance evaluation/enhancement, injury prevention and treatment managements. Knee stability often manifests itself by pain, hypermobility and giving-way sensations and is usually assessed by the passive joint laxity tests. Mechanical stability of both the human knee joint and the lower extremity at early stance periods of gait (0% and 5%) were quantified here for the first time using a hybrid musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity. The roles of muscle coactivity, simulated by setting minimum muscle activation at 0–10% levels and ACL deficiency, simulated by reducing ACL resistance by up to 85%, on the stability margin as well as joint biomechanics (contact/muscle/ligament forces) were investigated. Dynamic stability was analyzed using both linear buckling and perturbation approaches at the final deformed configurations in gait. The knee joint was much more stable at 0% stance than at 5% due to smaller ground reaction and contact forces. Muscle coactivity, when at lower intensities (<3% of its maximum active force), increased dynamic stability margin. Greater minimum activation levels, however, acted as an ineffective strategy to enhance stability. Coactivation also substantially increased muscle forces, joint loads and ACL force and hence the risk of further injury and degeneration. A deficiency in ACL decreases total ACL force (by 31% at 85% reduced stiffness) and the stability margin of the knee joint at the heel strike. It also markedly diminishes forces in lateral hamstrings (by up to 39%) and contact forces on the lateral plateau (by up to 17%). Current work emphasizes the need for quantification of the lower extremity stability margin in gait.  相似文献   

A potential cause of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is landing on an extended knee. In line with this hypothesis, studies have shown that the ACL is elongated with decreasing knee flexion angle. Furthermore, at low flexion angles the patellar tendon is oriented to increase the anterior shear component of force acting on the tibia. This indicates that knee extension represents a position in which the ACL is taut, and thus may have an increased propensity for injury, particularly in the presence of excessive force acting via the patellar tendon. However, there is very little in vivo data to describe how patellar tendon orientation and ACL elongation interact during flexion. Therefore, this study measured the patellar tendon tibial shaft angle (indicative of the relative magnitude of the shear component of force acting via the patellar tendon) and ACL length in vivo as subjects performed a quasi-static lunge at varying knee flexion angles. Spearman rho rank correlations within each individual revealed that flexion angles were inversely correlated to both ACL length (rho = −0.94 ± 0.07, mean ± standard deviation, p < 0.05) and patellar tendon tibial shaft angle (rho = −0.99 ± 0.01, p < 0.05). These findings indicate that when the knee is extended, the ACL is both elongated and the patellar tendon tibial shaft angle is increased, resulting in a relative increase in anterior shear force on the tibia acting via the patellar tendon. Therefore, these data support the hypothesis that landing with the knee in extension is a high risk scenario for ACL injury.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨常规肌力康复训练联合血流限制训练对前交叉韧带(ACL)重建术后患者膝关节功能、股四头肌功能和平衡功能的影响。方法:选取2020年9月-2022年7月期间我院收治的ACL重建术患者82例。根据随机数字表法分为对照组(n=41,接受常规肌力康复训练)和研究组(n=41,接受常规肌力康复训练联合血流限制训练)。比较两组膝关节功能、股四头肌功能、平衡功能和并发症发生率。结果:治疗6周后,研究组膝关节Lysholm评分高于对照组,膝关节肿胀程度、大腿周径差值小于对照组,膝关节最大屈曲角度大于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗6周后,研究组股四头肌厚度薄于对照组,平均功率、峰力矩大于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗6周后,研究组站立平衡平均压力峰值差、缓慢弯膝平均压力峰值差、向下蹲位平均压力峰值差小于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组(4.88%)的并发症发生率低于对照组(24.39%)(P<0.05)。结论:ACL重建术后患者应用血流限制训练联合常规肌力康复训练进行干预,可有效改善患者膝关节功能、股四头肌功能和平衡功能,降低并发症发生率。  相似文献   

There is a clear relationship between lumbar spine loading and back musculoskeletal disorders in manual materials handling. The incidence of back disorders is greater in women than men, and for similar work demands females are functioning closer to their physiological limit. It is crucial to study loading on the spine musculoskeletal system with actual handlers, including females, to better understand the risk of back disorders. Extrapolation from biomechanical studies conducted on unexperienced subjects (mainly males) might not be applicable to actual female workers. For male workers, expertise changes the lumbar spine flexion, passive spine resistance, and active/passive muscle forces. However, experienced females select similar postures to those of novices when spine loading is critical. This study proposes that the techniques adopted by male experts, male novices, and females (with considerable experience but not categorized as experts) impact their lumbar spine musculoskeletal systems differently. Spinal loads, muscle forces, and passive resistance (muscle and ligamentous spine) were predicted by a multi-joint EMG-assisted optimization musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine. Expert males flexed their lumbar spine less (avg. 21.9° vs 30.3–31.7°) and showed decreased passive internal moments (muscle avg. 8.9% vs 15.9–16.0%; spine avg. 4.7% vs 7.1–7.8%) and increased active internal moments (avg. 72.9% vs 62.0–63.9%), thus producing a different impact on their lumbar spine musculoskeletal systems. Experienced females sustained the highest relative spine loads (compression avg. 7.3 N/BW vs 6.2–6.4 N/BW; shear avg. 2.3 N/BW vs 1.7–1.8 N/BW) in addition to passive muscle and ligamentous spine resistance similar to novices. Combined with smaller body size, less strength, and the sequential lifting technique used by females, this could potentially mean greater risk of back injury. Workers should be trained early to limit excessive and repetitive stretching of their lumbar spine passive tissues.  相似文献   

Non-contact ACL injuries generally occur as the foot contacts the ground during cutting or landing maneuvers and the non-contact ACL injury rate is 2–8 times greater in females compared to males. To provide insight into the gender bias of this injury, this study set out to identify gender differences in the neuromuscular response of the quadriceps, hamstrings and gastrocnemii muscles in elite adolescent soccer players during the pre-contact and early stance phases of an unanticipated side-cut and cross-cut. For the early stance phase of the two maneuvers, females demonstrated greater rectus femoris activity compared to males. Throughout the pre-contact phase of the maneuvers, a rectus femoris activation difference was identified with females having an earlier and more rapid rise in muscle activity as initial ground contact approached. Females demonstrated greater lateral and medial gastrocnemii activity for the pre-contact and early stance phases of the side-cut and greater lateral gastrocnemii activity during early stance of the cross-cut. Timing of hamstring activity also differed between genders prior to foot contact. The differences suggest that the activation patterns observed in females might not be providing adequate joint protection and stability, thereby possibly having a contributing role towards increased non-contact ACL injuries in females.  相似文献   

The effects of growth- and gender-related differences on satellite cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated using satellite cells isolated from the pectoralis major muscle of a turkey line selected for increased 16-week body weight (F-line) and its unselected randombred control (RBC2-line). Proliferation rates within the F- and RBC2-lines did not differ between sexes. The F-line male and female satellite cells when compared to the RBC2-line male and female satellite cells proliferated at a faster rate. Differentiation rates were increased for the F-line male cells compared to both the F-line female and RBC2-line male satellite cells. No difference in differentiation rate was noted within the RBC2-line satellite cells. For satellite cells from females, the RBC2-line differentiated faster than the F-line. Morphological data on myotube length and the number of nuclei per myotube supported the differentiation data in that F-line male satellite cells had the longest myotubes with the most nuclei, there was no significant difference between myotubes within the RBC2-line, and female-derived myotubes from the RBC2-line were longer than those of the F-line by 96 h of fusion. These data are suggestive of both growth- and gender- related differences in satellite cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

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