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Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is an emerging technique to study the cellular architecture and the structure of proteins at high resolution in situ. Most biological specimens are too thick to be directly investigated and are therefore thinned by milling with a focused ion beam under cryogenic conditions (cryo-FIB). This procedure is prone to contaminations, which makes it a tedious process, often leading to suboptimal results. Here, we present new hardware that overcomes the current limitations. We developed a new glove box and a high vacuum cryo transfer system and installed a stage heater, a cryo-shield and a cryo-shutter in the FIB milling microscope. This reduces the ice contamination during the transfer and milling process and simplifies the handling of the sample. In addition, we tested a new software application that automates the key milling steps. Together, these improvements allow for high-quality, high-throughput cryo-FIB milling. This paves the way for new types of experiments, which have been previously considered infeasible.  相似文献   

In microbiology, and in particular in virus research, electron microscopy (EM) is an important tool, offering a broad approach for investigating viral structure throughout their intracellular and extracellular life cycles. Currently, molecular tools and rapid developments in advanced light microscopy dominate the field and supply an enormous amount of information concerning virus biology. In recent years, numerous fascinating high-resolution EM structures obtained by single-particle electron cryo microscopy (cryo-EM) were revealed for viral particles that possess icosahedral symmetry. However, no comprehensive three-dimensional analysis of complex viruses or viruses within cells has yet been achieved using EM. Recent developments in electron cryo-tomography render this a proficient tool for the analysis of complex viruses and viruses within cells in greater detail.  相似文献   

The continuously growing limpet radula contains teeth at various stages of maturity and thus provides an excellent opportunity for studying the processes and mechanisms of their mineralization. We report here on our structural investigations of the pre-formed chitin matrix and the initial deposition and growth of goethite (α-FeOOH) crystals within the matrix. By using cryo-techniques, in which unstained sections of the teeth are examined in a frozen-hydrated state in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), we were able to characterize the process without introducing artifacts normally associated with the staining, dehydration, and embedding required for conventional TEM. The unmineralized matrix consists of relatively well ordered, densely packed arrays of chitin fibers, with only a few nanometers between adjacent fibers. There are clearly no pre-formed compartments that control goethite crystal size and shape; rather, crystals must push aside or engulf the fibers as they grow. By examining teeth nearly row-by-row around the onset of mineralization, we were able to image the first-formed mineral within the chitin matrix. These linear deposits of goethite appear to nucleate on the chitin fibers, which thus control the orientation of the crystals. Crystal growth, on the other hand, is apparently not influenced by the matrix, in contrast to many other biomineralization systems.  相似文献   

We present the three-dimensional structure of rat DPPIV/CD26, as determined by cryo-TEM and single particle analysis at a resolution of approximately 14A. The reconstruction confirms that the protein exists as a dimer, as predicted earlier. Since there are structural analogies to the serine peptidase POP, docking calculations of the two structures were performed. Although the docking showed a similar spatial organization (catalytic domain, beta-propeller, distal opening, central cavity), the detailed comparison revealed clear discrepancies. The most marked difference is a second (lateral) opening in DPPIV/CD26, which would enable direct access to the catalytic site. We therefore assume that substrate selectivity and binding rate are most probably driven by different mechanisms in DPPIV/CD26 and POP.  相似文献   

Mixtures of locust bean gum (LBG) with κ-carrageenan (KC) in 0.1 M aqueous solutions of the mixed salts NaI/CsI were investigated by cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and dynamic viscoelastic measurements. Previous studies have shown that as the cesium content is increased in such mixed salt solutions, a transition occurs from molecularly dispersed helices to ‘superhelical rods’ of KC. We now found that LBG stabilises the superhelical rods, shifting the transition to a lower content of Cs for the mixtures than for KC alone. The formation of superhelical rods was evidenced both by cryo-TEM images and by an onset of thermal hysteresis in the coil–helix transition of KC. In the mixtures, the transition temperatures on cooling and heating were insensitive to the proportions of LBG and KC present at all cesium contents. Under conditions where no helix aggregation occurred (no hysteresis) the mixtures showed high tan δ values and low storage moduli. Under aggregated conditions, gels formed, and gels with added LBG had enhanced moduli compared to gels with KC alone. On the basis of these results we propose that LBG associates to the super-helical rods of KC.  相似文献   

Electron tomography of vitreous sections from cultured mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryo-electron tomography of appropriately thin, frozen-hydrated biological specimens has excellent potential for investigating the 3D macromolecular architecture of eukaryotic cells and tissues. Since cardiomyocytes are too thick to be visualised in an intact state, we grew immortalised cell line HL-1 to sub-confluency and harvested the cells by enzymatic detachment prior to hyperbaric freezing, ultramicrotomy, and tomography. We improved the efficiency of tomographic acquisition from vitreous cryosections by implementing two new features: (1) fluorescence microscopy at cryogenic temperatures to search for features of interest without expending any of the tolerable electron dose on secondary (non-imaging) tasks, and (2) the use of colloidal gold as fiducial markers. Vital fluorescent staining and subsequent cryo-fluorescence microscopy of vitreous sections were used to localise mitochondria lying in positions suitable for acquiring tilt series, taking into account section flatness, presence of contamination and proximity to grid bars. To provide a simple and robust means of aligning tomograms, we developed a universally applicable protocol for depositing colloidal gold onto vitreous sections, analogous to the method for applying quantum dots described by Masich et al. [Masich, S., Östberg, T., Norlén, L., Shupliakov, O., Daneholt, B., 2006. A procedure to deposit fiducial markers on vitreous cryo-sections for cellular tomography. J. Struct. Biol. 156, 461–468]. Tomograms of thin sections (nominal thickness 65–85 nm) of cardiac mitochondria revealed the interconnectivity of cristae and junctions with the inner mitochondrial membrane. In some cases, ATP synthases could be identified without ambiguity. These findings confirm the feasibility of investigating the structural biology of mammalian cells in three dimensions and at a resolution of 6–8 nm.  相似文献   

ContinuousFlex is a user-friendly open-source software package for analyzing continuous conformational variability of macromolecules in cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo electron tomography (cryo-ET) data. In 2019, ContinuousFlex became available as a plugin for Scipion, an image processing software package extensively used in the cryo-EM field. Currently, ContinuousFlex contains software for running (1) recently published methods HEMNMA-3D, TomoFlow, and NMMD; (2) earlier published methods HEMNMA and StructMap; and (3) methods for simulating cryo-EM and cryo-ET data with conformational variability and methods for data preprocessing. It also includes external software for molecular dynamics simulation (GENESIS) and normal mode analysis (ElNemo), used in some of the mentioned methods. The HEMNMA software has been presented in the past, but not the software of other methods. Besides, ContinuousFlex currently also offers a deep learning extension of HEMNMA, named DeepHEMNMA. In this article, we review these methods in the context of the ContinuousFlex package, developed to facilitate their use by the community.  相似文献   

In this paper we briefly review currently published models for human ventricular cells and tissues. We discuss the Priebe–Beuckelmann (PB) model and the reduced version of this model constructed by Bernus et al. (redPB), the Ten Tusscher–Noble–Noble–Panfilov (TNNP) model and the Iyer–Mazhari–Winslow (IMW) model. We compare several characteristics of these models such as: sources of experimental data the models are based on, action potential morphology, action potential duration (APD) and conduction velocity (CV) restitution and computational efficiency. Finally, we discuss the application of a subset of these models—the redPB and the TNNP model—to study simulated spiral wave dynamics in 2D tissue sheets and in the human ventricles. We discuss the suitability of the different models for particular research questions and their limitations.  相似文献   

Characteristics of aeroponics are discussed. Contrast is made, where appropriate, with hydroponics and aero-hydroponics as applies to research and commercial applications of nutrient mist technology. Topics include whole plants, plant tissue cultures, cell and microbial cultures, and animal tissue cultures with regard to operational considerations (moisture, temperature, minerals, gaseous atmosphere) and design of apparati.  相似文献   

Electroporation is a fascinating cell membrane phenomenon with several existing biological applications and others likely. Although DNA introduction is the most common use, electroporation of isolated cells has also been used for (1) introduction of enzymes, antibodies, and other biochemical reagents for intracellular assays; (2) selective biochemical loading of one size cell in the presence of many smaller cells; (3) introduction of virus and other particles; (4) cell killing under nontoxic conditions; and (5) insertion of membrane macromolecules into the cell membrane. More recently, tissue electroporation has begun to be explored, with potential applications including (1) enhanced cancer tumor chemotherapy, (2) gene therapy, (3) transdermal drug delivery, and (4) noninvasive sampling for biochemical measurement. As presently understood, electroporation is an essentially universal membrane phenomenon that occurs in cell and artificial planar bilayer membranes. For short pulses (μs to ms), electroporation occurs if the transmembrane voltage, U(t), reaches 0.5–1.5 V. In the case of isolated cells, the pulse magnitude is 103–104 V/cm. These pulses cause reversible electrical breakdown (REB), accompanied by a tremendous increase molecular transport across the membrane. REB results in a rapid membrane discharge, with the elevated U(t) returning to low values within a few microseconds of the pulse. However, membrane recovery can be orders of magnitude slower. An associated cell stress commonly occurs, probably because of chemical influxes and effluxes leading to chemical imbalances, which also contribute to eventual survival or death. Basic phenomena, present understanding of mechanism, and the existing and potential applications are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Fundamental cryobiology of reproductive cells and tissues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During the last half of the 20th century there have been considerable advancements in mammalian reproductive technologies, including in vitro production of pre-implantation embryos and embryo sexing, and even cloning in some species. However, in most cases, management of non-cryopreserved reproductive cells (i.e., spermatozoa or oocytes) and tissues (i.e., testicular tissue or ovarian tissue) is problematic due to difficulties in donor-recipient synchronization and the potential for transmission of infectious pathogens, which cumulatively limits widespread application of these techniques. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of optimum cryopreservation methods for reproductive cells and tissues from many species. Today frozen-thawed spermatozoa and embryos have become an integral component of animal agriculture, laboratory animal genome banking, and human sperm banking and infertility programs. However, although widely implemented, the protocols currently used to cryopreserve bull sperm, for example, are still suboptimal, and cannot readily be extrapolated to other species' sperm. Similarly, embryo-freezing protocols successfully used for mouse and cattle have yielded little success when applied to some other species' embryos, or to a related cell type, oocytes. To date, with the exception of mouse oocytes, almost all mammalian species' oocytes studied have proven very difficult to successfully cryopreserve. Currently, there is a growing interest to understand the underlying cryobiological fundamentals responsible for these low survival rates in an effort to develop better cryopreservation methods for oocytes. Additionally, there is growing interest in developing technologies for the optimal isolation and cryopreservation of the earliest stage of male (spermatogonia, spermatids) and female (primordial follicle) germ cells, with subsequent maturation to the desired stage in vitro. Female gamete maturation, fertilization, and embryo development entirely under in vitro conditions from primordial follicles has been achieved in mice, however techniques for this and other species are still very early in their development. Furthermore, with the recent advances made in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and gamete isolation and maturation, close attention has been given to cryopreservation of gametes in the form of gonadal tissue (i.e., testicular tissue and ovarian tissue) containing various developmental stages of male (spermatogonia, spermatids, and spermatozoa) and female (primordial, secondary) germ lines.  相似文献   

Site-specific phosphorylation is a fast and reversible covalent post-translational modification that is tightly regulated in cells. The cellular machinery of enzymes that write, erase and read these modifications (kinases, phosphatases and phospho-binding proteins) is frequently deregulated in different diseases, including cancer. Large-scale studies of phosphoproteins – termed phosphoproteomics – strongly rely on the use of high-performance mass spectrometric instrumentation. This powerful technology has been applied to study a great number of phosphorylation-based phenotypes. Nevertheless, many technical and biological challenges have to be overcome to identify biologically relevant phosphorylation sites in cells and tissues. This review describes different technological strategies to identify and quantify phosphorylation sites with high accuracy, without significant loss of analysis speed and reproducibility in tissues and cells. Moreover, computational tools for analysis, integration and biological interpretation of phosphorylation events are discussed.  相似文献   

In allogenic transplant the immediate immune response is due to the recipient T cell recognition of non-self molecules presented on graft resident donor antigen presenting cells. An alternative to the transplantation tolerance paradigm is based on the development of strategies which distort alloimmune recognition of the graft by antigen reactive cells of the recipient. Immunocamouflage relies on the modification of the cell membrane surface with non-immunogenic molecules creating a barrier that prevents the recognition of antigenic sites by cells and antibodies of the recipient. Polymers can spontaneously bind to cell and tissues surfaces and sterically stabilize the underlying surface from interactions with other components in the surrounding. They can be adsorbed or chemically grafted to surfaces. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) seems to be the more effective at sterically stabilizing underlying surfaces. The outstanding protection provided by this polymer has been attributed to its molecular properties, such as its low interfacial energy, its conformation, hydrophilicity and high flexibility. The main advantage of immunocamouflage, is that it directly modify the inherent immunogenicity of the donor tissue itself, using means that are strictly physicochemical in nature and do not rely on the details of activation pathways, leaving fully competent, the immune system of the recipient.  相似文献   

The modern era of cryomedicine began in 1949 in London and developed world-wide in the second half of the 20th century based on the first report of a novel method of cryopreservation of sperm and erythrocytes using glycerol that was reported in 1949 and 1950 by Polge and Smith. In 1951 at Hradec Kralove, Czech. Klen initiated a "tissue bank" using his unique freeze-drying system. In 1964, the initial meeting of the Society for Cryobiology was organized by its first president. B. J. Luyet in Washington, DC. Cryobiology including cryopreservation and cryosurgery, contributed immense advances for clinical medicine. Cryomedicine will realize the goals of the New Millennium medicine: regeneration, plasticity, and minimally invasive therapy. I explained the first one, regeneration in this paper in detail.Cryomedicine involved subzero-temperatures to freeze the biological objects either for preservation or for destruction. Cryopreservation involves the cooling of the target biological materials to below the temperature of solidification by consumption of energy, through continuously supplying inert cryogens to attain the necessary cryo-temperatures by Joule-Thompson's effect. Therefore biological materials for cryopreservation should be carefully selected and once frozen purposefully kept in the frozen state to be used later to regenerate human cells, tissues and organs, and also to relaize "plasticity". Recently, lyophilization of human cells and tissues came back to the main street of cryopreservation to provide low cost economical and ecological banking of cells and tissues as a hope of the New Millennium. The first attempt of that was made by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Klen and his colleagues.Finally, physicians and related scientists who are going to be interested in cryomedicine should not worry about "freezing and thawing" as being time consuming and labor intensive, otherwise they will not share in the crucial benefits of cryomedicine.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have the distinct advantage of being able to differentiate into cells of all three germ layers. Target cells or tissues derived from hPSCs have many uses such as drug screening, disease modeling, and transplantation therapy. There are currently a wide variety of differentiation methods available. However, most of the existing differentiation methods are unreliable, with uneven differentiation efficiency and poor reproducibility. At the same time, it is difficult to choose the optimal method when faced with so many differentiation schemes, and it is time-consuming and costly to explore a new differentiation approach. Thus, it is critical to design a robust and efficient method of differentiation. In this review article, we summarize a comprehensive approach in which hPSCs are differentiated into target cells or organoids including brain, liver, blood, melanocytes, and mesenchymal cells. This was accomplished by employing an embryoid body-based three-dimensional (3D) suspension culture system with multiple cells co-cultured. The method has high stable differentiation efficiency compared to the conventional 2D culture and can meet the requirements of clinical application. Additionally, ex vivo co-culture models might be able to constitute organoids that are highly similar or mimic human organs for potential organ transplantation in the future.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments are a large and structurally diverse group of cellular filaments that are classified into five different groups. They are referred to as intermediate filaments (IFs) because they are intermediate in diameter between the two other cytoskeletal filament systems that is filamentous actin and microtubules. The basic building block of IFs is a predominantly alpha-helical rod with variable length globular N- and C-terminal domains. On the ultra-structural level there are two major differences between IFs and microtubules or actin filaments: IFs are non-polar, and they do not exhibit large globular domains. IF molecules associate via a coiled-coil interaction into dimers and higher oligomers. Structural investigations into the molecular building plan of IFs have been performed with a variety of biophysical and imaging methods such as negative staining and metal-shadowing electron microscopy (EM), mass determination by scanning transmission EM, X-ray crystallography on fragments of the IF stalk and low-angle X-ray scattering. The actual packing of IF dimers into a long filament varies between the different families. Typically the dimers form so called protofibrils that further assemble into a filament. Here we introduce new cryo-imaging methods for structural investigations of IFs in vitro and in vivo, i.e., cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, as well as associated techniques such as the preparation and handling of vitrified sections of cellular specimens.  相似文献   

Breast cancer has seriously been threatening physical and mental health of women in the world, and its morbidity and mortality also show clearly upward trend in China over time. Through inquiry, we find that survival rate of patients with early‐stage breast cancer is significantly higher than those with middle‐ and late‐stage breast cancer, hence, it is essential to conduct research to quickly diagnose breast cancer. Until now, many methods for diagnosing breast cancer have been developed, mainly based on imaging and molecular biotechnology examination. These methods have great contributions in screening and confirmation of breast cancer. In this review article, we introduce and elaborate the advances of these methods, and then conclude some gold standard diagnostic methods for certain breast cancer patients. We lastly discuss how to choose the most suitable diagnostic methods for breast cancer patients. In general, this article not only summarizes application and development of these diagnostic methods, but also provides the guidance for researchers who work on diagnosis of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The needs to precisely assign macromolecules to specific locations and domains within tissues and cells and to reveal antigens which are present in low or even in trace amounts, led to the elaboration of a wide spectrum of immunocytochemical amplification procedures. These arise from the successive improvements of tissue preparation techniques, of antigen retrieval procedures and of immunological or non-immunological detection systems. Improvement of detection systems may be the most active in the development of amplification techniques. Since the early work of Coons, in which by the introduction of the indirect technique has started amplifying the signal, different systems have succeeded in increasing the sensitivity of antigens detection. Indeed, amplification techniques such as the multiple antibody layers, the multiple bridges, the enzyme complexes, the avidin-biotin, the silver intensification, and the numerous variations and combinations among these have increased the sensitivity for the detection of scarce tissue antigens. However, as shown by the recent progress carried out with new approaches such as the catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) and the enhanced polymer one-step staining (EPOS), more efficient methods are still needed. In electron microscopy, few techniques have reached the resolution afforded by the post-embedding immunogold approach. In spite of this and in order to further increase its sensitivity, new probes and novel approaches are allowing combination of the gold marker with the amplification capacity of enzymes afforded by the CARD technique. Immunogold amplification strategies, such as the multiple incubations with the primary antibody and the use of an anti-protein A antibody have also led to enhanced signals displaying the advantages in terms of resolution and possibilities of quantification inherent to the colloidal gold marker.  相似文献   

Vibrational spectroscopic mapping (point-by-point measurement) and imaging of biological samples (cells and tissues) covering Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies has opened up many exciting new avenues to explore biochemical architecture and processes within healthy and diseased cells and tissues, including medical diagnostics and drug design.  相似文献   

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