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The expression of sexual ornaments has been suggested to reliablyindicate individual quality, such as the ability to cope withparasites and diseases. The Immunocompetence Handicap Hypothesis(IHH) states that testosterone-dependent ornaments honestlysignal such quality because of physiological costs associatedwith testosterone, such as impaired immune function. We testedpredictions of the IHH both correlatively and experimentallyin red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Male grouse exhibitsupra-orbital red combs whose size is testosterone-dependent.We found that comb size was not correlated to infection intensityby two parasites (coccidia and the nematode Trichostrongylustenuis), but it was significantly positively correlated withcondition and T-cell-mediated immunity (the ability to mounta primary inflammatory response). We manipulated testosteroneby means of implants and re-caught males after a month to investigatethe effects on comb size, condition, immunity, and parasiteload. Males implanted with testosterone had increased comb size,lost more condition, and had lower T-cell-mediated immunitythan control males. Increased testosterone also resulted ina significant increase in coccidia infection intensity but hadno effect on T. tenuis burden. The results are consistent withpredictions of the IHH and suggest that comb size honestly indicatesimmunocompetence and males' ability to cope with certain parasites.Females could thus benefit from choosing mates based on theexpression of this sexual trait.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis posits that costly male ornament traits might function to signal superior heritable immunocompetence to females. Quite a number of studies have aimed at testing this hypothesis. Yet the empirical data obtained so far are ambiguous. Many studies analysed the phenotypic correlation between handicap expression and immunocompetence at the same time point. However, since immunocompetence may change drastically over an individual's lifetime, such a singular measurement may not represent genetic differences among males and the benefits of choosing handicapped males for females might thus be weak. Here, I tested the correlation of a potential immunocompetence-handicap, the production of salivary secretions as nuptial gifts in a scorpionfly (Panorpa vulgaris), with immunocompetence at two different time points. I found a positive correlation with the handicap, but only if immunocompetence was measured shortly after expression of the handicap, i.e. briefly after mating in 2 weeks old scorpionflies. By contrast, there was no correlation with immunocompetence of the same flies at a younger age, i.e. shortly after adult emergence and a weak, insignificant trend for increased immunocompetence in offspring. These results are in agreement with positive phenotypic correlations between immunocompetence and handicap expression reported from other species, but advise caution when generalizing such one-time correlations.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against tumor-associated antigens are emerging as effective treatments for a number of cancers, although the mechanism(s) of action for some are unclear and still under investigation. We have previously examined a chimeric IgE antibody (MOv18 IgE), against the ovarian tumor-specific antigen, folate binding protein (FBP), and showed that it can direct human PBMC to kill ovarian cancer cells. We have developed a three-color flow cytometric assay to investigate the mechanism by which IgE receptors on U937 monocytes target and kill ovarian tumor cells. U937 monocytes express three IgE receptors, the high-affinity receptor, FcεRI, the low-affinity receptor, CD23, and galectin-3, and mediate tumor cell killing in vitro by two mechanisms, cytotoxicity, and phagocytosis. Our results suggest that CD23 mediates phagocytosis, which is enhanced by upregulation of CD23 on U937 cells with IL-4, whereas FcεRI mediates cytotoxicity. We show that effector : tumor cell bridging is associated with both activities. Galectin-3 does not appear to be involved in tumor cell killing. U937 cells and IgE exerted ovarian tumor cell killing in vivo in our xenograft model in nude mice. Harnessing IgE receptors to target tumor cells suggests the potential of tumor-specific IgE antibodies to activate effector cells in immunotherapy of ovarian cancer. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Honeybee populations are severely threatened by parasites and diseases. Recent outbreaks of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has caused loss of more than 35% of bee colonies in the USA, and this is thought to at least in part be due to parasites and/or disease. Interestingly, the honeybee possesses of a limited set of immune genes compared to other insects. Non-canonical immune genes of honeybee are of interest because they may provide greater insights into the peculiar nature of the immune system of this social insect. Previous analyses of bee haemolymph upon bacterial challenge identified a novel leucine-rich repeat protein termed IRP30. Here we show that IRP30 behaves as a typical secreted immune protein. It is expressed simultaneously with carboxylesterase upon treatment with bacteria or other elicitors of immune response. Furthermore we characterize the gene and the mRNA encoding this protein and the IRP30 protein itself. Its regulation and evolution reveal that IRP30 belongs to a protein family, distributed broadly among Hymenoptera, suggesting its ancient function in immune response. We document an interesting case of a recent IRP30 loss in the ant Atta cephalotes and hypothesize that a putative IRP30 homolog of Nasonia emerged by convergent evolution rather than diverged from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

The effects of dexamethasone (dex) treatment on infections with the microsporidian parasite, Loma salmonae and the effects of dex on initiation of the adaptive immune response were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss experimentally infected with the parasite. Dex treatment resulted in significantly higher infections with the parasite in the gills and other internal organs, suggesting that dex inhibits aspects of the innate immune response to L. salmonae; the heavier infections in the gills and organs of rainbow trout resembled infections seen in Chinook salmon. Mean xenoma counts per microscope field in the gills of fish infected with L. salmonae treated with dex or left untreated were 169 and 30, respectively. Although higher numbers of xenomas were observed in dex treated fish, the xenomas were generally smaller in size than in infected control fish. The xenomas in dex treated fish showed morphological signs of degeneration including loss and degeneration of early parasite stages, accumulation of amorphous material in xenomas, and infiltration with phagocytic cells containing degenerated parasites. The xenomas in infected untreated fish had larger xenomas with a more uniform size and contained identifiable parasite stages in the cytoplasm. According to this study, once fish have developed an adaptive immune response to the parasite by previous exposure, then fish have 100% protection to reinfection even when treated with heavy doses of dex. L. salmonae immune fish treated or untreated with dex during reinfection with the parasite developed no xenomas in the gills 6 weeks post reinfection. These results indicate that once the cellular response is primed to L. salmonae, then dex related immunosuppression does not reduce the effectiveness of the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

The hemocytes phagocytosis in response to microorganisms may play an important role in the cellular immune responses of insects. Here, we have evaluated the effects of the platelet-activating factor (PAF) and eicosanoids in the phagocytosis of hemocyte monolayers of Rhodnius prolixus to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Experiments showed that the phagocytosis of yeast cells by Rhodnius hemocytes is very efficient in both controls and cells treated with PAF and arachidonic acid. Phagocytosis of yeast particles is significantly blocked when the specific phopholipase A(2) inhibitor, dexamethasone, is applied on the hemocytes. By contrast, dexamethasone-pretreated hemocyte monolayers exhibit a drastic increase in the quantity of yeast cell-hemocyte internalization when the cells are treated by arachidonic acid. In addition, phagocytosis presents significant reduction in hemocyte monolayers treated with a specific PAF receptor antagonist, WEB 2086. Nevertheless, inhibition of phagocytosis with WEB 2086 is counteracted by the treatment of the hemocyte monolayers with PAF. In conclusion, phagocytosis of yeast cells by hemocytes is related to the activation of PAF receptors and eicosanoid pathways in the bloodsucking bug, R. prolixus.  相似文献   

The mevalonate pathway is a highly conserved metabolic cascade and provides isoprenoid building blocks for the biosynthesis of vital cellular products such as cholesterol or prenyl pyrophosphates that serve as substrates for the posttranslational prenylation of numerous proteins. The pathway, which is frequently hyperactive in cancer cells, is considered an important target in cancer therapy, since prenylated members of the Ras superfamily are crucially involved in the control of proliferation, survival, invasion and metastasis of tumour cells. Upstream accumulation and downstream depletion of mevalonate pathway intermediates as induced for instance by aminobisphosphonates translate into different effects in cancer and immune cells. Thus, mevalonate pathway regulation can affect tumour biology either directly or exhibit indirect antitumour effects through stimulating cancer immune surveillance. The present review summarizes major effects of pharmacologic mevalonate pathway regulation in cancer and immune cells that may collaboratively contribute to the efficacy of cancer therapy.  相似文献   

C-type lectins play crucial roles in innate immunity to recognize and eliminate pathogens efficiently. In the present study, two C-type lectins from shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (designated as LvLectin-1 and LvLectin-2) were identified, and their expression patterns, both in tissues and toward pathogen stimulation, were then characterized. The full-length cDNA of LvLectin-1 and LvLectin-2 was 567 and 625 bp, containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 471 and 489 bp, respectively, and deduced amino acid sequences showed high similarity to other members of C-type lectin superfamily. Both two C-type lectins encoded a single carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD). The motif of Ca2+ binding site 2 in CRD, which determined carbohydrate-binding specificity, was QPN (Gln122-Pro123-Asn124) in LvLectin-1, but QPD (Gln128-Pro129-Asp130) in LvLectin-2. Two C-type lectins exhibited similar tissue expression pattern, for their mRNA were both constitutively expressed in all tested tissues, including hepatopancreas, muscle, gill, hemocytes, gonad and heart, furthermore they were both mostly expressed in hepatopancreas, though the expression level of LvLectin-2 was much higher than LvLectin-1. The expression level of two C-type lectins mRNA in hemocytes varied greatly after the challenge of Listonella anguillarum or WSSV. After L. anguillarum challenge, the expression of both C-type lectins were significantly (P < 0.01) up-regulated compared with blank group, and LvLectin-1 exhibited higher level than LvLectin-2; while after the stimulation of WSSV, the expression of LvLectin-2 was significantly up-regulated at 6 h (P < 0.01) and 12 h (P < 0.05), but the expression level of LvLectin-1 down-regulated significantly (P < 0.01) to 0.4-fold at 6 and 12 h post-stimulation. The results indicated that the two C-type lectins might be involved in immune response toward pathogen infection, and they might perform different recognition specificity toward bacteria or virus.  相似文献   

 Protein phylogenies were used to test the hypothesis that aspects of the innate immune system of vertebrates have been conserved since the last common ancestor of vertebrates and arthropods. The phylogeny of lysozymes showed evidence of conservation of function, but phylogenies of seven other protein families did not. Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein, nitric oxide synthetase, and serine protease families all showed a pattern of gene duplication within vertebrates after their divergence from arthropods, giving rise to immune system-expressed genes in vertebrates. Insect hemolin, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, was found not to be closely related to members of that family having an immune system role in vertebrates; rather, it appeared most closely related to both arthropod and vertebrate molecules expressed in the nervous system. Thus, hemolin seems to have evolved its role independently in insects, probably through duplication of a neuroglian-like ancestor. Furthermore, vertebrate immune system-expressed serpins, chitinases, and pentraxins were found to lack orthologous relationships with arthropod members of the same families also functioning in immunity. Therefore members of these families have evolved immune system functions independently in the two phyla. It is now widely recognized that the specific immune system of vertebrates has no counterpart in invertebrates; these phylogenetic analyses suggest that there is a similar evolutionary discontinuity with respect to innate immunity as well. Received: 10 May 1997 / Revised: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

The effect of feeding the probiotic Kocuria SM1 to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) on disease resistance was evaluated. Thus, rainbow trout were fed Kocuria SM1 supplemented diets at concentrations of 108 cells g−1 feed for up to four weeks, and then challenged intraperitoneally with Vibrio anguillarum at weekly intervals. A two-week feeding regime led to the maximum reduction in mortalities, i.e. 16%, compared to mortalities of 62, 30 and 22% for one, three and four week feeding regimes, respectively. These compared to 70–90% mortalities of the controls. An enhanced cellular and humoral immune response, notably greater head kidney macrophage phagocytic and peroxidase activities, and higher serum lysozyme and total protein levels were recorded after two weeks of probiotic administration. These results reveal that a two-week feeding regime with Kocuria SM1 leads to higher disease protection in rainbow trout, with protection linked to stimulation of immune parameters.  相似文献   

The human serine/threonine kinase ULK1 is the human homolog of the Caenorhabditis elegans Unc-51 kinase and of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae autophagy-related protein kinase Atg1. As Unc-51 and Atg1, ULK1 regulates both axon growth and autophagy, respectively, in mammalian cells. However, a novel immunoregulatory role of ULK1 has been recently described. This kinase was shown to be required for regulation of both type I interferon (IFN) production and induction of type I IFN signaling. Optimal regulation of IFN production is crucial for generation of effective IFN-immune responses, and defects in such networks can be detrimental for the host leading to uncontrolled pathogen infection, tumor growth, or autoimmune diseases. Thus, ULK1 plays a central role in IFN-dependent immunity. Here we review the diverse roles of ULK1, with special focus on its importance to type I IFN signaling, and highlight important future study questions.  相似文献   

The hemocytes of different types encountered in the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella larvae of each instar and the development of the differential hemocytes counts were herein presented. Hemocytes classes/populations characterized based on their affinity with fluorescent dye (acridine orange) and ultrastructural differences comprised the prohemcoytes (<10–16%), plasmatocytes (22–65%), granulocytes (25–72%), oenocytoids (<1–9%), and spherulocytes (<1%). Prohemcoytes were the smallest cells with a comparatively tremendous nucleus. Plasmatocytes and granulocytes occupied the main proportion of total cell numbers. Oenocytoids were in a most stable presence, i.e. rotund in a diameter of 10 μm and with a nucleus deviated from the central location; however, sometimes with two nuclei which were adjoining with each other. Spherulocytes were rare and only could be observed occasionally. Ultrastructural investigation revealed that hemocytes in the diamondback moth larvae were of the typical model as in the Lepidoptera insect larvae. It is interesting to find that the cell which could phagocytize bacteria in vitro was granulocyte, not the other types of hemocytes, although plasmatocyte was usually declared to participate in this reaction in various previous studies.  相似文献   

Species with alternative phenotypes offer unique opportunities to investigate hormone-behavior relationships. We investigated the relationships between testosterone, corticosterone, morphology, performance, and immunity in a population of lizards (Podarcis melisellensis) which exhibits a color polymorphism. Males occur in three different color morphs (white, yellow, orange), providing an opportunity to test the idea of morphs being alternative solutions to the evolutionary challenges posed on the link between hormones, morphology, performance, and immunity. Morphs differed in bite force capacity, with orange males biting harder, and in corticosterone levels, with yellow males having lower levels than orange. However, morphs did not differ in testosterone levels or in the immunological parameters tested. At the individual level, across morphs, testosterone levels predicted size-corrected bite force capacity, but no relation was found between hormone levels and immunity. Our results do not support the testosterone-based polymorphism hypothesis and reject the hypothesis of a trade-off between testosterone and immunity in this species, but provide a mechanistic link between testosterone and a sexually selected performance trait.  相似文献   

Our studies on the developmental regulation of glycosylation in Drosophila melanogaster led us to identify and characterize gp150, an ecdysone-regulated mucin that is found in hemocytes, the gut (peritrophic membrane) and in the salivary glands. We are particularly interested in mucin immune functions and found that gp150 is released from larval hemocytes, becomes part of the clot and participates in the entrapment of bacteria. By RT-PCR and RNAi experiments, we identified gp150 as the previously described I71-7, an ecdysone-induced salivary glue protein. We discuss the evolutionary and biochemical implications of the dual use of salivary proteins for immune functions in insects. Further molecular characterization of such shared proteins may enable a better understanding of the properties of proteins involved in containment and elimination of microbes, as well as hemostasis and wound repair.  相似文献   

Hematopoiesis is the process by which blood cells (hemocytes) mature and subsequently enter the circulation and we have developed a new technique to culture the hematopoietic progenitor cells in vitro. The reason for the successful culture was the isolation of a plasma protein that turned out to be a novel cytokine, astakine 1 (Ast1) containing a domain present in several vertebrates, so-called prokineticins. Now we have detected several astakines from other invertebrate species. Depending on our discovery of the cytokine Ast1 we have an opportunity to study in detail the differentiation of cells in the hematopoietic tissue of a crustacean, a tissue of evolutionary interest for studies of the connection between the vascular system and the nervous system. We have been able to isolate the entire hematopoietic tissue and for the first time detected a link between this tissue and the brain. We have further localized a proliferation center in the tissue and characterized its different parts. We have also used this system to isolate a new hematopoietic factor CHF that is important in the crossroad between apoptosis and hemocyte differentiation. Our technique for culture of crayfish hematopoietic stem cells provides a simple tool for studying the mechanism of hematopoiesis, but also enables detailed studies of immune defense reactions. Further, the culture system has been used for studies of viral defense and the system is suitable for gene silencing which allows functional characterization of different molecules involved in host defense as well as in hemocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

In the context of comparative studies on immunity defence mechanisms of adults and larvae of the coleopteran Cetonischema aeruginosa (Drury, 1770) the ultrastructure of the circulating hemocytes of the third instar larval stage has been investigated by means of light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Six types of hemocytes were found in the hemolymph of C. aeruginosa and they were identified as prohemocytes, granulocytes, plasmatocytes, coagulocytes, oenocytoids and spherule cells. In order to identify the "professional" phagocyte cell, phagocytosis assays were performed in vivo by injection of 0.9 microm carboxylate-modified polystyrene latex beads. It was demonstrated that the granulocytes and the oenocytoids of C. aeruginosa were the only hemocyte types involved in this cellular response.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis assays employing class I [interleukin 12 (IL-12)], and class II [gamma interferon (gIFN) and IL-10] human recombinant cytokines were carried out to determine the biological effects of these molecules on innate immune responses in the earthworm Eisenia hortensis. Coelomocytes from E. hortensis were pre-incubated with the cytokines for 16-20 h in vitro followed by introduction of Escherichia coli expressing green fluorescent protein (E. coli/GFP). The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-12 and gIFN stimulated statistically significant (p ? 0.05) enhanced phagocytosis of E. coli/GFP by hyaline amoebocytes as determined by flow cytometry; 10 out of 21 earthworms (48%) responded to IL-12, while eight out of 21 (38%) responded to gIFN. In contrast, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 neither stimulated nor inhibited phagocytosis in nine earthworms tested. These results demonstrate that vertebrate pro-inflammatory cytokines influence invertebrate cellular responses of immune cells causing enhanced phagocytic activity in earthworm coelomocytes.  相似文献   

Larval and adult mosquitoes mount immune responses against pathogens that invade their hemocoel. Although it has been suggested that a correlation exists between immune processes across insect life stages, the influence that an infection in the hemocoel of a larva has on the immune system of the eclosed adult remains unknown. Here, we used Anopheles gambiae to test whether a larval infection influences the adult response to a subsequent bacterial or malaria parasite infection. We found that for both female and male mosquitoes, a larval infection enhances the efficiency of bacterial clearance following a secondary infection in the hemocoel of adults. The adults that emerge from infected larvae have more hemocytes than adults that emerge from naive or injured larvae, and individual hemocytes have greater phagocytic activity. Furthermore, mRNA abundance of immune genes—such as cecropin A, Lysozyme C1, Stat‐A, and Tep1—is higher in adults that emerge from infected larvae. A larval infection, however, does not have a meaningful effect on the probability that female adults will survive a systemic bacterial infection, and increases the susceptibility of females to Plasmodium yoelii, as measured by oocyst prevalence and intensity in the midgut. Finally, immune proficiency varies by sex; females exhibit increased bacterial killing, have twice as many hemocytes, and more highly express immune genes. Together, these results show that a larval hemocoelic infection induces transstadial immune activation—possibly via transstadial immune priming—but that it confers both costs and benefits to the emerged adults.  相似文献   

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