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Studies of electromyographic (EMG) activity and lumbopelvic rhythm have led to a better understanding of neuromuscular alterations in chronic low back pain (cLBP) patients. Whether these changes reflect adaptations to chronic pain or are induced by acute pain is still unclear. This work aimed to assess the effects of experimental LBP on lumbar erector spinae (LES) EMG activity and lumbopelvic kinematics during a trunk flexion–extension task in healthy volunteers and LBP patients. The contribution of disability to these effects was also examined. Twelve healthy participants and 14 cLBP patients performed flexion–extension tasks in three conditions; control, innocuous heat and noxious heat, applied on the skin over L5 or T7. The results indicated that noxious heat at L5 evoked specific increases in LES activity during static full trunk flexion and extension, irrespective of participants’ group. Kinematic data suggested that LBP patients adopted a different movement strategy than controls when noxious heat was applied at the L5 level. Besides, high disability was associated with less kinematic changes when approaching and leaving full flexion. These results indicate that experimental pain can induce neuromechanical alterations in cLBP patients and healthy volunteers, and that higher disability in patients is associated with decreased movement pattern changes.  相似文献   

Differences in synchronous movement between the trunk and lower limb during lifting have been reported in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients compared to healthy people. However, the relationship between movement coordination and disability in CLBP patients has not been investigated. A cross-sectional study was conducted to compare regional lumbar and lower limb coordination between CLBP (n = 43) and control (n = 29) groups. The CLBP group was divided into high- and low-disability groups based on their Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) score. The mean absolute relative phase (MARP) angles and mean deviation phase (DP) between the (1) lumbar spine and hip, and (2) hip and knee were measured. The relationship between MARP angle and DP and ODI were investigated using linear regression. The higher-disability CLBP group demonstrated significantly greater lumbar-hip MARP angles than the lower-disability CLBP group (mean difference = 12.97, % difference = 36, p = 0.041, 95% CI [2.97, 22.98]). The higher-disability CLBP group demonstrated significantly smaller hip-knee DP than controls (mean difference = 0.11, % difference = 76, p = 0.011, 95% CI [0.03, 0.19]). There were no significant differences in lumbar-hip and hip-knee MARP and DP between the lower-disability CLBP and control groups. Lumbar-hip MARP was positively associated with ODI (R2 = 0.092, β = 0.30, p = 0.048). High-disability CLBP patients demonstrated decreased lumbar-hip movement coordination and stiffer hip-knee movement during lifting than low-disability CLBP patients and healthy controls.  相似文献   

BackgroundAmong the most effective therapeutic interventions in non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP), clinical practice guidelines highlight exercise therapy and patient education; However, regarding the combined intervention of exercise and Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE), there is no consensus on the most effective form of exercise.ObjetiveTo find out what changes occurred after the application of two exercise modalities [Supervised Exercise (SE) and Laser-Guided Exercise (LGE)] and PNE on pain, pain pressure thresholds, disability, catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and lumbar proprioception in subjects with NSCLBP.MethodsSingle-blind randomized clinical controlled trial. 60 subjects with NSCLBP. Both groups performed a a total of 16 therapeutic exercise sessions and 8 Pain Neuroscience Education sessions. With the Laser-Guided Exercise Therapy group performing laser-guided exercises.ResultsA significant decrease was observed for pain intensity for both groups between baseline and post-intervention and the 3 month follow-up (p < 0.001). There was a significant between-group difference between baseline and post-intervention scores in terms of pain intensity and kinesiophobia in favour of the LGE group.ConclusionSupervised exercise with or without laser feedback, when combined with PNE, reduces pain intensity, disability, pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and improves proprioception and PPTs in patients with NSCLBP. At a 3-month follow-up, the combination of LGE plus PNE is most effective for reducing pain intensity.  相似文献   

The local dynamic stability of trunk movements, quantified using the maximum Lyapunov exponent (λmax), can provide important information on the neuromuscular control of spine stability during movement tasks. Although previous research has displayed the promise of this technique, all studies were completed with healthy participants. Therefore the goal of this study was to compare the dynamic stability of spine kinematics and trunk muscle activations, as well as antagonistic muscle co-contraction, between athletes with and without low back pain (LBP). Twenty interuniversity varsity athletes (10 LBP, 10 healthy controls) were recruited to participate in the study. Each participant completed a repetitive trunk flexion task at 15 cycles per minute, both symmetrically and asymmetrically, while trunk kinematics and muscular activity (EMG) were monitored. The local dynamic stability of low back EMG was significantly higher (lower λmax) in healthy individuals (p=0.002), whereas the dynamic stability of kinematics, the dynamic stability of full trunk system EMG, and the amount of antagonistic co-contraction were significantly higher when moving asymmetrically (p<0.05 for all variables). Although non-significant, kinematic and trunk system EMG stability also tended to be impaired in LBP participants, whereas they also tended to co-contract their antagonist muscles more. This study provides evidence that Lyapunov analyses of kinematic and muscle activation data can provide insight into the neuromuscular control of spine stability in back pain participants. Future research will repeat these protocols in patients with higher levels of pain, with hopes of developing a tool to assess impairment and treatment effectiveness in clinical and workplace settings.  相似文献   

Precision of trunk movement has commonly been examined by testing relocation accuracy rather than evaluating accuracy of tracking dynamic movement. In this study we used a 3-D motion capture system to provide a novel real-time tracking task to assess trunk motor control at varying movement speeds between people with and without chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP). Eleven asymptomatic volunteers and 15 participants with chronic non-specific LBP performed 12 continuous cycles of trunk flexion–extension following real time visual feedback, during which, trunk motion was measured using eight optoelectronic infrared cameras. Significant time differences between the feedback and actual trunk motion were found between groups (P = 0.001). Both groups had similar variability of tracking accuracy when following the feedback (P > 0.05). However, tracking variability at a slow speed correlated (P = 0.03; r = 0.55) with the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) scores in those with LBP. This study shows that both asymptomatic people and individuals with LBP displayed anticipatory behaviour, however, the response of those with LBP was consistently delayed in tracking the visual feedback compared to the asymptomatic group. Additionally, the extent of variability of tracking accuracy over repeated tracking cycles was associated with the degree of fear of movement in people with LBP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the intratester reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) assessment of the gluteus medius muscle in healthy people and people with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNLBP) during barefoot walking. Gluteus medius muscle activity was measured twice in 40 people without and 30 people with CNLBP approximately 7 days apart. Walking gluteus medius muscle activity was normalised to maximal voluntary isometric contractions during side-lying hip abduction with manual resistance. Good intratester reliability (ICC > 0.75) was found for mean, peak, and peak to peak amplitude for healthy people. Only mean amplitude demonstrated good intratester reliability in those with CNLBP. Peak amplitude and peak to peak amplitude of the gluteus medius muscle of those with CNLBP, and the time of peak amplitude in both groups, demonstrated moderate reliability (ICC ranged from 0.50 to 0.58). Moderate to large standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change values were reported for outcome measurements. These results suggest that potentially large levels of random error can occur between sessions. Future research can build on this study for those with pathology and attempt to establish change values for EMG that are clinically meaningful.  相似文献   

There is limited information in the literature related to the lower back loading in patients with LBP, particularly those with non-chronic LBP. Toward addressing such a research gap, a case-control study was conducted to explore the differences in lower back mechanical loads between a group of females (n = 19) with non-chronic, non-specific LBP and a group of asymptomatic females (n = 19). The differences in lower back mechanical loads were determined when participants completed one symmetric lowering and lifting of a 4.5 kg load at their preferred cadence. The axial, shearing, and moment components of task demand at the time of peak moment component as well as measures of peak trunk kinematics were analyzed. Patient vs. asymptomatic group performed the task with smaller peak thoracic rotation and peak lumbar flexion. While no differences in the moment component of task demand on the lower back between the patients and controls were found, the shearing (40–50 age group) and axial components of task demand were, respectively, larger and smaller in patients vs. controls. Whether alterations in lower back loads in patients with non-chronic LBP are in response to pain or preceded the pain, the long-term exposure to abnormal lower back mechanics may adversely affect spinal structure and increase the likelihood of further injury or pain. Therefore, the underlying reason(s) as well as the potential consequence(s) of such altered lower back mechanics in patients with non-chronic LBP should to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Various studies have reported alterations of spinal kinematics in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) during gait. However, while recent findings stressed the importance of multi-segment analysis, most of prior gait studies modelled the lumbar spine as one segment, when it was not the entire trunk that was considered as a single segment. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive multi-segment research that could improve our understanding of CLBP pathomechanism and thus possibly contribute to better care for CLBP. This study aimed at characterizing the angle patterns at the lower lumbar (LLS), upper lumbar (ULS), lower thoracic (LTS) and upper thoracic (UTS) joints in the three anatomical planes and at comparing CLBP patients and asymptomatic subjects. Spinal kinematics of 11 CLBP patients and 11 controls was measured using a marker-based motion capture system and described according to a previously proposed multi-segment biomechanical model. Characteristic patterns were observed at the UTS, LTS and ULS joints in the transverse plane and at the UTS, ULS and LLS joints in the frontal plane. CLBP patients walked with smaller frontal-plane LLS range of motion than controls. The results also suggested that patients had more asymmetrical LTS motion in the transverse plane. In conclusion, this work extended prior literature by showing specific CLBP-related alterations in multi-segment spinal kinematics during gait. Further research is necessary to understand the factors influencing kinematics alterations and how treatment strategies might improve motor behaviour in CLBP patients.  相似文献   

Introduction: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) and fear of movement (kinesiophobia) are associated with an overactivation of paravertebral muscles during forward bending. This impairs spine motor control and contributes to pain perpetuation. However, the abdominal muscles activation is engaged too in spine stabilization but its modulation with kinesiophobia remains unknown. Our study tested whether CLBP and kinesiophobia affected the activation pattern of abdominal muscles during trunk flexion/extension. Methods: Surface electromyographical recordings of the internal oblique/transversus abdominis (IO/TrA) and external oblique (EO) muscles were analyzed in 12 people with CLBP and 13 pain-free subjects during low-velocity forward bending back and forth from erected posture. Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia was also administrated. Results: IO/TrA activation, but not EO, was modulated across the phases of movement in both groups, i.e. maximal at onset of flexion and end of extension, and minimal at full flexion. In CLBP group only, IO/TrA activation was increased near to full trunk flexion and in correlation with kinesiophobia. Conclusions: The phase-dependence of IO/TrA activation during trunk flexion/extension in standing may have a role in spine motor control. The influence of kinesiophobia in CLBP should be further investigated as an important target in CLBP management.  相似文献   

Several investigators have suggested the presence of a link between Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) and lower limbs kinematics that can contribute to functional limitations and disability. Moreover, CLBP has been connected to postural and structural asymmetry. Understanding the movement pattern of lower extremities and its asymmetry during walking can provide a basis for examination and rehabilitation in people with CLBP. The present study focuses on lower limbs kinematics in individuals with CLBP during walking. Three-dimensional movements of the pelvic, hip, knee and ankle joints were tracked using a seven-camera Qualysis motion capture system. Functional dada analysis (FDA) was applied for the statistical analysis of pelvic and lower limbs motion patterns in 40 participants (20 CLBP and 20 controls). The CLBP group showed significantly different hip motion pattern in the transvers plane, altered knee and ankle motion pattern in the sagittal plane on the dominant side and different hip motion pattern in the transvers and frontal planes on the non-dominant side in comparison with the control group over the stance phase. In terms of symmetry, in the CLBP group, hip and knee moved through a significantly different motion patterns in the transvers plane on the dominant side in comparison with the non-dominant side. In the control group, knee moved through a significantly different motion pattern in the transvers plane on the dominant side in comparison with the non-dominant side. In conclusion, low back pain lead to altered movement patterns of the main joints of lower limbs especially on the dominant side during stance phase. Therefore, care should be taken to examine dominant lower limb movement pattern in CLBP to make a better clinical decision.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study aimed to investigate the electromyographic parameters of lumbar muscles during the Biering-Sorensen test (BST) in people with and without non-specific chronic low back pain (NCLBP).Materials and methodsThirteen healthy controls and thirteen NCLBP patients participated in the current study, where they performed the 90s-BST, while the surface electromyography (sEMG) was recorded from the erector spinae (ES) at L1 and L3 level and lumbar multifidus (LM) at L5 level, bilaterally. Spectral and nonlinear analyses were applied by calculating mean power frequency (MPF), fractal dimension (FD) and the percentage of determinism (%DET) in the 10-second non-overlapping time-windows and EMG-EMG coherence during the first half and second half of the BST. Also, the slopes of the linear fitting curves of MPF, FD and %DET were calculated.ResultsNCLBP group had significantly lower rates of changes in MPF, FD and %DET compared to asymptomatic controls in the ES(L3) and LM. Coherence in left–right LM and in the right ES-LM increased significantly in the gamma band in the Control group with no increase in the NCLBP group.ConclusionsOur findings indicated that compared to people with NCLBP, the sEMG signals of lumbar muscles of people without NCLBP were more regular and less complex during the 90s-BST.  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study aimed to examine the effects of combined hip exercise and passive stretching as a novel treatment method for low back pain (LBP) in older adults.[Methods] Altogether, 20 Koreans with LBP aged 60–79 years (67.3 ± 5.92 years) were randomly assigned to undertake combined exercise (CE; n = 10) or lumbar stabilization exercise (LSE; n = 10). All participants performed their respective exercise program for 25–30 min with an OMNI scale of 6–8 for 8 weeks, three times a week. Body composition, muscle stiffness, pain-visual analog scale (P-VAS), Oswestry disability index, and physical function were evaluated before and after the exercise intervention.[Results] The CE group demonstrated greater improvements in lean body mass (η2 = 0.402, p = 0.003) and percent body fat (η2 = 0.222, p = 0.036) than the LSE group. Both groups demonstrated significant improvements in muscle stiffness, P-VAS scores, and Oswestry disability index scores, although no significant differences were observed between the interventions. All physical function parameters demonstrated a significant improvement in both groups, and the CE group demonstrated greater improvement in the YMCA sit-and-reach (η2 = 0.338, p = 0.007) and straight leg raise tests (η2 = 0.283, p = 0.016) than the LSE group.[Conclusion] CE is comparable to LSE as an effective and successful exercise intervention that reduces muscle stiffness and P-VAS scores. Moreover, CE is more effective than LSE in enhancing the physical function of older adults with LBP.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the effect of wool underwear use in patients with chronic non specific low back pain. The study employed two-group, experimental design. A total of 48 patients with chronic non specific low back pain were selected for the study. They were distributed into two groups: a control group and a treatment group. The 24 patients in each group were randomly selected and the compositions of the two groups. The patients in the treatment group wore woolen underwear during the experimental period of 2 month. All patients were assessed at the beginning the trial (pre-test) and the end of 8th (post-test) week. Data were collected using the visual analogue pain scale, Oswestry Disability Index and Schober test measurements. Patients in the treatment group reported significant improvements in their conditions including a reduction in pain levels and Oswestry Disability Index, and Schober test measurements increased (p<0.001). Patients with chronic non-specific low back pain who wore wool underwear experienced significant improvements in pain intensity, disability, and lower back flexibility.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if 8 weeks of exercise affects motor control in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP), measured by anticipatory (APAs) and compensatory postural adjustments (CPAs). APAs and CPAs were measured prior to and following 8 weeks in two groups of people with CLBP: an exercise group (n = 12) who attended three exercise sessions per week for 8 weeks; and a non-exercise control group (n = 12) who were advised to continue their usual activities for the duration of the study. APAs and CPAs were recorded during unilateral arm flexion, bilaterally from rectus abdominis (RA), transverse abdominis/internal oblique (TA/IO), and erector spinae (ES) via surface electromyography. Analysis of muscle onsets and APA amplitudes suggests APAs did not change for either group. Ipsi-lateral TA/IO CPAs increased for the exercise group and ipsi-lateral TA/IO CPAs decreased for the control group. Only exercise promoted a pattern of TA/IO activity during CPAs similar to healthy individuals, suggesting improved control of rotational torques. These results show motor control improvement following exercise in people with CLBP, highlighted by improved side specific control of TA/IO.  相似文献   

Alterations in the lumbo-pelvic coordination denote changes in neuromuscular control of trunk motion as well as load sharing between passive and active tissues in the lower back. Differences in timing and magnitude aspects of lumbo-pelvic coordination between patients with chronic low back pain (LBP) and asymptomatic individuals have been reported; yet, the literature on lumbo-pelvic coordination in patients with acute LBP is scant. A case-control study was conducted to explore the differences in timing and magnitude aspects of lumbo-pelvic coordination between females with (n=19) and without (n=19) acute LBP. Participants in each group completed one experimental session wherein they performed trunk forward bending and backward return at preferred and fast paces. The amount of lumbar contribution to trunk motion (as the magnitude aspect) as well as the mean absolute relative phase (MARP) and deviation phase (DP) between thoracic and pelvic rotations (as the timing aspect) of lumbo-pelvic coordination were calculated. The lumbar contribution to trunk motion in the 2nd and the 3rd quarters of both forward bending and backward return phases was significantly smaller in the patient than the control group. The MARP and the DP were smaller in the patient vs. the control group during entire motion. The reduced lumbar contribution to trunk motion as well as the more in-phase and less variable lumbo-pelvic coordination in patients with acute LBP compared to the asymptomatic controls is likely the result of a neuromuscular adaptation to reduce painful deformation and to protect injured lower back tissues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the muscular activities and kinetics of the trunk during unstable sitting in healthy and LBP subjects. Thirty-one healthy subjects and twenty-three LBP subjects were recruited. They were sat on a custom-made chair mounted on a force plate. Each subject was asked to regain balance after the chair was tilted backward at 20°, and then released. The motions of the trunk and trunk muscle activity were examined. The internal muscle moment and power at the hip and lumbar spine joints were calculated using the force plate and motion data. No significant differences were found in muscle moment and power between healthy and LBP subjects (p > 0.05). The duration of contraction of various trunk muscles and co-contraction were significantly longer in the LBP subjects (p < 0.05) when compared to healthy subjects, and the reaction times of the muscles were also significantly reduced in LBP subjects (p < 0.05). LBP subjects altered their muscle strategies to maintain balance during unstable sitting, but these active mechanisms appear to be effective as trunk balance was not compromised and the internal moment pattern remained similar. The changes in muscle strategies may be the causes of LBP or the result of LBP with an attempt to protect the spine.  相似文献   

Observation-based assessments of movement are a standard component in clinical assessment of patients with non-specific low back pain. While aberrant motion patterns can be detected visually, clinicians are unable to assess underlying neuromuscular strategies during these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare coordination of the trunk and hip muscles during 2 commonly used assessments for lumbopelvic control in people with low back pain (LBP) and matched control subjects. Electromyography was recorded from hip and trunk muscles of 34 participants (17 with LBP) during performance of the Active Hip Abduction (AHAbd) and Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) tests. Relative muscle timing was calculated using cross-correlation. Participants with LBP demonstrated a variable strategy, while control subjects used a consistent proximal to distal activation strategy during both frontal and sagittal plane movements. Findings from this study provide insight into underlying neuromuscular control during commonly used assessment tests for patients with LBP that may help to guide targeted intervention approaches.  相似文献   

Identification of kinetic variables in different masks of foot is important for the evaluation and treatment of chronic low back pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic idiopathic low back pain on kinetic variables of gait in different foot masks. 11 idiopathic chronic low back pain patients and 13 healthy matched controls participated in this study. Using Emed foot-scanner system, the ground reaction force and impulse were measured during barefoot normal walking. Then, the average footprints were divided into 10 masks using the Automask program and the data were extracted using Multimask Evaluation programs. The low back pain disability was measured by Quebec questionnaire. Our results revealed that the ground reaction force and impulse in medial and lateral midfoot and hallux masks of patients were significantly lower than controls. Furthermore, these patients demonstrated greater ground reaction force and impulse in 3–5th metatarsals mask than control group. There was a significant interaction between the low back pain and the foot masks factors. In conclusion, the ground reaction forces and impulses in different areas of foot are affected by low back pain. Therefore, the kinetic gait analysis should be considered as an appropriate tool in evaluation and prescribing proper treatment program in low back pain patients.  相似文献   

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