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The mechanism of entry of vaccinia virus (VV) into cells is still a poorly understood process. A 14-kDa protein (encoded by the A27L gene) in the envelope of intracellular mature virus (IMV) has been implicated in virus-cell attachment, virus-cell fusion, and virus release from cells. We have previously described the structural organization of the VV 14-kDa protein, consisting of a triple-stranded coiled-coil region responsible for oligomer formation and a predicted Leu zipper-like third alpha helix with an important role in the interaction with a 21-kDa membrane protein (encoded by the A17L gene) thought to anchor the 14-kDa protein to the envelope of IMV (M.-I. Vázquez, G. Rivas, D. Cregut, L. Serrano, and M. Esteban, J. Virol. 72:10126-10137, 1998). To identify the functional domains important for virus entry and release, we have generated VV recombinants containing a copy of the A27L gene regulated by the lacI operator-repressor system of Escherichia coli (VVIndA27L) in the thymidine kinase locus and a mutant form of the A27L gene in the hemagglutinin locus but expressed constitutively under the control of an early-late VV promoter. Cells infected with a VV recombinant that expresses a mutant 14-kDa form lacking the first 29 amino acids at the N terminus failed to form extracellular enveloped virus (EEV). Fusion-from-without assays with purified virus confirmed that the fusion process was mediated by the 14-kDa protein and the fusion domain to be contained within amino acids 29 to 43 of the N-terminal region. Competitive inhibition of the infection process with soluble heparin and synthetic peptides and in vitro experiments with purified mutant proteins identified the heparin binding domain within amino acids 21 to 33, suggesting that this domain is involved in virus-cell binding via heparan sulfate. Thus, the N terminus of the 14-kDa protein contains a heparin binding domain, a fusion domain, and a domain responsible for interacting with proteins or lipids in the Golgi stacks for EEV formation and virus spread.  相似文献   

The vaccinia viral protein A27 in mature viruses specifically interacts with heparan sulfate for cell surface attachment. In addition, A27 associates with the viral membrane protein A17 to anchor to the viral membrane; however, the specific interaction between A27 and A17 remains largely unclear. To uncover the active binding sites and the underlying binding mechanism, we expressed and purified the N-terminal (18–50 residues) and C-terminal (162–203 residues) fragments of A17, which are denoted A17-N and A17-C. Through surface plasmon resonance, the binding affinity of A27/A17-N (KA = 3.40 × 108 m−1) was determined to be approximately 3 orders of magnitude stronger than that of A27/A17-C (KA = 3.40 × 105 m−1), indicating that A27 prefers to interact with A17-N rather than A17-C. Despite the disordered nature of A17-N, the A27-A17 interaction is mediated by a specific and cooperative binding mechanism that includes two active binding sites, namely 32SFMPK36 (denoted as F1 binding) and 20LDKDLFTEEQ29 (F2). Further analysis showed that F1 has stronger binding affinity and is more resistant to acidic conditions than is F2. Furthermore, A27 mutant proteins that retained partial activity to interact with the F1 and F2 sites of the A17 protein were packaged into mature virus particles at a reduced level, demonstrating that the F1/F2 interaction plays a critical role in vivo. Using these results in combination with site-directed mutagenesis data, we established a computer model to explain the specific A27-A17 binding mechanism.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein (NS1) of influenza A virus performs multiple functions in the virus life cycle. Proteomic screening for cellular proteins which interact with NS1 identified the cellular protein RAP55, which is one of the components of cellular processing bodies (P-bodies) and stress granules. To verify whether NS1 interacts with cellular P-bodies, interactions between NS1, RAP55, and other P-body-associated proteins (Ago1, Ago2, and DCP1a) were confirmed using coimmunoprecipitation and cellular colocalization assays. Overexpression of RAP55 induced RAP55-associated stress granule formation and suppressed virus replication. Knockdown of RAP55 with small interfering RNA (siRNA) or expression of a dominant-negative mutant RAP55 protein with defective interaction with P-bodies blocked NS1 colocalization to P-bodies in cells. Expression of NS1 inhibited RAP55 expression and formation of RAP55-associated P-bodies/stress granules. The viral nucleoprotein (NP) was found to be targeted to stress granules in the absence of NS1 but localized to P-bodies when NS1 was coexpressed. Restriction of virus replication via P-bodies occurred in the early phases of infection, as the number of RAP55-associated P-bodies in cells diminished over the course of virus infection. NS1 interaction with RAP55-associated P-bodies/stress granules was associated with RNA binding and mediated via a protein kinase R (PKR)-interacting viral element. Mutations introduced into either RNA binding sites (R38 and K41) or PKR interaction sites (I123, M124, K126, and N127) caused NS1 proteins to lose the ability to interact with RAP55 and to inhibit stress granules. These results reveal an interplay between virus and host during virus replication in which NP is targeted to P-bodies/stress granules while NS1 counteracts this host restriction mechanism.  相似文献   

Protein C inhibitor (PCI) is a serpin with broad protease reactivity. It binds glycosaminoglycans and certain phospholipids that can modulate its inhibitory activity. PCI can penetrate through cellular membranes via binding to phosphatidylethanolamine. The exact mechanism of PCI internalization and the intracellular role of the serpin are not well understood. Here we showed that testisin, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored serine protease, cleaved human PCI and mouse PCI (mPCI) at their reactive sites as well as at sites close to their N terminus. This cleavage was observed not only with testisin in solution but also with cell membrane-anchored testisin on U937 cells. The cleavage close to the N terminus released peptides rich in basic amino acids. Synthetic peptides corresponding to the released peptides of human PCI (His1–Arg11) and mPCI (Arg1–Ala18) functioned as cell-penetrating peptides. Because intact mPCI but not testisin-cleaved mPCI was internalized by Jurkat T cells, a truncated mPCI mimicking testisin-cleaved mPCI was created. The truncated mPCI lacking 18 amino acids at the N terminus was not taken up by Jurkat T cells. Therefore our model suggests that testisin or other proteases could regulate the internalization of PCI by removing its N terminus. This may represent one of the mechanisms regulating the intracellular functions of PCI.  相似文献   

A characterization of the A45R gene from vaccinia virus (VV) strain Western Reserve is presented. The open reading frame is predicted to encode a 125-amino-acid protein (M(r), of 13,600) with 39% amino acid identity to copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn SOD). Sequencing of the A45R gene from other orthopoxviruses, here and by others, showed that the protein is highly conserved in all viruses sequenced, including 16 strains of VV, 2 strains of cowpox virus, camelpox virus, and 4 strains of variola virus. In all cases the protein lacks key residues involved in metal ion binding that are important for the catalytic activity. The A45R protein was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and tested for SOD activity, but neither enzymatic nor inhibitory SOD activity was detected. Additionally, no virus-encoded SOD activity was detected in infected cells or purified virions. A monoclonal antibody raised against the A45R protein expressed in E. coli identified the A45R gene product as a 13.5-kDa protein that is expressed late during VV infection. Confocal microscopy of VV-infected cells indicated that the A45R protein accumulated predominantly in cytoplasmic viral factories. Electron microscopy and biochemical analyses showed that the A45R protein is incorporated into the virion core. A deletion mutant lacking the majority of the A45R gene and a revertant virus in which the deleted gene was restored were constructed and characterized. The growth properties of the deletion mutant virus were indistinguishable from those of wild-type and revertant viruses in all cell lines tested, including macrophages. Additionally, the virulence and pathogenicity of the three viruses were also comparable in murine and rabbit models of infection. A45R is unusual in being the first VV core protein described that affects neither virus replication nor virulence.  相似文献   

We used the yeast interaction trap system to identify a novel human 70-kDa protein, termed NS1-binding protein (NS1-BP), which interacts with the nonstructural NS1 protein of the influenza A virus. The genetic interaction was confirmed by the specific coprecipitation of the NS1 protein from solution by a glutathione S-transferase–NS1-BP fusion protein and glutathione-Sepharose. NS1-BP contains an N-terminal BTB/POZ domain and five kelch-like tandem repeat elements of ~50 amino acids. In noninfected cells, affinity-purified antibodies localized NS1-BP in nuclear regions enriched with the spliceosome assembly factor SC35, suggesting an association of NS1-BP with the cellular splicing apparatus. In influenza A virus-infected cells, NS1-BP relocalized throughout the nucleoplasm and appeared distinct from the SC35 domains, which suggests that NS1-BP function may be disturbed or altered. The addition of a truncated NS1-BP mutant protein to a HeLa cell nuclear extract efficiently inhibited pre-mRNA splicing but not spliceosome assembly. This result could be explained by a possible dominant-negative effect of the NS1-BP mutant protein and suggests a role of the wild-type NS1-BP in promoting pre-mRNA splicing. These data suggest that the inhibition of splicing by the NS1 protein may be mediated by binding to NS1-BP.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) is a deubiquitinating enzyme that is highly expressed in neurons. A possible role for UCH-L1 in neurodegeneration has been highlighted because of its presence in Lewy bodies associated with Parkinson disease and neurofibrillary tangles observed in Alzheimer disease. UCH-L1 exists in two forms in neurons, a soluble cytoplasmic form (UCH-L1C) and a membrane-associated form (UCH-L1M). Alzheimer brains show reduced levels of soluble UCH-L1C correlating with the formation of UCH-L1-immunoreactive tau tangles, whereas UCH-L1M has been implicated in α-synuclein dysfunction. Given these reports of divergent roles, we investigated the properties of UCH-L1 membrane association. Surprisingly, our results indicate that UCH-L1 does not partition to the membrane in the cultured cell lines we tested. Furthermore, in primary cultured neurons, a proportion of UCH-L1M does partition to the membrane, but, contrary to a previous report, this does not require farnesylation. Deletion of the four C-terminal residues caused the loss of protein solubility, abrogation of substrate binding, increased cell death, and an abnormal intracellular distribution, consistent with protein dysfunction and aggregation. These data indicate that UCH-L1 is differently processed in neurons compared with clonal cell lines and that farnesylation does not account for the membrane association in neurons.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rab27A is a crucial regulator of actin-based melanosome transport in melanocytes, and functionally defective Rab27A causes human Griscelli syndrome type 2, which is characterized by silvery hair. A GTPase-deficient, constitutively active Rab27A(Q78L) mutant has been shown to act as an inhibitor of melanosome transport and to induce perinuclear aggregation of melanosomes, but the molecular mechanism by which Rab27A(Q78L) inhibits melanosome transport remained to be determined. In this study, we attempted to identify the primary cause of the perinuclear melanosome aggregation induced by Rab27A(Q78L). The results showed that Rab27A(Q78L) is unable to localize on mature melanosomes and that its inhibitory activity on melanosome transport is completely dependent on its binding to the Rab27A effector Slac2-a/melanophilin. When we forcibly expressed Rab27A(Q78L) on mature melanosomes by using a novel melanosome-targeting tag that we developed in this study and named the MST tag, the MST-Rab27A(Q78L) fusion protein behaved in the same manner as wild-type Rab27A. It localized on mature melanosomes without inducing melanosome aggregation and restored normal peripheral melanosome distribution in Rab27A-deficient cells. These findings indicate that the GTPase activity of Rab27A is required for its melanosome localization but is not required for melanosome transport.  相似文献   

Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) is a highly regulated cellular process that mediates the degradation of a selective subset of cytosolic proteins in lysosomes. Increasing CMA activity is one way for a cell to respond to stress, and it leads to enhanced turnover of non-critical cytosolic proteins into sources of energy or clearance of unwanted or damaged proteins from the cytosol. The lysosome-associated membrane protein type 2a (LAMP-2A) together with a complex of chaperones and co-chaperones are key regulators of CMA. LAMP-2A is a transmembrane protein component for protein translocation to the lysosome. Here we present a study of the structure and dynamics of the transmembrane domain of human LAMP-2A in n-dodecylphosphocholine micelles by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We showed that LAMP-2A exists as a homotrimer in which the membrane-spanning helices wrap around each other to form a parallel coiled coil conformation, whereas its cytosolic tail is flexible and exposed to the cytosol. This cytosolic tail of LAMP-2A interacts with chaperone Hsc70 and a CMA substrate RNase A with comparable affinity but not with Hsp40 and RNase S peptide. Because the substrates and the chaperone complex can bind at the same time, thus creating a bimodal interaction, we propose that substrate recognition by chaperones and targeting to the lysosomal membrane by LAMP-2A are coupled. This can increase substrate affinity and specificity as well as prevent substrate aggregation, assist in the unfolding of the substrate, and promote the formation of the higher order complex of LAMP-2A required for translocation.  相似文献   

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