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Molecular techniques were used to investigate the composition and ontogenetic development of the intestinal bacterial community in the marine herbivorous fish Kyphosus sydneyanus from the north eastern coast of New Zealand. Previous work showed that K. sydneyanus maintains an exclusively algivorous diet throughout post-settlement life and passes through an ontogenetic diet shift from a juvenile diet which is readily digestible to an adult diet high in refractory algal metabolites. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis was used to investigate the relationship between bacterial community structure and fish size. Bacterial diversity was higher in posterior gut sections than anterior gut sections, and in larger fish than in smaller fish. Partial sequencing of bacterial 16S rDNA genes PCR amplified and cloned from intestine content samples was used to identify the phylogenetic affiliation of dominant gastrointestinal bacteria. Phylogenetic analysis of clones showed that most formed a clade within the genus Clostridium, with one clone associated with the parasitic mycoplasmas. No bacteria were specific to a particular intestinal section or size class of host, though some appeared more dominant than others and were established in smaller fishes. Clones closely related to C. lituseburense were particularly dominant in most intestine content samples. All bacteria identified in the intestinal samples were phylogenetically related to those possessing fermentative type metabolism. Short-chain fatty acids in intestinal fluid samples increased from 15.6 ± 2.1 mM in fish <100 mm to 51.6 ± 5.5 mM in fish >300 mm. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that the ontogenetic diet shift of K. sydneyanus is accompanied by an increase in the diversity of intestinal microbial symbionts capable of degrading refractory algal metabolites into short-chain fatty acids, which can then be assimilated by the host.  相似文献   

Knowledge on genetic structure is key to understand species connectivity patterns and to define the spatiotemporal scales over which conservation management plans should be designed and implemented. The distribution of genetic diversity (within and among populations) greatly influences species ability to cope and adapt to environmental changes, ultimately determining their long-term resilience to ecological disturbances. Yet, the drivers shaping connectivity and structure in marine fish populations remain elusive, as are the effects of fishing activities on genetic subdivision. To investigate these questions, we conducted a meta-analysis and compiled genetic differentiation data (FST/ΦST estimates) for more than 170 fish species from over 200 published studies globally distributed. We modeled the effects of multiple life-history traits, distance metrics, and methodological factors on observed population differentiation indices and specifically tested whether any signal arising from different exposure to fishing exploitation could be detected. Although the myriad of variables shaping genetic structure makes it challenging to isolate the influence of single drivers, results showed a significant correlation between commercial importance and genetic structure, with widespread lower population differentiation in commercially exploited species. Moreover, models indicate that variables commonly used as proxy for connectivity, such as larval pelagic duration, might be insufficient, and suggest that deep-sea species may disperse further. Overall, these results contribute to the growing body of knowledge on marine genetic connectivity and suggest a potential effect of commercial fisheries on the homogenization of genetic diversity, highlighting the need for additional research focused on dispersal ecology to ensure long-term sustainability of exploited marine species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that archaea which were always thought to live under strict anoxic or extreme environmental conditions are also present in cold, oxygenated seawater, soils, the digestive tract of a holothurian deep-sea-deposit feeder, and a marine sponge. In this study, we show, by using PCR-mediated screening in other marine eukaryotes, that marine archaea are also present in the digestive tracts of flounder and grey mullet, two fish species common in the North Sea, in fecal samples of flounder, and in suspended particulate matter of the North Sea water column. No marine archaea could be detected in the digestive tracts of mussels or the fecal pellets of a copepod species. The archaeal 16S ribosomal DNA clone libraries of feces of flounder and the contents of the digestive tracts of grey mullet and flounder were dominated by group II marine archaea. The marine archaeal clones derived from flounder and grey mullet digestive tracts and feces formed a distinct cluster within the group II marine archaea, with 76.7 to 89.8% similarity to previously described group II clones. Fingerprinting of the archaeal community of flounder digestive tract contents and feces by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of archaeal 16S rRNA genes after restriction with HhaI showed a dominant fragment at 249 bp, which is likely to be derived from group II marine archaea. Clones of marine archaea that were closely related to the fish-associated marine archaea clones were obtained from suspended particulate matter of the water column at two stations in the North Sea. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting of the archaeal community present in suspended particulate matter showed the same fragment pattern as was found for the archaeal community of the flounder digestive tract contents and feces. These data demonstrate that marine archaea are present in the digestive tracts and feces of very common marine fish. It is possible that the marine archaea associated with the digestive tracts of marine fish are liberated into the water column through the feces and subsequently contribute to the marine archaeal community of suspended particulate matter.  相似文献   

We examined the dynamics of fish species and how they relate to species assemblage coherence in the heavily exploited Georges Bank fish community. Coherence is defined as reduced temporal variability of total assemblage biomass. We assumed that a higher degree of compensation hence coherence occurs within competitively coupled species assemblages; therefore, fisheries may directly alter the dynamics of certain targeted species sizes but assemblage structure will be relatively more stable owing to compensatory interactions. Species-sizes were grouped, based on negative covariance coupling in biomass time series from survey data. Assemblages representing benthic feeders were clearly identified by this method; furthermore, the most heavily exploited species-sizes were decoupled from other species-sizes suggesting that fisheries have diminished their potential to compensate or to be compensated for by competitive interactions. Biomass of species-sizes within known trophic guilds strongly compensated other guild-member biomass fluctuations if the diet of guild members was more specialized. This is an indication that more competitive conditions (more specialization) foster greater compensatory responses between competitors biomass fluctuations.  相似文献   

Males are expected to adjust testes investment according to the varying level of sperm competition that they experience. Spatial and temporal variation in population density likely influences sperm competition. In herbivorous aquatic organisms, densities often decrease along a vertical depth gradient, because their food is photosynthetic and thus becomes less abundant in deeper regions where less light penetrates. This decrease should be dramatic on a steep slope, which allows testing of the association between density and testes investment at the within‐population level. We tested the effect in the socially monogamous herbivorous cichlid fish Variabilichromis moorii living on a steep slope in Lake Tanganyika. We examined competitor density and food abundance as ecological factors, territory defense behaviors and phenotypic traits (testes investment and somatic investment), and compared them between shallow (4–6 m depth) and deep habitats (10–13 m depth) separated by several dozen meters. We found that food availability drastically decreased with increasing depth and that V moorii was much more abundant in shallower habitats. Males in shallower habitats were in better physical condition (based on fat and liver mass) despite experiencing greater costs in terms of territory defense. Testes investment differed in areas with different competitor density and food abundance along a vertical depth gradient, but competitor density was the most explanatory factor of the difference. This suggests that this herbivorous fish would change testes investment in response to population density.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical assay for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) identifies cells in all active phases of the cell cycle. In this study, PCNA methodology, which was developed primarily for mammalian tissues, was adapted to three small fish species, medaka (Ory-zias latipes), guppy (Poecilia reticulata), and western mosquitofish (Gambusia affiinis) that are used in carcinogenesis bioassays and environmental sentinel studies. Our study showed that PCNA can be identified in routinely processed, paraffin embedded specimens of these fishes. Optimum staining conditions were dependent on fixative, primary antibody, antigen retrieval processing. and protein blocking reagent. Best results were achieved using 10% neutral buffered formalin as the fixative, clone PC10 as the primary antibody, and a combination of powdered milk and bovine serum albumin as a protein block. Except for medaka specimens, antigen retrieval was not required for specimens preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin. but was required for the other fixatives tested. In whole fish specimens, PCNA marked cells in normally proliferating tissues such as testis. ovary, primary filament epithelium of the gill, hematopoietic tissues, thymus, retina and alimentary tract. The study demonstrated the successful application of mammalian-based PCNA technology to these aquatic species. Further applications of the assay will aid in understanding the role of cell proliferation in normal, diseased, and toxicant-affected tissues of aquatic animals.  相似文献   

The methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy are used for the investigation of external morphology and ultrastructure of spermatozoa in scorpaenoid fishes Parascorpaena picta, Dendrochirus zebra (Scorpaenidae), and Synanceia horrida (Synanceiidae). Based on the literature data, a comparison with other species of the genera Scorpaena, Sebastapistes, and Scorpaenopsis (Scorpaenidae) is conducted. In the studied species, the spermatozoon consists of the rounded head (its length is slightly smaller than its width), moderately developed midpiece, and flagellum. P. picta differs from the other species in the presence of the widening of the cytoplasmic channel surrounding the initial part of the flagellum, the largest numbers of mitochondrial sections, and the longest flagellum. S. horrida does not differ significantly from the representatives of the family Scorpaenidae. However, based on the contour of the head and midpiece (elliptic Fourier analysis), there is a trend to the separation of S. horrida from P. picta and D. zebra. The data on comparative spermatozoa morphology are discussed in relation to current phylogenetic schemes.  相似文献   

The relationship between two commonly co-occurring filter-feeders; Bosmina longirostris and Eudiaptomus gracilis at different nutrient levels, was investigated in bag experiments in Lake Gjersjøen. At the start of the experiment, the numerical relationship between Bosmina and Eudiaptomus was less than 1 : 10, but during the experimental period, a strong increase in Bosmina and a corresponding decrease in Eudiaptomus and medium-sized algae (5–25 μm) was observed. The shift from Eudiaptomus to Bosmina was probably due to strong competition on mediumsized algae while Bosmina in addition may utilize smaller algae and bacteria, not available to Eudiaptomus. Their coexistence in the lake at much lower densities is probably due to a strong selective fish predation, suppressing Bosmina. Daphnia longispina, not naturally occurring in the lake, showed strong competitive abilities in a fish-free bag.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine the infection status of anisakid larvae in marine fish collected from 3 sea areas of the Republic of Korea. Total 86 marine fish (8 species) collected from the East Sea (Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do), 171 fish (10 species) from the South Sea (Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do), and 92 fish (7 species) from the Yellow Sea (Incheon Metropolitan City) were examined by both naked eyes and artificial digestion method. Among the total of 349 fish examined, 213 (61.0%) were infected with 8 species of anisakid larvae, i.e., Anisakis simplex, 6 types of Contracaecum spp., and Raphidascaris sp., and the mean larval density was 13.8 per infected fish. Anisakid larvae were detected in 45 fish (52.3%) from the East Sea, 131 fish (76.6%) from the South Sea, and 37 fish (40.2%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 4.0, 16.6, and 15.9, respectively. Anisakis simplex larvae were detected in 149 fish (42.7%), and the mean larval density was 9.0 per infected fish. They were found in 26 fish (30.2%) collected from the East Sea, 96 fish (56.1%) from the South Sea, and 27 fish (29.3%) from the Yellow Sea. The average numbers of larvae detected were 2.9, 10.3, and 10.5, respectively. Conclusively, the present study suggests that the infection rate and density of anisakid larvae are more or less higher in the fish from the South Sea than those from the East Sea or the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to respond to novel predator cues may depend on the generality or specificity of the response to predator cues. We used laboratory behavioral experiments to examine the ability of tadpoles of three species of anurans (American toad, Bufo americanus ; bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana ; and green frog, R. clamitans ) to respond to the presence of two native potential predators (bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus ; and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides ) and one non-native potential predator (goldfish, Carassius auratus ). We also examined the effect of tadpole size on the behavioral responses of American toads and green frogs to predator cues. All three species of tadpoles responded to the presence of predator cues, although the specific responses varied among species. American toads and green frogs reduced activity in the presence of at least some fish cues, but bullfrog tadpoles did not change their activity. Bullfrogs decreased use of vegetation in the presence of some predator cues, whereas American toads and green frogs did not. American toads only responded to the presence of bluegill cues but not the other fish predator cues, whereas bullfrogs and green frogs responded more generally to the fish predators. In both American toads and green frogs, tadpole size affected behavior. For American toads, activity increased, as did the use of the vegetated side of the aquarium, in larger tadpoles. Not only did size affect American toad behavior, but it also influenced the responses of the tadpoles to predator cues. For green frogs, activity decreased in larger tadpoles. Our results suggest that behavioral responses of tadpoles to predator cues can be influenced by both the identity of the predator and the prey, as well as the size of the potential prey.  相似文献   

Direction of mouth-opening of a small herbivorous Tanganyikan cichlid, Telmatochromis temporalis, was studied. Each sample fish opened its mouth either rightward or leftward in some degree. The directions of mouth-opening were independent of the body curve directions, and the asymmetry will be due to asymmetric mouth morph individually specific. The degree of the mouth asymmetry was not related to body size, suggesting the asymmetry being not acquired characters. No fish opened the mouth in lateral symmetry, indicating that the asymmetry is different from "fluctuating asymmetry". This fish took algae on rock surface usually using right or left side of its mouth. However, strong relations between directions of mouth-openings and frequencies of mouth side used in foraging were not found, and the biological role of the asymmetry, if any, is not clear now.  相似文献   

目的:探索淡水鱼消化道黏液细胞的组织化学染色。方法:利用阿利新蓝和过碘酸雪夫试剂染色对鲶鱼(Silurus aso-tus)、鲢鱼(Hypophthalmichthys molirtix)、鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)消化道黏液细胞的类型与分布进行了观察,结果:AB-PAS(Alcian blue and periodic acid schiff’s reation)染色后动物消化管黏液细胞表现为4个类型:Ⅰ型玫瑰红色、Ⅱ型蓝绿色、Ⅲ型紫红色、Ⅳ型蓝紫色。除鲫鱼外动物食管始部黏液细胞多为圆形或椭圆形,食管中部黏液细胞主要是Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型杯状细胞。除鲫鱼动物胃体柱状黏膜上皮细胞与胃腺颈部细胞主要为Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型,黏液颗粒主要集中在细胞的核上区。链鱼、鲶鱼胃腺黏液细胞为Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型。链鱼、鲶鱼小肠的杯状细胞主要为Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型。鲫鱼小肠杯状细胞主要有Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型。这三种动物大肠杯状细胞主要为Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型。  相似文献   

Anisakiasis, a human infection of Anisakis L3 larvae, is one of the common foodborne parasitic diseases in Korea. Studies on the identification of anisakid larvae have been performed in the country, but most of them have been focused on morphological identification of the larvae. In this study, we analyzed the molecular characteristics of 174 Anisakis type I larvae collected from 10 species of fish caught in 3 different sea areas in Korea. PCR-RFLP and sequence analyses of rDNA ITS and mtDNA cox1 revealed that the larvae showed interesting distribution patterns depending on fish species and geographical locations. Anisakis pegreffii was predominant in fish from the Yellow Sea and the South Sea. Meanwhile, both A. pegreffii and A. simplex sensu stricto (A. simplex s.str.) larvae were identified in fish from the East Sea, depending on fish species infected. These results suggested that A. pegreffii was primarily distributed in a diverse species of fish in 3 sea areas around Korea, but A. simplex s.str. was dominantly identified in Oncorhynchus spp. in the East Sea.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages associated with 14 marine caves and adjacent external rocky reefs were investigated at four Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) along the coasts of Italy. Within the caves sampling was carried out in different sub-habitats: walls, ceilings, bottoms and ends of caves. On the whole, 38 species were recorded inside the 14 caves investigated. Eighteen species were exclusively found inside the caves: they were mainly represented by speleophilic (i.e. species preferentially or exclusively inhabiting caves) gobids (e.g. Didogobius splechtnai) and nocturnal species (e.g. Conger conger). Forty-one species were censused outside, 20 of which were shared with cave habitats. Apogon imberbis was the most common fish found in all 14 caves investigated, followed by Thorogobius ephippiatus (recorded in 13 caves), and Diplodus vulgaris and Scorpaena notata (both censused in 12 caves). Distinct fish assemblages were found between external rocky reefs and the different cave sub-habitats. New data on the distribution of some speleophilic gobids were collected, showing the existence of a pool of species shared by marine caves on a large scale (i.e. hundreds of km). Considering the uniqueness of cave fishes (18 exclusive species and different assemblage structures), the inclusion of marine caves among the habitats routinely investigated for fish biodiversity monitoring could facilitate the achievement of more comprehensive inventories. Due to their contribution to local species diversity and the shelter they provide to species valuable for conservation, marine caves should be prioritized for their inclusion not only within future MPAs through the Mediterranean Sea, but also into larger management spatial planning.  相似文献   

A time-course analysis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in fertilized eggs of the devil stinger (Inimicus japonicus) from 0 h post-fertilization (hpf) to the early larval stage indicated that the ROS level was highest in the 22 hpf embryo, and declined thereafter. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) had no effect on ROS generation by the 22 hpf embryo, whereas PMA significantly increased larval ROS generation, suggesting that the ROS generation mechanisms of the 22 hpf embryo and larva are different at least in terms of PMA-responsiveness. Our results suggest the presence of a specific ROS generation system in devil stinger embryo which can be transitionally activated during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Globally, farmed seaweed production is expanding rapidly in shallow marine habitats. While seaweed farming provides vital income to millions of artisanal farmers, it can negatively impact shallow coral reef and seagrass habitats. However, seaweed farming may also potentially provide food subsidies for herbivorous reef fish such as the Siganidae, a valuable target family, resulting in increased catch. Comparisons of reef fish landings across the central Philippines revealed that the catch of siganids was positively correlated to farmed seaweed production whilst negatively correlated to total reef fish catch over the same period of time. We tested the generality of this pattern by analysing seaweed production, siganid catch, and reef fish catch for six major seaweed-producing countries in the tropics. We hypothesized that increased seaweed production would correspond with increased catch of siganids but not other reef fish species. Analysis of the global data showed a positive correlation between farmed seaweeds and siganids in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines) but not Africa (Tanzania and Zanzibar), or the Western Pacific (Fiji). In Southeast Asia, siganid catch increased disproportionately faster with seaweed production than did reef fish catch. Low continuity, sporadic production and smaller volumes of seaweed farming may explain the differences.  相似文献   

不同动物面对相同或相似的环境压力,采取不同的适应对策,消化器官形态差异能体现各自适应的方式。为进一步了解草食哺乳动物对各自生存环境的适应对策,本文比较了青藏高原高寒草甸3种小型草食哺乳动物的消化道长度及消化道器官指数。结果显示:根田鼠的胃指数高于高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔,小肠、大肠及盲肠指数均是高原鼠兔高原鼢鼠根田鼠,消化道各部位相对长度均是根田鼠高原鼠兔高原鼢鼠。根田鼠大肠及盲肠长度占消化道总长的比例高于高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠;小肠占消化道总长的比例最低。结果表明,动物消化道形态的差异可能与食物组成、能量和代谢需求等因素有关。面对不同的环境压力,消化道这种适应性差异是不同物种为适应多变的环境条件进化的结果。  相似文献   

The accumulation of cadmium, copper and zinc and the induction of metallothioneins (MT) in liver of three freshwater fish species was studied. Gudgeon (Gobio gobio), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) were captured at 6 sampling sites along a cadmium and zinc gradient and one reference site in a tributary of the Scheldt River in Flanders (Belgium).At each site up to 10 individuals per species were collected and analyzed on their general condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI). From each individual fish the liver was dissected and analyzed on Cd, Cu and Zn and MT-content. Although not all species were present at each site, hepatic Cd and Zn levels generally followed the pollution gradient and highest levels were measured in perch, followed by roach and gudgeon. Nevertheless also an effect of site was observed on this order. MT-levels appeared to be the highest in gudgeon although differences with the other species were not very pronounced and depended on the site. Significant relationships were found between hepatic zinc accumulation and MT levels. For each species the ratio MTtheoretical/ MTmeasured was calculated, which gives an indication of the relative capacity to induce MTs and thus immobilize the metals. Perch had the lowest capacity in inducing MTs (highest ratio). Relationships between hepatic metal levels and fish condition indices were absent or very weak.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast, simple, and accurate DNA-based screening method to identify the fish species present in fresh and processed seafood samples. This versatile method employs PCR amplification of genomic DNA extracted from fish samples, followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to generate fragment patterns that can be resolved on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and matched to the correct species using RFLP pattern matching software.The fish identification method uses a simple, reliable, spin column- based protocol to isolate DNA from fish samples. The samples are treated with proteinase K to release the nucleic acids into solution. DNA is then isolated by suspending the sample in binding buffer and loading onto a micro- spin cup containing a silica- based fiber matrix. The nucleic acids in the sample bind to the fiber matrix. The immobilized nucleic acids are washed to remove contaminants, and total DNA is recovered in a final volume of 100 μl. The isolated DNA is ready for PCR amplification with the provided primers that bind to sequences found in all fish genomes. The PCR products are then digested with three different restriction enzymes and resolved on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. The fragment lengths produced in the digestion reactions can be used to determine the species of fish from which the DNA sample was prepared, using the RFLP pattern matching software containing a database of experimentally- derived RFLP patterns from commercially relevant fish species.Download video file.(106M, mp4)  相似文献   

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