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The oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is centrally involved in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) paraoxonase 1 (PON1) retards the oxidation of LDL and is a major antiatherosclerotic component of HDL. The PON1 gene contains a number of functional polymorphisms in both the coding and the promoter regions, which affect either the level or the substrate specificity of PON1. Genetic case-control and prospective studies conducted to date have produced confusing results. Meta-analysis of these studies indicates no simple relationship between the PON1 polymorphisms and the presence of coronary heart disease (CHD). However, at the present moment in time, it seems that PON1 status, i.e., activity and/or concentration, is more closely related to CHD, and indeed, PON1 has shown to be an independent risk factor for CHD in a prospective study, compared to the genetic polymorphisms. PON1 levels can also be modulated by environmental\lifestyle and possibly pharmaceutical factors. Larger, better designed, preferably prospective studies are needed to determine further the association of PON1 genetic polymorphisms and status with CHD.  相似文献   

The margins of protected areas are usually considered to have greater forest degradation, and given that most mammals live outside protected areas, researchers and conservation practitioners are increasingly recognizing that nonprotected areas must be incorporated into conservation strategy. However, the strategy used to manage these areas still involves increasing the size of protected areas, while not considering the habitat characteristics and requirements of the species. In this study, during a 3‐year period, camera trap and habitat characteristic surveys were used to estimate composition, diversity, and habitat characteristics of mammals to determine habitat characteristics or increase the size of protected areas what should be considered first for mammals’ conservation in a nonprotected area near the Huangshan Mountains in Anhui Province, China. From June 2017 to October 2019, 18 species of mammals were recorded, more than in any other protected area nearby. The linear model analysis results showed that habitat characteristics of mammals were different and showed a significant correlation with their relative abundance. Most species were related to vegetation characteristics, except primates (Macaca thibetana), and rodents (Leopoldamys edwardsi). Therefore, to establish conservation policies for nonprotected areas, habitat characteristics should be of prime concern, followed by increasing the size of protected areas to provide effective refuge areas for species conservation.  相似文献   

Fifty-five molecular dynamics runs of two three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet peptides were performed to investigate the relative importance of amino acid sequence and native topology. The two peptides consist of 20 residues each and have a sequence identity of 15 %. One peptide has Gly-Ser (GS) at both turns, while the other has d-Pro-Gly ((D)PG). The simulations successfully reproduce the NMR solution conformations, irrespective of the starting structure. The large number of folding events sampled along the trajectories at 360 K (total simulation time of about 5 micros) yield a projection of the free-energy landscape onto two significant progress variables. The two peptides have compact denatured states, similar free-energy surfaces, and folding pathways that involve the formation of a beta-hairpin followed by consolidation of the unstructured strand. For the GS peptide, there are 33 folding events that start by the formation of the 2-3 beta-hairpin and 17 with first the 1-2 beta-hairpin. For the (D)PG peptide, the statistical predominance is opposite, 16 and 47 folding events start from the 2-3 beta-hairpin and the 1-2 beta-hairpin, respectively. These simulation results indicate that the overall shape of the free-energy surface is defined primarily by the native-state topology, in agreement with an ever-increasing amount of experimental and theoretical evidence, while the amino acid sequence determines the statistically predominant order of the events.  相似文献   

Zagros forest in Iran has been heavily altered by anthropogenic disturbances such as farming, grazing and other activities. In this study, we first estimated the herbaceous plants coefficient of conservatism within this region. Forest integrity of different land uses was then assessed by common measures of plant diversity and the indices were specifically developed to estimate vegetation integrity (conservatism coefficient, floristic quality index and modified floristic quality index). As complementary approaches, some soil physiochemical properties were applied to judge forest integrity. A total of 81, 82, 88, native species were recorded in understory grazing (UG), abandoned fields (AF), and protected area (PA) land uses, respectively. Common species had higher abundance in AF land use, whereas specialized species were found in PA land use. Diversity indices and modified floristic quality index values were higher in AF land use compared to UG and PA land uses, and fisher alpha diversity index highlighted the significant differences in the plant diversity among land uses, while PA land use had high species richness with greater number of sensitive species and floristic quality index. Soils under PA land use showed the highest organic carbon, nitrogen and pH. Based on results, floristic quality index and mean coefficient of conservatism can be more informative than species-diversity measures in assessing floristic integrity and in contradiction to diversity indices, are accurate tools to determine differences in the integrity of land uses. Results indicate that PA land use have indeed progressed ecologically toward a vigorous ecosystem as observed by the development of its vegetation community.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase are the most commonly used reporter systems in chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA). Which one, therefore, would be better when establishing a CLEIA method for a new target substance? There was no standard answer. In this study, both reporters were compared systematically including luminescence kinetics, conjugation methods, optimal condition and detection performance, using two common drugs, SD‐methoxy‐pyrimidine and enrofloxacin, as determination objects. The results revealed that there was much difference between the luminescence kinetics of the two systems. However, there was little difference between these systems when detecting the same substance, including in optimal conditions and determination of performance. Both reporters were suitable for establishing chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassays. Therefore, the choice of alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase as the reporter system in chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassays depends on availability. Conversely, these two report systems could be applied in simultaneous analysis of multicomponents due to their different optical behaviors and similar performances. But attention should be paid to conjugation method and coating buffer, which affected the luminescent intensity of different determination targets. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most Recent bryozoan species are encrusting sheets, and many of these colonies have densely packed feeding zooids. In this study, I tested whether tight packing of feeding zooids affects food capture. Colonies of a bryozoan with an encrusting sheet form (Membranipora membranacea) were dissected to produce individuals whose feeding zooids were (1) closely packed, (2) more widely spaced, or (3) isolated. For each type, rates of particle ingestion were measured in still water and in a freestream velocity of 2.7 cm s(-1). Ingestion rate increased when zooids were closest together, probably because of reduced refiltration and increased feeding current strength farther from the lophophores. The mean incurrent velocity within 0.02 cm above the center of the lophophore was 0.28 cm s(-1) regardless of zooid spacing; however, when the incurrent velocity was measured more than 0.1 cm from the lophophores, zooids that were close together or spaced one zooid's width apart had significantly faster incurrent velocities than single zooids. Flow visualization suggests that isolated zooids and those spaced far apart refilter more water than zooids that are close together. These results along with the observed trend of increased zooid integration over evolutionary time suggest that the benefits of increasing coordination outweigh the consequences of intrazooid competition.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced (RI) tissue injuries can be caused by radiation therapy, nuclear accidents or radiological terrorism. Notwithstanding the complexity of RI pathophysiology, there are some effective approaches to treatment of both acute and chronic radiation damages. Cytokine therapy is the main strategy capable of preventing or reducing the acute radiation syndrome (ARS), and hematopoietic growth factors (GF) are particularly effective in mitigating bone marrow (BM) aplasia and stimulating hematopoietic recovery. However, first, as a consequence of RI stem and progenitor cell death, use of cytokines should be restricted to a range of intermediate radiation doses (3 to 7 Gy total body irradiation). Second, ARS is a global illness that requires treatment of damages to other tissues (epithelial, endothelial, glial, etc.), which could be achieved using pleiotropic or tissue-specific cytokines. Stem cell therapy (SCT) is a promising approach developed in the laboratory that could expand the ability to treat severe radiation injuries. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (BM, mobilized peripheral blood and cord blood) transplantation has been used in radiation casualties with variable success due to limiting toxicity related to the degree of graft histocompatibility and combined injuries. Ex vivo expansion should be used to augment cord blood graft size and/or promote very immature stem cells. Autologous SCT might also be applied to radiation casualties from residual hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC). Stem cell plasticity of different tissues such as liver or skeletal muscle, may also be used as a source of hematopoietic stem cells. Finally, other types of stem cells such as mesenchymal, endothelial stem cells or other tissue committed stem cells (TCSC), could be used for treating damages to nonhematopoietic organs.  相似文献   

The term “Epiphyte” has been used for a plant growing on any object, and also for any organism growing on a plant. Evidence from analogy, dictionaries, use and precedence supports the two interpretations equally. We recommend that “epiphyte” be used only for an organism growing on a plant.  相似文献   

Alpha-dystroglycan is a highly glycosylated peripheral protein forming a complex with the membrane-spanning beta-dystroglycan and establishing a connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. In skeletal muscle, as part of the larger dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, dystroglycan is believed to be essential for maintaining the structural and functional stability of muscle fibers. Recent work highlights the role of abnormal dystroglycan glycosylation at the basis of glycosyltransferase-deficient congenital muscular dystrophies. Notably, modulation of glycosyltransferase activity can restore alpha-dystroglycan receptor function in these disorders. Moreover, transgenic approaches favoring the interaction between dystroglycan and the extracellular matrix molecules also represent an innovative way to restore skeletal muscle structure. These pioneering approaches might comprise an important first step towards the design of gene-transfer-based strategies for the rescue of congenital muscular dystrophies involving dystroglycan.  相似文献   

Overfeeding of rodents leads to increased local formation of angiotensin II due to increased secretion of angiotensinogen from adipocytes. Whereas angiotensin II promotes adipocyte growth and preadipocyte recruitment, increased secretion of angiotensinogen from adipocytes also directly contributes to the close relationship between adipose-tissue mass and blood pressure in mice. In contrast, angiotensin II acts as an antiadipogenic substance in human adipose tissue, and the total increase in adipose-tissue mass may be more important in determining human plasma angiotensinogen levels than changes within the single adipocyte. However, as increased local formation of angiotensin II in adipose tissue may be increased especially in obese hypertensive subjects, a contribution of the adipose-tissue renin-angiotensin system to the development of insulin resistance and hypertension is conceivable in humans, but not yet proven. Insulin resistance may be aggravated by the inhibition of preadipocyte recruitment, which results in the redistribution of triglycerides to the liver and skeletal muscle, and blood pressure may be influenced by local formation of angiotensin II in perivascular adipose tissue. Thus, although the mechanisms are still speculative, the beneficial effects of ACE-inhibition and angiotensin-receptor blockade on the development of type 2 diabetes in large clinical trials suggest a pathophysiological role of the adipose-tissue renin-angiotensin system in the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influences of detritus from the leaves of different species, and of exposure time on invertebrate colonization of leaves in a shaded Cerrado stream. We hypothesized that the exposure time is the main factor that influences the colonization of leaves by invertebrates. We used leaves of five tree species native to the Brazilian Cerrado: Protium heptaphyllum and Protium brasiliense (Burseraceae), Ocotea sp. (Lauraceae), Myrcia guyanensis (Myrtaceae), and Miconia chartacea (Melastomataceae), which are characterized by their toughness and low-nutritional quality. Litter bags, each containing leaves from one species, were placed in a headwater stream and removed after 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. The dominant taxon was Chironomidae, which comprised ca. 52% of all organisms and ca. 20% of the total biomass. The taxonomic richness of colonizing organisms did not vary among the leaf species. However, the density and biomass of the associated organisms varied differently among the kinds of detritus during the course of the incubation. The collector-gatherers and shredders reached higher densities in the detritus that decomposed more rapidly (Ocotea sp. and M. guyanensis), principally in the more advanced stages of colonization. The collector-filterers reached higher densities in the detritus that decomposed more slowly (P. heptaphyllum, P. brasiliense, and M. chartacea), principally in the initial stages of incubation. A cluster analysis divided the detritus samples of different leaf species according to the exposure time (initial phase: up to 7 days; intermediate phase: 7–30 days; advanced phase: 30–120 days), suggesting some succession in invertebrate colonization, with differences in taxon composition (indicator taxa analysis). These results suggest that regardless of the leaf-detritus species, exposure time was the main factor that influenced the colonization process of aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Understanding how selective forces influence patterns of symmetry remains an active area of research in evolutionary biology. One hypothesis, which has received relatively little attention, suggests that the functional importance of morphological characters may influence patterns of symmetry. Specifically, it posits that for structures that display bilateral symmetry, those with greater functional importance should display lower levels of asymmetry. The aim of this study was to examine the patterns of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) present in the limb bones of freshwater turtles in the family Emydidae. Aquatic emydid turtles of the subfamily Deirochelyinae employ a hindlimb-dominant swimming style, suggesting that hindlimbs should display lower levels of FA. Consistent with the morpho-functional hypothesis of symmetry, we found a strong, clade-wise pattern of humeral-biased FA in aquatic Deirochelyinae. In contrast, some emydids of the subfamily Emydinae possess more terrestrial tendencies. As terrestrial locomotion places more equal importance on fore- and hindlimbs, we predicted that such behaviors may minimize differences in FA. No clade-wise pattern was detected in the subfamily Emydinae. We also detected a phylogenetic signal in FA within the femur and discovered that FA has evolved at vastly different rates between the fore- and hindlimbs.  相似文献   

Ants that forage in visually rich environments often develop idiosyncratic routes between their nest and a profitable foraging ground. Such route knowledge is underpinned by an ability to use visual landmarks for guidance and place recognition. Here we ask which portions of natural visual scenes are essential for visually guided navigation in the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti whose foragers navigate through a habitat containing grass tussocks, shrubs and trees. We captured M. bagoti foragers after they had returned to their nest from a feeder, but before they had entered their nest, and tested their ability to home accurately from a series of release locations. We used this simple release paradigm to investigate visually guided navigation by monitoring the accuracy of nestwards orientation when parts of the ants’ visual field were obscured. Results show that the lower portion of the visual panorama is more important for visually guided homing than upper portions. Analysis of panoramic images captured from the release and nest locations support the hypothesis that the important visual information is provided by the panoramic contour, where terrestrial objects contrast against sky, rather than by a limited number of salient landmarks such as tall trees.  相似文献   

The generation of transgenic mosquitoes with a minimal fitness load is a prerequisite for the success of strategies for controlling mosquito-borne diseases using transgenic insects. It is important to assemble as much information as possible on this subject because realistic estimates of transgene fitness costs are essential for modeling and planning release strategies. Transgenic mosquitoes must have minimal fitness costs, because such costs would reduce the effectiveness of the genetic drive mechanisms that are used to introduce the transgenes into field mosquito populations. Several factors affect fitness of transgenic mosquitoes, including the potential negative effect of transgene products and insertional mutagenesis. Studies to assess fitness of transgenic mosquitoes in the field (as opposed to the laboratory) are still needed.  相似文献   

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