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Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a widely used technique in biophysics and has helped address many questions in the life sciences. It provides important advantages compared to other fluorescence and biophysical methods. Its single molecule sensitivity allows measuring proteins within biological samples at physiological concentrations without the need of overexpression. It provides quantitative data on concentrations, diffusion coefficients, molecular transport and interactions even in live organisms. And its reliance on simple fluorescence intensity and its fluctuations makes it widely applicable. In this review we focus on applications of FCS in live samples, with an emphasis on work in the last 5 years, in the hope to provide an overview of the present capabilities of FCS to address biologically relevant questions.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana glycine-rich RNA binding protein 7 (AtGRP7) is part of a negative feedback loop through which it regulates alternative splicing and steady-state abundance of its pre-mRNA. Here we use fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to investigate the requirements for AtGRP7 binding to its intron using fluorescently-labelled synthetic oligonucleotides. By systematically introducing point mutations we identify three nucleotides that lead to an increased Kd value when mutated and thus are critical for AtGRP7 binding. Simultaneous mutation of all three residues abrogates binding. The paralogue AtGRP8 binds to an overlapping motif but with a different sequence preference, in line with overlapping but not identical functions of this protein pair. Truncation of the glycine-rich domain reduces the binding affinity of AtGRP7, showing for the first time that the glycine-rich stretch of a plant hnRNP-like protein contributes to binding. Mutation of the conserved R49 that is crucial for AtGRP7 function in pathogen defence and splicing abolishes binding.  相似文献   

We described a new and sensitive method for the determination of mercury ions (Hg2+) on the basis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and recognition of oligonucleotides. In this assay, 30‐nm gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were modified with oligonucleotides containing thymine bases (T) as fluorescent probes, and the principle of this assay was based on the specific binding of Hg2+ by two DNA thymine bases. When two GNPs labelled with different oligonucleotides were mixed with a sample containing Hg2+, the T‐Hg2+‐T binding reaction should cause GNPs to form dimers (or oligomers), which would lead to a significant increase in the characteristic diffusion time of GNPs in the detection volume. The FCS method is a single molecule detection method and can sensitively detect the change in the characteristic diffusion time of GNPs before and after binding reactions. The quantitative analysis was performed according to the relation between the change in the characteristic diffusion time of GNPs and the concentration of Hg2+. Under optimal conditions, the linear range of this method was from 0.3 nM to 100 nM, and the detection limit was 0.14 nM for Hg2+. This new method was successfully applied for direct determination of Hg2+ levels in water and cosmetics samples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), we tested the feasibility of rapid detection of oxidative damage of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a small volume. The complete mtDNA genome was amplified by long polymerase chain reaction (LPCR), and the product was fluorescently labeled with an intercalating dye, YOYO-1. The fluorescence autocorrelation function was analyzed using a simple two-component model with the diffusion time of 0.21 ms for the LPCR primer and 18 ms for the mtDNA LPCR product. When human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK-293) cells were exposed to 0.4 mM H2O2, the fraction of the mtDNA LPCR product decreased significantly. In contrast, the fraction of the nuclear-encoded beta-globin LPCR product remained unchanged. The analysis time of FCS measurement was very short (5 min) compared with that of gel electrophoresis (3 h). Thus, FCS allowed the rapid detection of the vulnerability of mtDNA to oxidative stress within a small volume element at the subfemtoliter level in solution. These results suggest that the LPCR-FCS method can be used for epidemiological studies of diseases caused by mtDNA damage.  相似文献   

DNA fragments of various lengths and YOYO-1 iodide (YOYO) were mixed at various ratios, and fluorescence was measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The number of substantially emitting YOYO molecules binding to the DNA and the binding intervals between the YOYO molecules were estimated for DNA-YOYO complexes of various lengths. In the present study, we found an interesting phenomenon: triplet buildup. Because fluorophores that fall into the triplet state do not emit fluorescence, a part of the dark period can be recovered by emitting photons from other excited YOYO molecules in the same DNA strings in the confocal elements. The remaining dark period can be considered to be the total miss-emission rate. Estimates of the total miss-emission rate are important for calculation of the length and amount of DNA.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), we have established an in vitro assay to study RNA dynamics by analyzing fluorophore binding RNA aptamers at the single molecule level. The RNA aptamer SRB2m, a minimized variant of the initially selected aptamer SRB-2, has a high affinity to the disulfonated triphenylmethane dye sulforhodamine B. A mobility shift of sulforhodamine B after binding to SRB2m was measured. In contrast, patent blue V (PBV) is visible only if complexed with SRB2m due to increased molecular brightness and minimal background. With small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the three-dimensional structure of the RNA aptamer was characterized at low resolution to analyze the effect of fluorophore binding. The aptamer and sulforhodamine B-aptamer complex was found to be predominantly dimeric in solution. Interaction of PBV with SRB2m led to a dissociation of SRB2m dimers into monomers. Radii of gyration and hydrodynamic radii, gained from dynamic light scattering, FCS, and fluorescence cross-correlation experiments, led to comparable conclusions. Our study demonstrates how RNA-aptamer fluorophore complexes can be simultaneously structurally and photophysically characterized by FCS. Furthermore, fluorophore binding RNA aptamers provide a tool for visualizing single RNA molecules.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) are powerful techniques to measure molecular interactions with high sensitivity in homogeneous solution and living cells. In this study, we developed methods for the detection of prion protein (PrP) using FCS and FCCS. A combination of a fluorescent-labeled Fab' fragment and another anti-PrP monoclonal antibody (mAb) enabled us to detect recombinant bovine PrP (rBoPrP) using FCS because there was a significant difference in the diffusion coefficients between the labeled Fab' fragment and the trimeric immune complex consisting of rBoPrP, labeled Fab' fragment, and another anti-PrP mAb. On the other hand, FCCS detected rBoPrP using two mAbs labeled with different fluorescence dyes. The detection limit for PrP in FCCS was approximately threefold higher than that in FCS. The sensitivity of FCCS in detection of abnormal isoform of PrP (PrP(Sc)) was comparable to that of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Because FCS and FCCS detect the PrP immune complex in homogeneous solution of only microliter samples with a single mixing step and without any washing steps, these features of measurement may facilitate automating bovine spongiform encephalopathy diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report the detection of heterogeneities in the diffusion of lipid molecules for the three-component mixture dipalmitoyl-PC/dilauroyl-PC/cholesterol, a chemically simple lipid model for the mammalian plasma membrane outer leaflet. Two-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was performed on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) using fluorescent probes that have differential lipid phase partition behavior—DiO-C18:2 favors disordered fluid lipid phases, whereas DiI-C20:0 prefers spatially ordered lipid phases. Simultaneously-obtained fluorescence autocorrelation functions from the same excitation volume for each dye showed that, depending on the lipid composition of this ternary mixture, the two dyes exhibited different lateral mobilities in regions of the phase diagram with previously proposed submicroscopic two-phase coexistence. In one-phase regions, both dyes reported identical diffusion coefficients. Two-color FCS thus may be detecting local membrane heterogeneities at size scales below the optical resolution limit, either due to short-range order in a single phase or due to submicroscopic phase separation.  相似文献   

We developed novel substrates for protease activity evaluation by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Substrates were labeled in a position-specific manner with a fluorophore near the N terminus and included a C-terminal, 30 kDa, highly soluble protein (elongation factor Ts [EF-Ts]). The C-terminal protein enhanced the substrate peptide solubility and increased the molecular weight, enabling sensitive detection by FCS. Using the labeled substrates, caspase-3 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activities were confirmed by FCS. To demonstrate the suitability of this FCS-based assay for high-throughput screening, we screened various chemical compounds for MMP-9 inhibitors. The screening results confirmed the inhibitory activity of one compound and also revealed another potential MMP-9 inhibitor. Thus, this combination of position-specific labeled protein substrates and FCS may serve as a useful tool for evaluating activities of various proteases and for protease inhibitor screening.  相似文献   

The photon flux autocorrelation function of a fluorescent label attached to a bacterial motor shaft is calculated for the case in which the bacterial motor is considered to be actively but idly rotating. It is shown that even when the fluorescent label has a very short lifetime, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy should provide a useful tool for determining the rate of revolution of the bacterial motor under various solution conditions.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) signals via a receptor complex consisting of the specific CNTF receptor (CNTFR) and two promiscuous signal transducers, gp130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR). Whereas earlier studies suggested that the signaling complex is a hexamer, more recent analyses strongly support a tetrameric structure. However, all studies so far analyzed the stoichiometry of the CNTF receptor complex in vitro and not in the context of living cells. We generated and expressed in mammalian cells acyl carrier protein-tagged versions of both CNTF and CNTFR. After labeling CNTF and CNTFR with different dyes we analyzed their diffusion behavior at the cell surface. Fluorescence (cross) correlation spectroscopy (FCS/FCCS) measurements reveal that CNTFR diffuses with a diffusion constant of about 2 × 10− 9 cm2 s− 1 independent of whether CNTF is bound or not. FCS and FCCS measurements detect the formation of receptor complexes containing at least two CNTFs and CNTFRs. In addition, we measured Förster-type fluorescence resonance energy transfer between two differently labeled CNTFs within a receptor complex indicating a distance of 5-7 nm between the two. These findings are not consistent with a tetrameric structure of the CNTFR complex suggesting that either hexamers and or even higher-order structures (e.g. an octamer containing two tetramers) are formed.  相似文献   

Proteins have evolved to fold and function within a cellular environment that is characterized by high macromolecular content. The earliest step of protein folding represents intrachain contact formation of amino acid residues within an unfolded polypeptide chain. It has been proposed that macromolecular crowding can have significant effects on rates and equilibria of biomolecular processes. However, the kinetic consequences on intrachain diffusion of polypeptides have not been tested experimentally, yet. Here, we demonstrate that selective fluorescence quenching of the oxazine fluorophore MR121 by the amino acid tryptophan (Trp) in combination with fast fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can be used to monitor end-to-end contact formation rates of unfolded polypeptide chains. MR121 and Trp were incorporated at the terminal ends of polypeptides consisting of repetitive units of glycine (G) and serine (S) residues. End-to-end contact formation and dissociation result in "off" and "on" switching of MR121 fluorescence and underlying kinetics can be revealed in FCS experiments with nanosecond time resolution. We revisit previous experimental studies concerning the dependence of end-to-end contact formation rates on polypeptide chain length, showing that kinetics can be described by Gaussian chain theory. We further investigate effects of solvent viscosity and temperature on contact formation rates demonstrating that intrachain diffusion represents a purely diffusive, entropy-controlled process. Finally, we study the influence of macromolecular crowding on polypeptide chain dynamics. The data presented demonstrate that intrachain diffusion is fast in spite of hindered diffusion caused by repulsive interactions with macromolecules. Findings can be explained by effects of excluded volume reducing chain entropy and therefore accelerating the loop search process. Our results suggest that within a cellular environment the early formation of structural elements in unfolded proteins can still proceed quite efficiently in spite of hindered diffusion caused by high macromolecular content.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a powerful experimental technique that in recent years has found numerous applications for studying biological phenomena. In this article, we scrutinize one of these applications, namely, FCS as a technique for studying leakage of fluorescent molecules from large unilamellar lipid vesicles. Specifically, we derive the mathematical framework required for using FCS to quantify leakage of fluorescent molecules from large unilamellar lipid vesicles, and we describe the appropriate methodology for successful completion of FCS experiments. By use of this methodology, we show that FCS can be used to accurately quantify leakage of fluorescent molecules from large unilamellar lipid vesicles, including leakage of fluorescent molecules of different sizes. To demonstrate the applicability of FCS, we have investigated the antimicrobial peptide mastoparan X. We show that mastoparan X forms transient transmembrane pores in POPC/POPG (3:1) vesicles, resulting in size-dependent leakage of molecules from the vesicles. We conclude the paper by discussing some of the advantages and limitations of FCS as compared to other existing methods to measure leakage from large unilamellar lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

DNA with all cytosines, thymines, or all pyrimidines of one strand substituted by fluorescently labeled analogs shows diminished solubility in aqueous media and a strong tendency to aggregation that hampers enzymatic downstream processing. In this study, immobilization of fully fluorescently labeled DNA on microarrays was shown to resolve the named problems and to enable successive DNA degradation by exonuclease III. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and single-molecule counting for monitoring the course of DNA hydrolysis in real time revealed the virtually processive degradation of labeled DNA that occurred at an average rate of approximately 4 nt/s.  相似文献   

The interactions of several affinity reagent displayed T7 and M13 phage particles with their corresponding target molecules were examined using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). Diffusion times, relative fractions of each component in the recognition reactions at the equilibrium state, and ultimately the dissociation constants were deduced from analyzing the fluorescence autocorrelation curves. Although the sample preparation and FCS characterization of icosahedral T7-related systems were relatively straight forward, procedures with filamentous M13-related systems were complicated by the physical size of M13 and its aggregate formation. Methods that accommodate the FCS measurement of the M13 phage via changing confocal optics, fitting procedures, and aggregate discrimination are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation generally results from association between hydrophobic regions of individual monomers. However, additional mechanisms arising from specific interactions, such as intermolecular disulfide bond formation, may also contribute to the process. The latter is proposed to be the initiating pathway for aggregation of immunoglobulin (IgG), which is essential for triggering its immune response. To test the veracity of this hypothesis, we have employed fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to measure the kinetics of aggregation of IgG in separate experiments either allowing or inhibiting disulfide formation. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements yielded a diffusion time (τD) of ~200 µsec for Rhodamine‐labeled IgG, corresponding to a hydrodynamic radius (RH) of 56 Å for the IgG monomer. The aggregation kinetics of the protein was followed by monitoring the time evolution of τD under conditions in which its cysteine residues were either free or blocked. In both cases, the progress curves confirmed that aggregation proceeded via the nucleation‐dependent polymerization pathway. However, for aggregation in the presence of free cysteines, the lag times were shorter, and the aggregate sizes bigger, than their respective counterparts for aggregation in the presence of blocked cysteines. This result clearly demonstrates that formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds represents a preferred pathway in the aggregation process of IgG. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that aggregates formed in experiments where disulfide formation was prevented denatured at lower concentration of guanidine hydrochloride than those obtained in experiments where the disulfides were free to form, indicating that intermolecular disulfide bridging is a valid pathway for IgG aggregation. Proteins 2015; 83:169–177. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Single-molecule tracking and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) applied to the plasma membrane in living cells have allowed a number of unprecedented observations, thus fostering a new basic understanding of molecular diffusion, interaction, and signal transduction in the plasma membrane. It is becoming clear that the plasma membrane is a heterogeneous entity, containing diverse structures on nano-meso-scales (2-200 nm) with a variety of lifetimes, where certain membrane molecules stay together for limited durations. Molecular interactions occur in the time-dependent inhomogeneous two-dimensional liquid of the plasma membrane, which might be a key for plasma membrane functions.  相似文献   

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