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Development of perithecia of Phyllactinia corylea (Pers.) Karst. on mulberry (Morus spp.) leaves was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Two short specialized structures, antheridium and ascogonium, emerged from two separate hyphae, were fused with each other and developed into an egg‐shaped perithecial primordia. These primordia later developed into globose immature perithecia, which covered with protruded wall cells with clear margins. A large number of hyphae emerged from near the base of globose perithecia, which radiated on the leaf surface and thus helped the perithecia to fix to the surface. Specific characteristic penicillate cells and acicular appendages originated from the immature perithecia. The penicillate cells developed with apical sterigma‐like projections from the wall cells of the upper part of immature perithecia, whereas the acicular appendages originated from the shrunken wall cells at the perithecial equatorial planes. On maturation of perithecia, the acicular appendages bent down and pushed the perithecia above the substrate and thus helped them to liberate out. The sterigma‐like projections were covered with paste‐like granular substance, which help the dispersed perithecia to attach to mulberry leaves and branches.  相似文献   

The disease response and magnitude of genetic variability of 85 mulberry genotypes of different agroclimatic origin was studied against powdery mildew caused by Phyllactinia corylea. It was observed that there was a wide variation of disease severity among the test genotypes. Australian and France originating genotypes were found to be highly resistant to mildew followed by of Thai and Italian origin. Genotype wise, the lowest mildew disease severity was recorded in Thailand [lobed]) followed by M. malticaulis, M. australis and Italian. Genetic analysis of disease severity revealed that the estimate of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were high and that PCV was greater than GCV. High estimate of heritability coupled with high genetic advance showed that the mildew disease resistant trait is governed by an additive gene action. Hence the highly resistant mulberry genotypes identified may be exploited through hybridisation followed by selection under epiphytotic conditions for the improvement of disease resistant traits in mulberry.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of the infection processes of Oidium neolycopersici (tomato powdery mildew) and plant tissue responses were carried out on 10 Lycopersicon spp. accessions and one of each species of Cucumis sativus, Datura stramonium, Lactuca sativa, Petunia hybrida and Pisum sativum with different levels of resistance. Germination of O. neolycopersici conidia was not inhibited by the host plant. However, in the early stages of O. neolycopersici infection significant differences in conidial germ tube development on resistant and susceptible plant lines were observed. The first substantial differences appeared after 24 h post inoculation (hpi). Mycelia and conidiophores developed on susceptible lines; however, there was no mycelial development on resistant plant lines. The most frequent resistant response in Lycopersicon species was the necrotic (hypersensitive) reaction (HR), occasionally followed by pathogen development. The completely resistant accession L. hirsutum (LA 1347) showed only a limited number of necrotic host cells per infection site (2%). In Oidium resistant tomato lines OR 4061 and OR 960008 the existence of adult resistance was detected. This phenomenon occurred mainly in accession OR 4061. Rapid development and profuse sporulation of O. neolycopersici was observed on juvenile plants (6–8 wk old), however this was in contrast to the slow development and sporadic sporulation observed on 4 month old plants. Evidence of posthaustorial resistance was observed in the interaction of O. neolycopersici with non-host species (Lactuca sativa and Pisum sativum.) This was in contrast to Datura stramonium and Petunia hybrida, where development of powdery mildew was delayed at a later stage in the infection cycle. With the exception of Pisum sativum, the necrotic (hypersensitive) response was observed often.  相似文献   

7种寄主和非寄主植物气味对茶尺蠖成虫行为的调控效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨茶园生态系中植物气味对茶尺蠖成虫行为的影响,遂以茶园群落中7种常见植物新鲜嫩梢为味源,设1.5、5.0、7.5、10.0、15.0、20.0g和30.0g剂量,洁净空气为CK1,用Y型嗅觉仪对茶尺蠖成虫进行的剂量反应结果为:①剂量为1.5g时寄主薄荷诱得的成虫数与CK1的差异显著;随着剂量增加,其诱得成虫数呈抛物线式递减;剂量为30.0g时其诱得成虫数显著小于CK1。②随着剂量的加大,寄主迷迭香、茶叶和吸毒草诱得成虫数呈抛物线式递增,剂量分别为7.5、10.0g和15.0g、以及10.0g时,3种寄主分别与CK1引诱成虫数的差异显著;当剂量再加大,3种寄主皆表现驱避效应,当剂量为30.0g时迷迭香诱得成虫数显著小于CK1。③当剂量为1.5g时,寄主万寿菊呈微弱引诱效应,当剂量再增加时则呈微弱驱避效应且驱避效应增强,当剂量为30.0g时其诱得成虫数显著小于CK1。④当剂量为5.0g时,寄主碰碰香无引诱或驱避效应;剂量为7.5g时,碰碰香呈微弱引诱效应;当剂量再增加时则呈微弱驱避效应。⑤当剂量为5.0、7.5、10.0g,非寄主薰衣草未呈现引诱或驱避;当剂量再增加时则呈驱避效应;当剂量为30.0g时其诱得成虫数显著小于CK1。再以正己烷为溶剂,取新鲜薄荷、万寿菊、茶叶嫩梢榨汁,汁液浸泡橡皮头24h以汲取气味,制成诱芯,气味以当量计算,即1.5g薄荷/诱芯、0.75g薄荷/诱芯、1.5g万寿菊/诱芯、1.5g茶叶/诱芯;以正己烷浸泡橡皮头24h作为CK2。诱芯附于土黄色粘板组成诱捕器,连续7d诱捕第5代成虫,每日更换色板,均有较强诱捕效应;从1.5g薄荷/诱芯、CK2、1.5g万寿菊/诱芯、0.75g薄荷/诱芯至1.5g茶叶/诱芯,诱效显著增加;1.5g薄荷/诱芯的诱效显著弱于CK2。在第5代茶尺蠖幼虫期,取1/6hm2茶园各3个作为诱捕小区,同样大小的3块茶园作为CK3,查虫口基数。第5代发蛾盛期,在每诱捕小区均匀放置5种诱捕器各7只,连续诱捕7日,每日更换色板,第6代幼虫虫口校正下降率30%。由试验结果认为:植物气味有效调节茶尺蠖成虫行为,薄荷诱效稍强于茶叶,熏衣草有驱避效应。  相似文献   

The fungivonis insect Illeis indica is a potential biocontrol agent of Phyllactinia corylea which causes powdery mildew in mulberry. The present study by light and scanning electron microscopy explains the life stages of I. indica and its feeding behaviour on P. corylea borne on infected mulberry leaves. The eggs are laid in clusters of 5–23 on the abaxial surface of infected leaves. Each egg has 16–18 aeropyles circularly arranged at its distal end around a micropylar plate. Total larval period of I. indica is about 15.60 days with four instars and its life cycle is completed in 38.50 days. The grubs feed only on conidia during first instar, on conidia and conidiophores during second instar, and also on parts of mycelia during third instar. The final instar grubs feed on entire aerial mycelial mass leaving only stomatopodia and hyphal remnants attached to them. Pupation is for 6–7 days and the pupae remain motionless and attached to the abaxial leaf surface. Adults also feed voraciously on the fungal mass and the fertilized females lay eggs after about 7.03 ±0.144 days. The grubs and adults clear off the fungal mass from the infected leaves without leaving any mycelial patch and the fungus does not regenerate on such cleared leaves. Field observations indicated a drastic fall in the incidence of powdery mildew disease in mulberry even in the usual peak disease period, with the increased population of I. indica in the mulberry garden.  相似文献   

Ten host plant (Solanaceae) and twelve non-host plant species were tested as foodplants for first instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Only nine host and three non-host plant species elicited feeding and supported growth up to fifth instar. The range of acceptability suggested that plants be divided into hosts, acceptable non-hosts, and unacceptable non-hosts. Using the two-choice feeding preference test we found that the initial preference for hosts was preserved when larvae were reared on hosts, but was less strong or absent for larvae reared on acceptable non-hosts. Thus oligophagy in the tobacco hornworm is not induced, but must be inherited.Newly-hatched first instar larvae and fifth instar larvae showed a preference hierarchy among both hosts and non-hosts. Fifth instar larvae reared separately on two different host species showed slightly different preference hierarchies among hosts. The preference for the rearing plant was increased and also two other host species changed positions in hierarchies.Feeding preferences of larvae reared on hosts or acceptable non-hosts were determined using plant combinations of host vs. host, host vs. acceptable non-host, and acceptable non-host vs. acceptable non-host. Induction of feeding preference was found in all three of these categories. This shows that induction of feeding preference in the tobacco hornworm is not restricted to host plant species.The degree to which feeding preferences were induced ranged from very strong to undetectable and dependend on the plant species paired. The strength of induction in the tobacco hornworm was found to correlate inversely with taxonomic relatedness of the plant species paired. Analysis of induction data from the literature revealed a similar correlation for other lepidopteran species.
Résumé Vingt-deux espèces de plantes, dont 10 planteshôtes (Solanées), ont été testés comme plantes alimentaires pour des chenilles de ler stade de Manduca sexta. Sur cet ensemble, seulement 12 plantes (dont 9 plantes hôtes) induisaient la prise de nourriture et permettaient la croissance jusqu'au 5ème stade. La diversité des résultats suggère que les plantes pouvaient être classées en hôtes, non-hôtes acceptables et non-hôtes refusés. En utilisant le test du choix alimentaire préférentiel entre deux rondelles de feuilles, les chenilles néonates de ler stade ont préféré nettement les plantes-hôtes aux autres. Cette préférence initiale pour les plantes-hôtes était préservée quand les cheniles étaient élevées sur plantes-hôtes, mais devenait moins nette ou disparaissait pour des chenilles élevées sur d'autres plantes acceptées. Ainsi l'oligophagie ches M. sexta n'est pas induite, mais doit être héritée.Les chenilles néonates, aussi bien que celles de 5ème stade, présentent des préférences hiérarchisées parmi les plantes hôtes ou non. La seule frontiere nette observée était entre espèces de plantes acceptables ou non. Les hiérarchies préférentielles des chenilles du 5ème stade différaient légèrement lors-qu'elles avaient été élevées sur deux plantes-hôtes différentes. La différence essentielle était l'observation d'une préférence accrue pour l'espèce ayant servi à l'élevage, mais deux autres plantes-hôtes changaient aussi de position hiérarchique.La cause de ces changements de préférence a été approfondie, les chenilles étant élevées sur des feuilles de chaque espèce acceptable (hôte ou non). Leurs préférences alimentaires ont été définies en utilisant des combinaisons diverses (hôte x hôte, hôte x non-hôte acceptable, non-hôte acceptable x non-hôte acceptable). L'induction de la préférence alimentaires a été obtenue dans ces trois associations. Ceci montre que l'induction des choix alimentaires chez M. sexta n'est pas limitée aux plantes-hôtes. Le degré d'induction de la préférence alimentaire variait de très fort à indécelable; il dépendait de l'association examinée. La source de la variabilité de cette induction a été examinée en fonction de la relation entre la force de l'induction et les rapports taxonomiques des plantes associées. La relation obervée était inversée pour M. sexta. L'examen des données de la littérature ont révélé une relation du même type pour les autres espèces de Lépidoptères.

芙新姬小蜂和潜蝇姬小蜂均为强卵育型(synovigenic)寄生蜂,成虫具有产卵寄生致死、寄主取食致死和寄主叮蛰直接致死3种寄主致死行为。为了明确成虫补充非寄主食物营养对2种姬小蜂控害潜力/控害行为的影响,本文比较研究了分别提供寄主食物和寄主食物+非寄主食物(10%葡萄糖)条件下的2种姬小蜂在初羽化前期(前6 d)内对美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的致死行为的影响。结果显示:在仅提供寄主食物时,芙新姬小蜂的寄生、取食和总体致死量均显著的高于潜蝇姬小蜂,但是直接致死能力却弱于后者;补充非寄主食物和仅提供寄主食物处理相比,两种寄生蜂的寄生量,取食量和总致死量均呈下降趋势。该研究显示:在初羽化前期,取食寄主食物的雌蜂比取食寄主食物+葡萄糖的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力。  相似文献   

Abstract 1 We searched for antifeedant activity in predomonantly non‐host woody plants to find new compounds for seedling protection of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) against feeding by pine weevil Hylobius abietis. In total, 38 species from 25 families were compared in choice and no‐choice tests. 2 In choice tests with Empetrum, Juniperus, Ledum, Populus, Betula, Evonymus, Sorbus, Salix, Myrica and Pinus, the weevils preferred Pinus to all others. In no‐choice tests with the same species, the insects removed a similar or even greater area of the bark in three of 10 species than Pinus. The results were clearly different between the test modes. 3 In experiment 4, the areas of outer and inner bark (phloem) removed were quantified separately.The weevils removed significantly less of both outer and inner bark in Ilex, Evonymus, Populus, Syringa, Taxus, Tilia, Viburnum, Lonicera and Sorbus than Pinus. 4 Large areas of outer bark were removed in Juglans, Fraxinus, Sambucus, Aesculus, Quercus, Corylus, Fagus, Salix, Alnus and Acer. However, in the latter cases the insects stopped when reaching the inner bark. Thus, certain plant species have the outer bark removed by the insects but possessed an inner bark with antifeedant qualities.  相似文献   

Performance of leaf beetle larvae on sympatric host and non-host plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies asking the ability of insects to utilize novel host plants often use novel hosts that are allopatric with the insect population under investigation. However, since the outcomes of species interactions are often site-specific, such studies cannot tell us whether a plant would actually be used by a given insect population if the plant grew sympatrically with it. We therefore performed a quantitative genetics experiment to analyse the performance of larvae of the leaf beetle Oreina elongata Suffrian (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) on two host and three non-host plants, collected from a site where insects and plants co-occur in the Western Alps. When raised on the non-host Petasites albus (L.), larvae were able to survive equally well as on the two hosts, Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) and Cirsium spinosissimum (L.), whereas they did not survive on the two other non-hosts, Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) and Rumex alpinus L. On P. albus, growth rate was slightly lower and development time slightly longer than on the two hosts. We found a genotype by environment interaction only for growth rate but not for development time and survival. However, the shape of the reaction norms of growth rates suggests that it is unlikely that selection could favour the inclusion of P. albus into the host range of the study population.  相似文献   

The early phase of 3T3 fibroblast interaction with sulfonated styrene copolymer surfaces, of two sulfonic group densities and thus of differing wettability, was studied. The sulfonic groups present on copolymer surfaces affected the behaviour of cells, i.e. they stimulated cell adhesion, activated cell spreading and influenced cytoskeleton reorganization. The relative number of adhering cells correlated, while the number of spreading cells inversely correlated, with the surface density of sulfonic groups. Cell shape and the pattern of distribution of F-actin, alpha-actinin and vinculin in the interacting cells also depend on the surface density of sulfonic groups. On surfaces of high sulfonic group density, highly polarized cells were observed with F-actin bundles. On surfaces of low sulfonic group density, the cells spread with a square-like morphology with F-actin organized in stress fibres. In contrast, the cells spread poorly on nonsulfonated surfaces and cell adhesion was unaffected by surface wettability. The contribution of alpha(5)beta(1), alpha(4), and beta(5)integrins to the cell interaction with fibronectin (FN) and vitronectin (VN) adsorbed from serum-containing medium on polymer surfaces was examined. Our results suggest that surface sulfonic groups influence the conformation of FN and VN adsorbed on polymer surfaces and, in turn, determine the integrins that are involved in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Summary In a laboratory choice-test, free-living ant workers ofFormica cunicularia andF. rufibarbis (subgenusServiformica), both potentially slave species of the obligatory slave-makerPolyergus rufescens, cared for cocoons of this parasite and for homocolonial cocoons at comparable rates. Both potential hosts did not differ in their capacity to rear the parasite brood. This fact is discussed in relation to host selection and specificity inP. rufescens. No such attraction and/or tolerance was found towards cocoons of the facultative slave-makerFormica sanguinea, which also enslaves both host species. Workers ofF. lugubris, a species which is never enslaved, destroyed cocoons from both slave-making species. The attractiveness of the brood ofP. rufescens for both potentially slave species could be due to an interspecific brood pheromone in addition to brood mimicry. An alternative hypothesis is a close phylogenetic distance between this slave-maker andServiformica species. The capacity to gain acceptance by adult slave workers might be one of the crucial evolutionary steps separating obligatory from facultative slave-making ants.  相似文献   

Before the construction of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) power plant, an experimental station was built near the entrance of the Bay of Brest (France) in order to perform preliminary studies. Bacterial colonisation of three substrata (stainless steel UB6, aluminium AG4 and polycarbonate filters) was observed in a continuous flow seawater system. The study was performed between May 1983 and May 1984 and included seven experiments of 15 days each.

The early events in bacterial colonisation of these materials may be affected by both water quality and type of substratum. If these two parameters influence the adsorption step of the biological process (0 to 1 h), seasonal variation in water quality seems to be more important during the accumulation step (1 h to 6 days), because of its effect on bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the factors influencing spore adhesion in dairy manufacturing plants, casein-modified glass surfaces were prepared and characterized and their effect on the adhesion kinetics of spores from a Geobacillus sp., isolated from a dairy manufacturing plant (DMP) was assessed using a flow chamber. Surfaces were produced by initially silanizing glass using (3-glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxysilane (GPS) or (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane to form epoxy-functionalized (G-GPS) or amino-functionalized glass (G-NH2) substrata. Casein was grafted to the G-GPS directly by its primary amino groups (G-GPS-casein) or to G-NH2 by employing glutaraldehyde as a linking agent (G-NH2-glutar-casein). The surfaces were characterised using streaming potential measurements, contact angle goniometry, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The attachment rate of spores suspended in 0.1 M KCl at pH 6.8, was highest on the positively charged (+14 mV) G-NH2 surface (333 spores cm?2 s?1) compared to the negatively charged glass (?22 mV), G-GPS (?20 mV) or G-GPS-casein (?21 mV) surfaces (162, 17 or 6 spores cm?2 s?1 respectively). Whilst there was a clear decrease in attachment rate to negatively charged casein-modified surfaces compared to the positively charged amine surface, there was no clear relationship between surface hydrophobicity and spore attachment rate.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse the morphological and ultrastructural effects of lipopeptides of cell-free liquid cultures from the antagonistic Bacillus subtilis strains, UMAF6614 and UMAF6639, on the cucurbit powdery mildew fungus, Podosphaera fusca, conidial germination. METHODS AND RESULTS: Butanolic extracts from cell-free supernatants of B. subtilis cultures were tested for their ability to arrest P. fusca conidial germination using the zucchini cotyledon disc method. Previously, the occurrence of lipopeptide antibiotics fengycin, iturin/bacillomycin and surfactin in the extracts was verified by diverse chromatographic approaches. Conidial germination was strongly reduced by antifungal extracts obtained from liquid cultures of both B. subtilis strains. Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed morphological damage in conidia characterized by the presence of large depressions and loss of turgidness. Transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed severe modifications in the plasma membrane and disorganization of the P. fusca cell cytoplasm. CONCLUSIONS: The lipopeptides produced by the two strains of B. subtilis are able to reduce cucurbit powdery mildew disease by arresting conidial germination, which seems to result from the induction of important cytological alterations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We elucidated the mechanisms employed by these antagonistic strains of B. subtilis to suppress cucurbit powdery mildew disease and delineate the ultrastructural damages responsible for their suppressive effect.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of crop rotations involving two host (lettuce and lavender) and two non-host (cabbage and radish) plants on the development of mycorrhizal infection in host plants were studied in unsterile soil and in sterilized soil with or without rock phosphate and inoculated withGlomus mosseae. As in previous experiments, pre-cropping with non-host plants did not decrease VA infection in the host plants. On the other hand, pre-cropping with a host plant increased VA infection in the same or another host plant grown afterwards. These effects were noted irrespectively of rock phosphate additions and of soil sterilization.  相似文献   

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