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The requirement for vitamin A in reproduction and development was first determined from studies of nutritional deficiencies. Subsequent research has shown that embryonic development and both male and female reproduction are modulated by retinoic acid (RA), the active form of vitamin A. Because RA is active in multiple developmental systems, its synthesis, transport, and degradation are tightly regulated in different tissues. A growing body of evidence implicates RA as a requirement for the initiation of meiosis in both male and female mammals, resulting in a mechanistic model involving the interplay of RA, RA synthesis enzymes, RA receptors, and degradative cytochrome P450 enzymes in this system. Recently, that model has been challenged, prompting a review of the established paradigm. While it remains possible that additional molecules may be involved in regulating entry into meiosis, the weight of evidence supporting a key role for RA is incontrovertible.  相似文献   

Liver in a dish     
There exists a worldwide shortage of donor livers for transplant. This may not pose a problem in the future, as Takebe et al. have recently grown functional “liver buds” from stem cells in a dish.Since the discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), the promise of generating organs from patients'' iPSCs has received considerable attention as an alternative to donor organ transplantation. Over the past few years, much progress has been made in the differentiation of various somatic cell types from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). However, only a limited number of reports have described the generation of three-dimensional organoids from human stem cells in vitro, including the optic cup1, the pituitary epithelium2, and from adult stem cells — the gut epithelium3. These experimental systems share several common features: 1) they all begin with ES cells or adult stem cells, 2) the cells grow as floating aggregates, and 3) all three organoids (optic cup, pituitary epithelium, and gut crypt) are epithelial structures4. In addition, one particularly unexpected finding has emerged from each of these experiments, namely that a high level of self-organization seems to play a substantial role in establishing local tissue architecture and assembly of the resulting organoid.Despite these remarkable examples of organogenesis in vitro, the likelihood of growing a complex vascularized organ in dish, such as liver, has seemed less plausible. Takebe et al.5 have made the implausible possible by focusing on the first steps of organogenesis, namely the cellular interactions that occur during liver bud development. The earliest stage of liver organogenesis involves the outgrowth of a group of endodermal and mesenchymal cells from the posterior foregut that soon thereafter become vascularized to form a liver bud. During these morphogenetic changes, a key element to the formation of a liver bud is the orchestration of signals between three types of cells: liver, mesenchymal and endothelial progenitors. Takebe et al. posited that they might be able to recapitulate liver bud formation in vitro by mixing hepatic endoderm cells together with endothelial and mesenchymal cells. To test this idea, they prepared hepatic endoderm cells (hiPSC-HEs) from hiPSCs by directed differentiation, and then co-cultured them with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Two days later, the cells had self-assembled into a 5-mm-long, three-dimensional tissue that was reminiscent of “liver bud” structures in vivo. To further mature these hiPSC-derived “liver buds” (hiPSC-LBs), they transplanted them into immune-compromised mice where the hiPSC-LBs connected with the host vasculature within 48 h and formed functional vascular networks similar in density and morphology to those of human adult livers. Transplanted hiPSC-LBs started functioning about 10 days later, producing human albumin and metabolizing drugs in a similar fashion to human liver. Perhaps most remarkably, Takebe et al. demonstrated that these hiPSC-LBs could rescue liver function when transplanted to mice with liver failure.The differences between Takebe and his colleagues'' study and other studies designed to reproduce organogenesis in vitro are that they started with several different cell types; the cells were grown initially in a two-dimensional petri dish; and the result was a solid liver organoid that can be vascularized and function after transplantation. For many, the most striking finding is the high level of self-organization in this experimental differentiation system. By analogy, it is equivalent to delivering all of the materials necessary to build a house to a construction site and returning several days later to find a fully assembled home. Clearly the principles of self-organization and self-assembly are playing much more profound roles during differentiation than we previously thought and it is likely what has been reported by Takebe et al. represents only the tip of the iceberg. One takeaway from the way that Takebe and his colleagues'' tackled the problem of in vitro organogenesis may be their focus on the earliest processes in organ development, as it is likely to identify the right combination of cell types for organogenesis to proceed. Nonetheless, this study has raised several new questions. How does self-organization and self-assembly occur in vitro? What is the molecular logic of this process? How can we manipulate a self-organizing system so that we might guide it in the direction we want it to go? And ultimately, could we use a similar strategy to produce other complex solid organs in vitro, e.g., lung, kidney, and pancreas?As summarized by Takebe et al., this study demonstrates a “proof-of-concept” that “organ-bud transplantation provides a promising new approach to study regenerative medicine”. However, a significant amount of work will be required before these findings can be translated into a therapy. First, these little liver buds do not form a complete adult liver. They are missing a number of critical cell types, chief among them biliary epithelial cells and thus bile ducts. How to produce a fully functional liver remains a challenge. Second, in order to translate these findings into human therapies, a key step will be to scale this process so that one can produce a liver bud large enough for transplantation into humans. Of course, there is always the question about safety when it comes to stem cell-based therapies. Undifferentiated stem cells left in transplants tend to form tumors and the use of oncogenes for iPS reprogramming needs to be resolved before iPS cells can be considered for human therapy. Despite the reality that clinical therapies based on this report remain a distant promise, it is inspirational to consider how quickly the field is moving and exciting to speculate about what might come next. If one considers that a drug has been identified to specifically eliminate pluripotent but not differentiated hPSCs6 and that a recent report showed that pluripotent stem cells could be induced from mouse somatic cells by using only small molecules7, we may have good reason to believe that one day in the not too distant future we could grow patient-customized organs for transplantation (Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1This figure outlines the strategy of generating organs from patients'' iPSCs as an alternative to transplantation. Patient-derived pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be differentiated in vitro to desired cell types. As demonstrated by Takebe et al.5, different cell types can be co-cultured in dish to recapitulate the earliest process of organogenesis and form three-dimensional organ buds. These in vitro produced organ buds could be used for transplantation in the future.  相似文献   

Tabar V 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,9(6):490-491
The adenohypophysis secretes multiple hormones that control vital physiological functions. A recent article in Nature (Suga et al., 2011) describes a 3D protocol for the derivation of several endocrine pituitary cell types from mouse ESCs.  相似文献   

In a recent landmark paper, the Huntington''s disease (HD) iPSC Consortium reports on the establishment and characterization of a panel of iPSC lines from HD patients, and more importantly, the successful modeling of HD in vitro. In the same issue of Cell Stem Cell, An et al. reports on the successful targeted gene correction of HD in human iPSCs. Both advances are exciting, provide new resources for current and future HD research, and uncover new challenges to better understand and, most importantly, treat this devastating disease in the near future.Modeling human diseases using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has created novel opportunities for both mechanistic studies as well as for the discovery of new disease therapies. Combined with advanced gene correction technology, human iPSCs hold great promise to provide patient-specific and mutation-free cells for potential cell replacement therapy. Huntington''s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder, which causes motor dysfunction, psychiatric disturbances and cognitive impairment1. HD is caused by an expanded cystosine adenine guanine (CAG) tri-nucleotide repeat encoding polyglutamine in the first exon of the Huntingtin (HTT) gene. To date, there is no effective therapy for preventing the onset or slowdown of this disorder. Preliminary clinical trials using fetal neural grafts had shown long-lasting functional benefits in patients2. Though only effective in limited cases, these results suggest that cell-based therapy could be a potential treatment if a reliable and consistent cell source is available. For this purpose, an alternative cell source to overcome the logistical and biological hurdles of this disease had been actively explored in the past decade. With recent advancement in human iPSCs technology, HD patient-specific iPSCs coupled with an efficient directed cell differentiation protocol offers hope for an unlimited supply of autologous cells. Since HD is a monogenic disease, with a very well-established correlation between the number of CAG repeats and the age of disease onset, it provides an ideal target for iPSC-based gene correction that will allow for the production of disease-free cells for potential autologous cell therapy, and at the same time provide a much needed, valuable platform to further study the pathogenesis of the disease3,4.This is in fact what has been recently accomplished in two reports published in Cell Stem Cell5,6. The HD iPSC Consortium reports on the generation of HD patient-specific iPSC lines that showed CAG-repeat-expansion-associated phenotypes5. The study from An et al.6 reports on the successful targeted correction of expanded CAG repeat in HD patient iPSCs and the reversion of disease phenotypes.In the study reported from the HD iPSC Consortium, the authors generated 14 iPSC lines from HD patients and controls (listed in Open in a separate window
CodeNumber of iPSC lineCAG repeatsHD typeAge of sample procuredReprogramming strategyPhenotype detected cell typeGene correction line availablePhenotypeReferences
HD 43139/43Adult onset HD44 yearsOSKM (lentivirus)iPSCsnoIncreased Iysosomal activity7
HD 44442/44Adult onset HD59 years2 lines:OSKM (lentivirus) 2 lines: OSK (lentivirus)iPSCsnoIncreased Iysosomal activity7
HD 50150Adult onset HDunknown (father)OSKM (retrovirus)AstrocytenoNeural differentiation normal, Vacuolation in astrocyte12
HD109-11109Juvenile HDunknown (daughter)OSKM (retrovirus)AstrocytenoSimilar to HD 50, more vacuolation in astrocyte12
HD 72172Juvenile HD20 yearsOSKM (retrovirus)NPCsyesElevated caspase activity; more vulnerable to cell death6,8,9
HD 60360Adult onset HD29 years2 lines:OSKMNL (lentivirus) 1 line: OSKM (episomal)NPCs, neuronsnoAltered cell adhesion, energetics, and electrophysiology; Increased cell death in long time neural differentiation5
HD109-21109Juvenile HD9 yearsOSKMNL (lentivirus)NPCs, neuronsnoSimilar to HD 60; higher risk to cell death in response to BDNF withdrawal5
HD1804180Juvenile HD6 years3 lines:OSKMNL (lentivirus) 1 line: OSKM (episomal)NPCs, neuronsnoSimilar to HD 60 and 109; Increased vulnerable to stress and toxicity5
Open in a separate windowHD, Huntington''s Disease; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell; NPC, neural progenitor cell; O, Oct4; S, Sox2; K, Klf4; M, Myc; N, Nanog; L, Lin28.Meanwhile, using a homologous recombination-based gene targeting strategy, An et al.6 reported on the successful correction of the CAG-repeat-expanded HTT allele in HD patient iPSCs. These corrected iPSCs shared the same genetic background as the disease iPSCs, thereby serving as non-biased controls for their uncorrected counterparts. By comparing gene expression profiles of corrected iPSCs versus disease iPSCs, An et al. found that the alterations of cadherin, TGF-β, and caspase-related pathways in HD were rescued in the non-expanded iPSCs. The authors further demonstrated that gene correction in HD iPSCs reversed disease phenotypes such as susceptibility to cell death and altered mitochondrial bioenergetics in NSCs. More importantly, when transplanted into a mouse model of HD, the corrected HD iPSC-derived NSCs could survive and differentiate into GABAergic neurons and DARPP-32-positive neurons in vivo.Taken together, these two studies present very significant advances for iPSC-based disease modeling of HD and provide a potential donor source for cell replacement therapy. Though exciting indeed, several important challenges remain unsolved.First, complete recapitulation of neuropathology phenotypes in the iPSC-based models in vitro remains a challenge in the field. As a neurodegenerative disease, pathologic development of HD usually takes several decades and may be influenced by several external factors. In the HD iPSC-based model, the derivation method, clonal discrepancy as well as the culture conditions may affect the manifestation of phenotypes. Indeed, in previously reported HD iPSC lines, only slight increases in caspase and lysosomal activity were observed7,8,9. Although in both reports of HD iPSCs, significant phenotypes in electrophysiology, energy metabolism and cell death were recorded, other typical HD-associated phenotypes such as oligomeric mutant HTT aggregation, formation of nuclear inclusions and preferential striatal degeneration were not observed.Second, it is still an open question whether neural cells derived from gene-corrected iPSCs are fully functional, that is, whether they may restore physiological functions after cell replacement therapy. Ma et al.10 have recently reported on a protocol to differentiate striatal projection neurons from human embryonic stem cells with a high efficiency. After transplantation, these cells survived, reconnected striatal circuitry, and restored motor function in a striatal neurodegenerative mouse model. In spite of these encouraging first attempts, further improvements of the methodology for the directed cell differentiation in vitro and cell transplantation in vivo are still needed.Third, HTT protein is ubiquitously expressed and functional in different tissue. It has been hypothesized that HD may also develop in a non-autonomous manner11. The current studies mainly focused on the phenotypes of HD iPSC-derived neurons. However, supporting cells such as astrocytes might also play direct or indirect roles in HD progression. Indeed, a vacuolation phenotype has been observed in HD iPSC-derived astrocytes12. Therefore, it will be interesting to expand the HD iPSC platform into other cell types with the goal to extend and uncover the various ethiopathological factors involved in HD.Finally, human iPSC models of monogenic disorders in general possess great potential for the mechanistic study of the disease. However, as is the case with many neuropsychiatric disorders, HD establishment and progression is linked to different genetic and epigenetic factors, including environmental change-induced epigenetic modification, multiple mutations, and genetic alternation in non-coding regions. To this end, although the successful generation of HD iPSCs as well as targeted gene correction would greatly facilitate the study of HD, a comprehensive understanding of HD pathogenesis will need to be achieved before trying to translate the recent results into the clinic.In summary, despite all of these open questions, the recent studies have uncovered the unlimited potential of iPSCs for modeling HD in vitro. These studies will promote and enhance HD research in various areas, including elucidation of HD cellular pathogenesis, development of HD-specific biomarkers, screening for small therapeutic molecules, and manipulation of HD iPSCs for stem cell replacement therapy, which together may ultimately fulfill the promise of using iPSCs as a tool for regenerative medicine and drug discovery for HD in the near future.  相似文献   

The human adult liver has a multi‐cellular structure consisting of large lobes subdivided into lobules containing portal triads and hepatic cords lined by specialized blood vessels. Vital hepatic functions include filtering blood, metabolizing drugs, and production of bile and blood plasma proteins like albumin, among many other functions, which are generally dependent on the location or zone in which the hepatocyte resides in the liver. Due to the liver's intricate structure, there are many challenges to design differentiation protocols to generate more mature functional hepatocytes from human stem cells and maintain the long‐term viability and functionality of primary hepatocytes. To this end, recent advancements in three‐dimensional (3D) stem cell culture have accelerated the generation of a human miniature liver system, also known as liver organoids, with polarized epithelial cells, supportive cell types and extra‐cellular matrix deposition by translating knowledge gained in studies of animal organogenesis and regeneration. To facilitate the efforts to study human development and disease using in vitro hepatic models, a thorough understanding of state‐of‐art protocols and underlying rationales is essential. Here, we review rapidly evolving 3D liver models, mainly focusing on organoid models differentiated from human cells.  相似文献   

Identifying and mimicking the signals that regulate stem cell self‐renewal, differentiation and maintenance in a petri dish is crucial to faithfully recapitulate stem cell behaviour in vitro. In this issue, Chacón‐Martínez et al ( 2017 ) describe novel culture conditions that allow the long‐term expansion and maintenance of functional murine hair follicle stem cells. This exciting discovery provides a faithful platform to study hair follicle stem cells in vitro and potentially perform drug screening for skin and hair follicle disorders.  相似文献   

Fluid shear stress (FSS) is an important stimulus for cell functions. Compared with the well established parallel-plate and cone-and-plate systems, a rocking “see-saw” system offers some advantages such as easy operation, low cost, and high throughput. However, the FSS spatiotemporal pattern in the system has not been quantified. In the present study, we developed a lubrication-based model to analyze the FSS distributions in a rocking rectangular culture dish. We identified an important parameter (the critical flip angle) that dictates the overall FSS behaviors and suggested the right conditions to achieving temporally oscillating and spatially relatively uniform FSS. If the maximal rocking angle is kept smaller than the critical flip angle, which is defined as the angle when the fluid free surface intersects the outer edge of the dish bottom, the dish bottom remains covered with a thin layer of culture medium. The spatial variations of the peak FSS within the central 84% and 50% dish bottom are limited to 41% and 17%, respectively. The magnitude of FSS was found to be proportional to the fluid viscosity and the maximal rocking angle, and inversely proportional to the square of the fluid depth-to-length ratio and the rocking period. For a commercial rectangular dish (length of 37.6 mm) filled with ~2 mL culture medium, the FSS at the center of the dish bottom is expected to be on the order of 0.9 dyn/cm2 when the dish is rocked +5° at 1 cycle/s. Our analysis suggests that a rocking “see-saw” system, if controlled well, can be used as an alternative method to provide low-magnitude, dynamic FSS to cultured cells.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) can differentiate into all cell types in the body, and their differentiation procedures recapitulate the developmental processes of embryogenesis. Focusing on neurodevelopment, we describe here the application of knowledge gained from embryology to the neural induction of PSCs. Furthermore, PSC‐based neural modeling provides novel insights into neurodevelopmental processes. In particular, human PSC cultures are a powerful tool for the study of human‐specific neurodevelopmental processes and could even enable the elucidation of the mechanisms of human brain evolution. We also discuss challenges and potential future directions in further improving PSC‐based neural modeling.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell division is an orderly and timely process involving the error-free segregation of chromosomes and cytoplasmic components to give rise to two separate daughter cells. Defects in genome maintenance mechanisms such as cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair can impact the segregation of the genome during mitosis leading to multiple chromosomal imbalances. In mammals, the DNA damage checkpoint effector Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) is essential for responses to DNA replication errors, external DNA damage, and chromatin breaks. We reported recently that Chk1 also was essential for chromosome segregation and completion of cytokinesis to prevent genomic instability. Our studies demonstrated that Chk1 deficiency in mitotic cells causes chromosome mis-alignment, lagging chromosomes, chromosome mis- segregation, cytokinetic regression, and binucleation. In addition, abrogation of Chk1 resulted in aberrant localization of mitotic Aurora B kinase at the metaphase plate, anaphase spindle midzone, and cytokinetic midbody as studied both in various cell lines and in a mouse model. Therefore, inappropriate regulation of Chk1 levels during cell cycle progression will result in failed cell division and enhanced genomic instability.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The transition from uni- to multicellular organisms required metabolic cooperativity through cell-cell interactions mediated by soluble growth factors. We have empirically demonstrated such an integrating mechanism by which the metabolic hormone leptin stimulates lung development, causing the thinning of the gas exchange surface and the obligate increase in lung surfactant synthesis. All of these processes have occurred both phylogenetically and developmentally during the course of vertebrate lung evolution from fish to man. Here we show the integrating effects of the environmentally sensitive, pleiotropic hormone leptin on the development of the Xenopus laevis tadpole lung. The process described in this study provides a mechanistically integrated link between the metabolic regulatory hormone leptin and its manifold downstream effects on a wide variety of physiologic structures and functions, including locomotion and respiration, the cornerstones of land vertebrate evolution. It provides physiologic selection pressure at multiple levels to progressively generate Gene Regulatory Networks both within and between organs, from cells to systems. This model provides a cipher for understanding the evolution of complex physiology.  相似文献   

Diverse aspects of host-pathogen interactions have been studied using non-mammalian hosts such as Dictyostelium discoideum, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rerio for more than 20 years. Over the past two years, the use of these model hosts to dissect bacterial virulence mechanisms has been expanded to include the important human pathogens Vibrio cholerae and Yersinia pestis. Innovative approaches using these alternative hosts have also been developed, enabling the isolation of new antimicrobials through screening large libraries of compounds in a C. elegans Enterococcus faecalis infection model. Host proteins required by Mycobacterium and Listeria during their invasion and intracellular growth have been uncovered using high-throughput dsRNA screens in a Drosophila cell culture system, and immune evasion mechanisms deployed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa during its infection of flies have been identified. Together, these reports further illustrate the potential and relevance of these non-mammalian hosts for modelling many facets of bacterial infection in mammals.  相似文献   

Stern BM 《Molecular cell》2003,11(5):1123-1125
Degradation of mitotic cyclins is critical for exit from mitosis. Recent studies in budding yeast address the role of cyclin degradation in meiosis. Cyclin stabilization in meiosis I interferes with anaphase I spindle disassembly but, surprisingly, does not halt progression into meiosis II.  相似文献   

In meiosis of human males DNA is packaged along pachytene chromosomes about 20 time more compactly than in meiosis of yeast. Nevertheless, a human-derived yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) shows the same degree of compaction of DNA as endogenous chromosomes in meiotic prophase nuclei of yeast. This suggests that in yeast meiosis, human and yeast DNA adopt a similar organization of chromatin along the pachytene chromosome cores. Therefore meiotic chromatin organization does not seem to be an inherent chromosomal property but is governed by the host-specific cellular environment. We suggest that there is a correlation between the less dense DNA packaging and the increased rate of recombination that has been reported for human-derived YACs as compared with human DNA in its natural environment.  相似文献   

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