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Aging and carcinogenesis coincide with the accumulation of DNA damage and mutations in stem and progenitor cells. Molecular mechanisms that influence responses of stem and progenitor cells to DNA damage remain to be delineated. Here, we show that niche positioning and Wnt signaling activity modulate the sensitivity of intestinal stem and progenitor cells (ISPCs) to DNA damage. ISPCs at the crypt bottom with high Wnt/β‐catenin activity are more sensitive to DNA damage compared to ISPCs in position 4 with low Wnt activity. These differences are not induced by differences in cell cycle activity but relate to DNA damage‐dependent activation of Wnt signaling, which in turn amplifies DNA damage checkpoint activation. The study shows that instructed enhancement of Wnt signaling increases radio‐sensitivity of ISPCs, while inhibition of Wnt signaling decreases it. These results provide a proof of concept that cell intrinsic levels of Wnt signaling modulate the sensitivity of ISPCs to DNA damage and heterogeneity in Wnt activation in the stem cell niche contributes to the selection of ISPCs in the context of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Clustered DNA damages-multiple oxidized bases, abasic sites, or strand breaks within a few helical turns-are potentially mutagenic and lethal alterations induced by ionizing radiation. Endogenous clusters are found at low frequencies in unirradiated normal human cells and tissues. Radiation-sensitive hematopoietic cells with low glycosylase levels (TK6 and WI-L2-NS) accumulate oxidized base clusters but not abasic clusters, indicating that cellular repair genotype affects endogenous cluster levels. We asked whether other factors, i.e., in the cellular microenvironment, affect endogenous cluster levels and composition in hematopoietic cells. TK6 and WI-L2-NS cells were grown in standard medium (RPMI 1640) alone or supplemented with folate and/or selenium; oxidized base cluster levels were highest in RPMI 1640 and reduced in selenium-supplemented medium. Abasic clusters were low under all conditions. In primary hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from four non-tobacco-using donors, cluster levels were low. However, in cells from tobacco users, we observed high oxidized base clusters and also abasic clusters, previously observed only in irradiated cells. Protein levels and activity of the abasic endonuclease Ape1 were similar in the tobacco users and nonusers. These data suggest that in highly damaging environments, even normal DNA repair capacity can be overwhelmed, leaving highly repair-resistant clustered damages.  相似文献   

R Sugimura  XC He  A Venkatraman  F Arai  A Box  C Semerad  JS Haug  L Peng  XB Zhong  T Suda  L Li 《Cell》2012,150(2):351-365
Wnt signaling is involved in self-renewal and maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs); however, the particular role of noncanonical Wnt signaling in regulating HSCs in vivo is largely unknown. Here, we show Flamingo (Fmi) and Frizzled (Fz) 8, members of noncanonical Wnt signaling, both express in and functionally maintain quiescent long-term HSCs. Fmi regulates Fz8 distribution at the interface between HSCs and N-cadherin(+) osteoblasts (N-cad(+)OBs that enrich osteoprogenitors) in the niche. We further found that N-cad(+)OBs predominantly express noncanonical Wnt ligands and inhibitors of canonical Wnt signaling under homeostasis. Under stress, noncanonical Wnt signaling is attenuated and canonical Wnt signaling is enhanced in activation of HSCs. Mechanistically, noncanonical Wnt signaling mediated by Fz8 suppresses the Ca(2+)-NFAT- IFNγ pathway, directly or indirectly through the CDC42-CK1α complex and also antagonizes canonical Wnt signaling in HSCs. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that noncanonical Wnt signaling maintains quiescent long-term HSCs through Fmi and Fz8 interaction in the niche.  相似文献   



Accumulation of DNA damage leading to adult stem cell exhaustion has been proposed to be a principal mechanism of aging. Here we tested this hypothesis in healthy individuals of different ages by examining unrepaired DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells matured in their physiological microenvironment.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To asses DNA damage accumulation and repair capacities, γH2AX-foci were examined before and after exposure to ionizing irradiation. Analyzing CD34+ and CD34− stem/progenitor cells we observed an increase of endogenous γH2AX-foci levels with advancing donor age, associated with an age-related decline in telomere length. Using combined immunofluorescence and telomere-fluorescence in-situ hybridization we show that γH2AX-foci co-localize consistently with other repair factors such as pATM, MDC1 and 53BP1, but not significantly with telomeres, strongly supporting the telomere-independent origin for the majority of foci. The highest inter-individual variations for non-telomeric DNA damage were observed in middle-aged donors, whereas the individual DSB repair capacity appears to determine the extent of DNA damage accrual. However, analyzing different stem/progenitor subpopulations obtained from healthy elderly (>70 years), we observed an only modest increase in DNA damage accrual, most pronounced in the primitive CD34+CD38−-enriched subfraction, but sustained DNA repair efficiencies, suggesting that healthy lifestyle may slow down the natural aging process.


Based on these findings we conclude that age-related non-telomeric DNA damage accrual accompanies physiological stem cell aging in humans. Moreover, aging may alter the functional capacity of human stem cells to repair DSBs, thereby deteriorating an important genome protection mechanism leading to exceeding DNA damage accumulation. However, the great inter-individual variations in middle-aged individuals suggest that additional cell-intrinsic mechanisms and/or extrinsic factors contribute to the age-associated DNA damage accumulation.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(3):570-579
Signaling initiated by secreted glycoproteins of the Wnt family regulates many aspects of embryonic development and it is involved in homeostasis of adult tissues. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract the Wnt pathway maintains the self-renewal capacity of epithelial stem cells. The stem cell attributes are conferred by mutual interactions of the stem cell with its local microenvironment, the stem cell niche. The niche ensures that the threshold of Wnt signaling in the stem cell is kept in physiological range. In addition, the Wnt pathway involves various feedback loops that balance the opposing processes of cell proliferation and differentiation. Today, we have compelling evidence that mutations causing aberrant activation of the Wnt pathway promote expansion of undifferentiated progenitors and lead to cancer.The review summarizes recent advances in characterization of adult epithelial stem cells in the gut. We mainly focus on discoveries related to molecular mechanisms regulating the output of the Wnt pathway. Moreover, we present novel experimental approaches utilized to investigate the epithelial cell signaling circuitry in vivo and in vitro. Pivotal aspects of tissue homeostasis are often deduced from studies of tumor cells; therefore, we also discuss some latest results gleaned from the deep genome sequencing studies of human carcinomas of the colon and rectum.  相似文献   

Bone marrow (BM)-derived stem and progenitor cell functions including self-renewal, differentiation, survival, migration, proliferation, and mobilization are regulated by unique cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic signals provided by their microenvironment, also termed the “niche.” Reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), play important roles in regulating stem and progenitor cell functions in various physiologic and pathologic responses. The low level of H2O2 in quiescent hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) contributes to maintaining their “stemness,” whereas a higher level of H2O2 within HSCs or their niche promotes differentiation, proliferation, migration, and survival of HSCs or stem/progenitor cells. Major sources of ROS are NADPH oxidase and mitochondria. In response to ischemic injury, ROS derived from NADPH oxidase are increased in the BM microenvironment, which is required for hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression and expansion throughout the BM. This, in turn, promotes progenitor cell expansion and mobilization from BM, leading to reparative neovascularization and tissue repair. In pathophysiological states such as aging, atherosclerosis, heart failure, hypertension, and diabetes, excess amounts of ROS create an inflammatory and oxidative microenvironment, which induces cell damage and apoptosis of stem and progenitor cells. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of how ROS regulate the functions of stem and progenitor cells and their niche in physiological and pathological conditions will lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Stem cells dwell at the “stem cell niche” to accomplish a series of biological processes. The composition of the niche should be determined because the insufficient understanding of this feature limits the development in the study of stem cells. We showed in our study on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that the MSCs first neighbored to CD31+ cells, which proved to be endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), and formed a group of cell colony before they exerted their biological functions. It was further proved that EPCs have close interactions with MSCs and promoted the self-renewal of the MSCs in vitro and in vivo. Together with these achievements, we hypothesized that EPCs may be a possible biological component of the MSC stem cell niche and affect the biological processes of MSCs.  相似文献   

In this study, we employed bio-derived bone scaffold and composited with the marrow mesenchymal stem cell induced into osteoblast to replicate a “biomimetic niche.” The CD34+ cells or mononuclear cells (MNC) from umbilical cord blood were cultured for 2–5 weeks in the biomimetic niche (3D system) was compared with conventional two dimensional cultures (2D system) without adding cytokine supplement. After 2 weeks in culture, the CD34+ cells from umbilical cord blood in the 3D system increased 3.3–4.8 folds when compared with the initial CD34+ cells. CD34+/CD38 cells accounted for 82–90% of CD34+ cells. After 5 weeks, CD34+/CD38 cells in the 3D system increased when compared with initial (1.3 ± 0.3 × 103 vs. 1.0 ± 0.5 × 104, p < 0.05), but were decreased in the 2D system (1.3 ± 0.3 × 103 vs. 2.5 ± 0.7 × 102, p < 0.05). The CFU progenitors were produced more in the 3D system than in the 2D system (4.6–9.3 folds vs. 1.0–1.5 folds) after 2 weeks in culture, and the colony distribution in the 3D system manifested higher percentage of BFU-E and CFU-GEMM, but in the 2D system was mainly CFU-GM. The LTC-ICs in the 3D system showed 5.2–7.2 folds increase over input at 2 weeks in culture, and maintain the immaturation of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) over 5 weeks. In conclusion, this new 3D hematopoietic progenitor cell culture system is the first to utilize natural cancellous bone as scaffold with osteoblasts as supporting cells; it is mimicry of natural bone marrow HSC niche. Our primary work has demonstrated it could maintain and expand HSC/HPC in vitro.  相似文献   

Wnt control of stem cells and differentiation in the intestinal epithelium   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The intestinal epithelium represents a very attractive experimental model for the study of integrated key cellular processes such as proliferation and differentiation. The tissue is subjected to a rapid and perpetual self-renewal along the crypt-villus axis. Renewal requires division of multipotent stem cells, still to be morphologically identified and isolated, followed by transit amplification, and differentiation of daughter cells into specialized absorptive and secretory cells. Our understanding of the crucial role played by the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in controlling the fine balance between cell proliferation and differentiation in the gut has been significantly enhanced in recent years. Mutations in some of its components irreversibly lead to carcinogenesis in humans and in mice. Here, we discuss recent advances related to the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in regulating intestinal stem cells, homeostasis, and cancer. We emphasize how Wnt signaling is able to maintain a stem cell/progenitor phenotype in normal intestinal crypts, and to impose a very similar phenotype onto colorectal adenomas.  相似文献   

The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a critical regulator of the innate immune response acting as a sensor of double-strand DNAs from pathogens or damaged host DNA. Upon activation, cGAS signals through the STING/TBK1/IRF3 pathway to induce interferon expression. Double stranded DNA viruses target the cGAS pathway to facilitate infection. In HPV positive cells that stably maintain viral episomes, the levels of cGAS were found to be significantly increased over those seen in normal human keratinocytes. Furthermore the downstream effectors of the cGAS pathway, STING and IRF3, were fully active in response to signaling from the secondary messenger cGAMP or poly (dA:dT). In HPV positive cells cGAS was detected in both cytoplasmic puncta as well as in DNA damage induced micronuclei. E6 was responsible for increased levels of cGAS that was dependent on inhibition of p53. CRISPR-Cas9 mediated knockout of cGAS prevented activation of STING and IRF3 but had a minimal effect on viral replication. A primary function of cGAS in HPV positive cells was in response to treatment with etoposide or cisplatin which lead to increased levels of H2AX phosphorylation and activation of caspase 3/7 cleavage while having only a minimal effect on activation of homologous recombination repair factors ATM, ATR or CHK2. In HPV positive cells cGAS was found to regulate the levels of the phosphorylated non-homologous end-joining kinase, DNA-PK, which may contribute to H2AX phosphorylation along with other factors. Importantly cGAS was also responsible for increased levels of DNA breaks along with enhanced apoptosis in HPV positive cells but not in HFKs. This study identifies an important and novel role for cGAS in mediating the response of HPV positive cells to chemotherapeutic drugs.  相似文献   

The CDC25 protein phosphatases drive cell cycle advancement by activating cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs). Humans and mice encode three family members denoted CDC25A, -B and -C and genes encoding these family members can be disrupted individually with minimal phenotypic consequences in adult mice. However, adult mice globally deleted for all three phosphatases die within one week after Cdc25 disruption. A severe loss of absorptive villi due to a failure of crypt epithelial cells to proliferate was observed in the small intestines of these mice. Because the Cdc25s were globally deleted, the small intestinal phenotype and loss of animal viability could not be solely attributed to an intrinsic defect in the inability of small intestinal stem and progenitor cells to divide. Here, we report the consequences of deleting different combinations of Cdc25s specifically in intestinal epithelial cells. The phenotypes arising in these mice were then compared with those arising in mice globally deleted for the Cdc25s and in mice treated with irinotecan, a chemotherapeutic agent commonly used to treat colorectal cancer. We report that the phenotypes arising in mice globally deleted for the Cdc25s are due to the failure of small intestinal stem and progenitor cells to proliferate and that blocking cell division by inhibiting the cell cycle engine (through Cdc25 loss) versus by inducing DNA damage (via irinotecan) provokes a markedly different response of small intestinal epithelial cells. Finally, we demonstrate that CDC25A and CDC25B but not CDC25C compensate for each other to maintain the proliferative capacity of intestinal epithelial stem and progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells exist in naive and primed states, epitomized by mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the developmentally more advanced epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs; ref. 1). In the naive state of ESCs, the genome has an unusual open conformation and possesses a minimum of repressive epigenetic marks. In contrast, EpiSCs have activated the epigenetic machinery that supports differentiation towards the embryonic cell types. The transition from naive to primed pluripotency therefore represents a pivotal event in cellular differentiation. But the signals that control this fundamental differentiation step remain unclear. We show here that paracrine and autocrine Wnt signals are essential self-renewal factors for ESCs, and are required to inhibit their differentiation into EpiSCs. Moreover, we find that Wnt proteins in combination with the cytokine LIF are sufficient to support ESC self-renewal in the absence of any undefined factors, and support the derivation of new ESC lines, including ones from non-permissive mouse strains. Our results not only demonstrate that Wnt signals regulate the naive-to-primed pluripotency transition, but also identify Wnt as an essential and limiting ESC self-renewal factor.  相似文献   



Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) maintain the hematopoietic system by balancing their self-renewal and differentiation events. Hematopoietic stem cells also migrate to various sites and interact with their specific microenvironment to maintain the integrity of the system. Rho GTPases have been found to control the migration of hematopoietic cells and other cell types. Although the role of RAC1, RAC2 and CDC42 has been studied, the role of RHOA in human hematopoietic stem cells is unclear.


By utilizing constitutively active and dominant negative RHOA, we show that RHOA negatively regulates both in vitro and in vivo migration and dominant negative RHOA significantly increased the migration potential of human HSC/HPCs. Active RHOA expression favors the retention of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in the niche rather than migration and was found to lock the cells in the G0 cell cycle phase thereby affecting their long-term self-renewal potential.


The current study demonstrates that down-regulation of RHOA might be used to facilitate the migration and homing of hematopoietic stem cells without affecting their long-term repopulating ability. This might be of interest especially for increasing the homing of ex vivo expanded HSPC.  相似文献   

The loss of stem cells residing in the base of the intestinal crypt has a key role in radiation-induced intestinal injury. In particular, Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are indispensable for intestinal regeneration following exposure to radiation. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have previously been shown to improve intestinal epithelial repair in a mouse model of radiation injury, and, therefore, it was hypothesized that this protective effect is related to Lgr5+ ISCs. In this study, it was found that, following exposure to radiation, transplantation of MSCs improved the survival of the mice, ameliorated intestinal injury and increased the number of regenerating crypts. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in Lgr5+ ISCs and their daughter cells, including Ki67+ transient amplifying cells, Vil1+ enterocytes and lysozyme+ Paneth cells, in response to treatment with MSCs. Crypts isolated from mice treated with MSCs formed a higher number of and larger enteroids than those from the PBS group. MSC transplantation also reduced the number of apoptotic cells within the small intestine at 6 h post-radiation. Interestingly, Wnt3a and active β-catenin protein levels were increased in the small intestines of MSC-treated mice. In addition, intravenous delivery of recombinant mouse Wnt3a after radiation reduced damage in the small intestine and was radioprotective, although not to the same degree as MSC treatment. Our results show that MSCs support the growth of endogenous Lgr5+ ISCs, thus promoting repair of the small intestine following exposure to radiation. The molecular mechanism of action mediating this was found to be related to increased activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.The epithelium of the small intestine contains crypts and villi. Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) reside in the base of the crypts and are responsible for maintaining intestinal epithelial homeostasis and regeneration following injury.1, 2 Recent studies have identified two populations of stem cells in the small intestine of mice called Lgr5+ and Bmi1+ ISCs.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Lgr5+ ISCs, also known as crypt base columnar cells (CBCs), are interspersed among the Paneth cells and are active rapidly cycling stem cells.12 A single Lgr5+ ISC can grow to form ‘enteroids'' in vitro that develop into all the differentiated cell types found in the intestinal crypt.13 Conversely, Bmi1+ cells are a population of ISCs located at position +4 relative to the base of the crypt, and are quiescent, slowly cycling stem cells.14 The loss of ISCs has a critical role in radiation-induced intestinal injury (RIII).15, 16, 17, 18 Apoptosis of stem cells because of exposure to radiation prevents normal re-epithelialization of the intestines. Therefore, enhancing the survival of ISCs following radiation is a potential effective treatment for RIII.Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess significant potential as a therapeutic for tissue damage because of their ability to regulate inflammation, inhibit apoptosis, promote angiogenesis, and support the growth and differentiation of local stem and progenitor cells.19, 20 However, the mechanisms by which MSCs mediate these beneficial effects remain unclear, although it has been suggested that MSCs may actively secrete a broad range of bioactive molecules with immunomodulatory (PGE2, IDO, NO, HLA-G5, TSG-6, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-1RA), mitogenic (TGFα/β, HGF, IGF-1, bFGF and EGF), angiogenic (VEGF and TGF-β1) and/or anti-apoptotic (STC-1 and SFRP2) properties that function to modulate the regenerative environment at the site of injury.21 Upon re-establishment of the microenvironment following damage, the surviving endogenous stem and progenitor cells can then regenerate the injured tissue completely.Our previous study, as well as other published studies, has found that systemic administration of MSCs improves intestinal epithelial repair in an animal model of radiation injury.22, 23, 24, 25 Following MSC treatment, radiation-induced lesions in mice were significantly smaller than those in the control group. However, the mechanism behind this protective effect is not fully understood. Lgr5+ ISCs have been previously shown to be indispensable for radiation-induced intestinal regeneration.26 Therefore, in this study, we tested whether the therapeutic effects of MSCs in response to RIII are related to the Lgr5+ population of resident ISCs.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis during stress responses, and mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to carcinogenesis, aging, and neurologic disease. We here investigated ionizing radiation (IR)-induced mitochondrial damage in human neural progenitor stem cells (NSCs), their differentiated counterparts and human normal fibroblasts. Long-term fractionated radiation (FR) with low doses of X-rays for 31 d enhanced mitochondrial activity as evident by elevated mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and mitochondrial complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase) activity to fill the energy demands for the chronic DNA damage response in differentiated cells. Subsequent reduction of the antioxidant glutathione via continuous activation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation caused oxidative stress and genomic instability in differentiated cells exposed to long-term FR. In contrast, long-term FR had no effect on the mitochondrial activity in NSCs. This cell type showed efficient DNA repair, no mitochondrial damage, and resistance to long-term FR. After high doses of acute single radiation (SR) (> 5 Gy), cell cycle arrest at the G2 phase was observed in NSCs and human fibroblasts. Under this condition, increase in mitochondria mass, mitochondrial DNA, and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were observed in the absence of enhanced mitochondrial activity. Consequently, cellular senescence was induced by high doses of SR in differentiated cells.

In conclusion, we demonstrated that mitochondrial radiation responses differ according to the extent of DNA damage, duration of radiation exposure, and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(2):188-206.e6
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