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Members of the super‐class of zinc finger proteins are key regulators in early embryogenesis. Utilizing in silico mining of EST Databases for pre‐implantation Embryo‐Specific Zinc Finger Protein Genes, we characterized a novel zygotic mouse gene—tripartite motif family‐like 1 (TRIML1), which expresses in embryo before implantation. Knocking down of TRIML1 resulted in the fewer cell number of blastocysts and failture to give rise to neonates after embryo transfer. The binding partner of TRIML1, Ubiquitin‐specific protease 5 (USP5), was identified by yeast two‐hybrid screening assay. The interaction was confirmed by GST pull‐down and coimmunoprecipitation analysis. The role of TRIML1 in ubiquitin pathway during the development stage of mouse blastocyst was further discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 76: 656–664, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The biological processes on mosquito could be variable in response to local climatic characteristics. The thermal effects on time and the rate larval development, immature survival and adult size in local populations of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Macquart) (Diptera: Culicidae) from cold (Sarmiento) and temperate (Buenos Aires) regions from Argentina were evaluated. This species affects livestock production and human health. Larvae of both regions were placed in breeding thermal baths (11–32 °C range). Development and survival were recorded daily until adult emergence. The development temperature threshold and thermal constant for Sarmiento (4.59 ± 3.08 °C, 204.08 ± 7.83 degree days) was lower and higher than Buenos Aires, respectively (8.06 ± 1.81 °C, 149.25 ± 2.6 degree days). At cold temperatures (11–16 °C), Sarmiento larvae demonstrated 5 days faster development and higher survival (56%) than Buenos Aires (15%), whereas at warm temperatures (20–32 °C) were up to 2 days slower and similar survival (16% vs. 18%). The size did not show differences between populations. An Ochlerotatus albifasciatus population seems to present local thermal responses. The favourable temperature for survival and rate of development would vary within a cold or warm range, and these differential responses would explain the wide geographical distribution in different climatic regions of southern South America.  相似文献   

The common practice of resettlement and the development of administrative and ceremonial systems shaped the population landscape of the Andean region under the Inca rule. The area surrounding Coropuna and Solimana volcanoes, in the Arequipa region (Peru), carried a high‐density, multiethnic population. We studied the genetic variation among three pre‐Columbian populations from three functionally diverse archaeological sites excavated in this region. By analyzing the genetic composition of a large ceremonial center (Acchaymarca), an isolated pastoral settlement (Tompullo 2), and an agricultural settlement characterized by architectural features rare in the region (Puca), we investigated the patterns of population movements and the distribution of genetic diversity. We obtained mitochondrial DNA sequences for 25 individuals and autosomal microsatellite profiles for 20 individuals from Acchaymarca and Puca sites. These were compared with previously published genetic data for Tompullo 2 and other pre‐Columbian populations. We found differences among the genetic portraits of the three populations, congruent with the archaeologically described functions and characteristics of the sites. The Acchaymarca population had the highest genetic diversity and possessed the lowest number of unique mtDNA haplotypes. The Tompullo 2 population exhibited the lowest level of genetic diversity. The Puca population was distinct from the other two populations owing to a high frequency of haplogroup A haplotypes, what potentially explains the non‐local character of the burial architecture. Our analyses of microsatellite data suggest that gene flow between sites was mostly mediated by females, which is consistent with ethnohistorical knowledge of the social organization of the pre‐Columbian communities. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:402–412, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cre/LoxP‐mediated recombination allows for conditional gene activation or inactivation. When combined with an independent lineage‐tracing reporter allele, this technique traces the lineage of presumptive genetically modified Cre‐expressing cells. Several studies have suggested that floxed alleles have differential sensitivities to Cre‐mediated recombination, which raises concerns regarding utilization of Cre‐reporters to monitor recombination of other floxed loci of interest. Here, we directly investigate the recombination correlation, at cellular resolution, between several floxed alleles induced by Cre‐expressing mouse lines. The recombination correlation between different reporter alleles varied greatly in otherwise genetically identical cell types. The chromosomal location of floxed alleles, distance between LoxP sites, sequences flanking the LoxP sites, and the level of Cre activity per cell all likely contribute to observed variations in recombination correlation. These findings directly demonstrate that, due to non‐parallel recombination events, commonly available Cre reporter mice cannot be reliably utilized, in all cases, to trace cells that have DNA recombination in independent‐target floxed alleles, and that careful validation of recombination correlations are required for proper interpretation of studies designed to trace the lineage of genetically modified populations, especially in mosaic situations. genesis 51:436–442. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, many studies have investigated the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) on reproductive events, including embryo development and death, oviduct–embryo crosstalk, in vitro fertilization and others. The aim of this study was to demonstrate whether outgrowth embryo–derived EVs function as bioactive molecules and regulate mouse embryonic developmental competence in vitro and implantation potential in utero. The EVs from mouse outgrowth embryos on 7.5 days postcoitum were detected and selectively isolated to evaluate the embryotrophic functions on preimplantation embryos. Developmental outcomes such as the percentage of blastocyst formation, hatching, and trophoblastic outgrowth were assessed. Furthermore, the total cell number and apoptotic index of blastocysts, which were incubated with EVs during the culture period, were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. Implantation potential in utero was investigated following embryo transfer. The EVs from outgrowth embryo–conditioned media have rounded membrane structures that range in diameter from 20 to 225 nm. Incubation with EVs improved preimplantation embryonic development by increasing cell proliferation and decreasing apoptosis in blastocysts. Moreover, the implantation rates following embryo transfer were significantly higher in EV–supplemented embryos compared with the control. Collectively, EVs from outgrowth embryo could enhance the embryonic developmental competence and even implantation potential in mice.  相似文献   

Optical Breast Spectroscopy (OBS) has been shown to predict mammographic breast density, a strong breast cancer risk factor. OBS is a low‐cost technique applicable at any age. OBS information may be useful for personalizing breast cancer screening programs based on risk to improve consensus on and adherence to screening guidelines. To facilitate the use of OBS in population‐wide studies, a research prototype OBS device was modified to make it portable and cheaper and to require less operator interaction. Two major changes were made: (1) the broadband light source was replaced with a laser module with 13 individual wavelengths turned on sequentially, enabling the use of photodiode detectors instead of a spectrometer, and (2) the light sources and detectors were placed in fixed positions within 4 sizes of cup, eliminating the need for placement by the operator. Wavelengths were selected using data from two previous studies. The reduction in spectral content did not significantly reduce the ability to distinguish between different risk groups. Positions for the light sources and detectors were chosen based on Monte Carlo simulations to match the optically interrogated volumes of the original device. Two light sources and six detectors per cup were used in the final design.


Temperature and photoperiod are important environmental parameters for organisms. The present study tests the hypothesis that, during embryogenesis, temperature and photoperiod influence pre ‐ and post ‐ eyespot development time in dragonflies of the family Libellulidae differently. Eggs are used from eight species (five different genera, from Africa/Europe, and lentic/lotic habitat preferences). The eggs are reared under different constant or fluctuating temperature and light conditions. There are no general species‐specific degree‐days for pre ‐ or the post ‐ eyespot development in these species. In all study species, the variance within and between the treatments of the duration in days and the degree‐days of pre ‐ eyespot development is lower than that of post ‐ eyespot development. Pre ‐ eyespot development appears to be less flexible in its reaction to environmental influences. By contrast, post ‐ eyespot development appears to react more flexibly to environmental influences. All eight species show the same pattern. This indicates strongly that this flexibility is a general pattern in Libellulidae that might help the species within this family to cope successfully with variations in environmental conditions. Because eyespot development and katatrepsis occur close to each other, the above‐described pattern might also appear in other odonates and in other insect groups that exhibit katatrepsis. For all of them, it is essential for survival to match the time of hatching with adequate external temperature and photoperiodic conditions.  相似文献   

As most of the available depigmenting agents exhibit only modest activity and some exhibit toxicities that lead to adverse side effects after long‐term usage, there remains a need for novel depigmenting agents. Chemical genetic screening was performed on cultured melanocytes to identify novel depigmenting compounds. By screening a tagged‐triazine library, we identified four compounds, TGH11, TGD10, TGD39 and TGJ29, as potent pigmentation inhibitors with IC50 values in the range of 10 μM. These newly identified depigmenting compounds were found to function as reversible inhibitors of tyrosinase, the key enzyme involved in melanin synthesis. Tyrosinase was further confirmed as the cellular target of these compounds by affinity chromatography. Kinetic data suggest that all four compounds act as competitive inhibitors of tyrosinase, most likely competing with l ‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (l ‐DOPA) for binding to the DOPA‐binding site of the enzyme. No effect on levels of tyrosinase protein, processing or trafficking was observed upon treatment of melanocytes with these compounds. Cytotoxicity was not observed with these compounds at concentrations up to 20 μM. Our data suggest that TGH11, TGD10, TGD39 and TGJ29 are novel potent tyrosinase inhibitors with potential beneficial effects in the treatment of cutaneous hyperpigmentation.  相似文献   

When females mate polyandrously, male reproductive success depends both on the male's ability to attain matings and on his ability to outcompete rival males in the fertilization of ova post‐copulation. Increased investment in  ejaculate components may trade off with investment in precopulatory traits due to resource allocation. Alternatively, pre‐ and post‐copulatory traits could be positively related if individuals can afford to invest heavily in traits advantageous at both episodes of selection. There is empirical evidence for both positive and negative associations between pre‐ and post‐copulatory episodes, but little is known about the genetic basis of these correlations. In this study, we measured morphological, chemical and behavioural precopulatory male traits and investigated their relationship with measures of male fitness (male mating success, remating inhibition and offensive sperm competitiveness) across 40 isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster. We found significant variation among isofemale lines, indicating a genetic basis for most of the traits investigated. However, we found weak evidence for genetic correlations between precopulatory traits and our indices of male fitness. Moreover, pre‐ and post‐copulatory episodes of selection were uncorrelated, suggesting selection may act independently at the different episodes to maximize male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Pre‐mRNA splicing is a critical event in the gene expression pathway of all eukaryotes. The splicing reaction is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a huge protein‐RNA complex that contains five snRNAs and hundreds of different protein factors. Understanding the structure of this large molecular machinery is critical for understanding its function. Although the highly dynamic nature of the spliceosome, in both composition and conformation, posed daunting challenges to structural studies, there has been significant recent progress on structural analyses of the splicing machinery, using electron microscopy, crystallography, and nuclear magnetic resonance. This review discusses key recent findings in the structural analyses of the spliceosome and its components and how these findings advance our understanding of the function of the splicing machinery.  相似文献   

In many insect species, the differentiation of development between diapause and reproduction first becomes obvious during the diapause preparation (pre‐diapause) and pre‐oviposition phases. However, the differentiation of nutrient accumulation between these two phases remains unclear. We compared the weights of pre‐diapause and reproductive adult female Colaphellus bowringi Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and measured their triacylglycerol (TAG), protein, and carbohydrate content from emergence until they had fed for 4 days post‐eclosion. We also compared the ovarian development and accumulation of lipid droplets between pre‐diapause and reproductive adult females in order to determine whether we could visually detect differences in nutrient allocation. The weights of both pre‐diapause and reproductive females increased with duration of feeding. The fresh weight and water content of pre‐diapause females was significantly lower than that of reproductive females after feeding for 3 days post‐eclosion. Pre‐diapause females channeled their reserves into TAG in the fat body, whereas reproductive females converted nutrients into proteins and carbohydrates for egg development. These results quantify differences in nutrient accumulation between pre‐diapause and reproductive adult female C. bowringi, and provide clues for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying differences in the allocation of nutrients between diapause and reproduction in insects.  相似文献   

Barrington's nucleus (BN), commonly known as the pontine micturition center, controls micturition and other visceral functions through projections to the spinal cord. In this study, we developed a rat brain slice preparation to determine the intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms regulating pre‐sympathetic output (PSO) and pre‐parasympathetic output (PPO) neurons in the BN using patch‐clamp recordings. The PSO and PPO neurons were retrogradely labeled by injecting fluorescent tracers into the intermediolateral region of the spinal cord at T13‐L1 and S1‐S2 levels, respectively. There were significantly more PPO than PSO neurons within the BN. The basal activity and membrane potential were significantly lower in PPO than in PSO neurons, and A‐type K+ currents were significantly larger in PPO than in PSO neurons. Blocking A‐type K+ channels increased the excitability more in PPO than in PSO neurons. Stimulting μ‐opioid receptors inhibited firing in both PPO and PSO neurons. The glutamatergic EPSC frequency was much lower, whereas the glycinergic IPSC frequency was much higher, in PPO than in PSO neurons. Although blocking GABAA receptors increased the excitability of both PSO and PPO neurons, blocking glycine receptors increased the firing activity of PPO neurons only. Furthermore, blocking ionotropic glutamate receptors decreased the excitability of PSO neurons but paradoxically increased the firing activity of PPO neurons by reducing glycinergic input. Our findings indicate that the membrane and synaptic properties of PSO and PPO neurons in the BN are distinctly different. This information improves our understanding of the neural circuitry and central mechanisms regulating the bladder and other visceral organs.  相似文献   

Many plant species have pollination and seed dispersal systems and evolutionary histories that have produced strong genetic structuring. These genetic patterns may be consistent with expectations following recent anthropogenic fragmentation, making it difficult to detect fragmentation effects if no prefragmentation genetic data are available. We used microsatellite markers to investigate whether severe habitat fragmentation may have affected the structure and diversity of populations of the endangered Australian bird‐pollinated shrub Grevillea caleyi R.Br., by comparing current patterns of genetic structure and diversity with those of the closely related G. longifolia R.Br. that has a similar life history but has not experienced anthropogenic fragmentation. Grevillea caleyi and G. longifolia showed similar and substantial population subdivision at all spatial levels (global F′ST = 0.615 and 0.454; Sp = 0.039 and 0.066), marked isolation by distance and large heterozygous deficiencies. These characteristics suggest long‐term effects of inbreeding in self‐compatible species that have poor seed dispersal, limited connectivity via pollen flow and undergo population bottlenecks because of periodic fires. Highly structured allele size distributions, most notably in G. caleyi, imply historical processes of drift and mutation were important in isolated subpopulations. Genetic diversity did not vary with population size but was lower in more isolated populations for both species. Through this comparison, we reject the hypothesis that anthropogenic fragmentation has impacted substantially on the genetic composition or structure of G. caleyi populations. Our results suggest that highly self‐compatible species with limited dispersal may be relatively resilient to the genetic changes predicted to follow habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aim The aim here was to assess whether the present‐day assemblage of subantarctic flowering plants is the result of a rapid post‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization or whether subantarctic flowering plants survived on the islands in glacial refugia throughout the LGM. Location The circumpolar subantarctic region, comprising six remote islands and island groups between latitudes 46° and 55° S, including South Georgia in the South Atlantic Ocean, the Prince Edward Islands, Îles Crozet, Îles Kerguelen, the Heard Island group in the South Indian Ocean and Macquarie Island in the South Pacific Ocean. Methods Floristic affinities between the subantarctic islands were assessed by cluster analysis applied to an up‐to‐date dataset of the phanerogamic flora in order to test for the existence of provincialism within the subantarctic. A review of the primary literature on the palaeobotany, geology and glacial history of the subantarctic islands was carried out and supplemented with additional palaeobotanical data and new field observations from South Georgia, Île de la Possession (Îles Crozet) and Îles Kerguelen. Results First, a strong regionalism was observed, with different floras characterizing the islands in each of the ocean basins, and endemic species being present in the South Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean provinces. Second, the majority of the plant species were present at the onset of accumulation of post‐glacial organic sediment and there is no evidence for the natural arrival of new immigrants during the subsequent period. Third, a review of geomorphological data suggested that the ice cover was incomplete during the LGM on the majority of the islands, and ice‐free biological refugia were probably present even on the most glaciated islands. Main conclusions Several independent lines of evidence favour the survival of a native subantarctic phanerogamic flora in local refugia during the LGM rather than a post‐LGM colonization from more distant temperate landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

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