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Here, we describe a one‐step, in vivo CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease‐mediated strategy to generate knock‐in mice. We produced knock‐in (KI) mice wherein a 1.9‐kb DNA fragment bearing a pre‐arranged human B‐cell receptor heavy chain was recombined into the native murine immunoglobulin locus. Our methodology relies on Cas9 nuclease‐induced double‐stranded breaks directed by two sgRNAs to occur within the specific target locus of fertilized oocytes. These double‐stranded breaks are subsequently repaired via homology‐directed repair by a plasmid‐borne template containing the pre‐arranged human immunoglobulin heavy chain. To validate our knock‐in mouse model, we examined the expression of the KI immunoglobulin heavy chains by following B‐cell development and performing single B‐cell receptor sequencing. We optimized this strategy to generate immunoglobulin KI mice in a short amount of time with a high frequency of homologous recombination (30–50%). In the future, we envision that such knock‐in mice will provide much needed vaccination models to evaluate immunoresponses against immunogens specific for various infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Genome editing with engineered nucleases (GEEN) represents a highly specific and efficient tool for crop improvement with the potential to rapidly generate useful novel phenotypes/traits. Genome editing techniques initiate specifically targeted double strand breaks facilitating DNA‐repair pathways that lead to base additions or deletions by non‐homologous end joining as well as targeted gene replacements or transgene insertions involving homology‐directed repair mechanisms. Many of these techniques and the ancillary processes they employ generate phenotypic variation that is indistinguishable from that obtained through natural means or conventional mutagenesis; and therefore, they do not readily fit current definitions of genetically engineered or genetically modified used within most regulatory regimes. Addressing ambiguities regarding the regulatory status of genome editing techniques is critical to their application for development of economically useful crop traits. Continued regulatory focus on the process used, rather than the nature of the novel phenotype developed, results in confusion on the part of regulators, product developers, and the public alike and creates uncertainty as of the use of genome engineering tools for crop improvement.  相似文献   

All cells rely on highly conserved protein folding and clearance pathways to detect and resolve protein damage and to maintain protein homeostasis (proteostasis). Because age is associated with an imbalance in proteostasis, there is a need to understand how protein folding is regulated in a multicellular organism that undergoes aging. We have observed that the ability of Caenorhabditis elegans to maintain proteostasis declines sharply following the onset of oocyte biomass production, suggesting that a restricted protein folding capacity may be linked to the onset of reproduction. To test this hypothesis, we monitored the effects of different sterile mutations on the maintenance of proteostasis in the soma of C. elegans. We found that germline stem cell (GSC) arrest rescued protein quality control, resulting in maintenance of robust proteostasis in different somatic tissues of adult animals. We further demonstrated that GSC‐dependent modulation of proteostasis requires several different signaling pathways, including hsf‐1 and daf‐16/kri‐1/tcer‐1, daf‐12, daf‐9, daf‐36, nhr‐80, and pha‐4 that differentially modulate somatic quality control functions, such that each signaling pathway affects different aspects of proteostasis and cannot functionally complement the other pathways. We propose that the effect of GSCs on the collapse of proteostasis at the transition to adulthood is due to a switch mechanism that links GSC status with maintenance of somatic proteostasis via regulation of the expression and function of different quality control machineries and cellular stress responses that progressively lead to a decline in the maintenance of proteostasis in adulthood, thereby linking reproduction to the maintenance of the soma.  相似文献   

  • Orchidaceae is a widely distributed plant family with very diverse vegetative and floral morphology, and such variability is also reflected in their karyotypes. However, since only a low proportion of Orchidaceae has been analysed for chromosome data, greater diversity may await to be unveiled. Here we analyse both genome size (GS) and karyotype in two subtribes recently included in the broadened Maxillariinea to detect how much chromosome and GS variation there is in these groups and to evaluate which genome rearrangements are involved in the species evolution.
  • To do so, the GS (14 species), the karyotype – based on chromosome number, heterochromatic banding and 5S and 45S rDNA localisation (18 species) – was characterised and analysed along with published data using phylogenetic approaches.
  • The GS presented a high phylogenetic correlation and it was related to morphological groups in Bifrenaria (larger plants – higher GS). The two largest GS found among genera were caused by different mechanisms: polyploidy in Bifrenaria tyrianthina and accumulation of repetitive DNA in Scuticaria hadwenii. The chromosome number variability was caused mainly through descending dysploidy, and x=20 was estimated as the base chromosome number.
  • Combining GS and karyotype data with molecular phylogeny, our data provide a more complete scenario of the karyotype evolution in Maxillariinae orchids, allowing us to suggest, besides dysploidy, that inversions and transposable elements as two mechanisms involved in the karyotype evolution. Such karyotype modifications could be associated with niche changes that occurred during species evolution.

The last decade has seen many exciting technological breakthroughs that greatly expanded the toolboxes for biological and biomedical research, yet few have had more impact than induced pluripotent stem cells and modern-day genome editing. These technologies are providing unprecedented opportunities to improve physiological relevance of experimental models, further our understanding of developmental processes, and develop novel therapies. One of the research areas that benefit greatly from these technological advances is the three-dimensional human organoid culture systems that resemble human tissues morphologically and physiologically. Here we summarize the development of human pluripotent stem cells and their differentiation through organoid formation. We further discuss how genetic modifications, genome editing in particular, were applied to answer basic biological and biomedical questions using organoid cultures of both somatic and pluripotent stem cell origins. Finally, we discuss the potential challenges of applying human pluripotent stem cell and organoid technologies for safety and efficiency evaluation of emerging genome editing tools.  相似文献   

韦余达  李爽  刘改改  张永贤  丁秋蓉 《遗传》2015,37(10):983-991
精准医疗强调针对不同个体定制个性化治疗方案,其推行需要精准疾病模型的建立。人类干细胞因其具有多能性而成为体外不同类型的成体细胞和器官小体的潜在来源,其强增殖能力保证了充足原材料用于科研分析和大规模药物筛选。基因组编辑技术(尤其是CRISPR/Cas9技术)的快速发展使得在人多能干细胞和成体干细胞中进行高效基因组编辑成为可能。两者的有效结合能建立起针对不同遗传致病背景的“个性化”疾病模型,有利于深入解析不同遗传突变的致病机制和开发高针对性的精准医疗方案。本文对基因组编辑技术在人类干细胞中的应用以及利用干细胞疾病模型模拟罕见病和肿瘤发生的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Cell‐replacement therapies have emerged as a promising strategy to slow down or replace neuronal loss. Compared to other stem cell types, endometrium‐derived stem cells (EDSCs) are an attractive source of stem cells for cellular therapies because of their ease of collection and vast differentiation potential. Here we demonstrate that endometrium‐derived stem cells may be transplanted into an MPTP exposed monkey model of PD. After injection into the striatum, endometrium‐derived stem cells engrafted, exhibited neuron‐like morphology, expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and increased the numbers of TH positive cells on the transplanted side and dopamine metabolite concentrations in vivo. Our results suggest that endometrium‐derived stem cells may provide a therapeutic benefit in the primate model of PD and may be used in stem cell based therapies.  相似文献   

Technological advancement has opened the door to systematic genetics in mammalian cells. Genome‐scale loss‐of‐function screens can assay fitness defects induced by partial gene knockdown, using RNA interference, or complete gene knockout, using new CRISPR techniques. These screens can reveal the basic blueprint required for cellular proliferation. Moreover, comparing healthy to cancerous tissue can uncover genes that are essential only in the tumor; these genes are targets for the development of specific anticancer therapies. Unfortunately, progress in this field has been hampered by off‐target effects of perturbation reagents and poorly quantified error rates in large‐scale screens. To improve the quality of information derived from these screens, and to provide a framework for understanding the capabilities and limitations of CRISPR technology, we derive gold‐standard reference sets of essential and nonessential genes, and provide a Bayesian classifier of gene essentiality that outperforms current methods on both RNAi and CRISPR screens. Our results indicate that CRISPR technology is more sensitive than RNAi and that both techniques have nontrivial false discovery rates that can be mitigated by rigorous analytical methods.  相似文献   

The major signaling pathways regulating gastric stem cells are unknown. Here we report that Notch signaling is essential for homeostasis of LGR5+ antral stem cells. Pathway inhibition reduced proliferation of gastric stem and progenitor cells, while activation increased proliferation. Notch dysregulation also altered differentiation, with inhibition inducing mucous and endocrine cell differentiation while activation reduced differentiation. Analysis of gastric organoids demonstrated that Notch signaling was intrinsic to the epithelium and regulated growth. Furthermore, in vivo Notch manipulation affected the efficiency of organoid initiation from glands and single Lgr5‐GFP stem cells, suggesting regulation of stem cell function. Strikingly, constitutive Notch activation in LGR5+ stem cells induced tissue expansion via antral gland fission. Lineage tracing using a multi‐colored reporter demonstrated that Notch‐activated stem cells rapidly generate monoclonal glands, suggesting a competitive advantage over unmanipulated stem cells. Notch activation was associated with increased mTOR signaling, and mTORC1 inhibition normalized NICD‐induced increases in proliferation and gland fission. Chronic Notch activation induced undifferentiated, hyper‐proliferative polyps, suggesting that aberrant activation of Notch in gastric stem cells may contribute to gastric tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Cells employ potentially mutagenic DNA repair mechanisms to avoid the detrimental effects of chromosome breaks on cell survival. While classical non‐homologous end‐joining (cNHEJ) is largely error‐free, alternative end‐joining pathways have been described that are intrinsically mutagenic. Which end‐joining mechanisms operate in germ and embryonic cells and thus contribute to heritable mutations found in congenital diseases is, however, still largely elusive. Here, we determined the genetic requirements for the repair of CRISPR/Cas9‐induced chromosomal breaks of different configurations, and establish the mutational consequences. We find that cNHEJ and polymerase theta‐mediated end‐joining (TMEJ) act both parallel and redundant in mouse embryonic stem cells and account for virtually all end‐joining activity. Surprisingly, mutagenic repair by polymerase theta (Pol θ, encoded by the Polq gene) is most prevalent for blunt double‐strand breaks (DSBs), while cNHEJ dictates mutagenic repair of DSBs with protruding ends, in which the cNHEJ polymerases lambda and mu play minor roles. We conclude that cNHEJ‐dependent repair of DSBs with protruding ends can explain de novo formation of tandem duplications in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

We report model experiments in which simple microinjection of fertilized eggs has been used to effectively perform homology‐directed repair (HDR)‐mediated gene editing in the two Xenopus species used most frequently for research: X. tropicalis and X. laevis. We have used long single‐stranded DNAs having phosphorothioate modifications as donor templates for HDR at targeted genomic sites using the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system. First, X. tropicalis tyr mutant (i.e., albino) embryos were successfully rescued: partially pigmented tadpoles were seen in up to 35% of injected embryos, demonstrating the potential for efficient insertion of targeted point mutations. Second, in order to demonstrate the ability to tag genes with fluorescent proteins (FPs), we targeted the melanocyte‐specific gene slc45a2.L of X. laevis to label it with the Superfolder green FP (sfGFP), seeing mosaic expression of sfGFP in melanophores in up to 20% of injected tadpoles. Tadpoles generated by these two approaches were raised to sexual maturity, and shown to successfully transmit HDR constructs through the germline with precise targeting and seamless recombination. F1 embryos showed rescue of the tyr mutation (X. tropicalis) and tagging in the appropriate pigment cell‐specific manner of slc45a2.L with sfGFP (X. laevis).  相似文献   

Two basidiomycete‐specific primers ITS1‐F and ITS4‐B were used in identification of the genus Puccinia. The primers showed good specificity for the genus with an 816‐bp product that was amplified exclusively. Twenty sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of Puccinia helianthi isolates from China remain unchanged. The whole ITS length (including ITS1 sequence 194 bp, 5.8S rRNA gene 156 bp, ITS2 sequence 206 bp) was 556 bp. By comparing the aligned ITS sequences of several Puccinia isolates from China, Spain and the United States, ITS homogeneity among these sunflower rust isolates was >99%. Genetic homology and phylogeny of P. helianthi with other Puccinia spp. was investigated. Nineteen sequences of rDNA ITS1 and ITS2 were determined and used as phylogenetic markers. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS regions showed that Puccinia spp. of sunflower was clustered in one clade with P. komarovii and P. violae, divergent from Puccinia spp. of Chrysanthemum, P. tenaceti of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and Puccina spp. of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate) indicating sunflower rust had distant phylogenetic relationships with other Compositae rusts. With the specified primers SR‐1 and SR‐2, either from purified urediniospores or symptomless (but infected) sunflower leaves could be examined specifically. Therefore, results of this study help in detection and polygenetic study of rust fungi occurring on sunflower.  相似文献   

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