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The endings of sensory receptor cells often lie within specialized compartments formed by glial cells. The main sensory organ of Caenorhabditis elegans, the amphid, provides a powerful setting for studying glial compartment morphogenesis. Our previous studies showed that amphid compartment size is controlled by opposing activities of the Nemo-like kinase LIT-1, which promotes compartment expansion, and the Patched-related protein DAF-6, which restricts compartment growth. From a genetic screen for mutations able to suppress the bloated sensory compartments of daf-6 mutants, we identified an allele of the sorting nexin gene snx-1. SNX-1 protein is a component of the retromer, a protein complex that facilitates recycling of transmembrane proteins from the endosome to the Golgi network. We find that snx-1 functions cell autonomously within glia to promote sensory compartment growth, and that SNX-1 protein is enriched near the surface of the sensory compartment. snx-1 interacts genetically with lit-1 and another regulator of compartment size, the Dispatched-related gene che-14. Mutations in snx-3 and vps-29, also retromer genes, can suppress daf-6 defects. Surprisingly, however, remaining retromer components seem not to be involved. Our results suggest that a novel assembly of retromer components is important for determining sensory compartment dimensions.  相似文献   

Endocytosis allows cargo to enter a series of specialized endosomal compartments, beginning with early endosomes harboring Rab5 and its effector EEA1. There are, however, additional structures labeled by the Rab5 effector APPL1 whose role in endocytic transport remains unclear. It has been proposed that APPL1 vesicles are transport intermediates that convert into EEA1 endosomes. Here, we tested this model by analyzing the ultrastructural morphology, kinetics of cargo transport, and stability of the APPL1 compartment over time. We found that APPL1 resides on a tubulo-vesicular compartment that is capable of sorting cargo for recycling or degradation and that displays long lifetimes, all features typical of early endosomes. Fitting mathematical models to experimental data rules out maturation of APPL1 vesicles into EEA1 endosomes as a primary mechanism for cargo transport. Our data suggest instead that APPL1 endosomes represent a distinct population of Rab5-positive sorting endosomes, thus providing important insights into the compartmental organization of the early endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Two new members (Sar1a and Sar1b) of the SAR1 gene family have been identified in mammalian cells. Using immunoelectron microscopy, Sar1 was found to be restricted to the transitional region where the protein was enriched 20-40-fold in vesicular carriers mediating ER to Golgi traffic. Biochemical analysis revealed that Sar1 was essential for an early step in vesicle budding. A Sar1-specific antibody potently inhibited export of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G) from the ER in vitro. Consistent with the role of guanine nucleotide exchange in Sar1 function, a trans-dominant mutant (Sar1a[T39N]) with a preferential affinity for GDP also strongly inhibited vesicle budding from the ER. In contrast, Sar1 was not found to be required for the transport of VSV-G between sequential Golgi compartments, suggesting that components active in formation of vesicular carriers mediating ER to Golgi traffic may differ, at least in part, from those involved in intra-Golgi transport. The requirement for novel components at different stages of the secretory pathway may reflect the recently recognized differences in protein transport between the Golgi stacks as opposed to the selective sorting and concentration of protein during export from the ER.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin β-receptor (LTβR) and TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1) are important for the development of secondary lymphoid organs during embryonic life. The significance of LTβR and TNFR1 for the formation of lymphoid tissue during adult life is not well understood. Immunohistochemistry, morphometry, flow cytometry, and laser microdissection were used to compare wild-type, LTβR(-/-), TNFR1(-/-) spleens with splenic tissue that has been newly formed 8 wk after avascular implantation into adult mice. During ontogeny, LTβR is sufficient to induce formation of the marginal zone, similar-sized T and B cell zones, and a mixed T/B cell zone that completely surrounded the T cell zone. Strikingly, in adult mice, the formation of splenic compartments required both LTβR and TNFR1 expression, demonstrating that the molecular requirements for lymphoid tissue formation are different during embryonic and adult life. Thus, interfering with the TNFR1 pathway offers the possibility to selectively block the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue and at the same time to spare secondary lymphoid organs such as spleen and lymph nodes. This opens a new perspective for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Regional patterning in the developing mammalian brain is partially regulated by restricted gene expression patterns within the germinal zone, which is composed of stem cells and their progenitor cell progeny. Whether or not neural stem cells, which are considered at the top of the neural lineage hierarchy, are regionally specified remains unknown. Here we show that the cardinal properties of neural stem cells (self-renewal and multipotentiality) are conserved among embryonic cortex, ganglionic eminence and midbrain/hindbrain, but that these different stem cells express separate molecular markers of regional identity in vitro, even after passaging. Neural stem cell progeny derived from ganglionic eminence but not from other regions are specified to respond to local environmental cues to migrate ventrolaterally, when initially deposited on the germinal layer of ganglionic eminence in organotypic slice cultures. Cues exclusively from the ventral forebrain in a 5 day co-culture paradigm could induce both early onset and late onset marker gene expression of regional identity in neural stem cell colonies derived from both the dorsal and ventral forebrain as well as from the midbrain/hindbrain. Thus, neural stem cells and their progeny are regionally specified in the developing brain, but this regional identity can be altered by local inductive cues.  相似文献   

? Apart from their antifungal role, plant defensins have recently been shown to be involved in abiotic stress tolerance or in inhibition of root growth when added in plant culture medium. We studied the subcellular localization of these proteins, which may account for these different roles. ? Stable and transient expression of AhPDF1.1::GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion proteins were analysed in yeast and plants. Functional tests established that the GFP tag did not alter the action of the defensin. Subcellular localization of AhPDF1.1 was characterized: by imaging AhPDF1.1::GFP together with organelle markers; and by immunolabelling AhPDF1.1 in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana leaves using a polyclonal serum. ? All our independent approaches demonstrated that AhPDF1.1 is retained in intracellular compartments on the way to the lytic vacuole, instead of being addressed to the apoplasm. ? These findings challenge the commonly accepted idea of secretion of defensins. The subcellular localization highlighted in this study could partly explain the dual role of plant defensins on plant cells and is of major importance to unravel the mechanisms of action of these proteins at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Recent studies using the fungal metabolite brefeldin A (BFA) have provided important insights into the dynamics and the organization of the ER/Golgi membrane system. Here we examined the effect of BFA on the functional integrity of the distal part of the secretory pathway, i.e., transport between trans-Golgi cisternae and the cell surface. To assay export via the constitutive pathway, we followed the movement of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G glycoprotein that had been accumulated in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by incubation of infected BHK-21 cells at 20 degrees C. Addition of BFA rapidly and reversibly inhibited cell surface transport of G protein. The block to secretion was not due to redistribution of externalized G protein to internal pools. It was also not due to collapse of TGN to the ER, since VSV G protein blocked in treated cells resided in compartments that were distinct from the ER/Golgi system. Similar effects were found with a bulk-flow marker: BFA blocked constitutive secretion of glycosaminoglycan chains that had been synthesized and sulfated in the trans-Golgi cisternae. To examine export via the regulated secretory pathway, we assayed secretion of [35S]SO4 labeled secretogranin II from PC12 cells, a marker that has been used to study secretory granule budding from the TGN (Tooze, S. A., U. Weiss, and W. B. Huttner. 1990. Nature [Lond.]. 347:207-208). BFA potently inhibited secretion of sulfated secretogranin II induced by K+ depolarization. Inhibition was at the level of granule formation, since BFA had no effect on regulated secretion from preformed granules. Taken together, the results suggest that BFA blocks export via both the constitutive and the regulated pathways. In contrast, endocytosis and recycling of VSV G protein were not blocked by BFA, consistent with previous studies that endocytosis is unaffected (Misumi, Y., Y. Misumi, K. Miki, A Takatsuki, G. Tamura, and Y. Ikehara. 1986. J. Biol. Chem. 261:11398-11403). These and earlier results suggest that the exo/endocytic pathway of mammalian cells consist of two similar but distinct endomembrane systems: an ER/Golgi system and a post-Golgi system. BFA prevents forward transport without affecting return traffic in both systems.  相似文献   

Antisense--down, but not out   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Primary non-motile cilia and dendritic spines are cellular compartments that are specialized to sense and transduce environmental cues and presynaptic signals, respectively. Despite their unique cellular roles, both compartments exhibit remarkable parallels in the general principles, as well as molecular mechanisms, by which their protein composition, membrane domain architecture, cellular interactions, and structural and functional plasticity are regulated. We compare and contrast the pathways required for the generation and function of cilia and dendritic spines, and suggest that insights from the study of one may inform investigations into the other of these critically important signaling structures.  相似文献   

To the uninitiated researcher, bioethics can be a confusing and sometimes bureaucratic process. The recent debates in international research ethics have both increased understanding of contentious issues while extending confusion to the international arena. Here, we attempt to demystify bioethics, or more specifically international research ethics, by defining ethics in the context of morality, reviewing core Western ethical principles, and highlighting challenges in international research ethics.  相似文献   

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