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The Type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a protein translocation nanomachine widespread among Gram‐negative bacteria and used as a means to deliver effectors directly into target bacterial or eukaryotic cells. These effectors have a wide variety of functions within target cells that ultimately help the secreting cell gain a competitive fitness advantage. Here, we discuss the different ways in which these effectors can be delivered by the T6SS and the diverse mechanisms by which they exert their noxious action upon recipient cells. We also highlight the existence of roles for T6SS effectors beyond simply the killing of neighbouring cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells deploy autophagy to defend their cytosol against bacterial invaders. Anti‐bacterial autophagy relies on the core autophagy machinery, cargo receptors, and “eat‐me” signals such as galectin‐8 and ubiquitin that label bacteria as autophagy cargo. Anti‐bacterial autophagy also requires the kinase TBK1, whose role in autophagy has remained enigmatic. Here we show that recruitment of WIPI2, itself essential for anti‐bacterial autophagy, is dependent on the localization of catalytically active TBK1 to the vicinity of cytosolic bacteria. Experimental manipulation of TBK1 recruitment revealed that engagement of TBK1 with any of a variety of Salmonella‐associated “eat‐me” signals, including host‐derived glycans and K48‐ and K63‐linked ubiquitin chains, suffices to restrict bacterial proliferation. Promiscuity in recruiting TBK1 via independent signals may buffer TBK1 functionality from potential bacterial antagonism and thus be of evolutionary advantage to the host.  相似文献   

Many Gram‐negative plant pathogenic bacteria express effector proteins of the XopQ/HopQ1 family which are translocated into plant cells via the type III secretion system during infection. In Nicotiana benthamiana, recognition of XopQ/HopQ1 proteins induces an effector‐triggered immunity (ETI) reaction which is not associated with strong cell death but renders plants immune against Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria strains. Additionally, XopQ suppresses cell death in N. benthamiana when transiently co‐expressed with cell death inducers. Here, we show that representative XopQ/HopQ1 proteins are recognized similarly, likely by a single resistance protein of the TIR‐NB‐LRR class. Extensive analysis of XopQ derivatives indicates the recognition of structural features. We performed Agrobacterium‐mediated protein expression experiments in wild‐type and EDS1‐deficient (eds1) N. benthamiana leaves, not recognizing XopQ/HopQ1. XopQ recognition limits multiplication of Agrobacterium and attenuates levels of transiently expressed proteins. Remarkably, XopQ fails to suppress cell death reactions induced by different effectors in eds1 plants. We conclude that XopQ‐mediated cell death suppression in N. benthamiana is due to the attenuation of Agrobacterium‐mediated protein expression rather than the cause of the genuine XopQ virulence activity. Thus, our study expands our understanding of XopQ recognition and function, and also challenges the commonly used co‐expression assays for elucidation of in planta effector activities, at least under conditions of ETI induction.  相似文献   

Cumulating evidences suggested an important role of sphingosine‐1‐phosphate (S1P) and its receptors in regulating endothelial barrier integrity. Our previous study revealed that the circulating S1P levels and renal expression of S1PRs correlated with disease activity and renal damage in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)‐associated vasculitis (AAV). This study investigated the role of S1P and its receptors in myeloperoxidase (MPO)‐ANCA‐positive IgG‐mediated glomerular endothelial cell (GEnC) activation. The effect of S1P on morphological alteration of GEnCs in the presence of MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG was observed. Permeability assay was performed to determine endothelial monolayer activation in quantity. Both membrane‐bound and soluble ICAM‐1 and VCAM‐1 levels were measured. Furthermore, antagonists and/or agonists of various S1PRs were employed to determine the role of different S1PRs. S1P enhanced MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG‐induced disruption of tight junction and disorganization of cytoskeleton in GEnCs. S1P induced further increase in monolayer permeability of GEnC monolayers in the presence of MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG. S1P enhanced MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG‐induced membrane‐bound and soluble ICAM‐1/VCAM‐1 up‐regulation of GEnCs. Soluble ICAM‐1 levels in the supernatants of GEnCs stimulated by S1P and MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG increased upon pre‐incubation of S1PR1 antagonist, while pre‐incubation of GEnCs with the S1PR1 agonist down‐regulated sICAM‐1 level. Blocking S1PR2‐4 reduced sICAM‐1 levels in the supernatants of GEnCs stimulated by S1P and MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG. Pre‐incubation with S1PR5 agonist could increase sICAM‐1 level in the supernatants of GEnC stimulated by S1P and MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG. S1P can enhance MPO‐ANCA‐positive IgG‐mediated GEnC activation through S1PR2‐5.  相似文献   

In the environment, bacteria show close association, such as interspecies interaction, with other bacteria as well as host organisms. The type VI secretion system (T6SS) in gram-negative bacteria is involved in bacterial competition or virulence. The plant pathogen Burkholderia glumae BGR1, causing bacterial panicle blight in rice, has four T6SS gene clusters. The presence of at least one T6SS gene cluster in an organism indicates its distinct role, like in the bacterial and eukaryotic cell targeting system. In this study, deletion mutants targeting four tssD genes, which encode the main component of T6SS needle formation, were constructed to functionally dissect the four T6SSs in B. glumae BGR1. We found that both T6SS group_4 and group_5, belonging to the eukaryotic targeting system, act independently as bacterial virulence factors toward host plants. In contrast, T6SS group_1 is involved in bacterial competition by exerting antibacterial effects. The ΔtssD1 mutant lost the antibacterial effect of T6SS group_1. The ΔtssD1 mutant showed similar virulence as the wild-type BGR1 in rice because the ΔtssD1 mutant, like the wild-type BGR1, still has key virulence factors such as toxin production towards rice. However, metagenomic analysis showed different bacterial communities in rice infected with the ΔtssD1 mutant compared to wild-type BGR1. In particular, the T6SS group_1 controls endophytic plant-associated bacteria such as Luteibacter and Dyella in rice plants and may have an advantage in competing with endophytic plant-associated bacteria for settlement inside rice plants in the environment. Thus, B. glumae BGR1 causes disease using T6SSs with functionally distinct roles.  相似文献   

Microbes establish very diverse but still poorly understood associations with other microscopic or macroscopic organisms that do not follow the more conventional modes of competition or mutualism. Phaffia rhodozyma, an orange‐coloured yeast that produces the biotechnologically relevant carotenoid astaxanthin, exhibits a Holarctic association with birch trees in temperate forests that contrasts with the more recent finding of a South American population associated with Nothofagus (southern beech) and with stromata of its biotrophic fungal parasite Cyttaria spp. We investigated whether the association of Phaffia with Nothofagus–Cyttaria could be expanded to Australasia, the other region of the world where Nothofagus are endemic, studied the genetic structure of populations representing the known worldwide distribution of Phaffia and analysed the evolution of the association with tree hosts. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that Phaffia diversity in Australasia is much higher than in other regions of the globe and that two endemic and markedly divergent lineages seem to represent new species. The observed genetic diversity correlates with host tree genera rather than with geography, which suggests that adaptation to the different niches is driving population structure in this yeast. The high genetic diversity and endemism in Australasia indicate that the genus evolved in this region and that the association with Nothofagus is the ancestral tree association. Estimates of the divergence times of Phaffia lineages point to splits that are much more recent than the break‐up of Gondwana, supporting that long‐distance dispersal rather than vicariance is responsible for observed distribution of P. rhodozyma.  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation‐induced reactive oxidative species is mainly responsible for the development of photoageing. Rosmarinic acid was one of the main bioactive components detected in Thymus vulgaris (TV) we extracted. In this study, UVB‐induced skin damages have been shown to be ameliorated by treatment with TV in hairless mice (HR‐1) skin, demonstrated by decreased matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and increased collagen production. However, the underlying molecular mechanism on which TV acted was unclear. We examined the photoprotective effects of TV against UVB and elucidated the molecular mechanism in normal human dermal fibroblasts. Thymus vulgaris remarkably prevented the UVB‐induced reactive oxygen species and lactate dehydrogenase. Dose‐dependent increase in glutathione, NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase1 and heme oxygenase‐1, by TV was confirmed by increased nuclear accumulation of Nrf2. Furthermore, 5‐Methoxyindole‐2‐carboxylic acid was introduced as a specific inhibitor of dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (DLD). We demonstrated that Nrf2 expression was regulated by DLD, which was a tricarboxylic acid cycle‐associated protein that decreased after UVB exposure. Besides, TV significantly diminished UVB induced phosphorylation of mitogen activated protein kinases pathway, containing extracellular signal‐regulated kinase, Jun N‐terminal kinase and p38, which consequently reduced phosphorylated c‐fos and c‐jun. Our results suggest that TV is a potential botanical agent for use against UV radiation‐induced oxidative stress mediated skin damages.  相似文献   

  • Ethylene and nitric oxide (NO) act as endogenous regulators during leaf senescence. Levels of ethylene or its precursor 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate acid (ACC) depend on the activity of ACC synthases (ACS), and NO production is controlled by NO‐associated 1 (NOA1). However, the integration mechanisms of ACS and NOA1 activity still need to be explored during leaf senescence.
  • Here, using experimental techniques, such as physiological and molecular detection, liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry and fluorescence measurement, we investigated the relevant mechanisms.
  • Our observations showed that the loss‐of‐function acs1‐1 mutant ameliorated age‐ or dark‐induced leaf senescence syndrome, such as yellowing and loss of chlorophyll, that acs1‐1 reduced ACC accumulation mainly in mature leaves and that acs1‐1‐promoted NOA1 expression and NO accumulation mainly in juvenile leaves, when compared with the wild type (WT). But the leaf senescence promoted by the NO‐deficient noa1 mutant was not involved in ACS1 expression. There was a similar sharp reduction of ACS1 and NOA1 expression with the increase in WT leaf age, and this inflection point appeared in mature leaves and coincided with the onset of leaf senescence.
  • These findings suggest that NOA1‐dependent NO accumulation blocked the ACS1‐induced onset of leaf senescence, and that ACS1 activity corresponds to the onset of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.

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