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Actin microfilament (MF) organization and remodelling is critical to cell function. The formin family of actin binding proteins are involved in nucleating MFs in Arabidopsis thaliana. They all contain formin homology domains in the intracellular, C‐terminal half of the protein that interacts with MFs. Formins in class I are usually targeted to the plasma membrane and this is true of Formin1 (AtFH1) of A. thaliana. In this study, we have investigated the extracellular domain of AtFH1 and we demonstrate that AtFH1 forms a bridge from the actin cytoskeleton, across the plasma membrane and is anchored within the cell wall. AtFH1 has a large, extracellular domain that is maintained by purifying selection and that contains four conserved regions, one of which is responsible for immobilising the protein. Protein anchoring within the cell wall is reduced in constructs that express truncations of the extracellular domain and in experiments in protoplasts without primary cell walls. The 18 amino acid proline‐rich extracellular domain that is responsible for AtFH1 anchoring has homology with cell‐wall extensins. We also have shown that anchoring of AtFH1 in the cell wall promotes actin bundling within the cell and that overexpression of AtFH1 has an inhibitory effect on organelle actin‐dependant dynamics. Thus, the AtFH1 bridge provides stable anchor points for the actin cytoskeleton and is probably a crucial component of the signalling response and actin‐remodelling mechanisms.  相似文献   

WUJIARUI 《Cell research》1999,9(3):163-170
In eukaryote,nuclear structure is a key component for the functions of eukaryotic cells.More and more evidences show that the nuclear structure plays important role in regulating DNA replication.The nuclear structure provides a physical barrier for the replication licensing,participates in the decision where DNA replication initiates,and organizes replication proteins as replication factory for DNA replication.Through these works,new concepts on the regulation of DNA replication have emerged,which will be discussed in this minireview.  相似文献   

Initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is a complex process including the recognition of initiation sites on DNA, multi-step DNA preparation for duplication, and assembly of multi-protein complexes capable of beginning DNA synthesis at initiation sites. The process starts at the late M phase and lasts till the appropriate time of the S phase for each initiation site. A chain of interesting interactions between Orc1p-6p, Cdc6p, Mcm2p-7p, Mcm10p, Cdt1, Cdc45p, Dbf4/Cdc7p, RPA, and DNA polymerase takes place during this period. The sequence of these interactions is controlled by cyclin-dependent kinases, as well as by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the proteasome. This review summarizes the data on proteins initiating DNA replication and factors controlling their activities.  相似文献   

The model of in situ DNA replication provided by immunofluorescence and confocal imaging is compared with observations obtained by electron microscopic studies. Discrepancies between both types of observations call into question the replication focus as a persistent nuclear structure and as a replication entity where DNA replication takes place. Most electron microscopic analyses reveal that replication sites are confined to dispersed chromatin areas at the periphery of condensed chromatin, and the distribution of replication factors exhibits the same localization pattern. Moreover, rapid migration of newly synthesized DNA from the replication sites towards the interior of condensed chromatin regions obviously takes place during S-phase. It implies modifications of replication domains, hardly detectable by fluorescence microscopy. The confrontation of different observations carried out at light microscopic or electron microscopic levels of resolution lead to a conclusion that a combination of in vivo fluorescence analysis with a subsequent ultrastructural investigation performed on the same cells will represent an optimal approach in future studies of nuclear functions in situ.  相似文献   

In higher eukaryotic cells, DNA is tandemly arranged into 10(4) replicons that are replicated once per cell cycle during the S phase. To achieve this, DNA is organized into loops attached to the nuclear matrix. Each loop represents one individual replicon with the origin of replication localized within the loop and the ends of the replicon attached to the nuclear matrix at the bases of the loop. During late G1 phase, the replication origins are associated with the nuclear matrix and dissociated after initiation of replication in S phase. Clusters of several replicons are operated together by replication factories, assembled at the nuclear matrix. During replication, DNA of each replicon is spooled through these factories, and after completion of DNA synthesis of any cluster of replicons, the respective replication factories are dismantled and assembled at the next cluster to be replicated. Upon completion of replication of any replicon cluster, the resulting entangled loops of the newly synthesized DNA are resolved by topoisomerases present in the nuclear matrix at the sites of attachment of the loops. Thus, the nuclear matrix plays a dual role in the process of DNA replication: on one hand, it represents structural support for the replication machinery and on the other, provides key protein factors for initiation, elongation, and termination of the replication of eukaryotic DNA.  相似文献   



PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) has been found in the nuclei of yeast, plant and animal cells that undergo cell division, suggesting a function in cell cycle regulation and/or DNA replication. It subsequently became clear that PCNA also played a role in other processes involving the cell genome.


This review discusses eukaryotic PCNA, with an emphasis on plant PCNA, in terms of the protein structure and its biochemical properties as well as gene structure, organization, expression and function. PCNA exerts a tripartite function by operating as (1) a sliding clamp during DNA synthesis, (2) a polymerase switch factor and (3) a recruitment factor. Most of its functions are mediated by its interactions with various proteins involved in DNA synthesis, repair and recombination as well as in regulation of the cell cycle and chromatid cohesion. Moreover, post-translational modifications of PCNA play a key role in regulation of its functions. Finally, a phylogenetic comparison of PCNA genes suggests that the multi-functionality observed in most species is a product of evolution.


Most plant PCNAs exhibit features similar to those found for PCNAs of other eukaryotes. Similarities include: (1) a trimeric ring structure of the PCNA sliding clamp, (2) the involvement of PCNA in DNA replication and repair, (3) the ability to stimulate the activity of DNA polymerase δ and (4) the ability to interact with p21, a regulator of the cell cycle. However, many plant genomes seem to contain the second, probably functional, copy of the PCNA gene, in contrast to PCNA pseudogenes that are found in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Formins are multidomain proteins that regulate actin filament dynamics and are defined by the formin homology 2 domain. Biochemical assays suggest that mammalian formins display actin-filament nucleation, severing, and bundling activities. Whether formins can cross-link actin filaments into viscoelastic arrays and the effectiveness of formins' bundling activity compared with that of important filamentous actin (F-actin) cross-linking/bundling proteins are unknown. Here, we used rigorous in vitro rheologic assays to deconvolve the dynamic cross-linking activity from the bundling activity of formin FRL1 and the closely related mDia1 and mDia2. In addition, we compared these formins with the canonical F-actin bundling protein fascin and cross-linking/bundling proteins alpha-actinin and filamin. We found that FRL1 and mDia2, but not mDia1, can help F-actin form highly elastic networks. FRL1 and mDia2 mediate the formation of highly elastic F-actin networks as effectively and rapidly as alpha-actinin and filamin but only past a relatively high actin-to-formin molar ratio of 50:1. Past that threshold molar ratio, the mechanical properties of F-actin/formin networks are independent of formin concentration, similar to fascin. Moreover, unlike those for alpha-actinin and filamin but similar to those for fascin, F-actin/formin networks show no strain-induced hardening. mDia1 cannot bundle F-actin but can weakly cross-link filaments at high concentrations. Point mutagenesis reveals that reducing the barbed-end binding activity of FRL1 and mDia2 greatly enhances the rate of formation of F-actin gels but does not significantly affect the mechanical properties of the resulting networks at steady state. Together, these results suggest that the mechanical behaviors of FRL1 and mDia2 are fundamentally different from those of cross-linking/bundling proteins alpha-actinin and filamin but qualitatively similar to the mechanical behavior of the bundling protein fascin, albeit with a dramatically increased (>10-fold) threshold concentration for transition to bundling, which nevertheless leads to much stiffer F-actin networks than fascin.  相似文献   

This report provides a global view of how gene expression is affected by DNA replication. We analyzed synchronized cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under conditions that prevent DNA replication initiation without delaying cell cycle progression. We use a higher‐order singular value decomposition to integrate the global mRNA expression measured in the multiple time courses, detect and remove experimental artifacts and identify significant combinations of patterns of expression variation across the genes, time points and conditions. We find that, first, ~88% of the global mRNA expression is independent of DNA replication. Second, the requirement of DNA replication for efficient histone gene expression is independent of conditions that elicit DNA damage checkpoint responses. Third, origin licensing decreases the expression of genes with origins near their 3′ ends, revealing that downstream origins can regulate the expression of upstream genes. This confirms previous predictions from mathematical modeling of a global causal coordination between DNA replication origin activity and mRNA expression, and shows that mathematical modeling of DNA microarray data can be used to correctly predict previously unknown biological modes of regulation.  相似文献   

In the diploid vegetative plant cell, the nuclear DNA is present in two copies, whereas the chloroplast and mitochondria genomes are present in a higher and variable copy number. We have studied the replication of the nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in culturedNicotiana tabacum cells using density and radioactive markers. Essentially all the 10 000 chloroplast genomes in a given cell replicate in one cell cycle as do all the mitochondrial DNA molecules. No measurable level of unreplicated organellar DNA molecules can be detected in these cells.  相似文献   

The mammalian sperm nucleus provides an excellent model for studying the relationship between the formation of nuclear structure and the initiation of DNA replication. We previously demonstrated that mammalian sperm nuclei contain a nuclear matrix that organizes the DNA into loop domains in a manner similar to that of somatic cells. In this study, we tested the minimal components of the sperm nucleus that are necessary for the formation of the male pronucleus and for the initiation of DNA synthesis. We extracted mouse sperm nuclei with high salt and dithiothreitol to remove the protamines in order to form nuclear halos. These were then treated with either restriction endonucleases to release the DNA not directly associated with the nuclear matrix or with DNAse I to digest all the DNA. The treated sperm nuclei were injected into oocytes, and the paternal pronuclear formation and DNA synthesis was monitored. We found that restriction digested sperm nuclear halos were capable of forming paternal pronuclei and initiating DNA synthesis. However, when isolated mouse sperm DNA or sperm DNA reconstituted with the nuclear matrices were injected into oocytes, no paternal pronuclear formation or DNA synthesis was observed. These data suggest that the in situ nuclear matrix attachment organization of sperm DNA is required for mouse paternal pronuclear DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the subnuclear position of early- and late-firing origins of DNA replication in intact yeast cells using fluorescence in situ hybridization and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged chromosomal domains. In both cases, origin position was determined with respect to the nuclear envelope, as identified by nuclear pore staining or a NUP49-GFP fusion protein. We find that in G1 phase nontelomeric late-firing origins are enriched in a zone immediately adjacent to the nuclear envelope, although this localization does not necessarily persist in S phase. In contrast, early firing origins are randomly localized within the nucleus throughout the cell cycle. If a late-firing telomere-proximal origin is excised from its chromosomal context in G1 phase, it remains late-firing but moves rapidly away from the telomere with which it was associated, suggesting that the positioning of yeast chromosomal domains is highly dynamic. This is confirmed by time-lapse microscopy of GFP-tagged origins in vivo. We propose that sequences flanking late-firing origins help target them to the periphery of the G1-phase nucleus, where a modified chromatin structure can be established. The modified chromatin structure, which would in turn retard origin firing, is both autonomous and mobile within the nucleus.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases carry out DNA synthesis during DNA replication, DNA recombination and DNA repair. During the past five years, the number of DNA polymerases in both eukarya and bacteria has increased to at least 19 and multiple biological roles have been assigned to many DNA polymerases. Archaea, the third domain of life, on the other hand, have only a subset of the eukaryotic-like DNA polymerases. The diversity among the archaeal DNA polymerases poses the intriguing question of their functional tasks. Here, we focus on the two identified DNA polymerases, the family B DNA polymerase B (PabpolB) and the family D DNA polymerase D (PabpolD) from the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeota Pyrococcus abyssi. Our data can be summarized as follows: (i) both Pabpols are DNA polymerizing enzymes exclusively; (ii) their DNA binding properties as tested in gel shift competition assays indicated that PabpolD has a preference for a primed template; (iii) PabPolD is a primer-directed DNA polymerase independently of the primer composition whereas PabpolB behaves as an exclusively DNA primer-directed DNA polymerase; (iv) PabPCNA is required for PabpolD to perform efficient DNA synthesis but not PabpolB; (v) PabpolD, but not PabpolB, contains strand displacement activity; (vii) in the presence of PabPCNA, however, both Pabpols D and B show strand displacement activity; and (viii) we show that the direct interaction between PabpolD and PabPCNA is DNA-dependent. Our data imply that PabPolD might play an important role in DNA replication likely together with PabpolB, suggesting that archaea require two DNA polymerases at the replication fork.  相似文献   

Fractionated radiotherapy (RT) is widely used in cancer treatment, because it preserves normal tissues. However, repopulation of radioresistant tumors during fractionated RT limits the efficacy of RT. We recently demonstrated that a moderate level of long-term fractionated radiation confers acquired radioresistance to tumor cells, which is caused by DNA-PK/AKT/GSK3β-mediated cyclin D1 overexpression. The resulting cyclin D1 overexpression leads to forced progression of the cell cycle to S-phase, concomitant with induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying cyclin D1 overexpression-induced DSBs during DNA replication in acquired radioresistant cells. DNA fiber data demonstrated that replication forks progressed slowly in acquired radioresistant cells compared with corresponding parental cells in HepG2 and HeLa cell lines. Slowly progressing replication forks were also observed in HepG2 and HeLa cells that overexpressed a nondegradable cyclin D1 mutant. We also found that knockdown of Mus81endonuclease, which is responsible for resolving aberrant replication forks, suppressed DSB formation in acquired radioresistant cells. Consequently, Mus81 created DSBs to remove aberrant replication forks in response to replication perturbation triggered by cyclin D1 overexpression. After treating cells with a specific inhibitor for DNA-PK or ATM, apoptosis rates increased in acquired radioresistant cells but not in parental cells by inhibiting the DNA damage response to cyclin D1-mediated DSBs. This suggested that these inhibitors might eradicate acquired radioresistant cells and improve fractionated RT outcomes.  相似文献   

The human APOBEC3 family of DNA-cytosine deaminases comprises 7 members (A3A-A3H) that act on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). The APOBEC3 proteins function within the innate immune system by mutating DNA of viral genomes and retroelements to restrict infection and retrotransposition. Recent evidence suggests that APOBEC3 enzymes can also cause damage to the cellular genome. Mutational patterns consistent with APOBEC3 activity have been identified by bioinformatic analysis of tumor genome sequences. These mutational signatures include clusters of base substitutions that are proposed to occur due to APOBEC3 deamination. It has been suggested that transiently exposed ssDNA segments provide substrate for APOBEC3 deamination leading to mutation signatures within the genome. However, the mechanisms that produce single-stranded substrates for APOBEC3 deamination in mammalian cells have not been demonstrated. We investigated ssDNA at replication forks as a substrate for APOBEC3 deamination. We found that APOBEC3A (A3A) expression leads to DNA damage in replicating cells but this is reduced in quiescent cells. Upon A3A expression, cycling cells activate the DNA replication checkpoint and undergo cell cycle arrest. Additionally, we find that replication stress leaves cells vulnerable to A3A-induced DNA damage. We propose a model to explain A3A-induced damage to the cellular genome in which cytosine deamination at replication forks and other ssDNA substrates results in mutations and DNA breaks. This model highlights the risk of mutagenesis by A3A expression in replicating progenitor cells, and supports the emerging hypothesis that APOBEC3 enzymes contribute to genome instability in human tumors.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA replication factories in living cells   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
DNA replication occurs in microscopically visible complexes at discrete sites (replication foci) in the nucleus. These foci consist of DNA associated with replication machineries, i.e., large protein complexes involved in DNA replication. To study the dynamics of these nuclear replication foci in living cells, we fused proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a central component of the replication machinery, with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Imaging of stable cell lines expressing low levels of GFP-PCNA showed that replication foci are heterogeneous in size and lifetime. Time-lapse studies revealed that replication foci clearly differ from nuclear speckles and coiled bodies as they neither show directional movements, nor do they seem to merge or divide. These four dimensional analyses suggested that replication factories are stably anchored in the nucleus and that changes in the pattern occur through gradual, coordinated, but asynchronous, assembly and disassembly throughout S phase.  相似文献   

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