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Kinesin‐2 motors power anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), a highly ordered process that assembles and maintains cilia. However, it remains elusive how kinesin‐2 motors are regulated in vivo. Here, we performed forward genetic screens to isolate suppressors that rescue the ciliary defects of OSM‐3‐kinesin (homolog of mammalian homodimeric kinesin‐2 KIF17) mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans. We identified the C. elegans dyf‐5 and dyf‐18, which encode the homologs of mammalian male germ cell‐associated kinase and cell cycle‐related kinase, respectively. Using time‐lapse fluorescence microscopy, we show that DYF‐5 and DYF‐18 are IFT cargo molecules and are enriched at the distal segments of sensory cilia. Mutations of dyf‐5 and dyf‐18 generate elongated cilia and ectopic localization of the heterotrimeric kinesin‐2 (kinesin‐II) at the ciliary distal segments. Genetic analyses reveal that dyf‐5 and dyf‐18 are important for stabilizing the interaction between IFT particles and OSM‐3‐kinesin. Our data suggest that DYF‐5 and DYF‐18 act in the same pathway to promote handover between kinesin‐II and OSM‐3 in sensory cilia.   相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) are involved in acetylcholine synthesis and degradation at pre‐ and postsynaptic compartments, respectively. Here we show that their anterograde transport in Drosophila larval ganglion is microtubule‐dependent and occurs in two different time profiles. AChE transport is constitutive while that of ChAT occurs in a brief pulse during third instar larva stage. Mutations in the kinesin‐2 motor subunit Klp64D and separate siRNA‐mediated knock‐outs of all the three kinesin‐2 subunits disrupt the ChAT and AChE transports, and these antigens accumulate in discrete nonoverlapping punctae in neuronal cell bodies and axons. Quantification analysis further showed that mutations in Klp64D could independently affect the anterograde transport of AChE even before that of ChAT. Finally, ChAT and AChE were coimmunoprecipitated with the kinesin‐2 subunits but not with each other. Altogether, these suggest that kinesin‐2 independently transports AChE and ChAT within the same axon. It also implies that cargo availability could regulate the rate and frequency of transports by kinesin motors. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic protein transport in axons (‘slow axonal transport’) is essential for neuronal homeostasis, and involves Kinesin‐1, the same motor for membranous organelle transport (‘fast axonal transport’). However, both molecular mechanisms of slow axonal transport and difference in usage of Kinesin‐1 between slow and fast axonal transport have been elusive. Here, we show that slow axonal transport depends on the interaction between the DnaJ‐like domain of the kinesin light chain in the Kinesin‐1 motor complex and Hsc70, scaffolding between cytoplasmic proteins and Kinesin‐1. The domain is within the tetratricopeptide repeat, which can bind to membranous organelles, and competitive perturbation of the domain in squid giant axons disrupted cytoplasmic protein transport and reinforced membranous organelle transport, indicating that this domain might have a function as a switchover system between slow and fast transport by Hsc70. Transgenic mice overexpressing a dominant‐negative form of the domain showed delayed slow transport, accelerated fast transport and optic axonopathy. These findings provide a basis for the regulatory mechanism of intracellular transport and its intriguing implication in neuronal dysfunction.  相似文献   

A central question in cell biology is how cells determine the size of their organelles. Flagellar length control is a convenient system for studying organelle size regulation. Mechanistic models proposed for flagellar length regulation have been constrained by the assumption that flagella are static structures once they are assembled. However, recent work has shown that flagella are dynamic and are constantly turning over. We have determined that this turnover occurs at the flagellar tips, and that the assembly portion of the turnover is mediated by intraflagellar transport (IFT). Blocking IFT inhibits the incorporation of tubulin at the flagellar tips and causes the flagella to resorb. These results lead to a simple steady-state model for flagellar length regulation by which a balance of assembly and disassembly can effectively regulate flagellar length.  相似文献   

Bidirectional transport along microtubules is ensured by opposing motor proteins: cytoplasmic dynein that drives cargo to the minus-ends and various kinesins that generally move to the plus-ends of microtubules. Regulation of motor proteins that are simultaneously bound to the same organelle is required to maintain directional transport and prevent pausing of cargo pulled away by motors of opposite polarity. Debates of the recent decade have been focused on two possible mechanisms of such regulation: (i) coordination, which implies that only one type of motors is active at a given time, and (ii) tug-of-war, which assumes that both motors are active at the same time and that direction of transport depends on the outcome of motor's confrontation. The initial idea of coordination has been challenged by observations of simultaneous activity of plus- and minus-end-directed motors applied to the same cargo. Analysis of the available data indicates that coordination and tug-of-war theories rather complement than contradict each other: cargo interacts with two teams of active motors, the resulting direction and the winner team are determined by coordination complexes, but the activity of the loser team is never completely inhibited and remains at some background level. Such persisting activity might enhance the overall efficiency of transport by increasing processivity or helping to overcome the obstacles on microtubule track.  相似文献   

Cilia and eukaryotic flagella are threadlike cell extensions with motile and sensory functions. Their assembly requires intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional motor‐driven transport of protein carriers along the axonemal microtubules. IFT moves ample amounts of structural proteins including tubulin into growing cilia likely explaining its critical role for assembly. IFT continues in non‐growing cilia contributing to a variety of processes ranging from axonemal maintenance and the export of non‐ciliary proteins to cell locomotion and ciliary signaling. Here, we discuss recent data on cues regulating the type, amount and timing of cargo transported by IFT. A regulation of IFT‐cargo interactions is critical to establish, maintain and adjust ciliary length, protein composition and function.  相似文献   

The molecular motor kinesin moves along microtubules using energy from ATP hydrolysis in an initial step coupled with ADP release. In neurons, kinesin‐1/KIF5C preferentially binds to the GTP‐state microtubules over GDP‐state microtubules to selectively enter an axon among many processes; however, because the atomic structure of nucleotide‐free KIF5C is unavailable, its molecular mechanism remains unresolved. Here, the crystal structure of nucleotide‐free KIF5C and the cryo‐electron microscopic structure of nucleotide‐free KIF5C complexed with the GTP‐state microtubule are presented. The structures illustrate mutual conformational changes induced by interaction between the GTP‐state microtubule and KIF5C. KIF5C acquires the ‘rigor conformation’, where mobile switches I and II are stabilized through L11 and the initial portion of the neck‐linker, facilitating effective ADP release and the weak‐to‐strong transition of KIF5C microtubule affinity. Conformational changes to tubulin strengthen the longitudinal contacts of the GTP‐state microtubule in a similar manner to GDP‐taxol microtubules. These results and functional analyses provide the molecular mechanism of the preferential binding of KIF5C to GTP‐state microtubules.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) relies on the IFT complex and is required for ciliogenesis. The IFT‐B complex consists of 9–10 stably associated core subunits and six “peripheral” subunits that were shown to dissociate from the core structure at moderate salt concentration. We purified the six “peripheral” IFT‐B subunits of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as recombinant proteins and show that they form a stable complex independently of the IFT‐B core. We suggest a nomenclature of IFT‐B1 (core) and IFT‐B2 (peripheral) for the two IFT‐B subcomplexes. We demonstrate that IFT88, together with the N‐terminal domain of IFT52, is necessary to bridge the interaction between IFT‐B1 and B2. The crystal structure of IFT52N reveals highly conserved residues critical for IFT‐B1/IFT‐B2 complex formation. Furthermore, we show that of the three IFT‐B2 subunits containing a calponin homology (CH) domain (IFT38, 54, and 57), only IFT54 binds αβ‐tubulin as a potential IFT cargo, whereas the CH domains of IFT38 and IFT57 mediate the interaction with IFT80 and IFT172, respectively. Crystal structures of IFT54 CH domains reveal that tubulin binding is mediated by basic surface‐exposed residues.  相似文献   

Microtubules are fundamental to neuronal morphogenesis and function. Mutations in tubulin, the major constituent of microtubules, result in neuronal diseases. Here, we have analysed β‐tubulin mutations that cause neuronal diseases and we have identified mutations that strongly inhibit axonal transport of vesicles and mitochondria. These mutations are in the H12 helix of β‐tubulin and change the negative charge on the surface of the microtubule. This surface is the interface between microtubules and kinesin superfamily motor proteins (KIF). The binding of axonal transport KIFs to microtubules is dominant negatively disrupted by these mutations, which alters the localization of KIFs in neurons and inhibits axon elongation in vivo. In humans, these mutations induce broad neurological symptoms, such as loss of axons in the central nervous system and peripheral neuropathy. Thus, our data identified the critical region of β‐tubulin required for axonal transport and suggest a molecular mechanism for human neuronal diseases caused by tubulin mutations.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are central to the organisation of the eukaryotic intracellular space and are involved in the control of cell morphology. For these purposes, MT polymerisation dynamics are tightly regulated. Using automated image analysis software, we investigate the spatial dependence of MT dynamics in interphase fission yeast cells with unprecedented statistical accuracy. We find that MT catastrophe frequencies (switches from polymerisation to depolymerisation) strongly depend on intracellular position. We provide evidence that compressive forces generated by MTs growing against the cell pole locally reduce MT growth velocities and enhance catastrophe frequencies. Furthermore, we find evidence for an MT length‐dependent increase in the catastrophe frequency that is mediated by kinesin‐8 proteins (Klp5/6). Given the intrinsic susceptibility of MT dynamics to compressive forces and the widespread importance of kinesin‐8 proteins, we propose that similar spatial regulation of MT dynamics plays a role in other cell types as well. In addition, our systematic and quantitative data should provide valuable input for (mathematical) models of MT organisation in living cells.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella are formed and maintained by intraflagellar transport (IFT) and play important roles in sensing and moving across species. At the distal tip of the cilia/flagella, IFT complexes turn around to switch from anterograde to retrograde transport; however, the underlying regulatory mechanism is unclear. Here, we identified ICK localization at the tip of cilia as a regulator of ciliary transport. In ICK‐deficient mice, we found ciliary defects in neuronal progenitor cells with Hedgehog signal defects. ICK‐deficient cells formed cilia with mislocalized Hedgehog signaling components. Loss of ICK caused the accumulation of IFT‐A, IFT‐B, and BBSome components at the ciliary tips. In contrast, overexpression of ICK induced the strong accumulation of IFT‐B, but not IFT‐A or BBSome components at ciliary tips. In addition, ICK directly phosphorylated Kif3a, while inhibition of this Kif3a phosphorylation affected ciliary formation. Our results suggest that ICK is a Kif3a kinase and essential for proper ciliogenesis in development by regulating ciliary transport at the tip of cilia.  相似文献   

Lissencephaly is a devastating neurological disorder caused by defective neuronal migration. The LIS1 (or PAFAH1B1) gene was identified as the gene mutated in lissencephaly patients, and was found to regulate cytoplasmic dynein function and localization. In particular, LIS1 is essential for anterograde transport of cytoplasmic dynein as a part of the cytoplasmic dynein–LIS1–microtubule complex in a kinesin‐1‐dependent manner. However, the underlying mechanism by which a cytoplasmic dynein–LIS1–microtubule complex binds kinesin‐1 is unknown. Here, we report that mNUDC (mammalian NUDC) interacts with kinesin‐1 and is required for the anterograde transport of a cytoplasmic dynein complex by kinesin‐1. mNUDC is also required for anterograde transport of a dynactin‐containing complex. Inhibition of mNUDC severely suppressed anterograde transport of distinct cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin complexes, whereas motility of kinesin‐1 remained intact. Reconstruction experiments clearly demonstrated that mNUDC mediates the interaction of the dynein or dynactin complex with kinesin‐1 and supports their transport by kinesin‐1. Our findings have uncovered an essential role of mNUDC for anterograde transport of dynein and dynactin by kinesin‐1.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport involves the movement of large protein particles along ciliary microtubules and is required for the assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Intraflagellar-transport defects in the mouse cause a range of diseases including polycystic kidney disease, retinal degeneration and the laterality abnormality situs inversus, highlighting the important role that motile, sensory and primary cilia play in vertebrates.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor‐2 (HAI‐2) is able to suppress carcinogenesis induced by overexpression of matriptase, as well as cause regression of individual established tumors in a mouse model system. However, the role of HAI‐2 is poorly understood. In this study, we describe 3 mutations in the binding loop of the HAI‐2 Kunitz domain 1 (K42N, C47F and R48L) that cause a delay in the SEA domain cleavage of matriptase, leading to accumulation of non‐SEA domain cleaved matriptase in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We suggest that, like other known SEA domains, the matriptase SEA domain auto‐cleaves and reflects that correct oligomerization, maturation, and/or folding has been obtained. Our results suggest that the HAI‐2 Kunitz domain 1 mutants influence the flux of matriptase to the plasma membrane by affecting the oligomerization, maturation and/or folding of matriptase, and as a result the SEA domain cleavage of matriptase. Two of the HAI‐2 Kunitz domain 1 mutants investigated (C47F, R48L and C47F/R48L) also displayed a reduced ability to proteolytically silence matriptase. Hence, HAI‐2 separately stabilizes matriptase, regulates the secretory transport, possibly via maturation/oligomerization and inhibits the proteolytic activity of matriptase in the ER, and possible throughout the secretory pathway.   相似文献   

Primary cilia are nonmotile microtubule structures that assemble from basal bodies by a process called intraflagellar transport (IFT) and are associated with several human diseases. Here, we show that the centrosome protein pericentrin (Pcnt) colocalizes with IFT proteins to the base of primary and motile cilia. Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrates that Pcnt is on or near basal bodies at the base of cilia. Pcnt depletion by RNA interference disrupts basal body localization of IFT proteins and the cation channel polycystin-2 (PC2), and inhibits primary cilia assembly in human epithelial cells. Conversely, silencing of IFT20 mislocalizes Pcnt from basal bodies and inhibits primary cilia assembly. Pcnt is found in spermatocyte IFT fractions, and IFT proteins are found in isolated centrosome fractions. Pcnt antibodies coimmunoprecipitate IFT proteins and PC2 from several cell lines and tissues. We conclude that Pcnt, IFTs, and PC2 form a complex in vertebrate cells that is required for assembly of primary cilia and possibly motile cilia and flagella.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of endosomal and lysosomal cholesterol traffic are still poorly understood. We showed previously that unesterified cholesterol accumulates in the late endosomes and lysosomes of fibroblasts deficient in both lysosome associated membrane protein-2 (LAMP-2) and LAMP-1, two abundant membrane proteins of late endosomes and lysosomes. In this study we show that in cells deficient in both LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 (LAMP−/−), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor levels and LDL uptake are increased as compared to wild-type cells. However, there is a defect in esterification of both endogenous and LDL cholesterol. These results suggest that LAMP−/− cells have a defect in cholesterol transport to the site of esterification in the endoplasmic reticulum, likely due to defective export of cholesterol out of late endosomes or lysosomes. We also show that cholesterol accumulates in LAMP-2 deficient liver and that overexpression of LAMP-2 retards the lysosomal cholesterol accumulation induced by U18666A. These results point to a critical role for LAMP-2 in endosomal/lysosomal cholesterol export. Moreover, the late endosomal/lysosomal cholesterol accumulation in LAMP−/− cells was diminished by overexpression of any of the three isoforms of LAMP-2, but not by LAMP-1. The LAMP-2 luminal domain, the membrane-proximal half in particular, was necessary and sufficient for the rescue effect. Taken together, our results suggest that LAMP-2, its luminal domain in particular, plays a critical role in endosomal cholesterol transport and that this is distinct from the chaperone-mediated autophagy function of LAMP-2.  相似文献   

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