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Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) represent an essential aspect of plant systems biology. Identification of key protein players and their interaction networks provide crucial insights into the regulation of plant developmental processes and into interactions of plants with their environment. Despite the great advance in the methods for the discovery and validation of PPIs, still several challenges remain. First, the PPI networks are usually highly dynamic, and the in vivo interactions are often transient and difficult to detect. Therefore, the properties of the PPIs under study need to be considered to select the most suitable technique, because each has its own advantages and limitations. Second, besides knowledge on the interacting partners of a protein of interest, characteristics of the interaction, such as the spatial or temporal dynamics, are highly important. Hence, multiple approaches have to be combined to obtain a comprehensive view on the PPI network present in a cell. Here, we present the progress in commonly used methods to detect and validate PPIs in plants with a special emphasis on the PPI features assessed in each approach and how they were or can be used for the study of plant interactions with their environment.  相似文献   

A simple, static contact mapping algorithm has been developed as a first step at identifying potential peptide biomimetics from protein interaction partner structure files. This rapid and simple mapping algorithm, “OpenContact” provides screened or parsed protein interaction files based on specified criteria for interatomic separation distances and interatomic potential interactions. The algorithm, which uses all‐atom Amber03 force field models, was blindly tested on several unrelated cases from the literature where potential peptide mimetics have been experimentally developed to varying degrees of success. In all cases, the screening algorithm efficiently predicted proposed or potential peptide biomimetics, or close variations thereof, and provided complete atom‐atom interaction data necessary for further detailed analysis and drug development. In addition, we used the static parsing/mapping method to develop a peptide mimetic to the cancer protein target, epidermal growth factor receptor. In this case, secondary, loop structure for the peptide was indicated from the intra‐protein mapping, and the peptide was subsequently synthesized and shown to exhibit successful binding to the target protein. The case studies, which all involved experimental peptide drug advancement, illustrate many of the challenges associated with the development of peptide biomimetics, in general. Proteins 2014; 82:2253–2262. © 2014 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An experimental methodology that facilitates functional analysis of numerous protein–protein interactions, which have been found in genome‐wide interactome researches, has long been awaited. We propose herein an antagonistic inhibition‐based approach. The antagonizing polypeptide is generated in the course of interaction domain mapping based on yeast 2‐hybrid (Y2H) screening coupled with in vitro convergence of the Y2H‐selected fragments, which is performed in a formatted procedure. Using the coupled methodology, we first performed a high‐resolution mapping of an interdomain interaction network within budding yeast's Dam1 complex. Dam1 complex is a kinetochore protein complex composed of 10 essential subunits including Spc34p and Spc19p. The high‐resolution mapping revealed the overall network structure within the complex for the first time: Dam1 components form into two separated subnetworks on N‐terminal scaffolding domains of Spc34p and Spc19p, and the coiled‐coil interaction in their C‐terminal domains connects the subnetworks. Secondly, we show that the domain fragments converged in the high‐resolution mapping acted as potent inhibitors for the endogenous interactions when episomally overexpressed. The in vivo Dam1 interaction targeting with the fragments conferred a similar phenotype on the host cells; a critical and irreversible damage, which was accompanied with disturbed budding and chromosome mis‐segregation as a result of disorganized spindle. These phenotypes were strongly related to the cellular function of the Dam1 complex. The results and approach we demonstrated herein not only shed light on the Dam1 molecular architecture but also pave the road to reverse‐interactome analysis and discoveries of novel drugs that target disease‐related protein–protein interactions. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) is a chloride and bicarbonate channel in secretory epithelia with a critical role in maintaining fluid homeostasis. Mutations in CFTR are associated with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal autosomal recessive disorder in Caucasians. While remarkable treatment advances have been made recently in the form of modulator drugs directly rescuing CFTR dysfunction, there is still considerable scope for improvement of therapeutic effectiveness. Here, we report the application of a high‐throughput screening variant of the Mammalian Membrane Two‐Hybrid (MaMTH‐HTS) to map the protein–protein interactions of wild‐type (wt) and mutant CFTR (F508del), in an effort to better understand CF cellular effects and identify new drug targets for patient‐specific treatments. Combined with functional validation in multiple disease models, we have uncovered candidate proteins with potential roles in CFTR function/CF pathophysiology, including Fibrinogen Like 2 (FGL2), which we demonstrate in patient‐derived intestinal organoids has a significant effect on CFTR functional expression.  相似文献   

The importance of a protein–protein interaction to a signaling pathway can be established by showing that amino acid mutations that weaken the interaction disrupt signaling, and that additional mutations that rescue the interaction recover signaling. Identifying rescue mutations, often referred to as second‐site suppressor mutations, controls against scenarios in which the initial deleterious mutation inactivates the protein or disrupts alternative protein–protein interactions. Here, we test a structure‐based protocol for identifying second‐site suppressor mutations that is based on a strategy previously described by Kortemme and Baker. The molecular modeling software Rosetta is used to scan an interface for point mutations that are predicted to weaken binding but can be rescued by mutations on the partner protein. The protocol typically identifies three types of specificity switches: knob‐in‐to‐hole redesigns, switching hydrophobic interactions to hydrogen bond interactions, and replacing polar interactions with nonpolar interactions. Computational predictions were tested with two separate protein complexes; the G‐protein Gαi1 bound to the RGS14 GoLoco motif, and UbcH7 bound to the ubiquitin ligase E6AP. Eight designs were experimentally tested. Swapping a buried hydrophobic residue with a polar residue dramatically weakened binding affinities. In none of these cases were we able to identify compensating mutations that returned binding to wild‐type affinity, highlighting the challenges inherent in designing buried hydrogen bond networks. The strongest specificity switches were a knob‐in‐to‐hole design (20‐fold) and the replacement of a charge–charge interaction with nonpolar interactions (55‐fold). In two cases, specificity was further tuned by including mutations distant from the initial design. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The bodily decline that occurs with advancing age strongly impacts on the prospects for future health and life expectancy. Despite the profound role of age in disease etiology, knowledge about the molecular mechanisms driving the process of aging in humans is limited. Here, we used an integrative network-based approach for combining multiple large-scale expression studies in blood (2539 individuals) with protein–protein Interaction (PPI) data for the detection of consistently coexpressed PPI modules that may reflect key processes that change throughout the course of normative aging. Module detection followed by a meta-analysis on chronological age identified fifteen consistently coexpressed PPI modules associated with chronological age, including a highly significant module (P = 3.5 × 10−38) enriched for ‘T-cell activation’ marking age-associated shifts in lymphocyte blood cell counts (R2 = 0.603; P = 1.9 × 10−10). Adjusting the analysis in the compendium for the ‘T-cell activation’ module showed five consistently coexpressed PPI modules that robustly associated with chronological age and included modules enriched for ‘Translational elongation’, ‘Cytolysis’ and ‘DNA metabolic process’. In an independent study of 3535 individuals, four of five modules consistently associated with chronological age, underpinning the robustness of the approach. We found three of five modules to be significantly enriched with aging-related genes, as defined by the GenAge database, and association with prospective survival at high ages for one of the modules including ASF1A. The hereby-detected age-associated and consistently coexpressed PPI modules therefore may provide a molecular basis for future research into mechanisms underlying human aging.  相似文献   

Linkers or spacers are short amino acid sequences created in nature to separate multiple domains in a single protein. Most of them are rigid and function to prohibit unwanted interactions between the discrete domains. However, Gly‐rich linkers are flexible, connecting various domains in a single protein without interfering with the function of each domain. The advent of recombinant DNA technology made it possible to fuse two interacting partners with the introduction of artificial linkers. Often, independent proteins may not exist as stable or structured proteins until they interact with their binding partner, following which they gain stability and the essential structural elements. Gly‐rich linkers have been proven useful for these types of unstable interactions, particularly where the interaction is weak and transient, by creating a covalent link between the proteins to form a stable protein–protein complex. Gly‐rich linkers are also employed to form stable covalently linked dimers, and to connect two independent domains that create a ligand‐binding site or recognition sequence. The lengths of linkers vary from 2 to 31 amino acids, optimized for each condition so that the linker does not impose any constraints on the conformation or interactions of the linked partners. Various structures of covalently linked protein complexes have been described using X‐ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryo‐electron microscopy techniques. In this review, we evaluate several structural studies where linkers have been used to improve protein quality, to produce stable protein–protein complexes, and to obtain protein dimers.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions play central roles in physiological and pathological processes. The bases of the mechanisms of drug action are relevant to the discovery of new therapeutic targets. This work focuses on understanding the interactions in protein–protein–ligands complexes, using proteins calmodulin (CaM), human calcium/calmodulin‐dependent 3′,5′‐cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A active human (PDE1A), and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and ligands αII–spectrin peptide (αII–spec), and two inhibitors of CaM (chlorpromazine (CPZ) and malbrancheamide (MBC)). The interaction was monitored with a fluorescent biosensor of CaM (hCaM M124C–mBBr). The results showed changes in the affinity of CPZ and MBC depending on the CaM–protein complex under analysis. For the Ca2+–CaM, Ca2+–CaM–PDE1A, and Ca2+–CaM–MLCK complexes, CPZ apparent dissociation constants (Kds) were 1.11, 0.28, and 0.55 μM, respectively; and for MBC Kds were 1.43, 1.10, and 0.61 μM, respectively. In competition experiments the addition of calmodulin binding peptide 1 (αII–spec) to Ca2+hCaM M124C–mBBr quenched the fluorescence (Kd = 2.55 ± 1.75 pM) and the later addition of MBC (up to 16 μM) did not affect the fluorescent signal. Instead, the additions of αII–spec to a preformed Ca2+hCaM M124C–mBBr–MBC complex modified the fluorescent signal. However, MBC was able to displace the PDE1A and MLCK from its complex with Ca2+–CaM. In addition, docking studies were performed for all complexes with both ligands showing an excellent correlation with experimental data. These experiments may help to explain why in vivo many CaM drugs target prefer only a subset of the Ca2+–CaM regulated proteins and adds to the understanding of molecular interactions between protein complexes and small ligands. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are involved in diverse functions in a cell. To optimize functional roles of interactions, proteins interact with a spectrum of binding affinities. Interactions are conventionally classified into permanent and transient, where the former denotes tight binding between proteins that result in strong complexes, whereas the latter compose of relatively weak interactions that can dissociate after binding to regulate functional activity at specific time point. Knowing the type of interactions has significant implications for understanding the nature and function of PPIs. In this study, we constructed amino acid substitution models that capture mutation patterns at permanent and transient type of protein interfaces, which were found to be different with statistical significance. Using the substitution models, we developed a novel computational method that predicts permanent and transient protein binding interfaces (PBIs) in protein surfaces. Without knowledge of the interacting partner, the method uses a single query protein structure and a multiple sequence alignment of the sequence family. Using a large dataset of permanent and transient proteins, we show that our method, BindML+, performs very well in protein interface classification. A very high area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.957 was observed when predicted protein binding sites were classified. Remarkably, near prefect accuracy was achieved with an AUC of 0.991 when actual binding sites were classified. The developed method will be also useful for protein design of permanent and transient PBIs. © Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the great interest in identifying protein–protein interactions (PPIs) in biological systems, only a few attempts have been made at large‐scale PPI screening in planta. Unlike biochemical assays, bimolecular fluorescence complementation allows visualization of transient and weak PPIs in vivo at subcellular resolution. However, when the non‐fluorescent fragments are highly expressed, spontaneous and irreversible self‐assembly of the split halves can easily generate false positives. The recently developed tripartite split‐GFP system was shown to be a reliable PPI reporter in mammalian and yeast cells. In this study, we adapted this methodology, in combination with the β‐estradiol‐inducible expression cassette, for the detection of membrane PPIs in planta. Using a transient expression assay by agroinfiltration of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves, we demonstrate the utility of the tripartite split‐GFP association in plant cells and affirm that the tripartite split‐GFP system yields no spurious background signal even with abundant fusion proteins readily accessible to the compartments of interaction. By validating a few of the Arabidopsis PPIs, including the membrane PPIs implicated in phosphate homeostasis, we proved the fidelity of this assay for detection of PPIs in various cellular compartments in planta. Moreover, the technique combining the tripartite split‐GFP association and dual‐intein‐mediated cleavage of polyprotein precursor is feasible in stably transformed Arabidopsis plants. Our results provide a proof‐of‐concept implementation of the tripartite split‐GFP system as a potential tool for membrane PPI screens in planta.  相似文献   

Qian Wang  Luhua Lai 《Proteins》2014,82(10):2472-2482
Target structure‐based virtual screening, which employs protein‐small molecule docking to identify potential ligands, has been widely used in small‐molecule drug discovery. In the present study, we used a protein–protein docking program to identify proteins that bind to a specific target protein. In the testing phase, an all‐to‐all protein–protein docking run on a large dataset was performed. The three‐dimensional rigid docking program SDOCK was used to examine protein–protein docking on all protein pairs in the dataset. Both the binding affinity and features of the binding energy landscape were considered in the scoring function in order to distinguish positive binding pairs from negative binding pairs. Thus, the lowest docking score, the average Z‐score, and convergency of the low‐score solutions were incorporated in the analysis. The hybrid scoring function was optimized in the all‐to‐all docking test. The docking method and the hybrid scoring function were then used to screen for proteins that bind to tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNFα), which is a well‐known therapeutic target for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. A protein library containing 677 proteins was used for the screen. Proteins with scores among the top 20% were further examined. Sixteen proteins from the top‐ranking 67 proteins were selected for experimental study. Two of these proteins showed significant binding to TNFα in an in vitro binding study. The results of the present study demonstrate the power and potential application of protein–protein docking for the discovery of novel binding proteins for specific protein targets. Proteins 2014; 82:2472–2482. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years, protein methylation has been established as a major intracellular PTM. It has also been proposed to modulate protein‐protein interactions (PPIs) in the interactome. To investigate the effect of PTMs on PPIs, we recently developed the conditional two‐hybrid (C2H) system. With this, we demonstrated that arginine methylation can modulate PPIs in the yeast interactome. Here, we used the C2H system to investigate the effect of lysine methylation. Specifically, we asked whether Ctm1p‐mediated trimethylation of yeast cytochrome c Cyc1p, on lysine 78, modulates its interactions with Erv1p, Ccp1p, Cyc2p and Cyc3p. We show that the interactions between Cyc1p and Erv1p, and between Cyc1p and Cyc3p, are significantly increased upon trimethylation of lysine 78. This increase of interaction helps explain the reported facilitation of Cyc1p import into the mitochondrial intermembrane space upon methylation. This first application of the C2H system to the study of methyllysine‐modulated interactions further confirms its robustness and flexibility.  相似文献   

Hafumi Nishi  Motonori Ota 《Proteins》2010,78(6):1563-1574
Despite similarities in their sequence and structure, there are a number of homologous proteins that adopt various oligomeric states. Comparisons of these homologous protein pairs, in terms of residue substitutions at the protein–protein interfaces, have provided fundamental characteristics that describe how proteins interact with each other. We have prepared a dataset composed of pairs of related proteins with different homo‐oligomeric states. Using the protein complexes, the interface residues were identified, and using structural alignments, the shadow‐interface residues have been defined as the surface residues that align with the interface residues. Subsequently, we investigated residue substitutions between the interfaces and the shadow interfaces. Based on the degree of the contributions to the interactions, the aligned sites of the interfaces and shadow interfaces were divided into primary and secondary sites; the primary sites are the focus of this work. The primary sites were further classified into two groups (i.e. exposed and buried) based on the degree to which the residue is buried within the shadow interfaces. Using these classifications, two simple mechanisms that mediate the oligomeric states were identified. In the primary‐exposed sites, the residues on the shadow interfaces are replaced by more hydrophobic or aromatic residues, which are physicochemically favored at protein–protein interfaces. In the primary‐buried sites, the residues on the shadow interfaces are replaced by larger residues that protrude into other proteins. These simple rules are satisfied in 23 out of 25 Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) families with a different‐oligomeric‐state pair, and thus represent a basic strategy for modulating protein associations and dissociations. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

High‐throughput binary protein interaction mapping is continuing to extend our understanding of cellular function and disease mechanisms. However, we remain one or two orders of magnitude away from a complete interaction map for humans and other major model organisms. Completion will require screening at substantially larger scales with many complementary assays, requiring further efficiency gains in proteome‐scale interaction mapping. Here, we report Barcode Fusion Genetics‐Yeast Two‐Hybrid (BFG‐Y2H), by which a full matrix of protein pairs can be screened in a single multiplexed strain pool. BFG‐Y2H uses Cre recombination to fuse DNA barcodes from distinct plasmids, generating chimeric protein‐pair barcodes that can be quantified via next‐generation sequencing. We applied BFG‐Y2H to four different matrices ranging in scale from ~25 K to 2.5 M protein pairs. The results show that BFG‐Y2H increases the efficiency of protein matrix screening, with quality that is on par with state‐of‐the‐art Y2H methods.  相似文献   

As protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are involved in many cellular events, development of mammalian cytosolic PPI detection systems is important for drug discovery as well as understanding biological phenomena. We have previously reported a c-kit-based PPI screening (KIPPIS) system, in which proteins of interest were fused with a receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit, leading to intracellular PPI-dependent cell growth. However, it has not been investigated whether PPI can be detected using other receptors. In this study, we employed a thrombopoietin receptor, which belongs to the Type I cytokine receptor family, to develop a thrombopoietin receptor-based PPI screening (THROPPIS) system. To improve the sensitivity of THROPPIS, we examined two strategies of (i) localization of the chimeric receptors on the cell membrane, and (ii) addition of a helper module to the chimeric receptors. Intriguingly, the nonlocalized chimeric receptor showed the best performance of THROPPIS. Furthermore, the addition of the helper module dramatically improved the detection sensitivity. In total, 5 peptide–domain interactions were detected successfully, demonstrating the versatility of THROPPIS. In addition, a peptide–domain interaction was detected even when insulin receptor or epidermal growth factor receptor was used as a signaling domain, demonstrating that this PPI detection system can be extended to other receptors.  相似文献   

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