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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - MeBglD2, a β-glycosidase that is highly activated in the presence of various monosaccharides and disaccharides, was isolated from a soil metagenomic...  相似文献   

Gibbons have experienced extensive karyotype rearrangements during evolution and represent an ideal model for studying the underlying molecular mechanism of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements. It is anticipated that the cloning and sequence characterization of evolutionary chromosomal breakpoints will provide vital insights into the molecular force that has driven such a radical karyotype reshuffle in gibbons. We constructed and characterized a high-quality fosmid li- brary of the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) containing 192,000 non- redundant clones with an average insert size of 38 kb and 2.5-fold genome coverage. By end sequencing of 100 randomly selected fosmid clones, we generated 196 se- quence tags for the library. These end-sequenced fosmid clones were then mapped onto the chromosomes of the white-cheeked gibbon by fluorescence in situ hy- bridization, and no spurious chimeric clone was detected. BLAST search against the human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the number of chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribu- tion of the fosmid library. The chromosomal distribution of the mapped clones is also consistent with the BLAST search result against human and white-cheeked gibbon genomes. The fosmid library and the mapped clones will serve as a valu- able resource for further studying gibbons' chromosomal rearrangements and the underlying molecular mechanism as well as for comparative genomic study in the lesser apes.  相似文献   

Chiral β-amino acids occur as constituents of various natural and synthetic compounds with potentially useful bioactivities. The pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent S-selective transaminase from Mesorhizobium sp. strain LUK (MesAT) is a fold type I aminotransferase that can be used for the preparation of enantiopure β-Phe and derivatives thereof. Using x-ray crystallography, we solved structures of MesAT in complex with (S)-β-Phe, (R)-3-amino-5-methylhexanoic acid, 2-oxoglutarate, and the inhibitor 2-aminooxyacetic acid, which allowed us to unveil the molecular basis of the amino acid specificity and enantioselectivity of this enzyme. The binding pocket of the side chain of a β-amino acid is located on the 3'-oxygen side of the PLP cofactor. The same binding pocket is utilized by MesAT to bind the α-carboxylate group of an α-amino acid. A β-amino acid thus binds in a reverse orientation in the active site of MesAT compared with an α-amino acid. Such a binding mode has not been reported before for any PLP-dependent aminotransferase and shows that the active site of MesAT has specifically evolved to accommodate both β- and α-amino acids.  相似文献   

A glucanase was isolated from a culture fluid of an Arthrobacter bacterium. The purified enzyme preparations consisted of the glucanase components having the same enzymatic activity. The enzyme was stable in a broad pH range, but lost its activity rapidly at above 60°C. Optimum pH values were found to be 5.5~6.5.

The glucanase attacked the following glucan preparations and liberated a relatively small amount of reducing power: Saccharomyces cerevisiae glucan, Candida albicans glucan, Saccharomyces fragilis glucan, pachyman, curdlan and laminaran. The most prominent sugar spot on the chromatogram of the digest from yeast glucan was identified with laminan-pentaose, and the other faint spots with a series of laminaridextrins. The β-1,6 glucosidic bonds in yeast glucan were not hydrolyzed and concentrated in a soluble fraction which was found near the origin of the chromatogram.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites, their symbiotic fungi, and microbiota inhibiting their intestinal tract comprise a highly efficient cellulose-hydrolyzing system; however, little is known about the role of gut microbiota in this system. Twelve fosmid clones with β-glucosidase activity were previously obtained by functionally screening a metagenomic library of a fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes annandalei. Ten contigs containing putative β-glucosidase genes (bgl110) were assembled by sequencing data of these fosmid clones. All these contigs were binned to Bacteroidetes, and all these β-glucosidase genes were phylogenetically closed to those from Bacteroides or Dysgonomonas. Six out of 10 β-glucosidase genes had predicted signal peptides, indicating a transmembrane capability of these enzymes to mediate cellulose hydrolysis within the gut of the termites. To confirm the activities of these β-glucosidase genes, three genes (bgl5, bgl7, and bgl9) were successfully expressed and purified. The optimal temperature and pH of these enzymes largely resembled the environment of the host’s gut. The gut microbiota composition of the fungus-growing termite was also determined by 454 pyrosequencing, showing that Bacteroidetes was the most dominant phylum. The diversity and the enzyme properties of β-glucosidases revealed in this study suggested that Bacteroidetes as the major member in fungus-growing termites contributed to cello-oligomer degradation in cellulose-hydrolyzing process and represented a rich source for β-glucosidase genes.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed end characterized from the pulp of Cera Care navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) at different stages of ripening. Tittering results revealed that approximately 5.086×10^5 independent clones were included in this library. Electrophoresls gel results of 15 randomly selected clones revealed that the size of the insertion fragments ranged from 400 bp to 2 kb, with an average size of 900 bp. Sequencing results of 150 randomly picked clones showed that the recombination rate was 94%. During subsequent sequence analysis, 41 of 139 clones failed to be identified end the amino sequence of 71 clones shared less than 30% identity with related plants in GenBank. Of 27 clones whose amino sequences shared more than 60% identity with other related plants in GenBenk, 17 clones showed an 80% identity with the corresponding candidate genes of citrus. The clone recognized as the type Ⅲ metallothlonein-llke (MT) gene was observed to occur 13 tlmes, Indlcatlng that the protein may play an important role In frult development and rlpenlng.  相似文献   

The carboxysome is a bacterial organelle found in all cyanobacteria; it encapsulates CO2 fixation enzymes within a protein shell. The most abundant carboxysome shell protein contains a single bacterial microcompartment (BMC) domain. We present in vivo evidence that a hypothetical protein (dubbed CcmP) encoded in all β-cyanobacterial genomes is part of the carboxysome. We show that CcmP is a tandem BMC domain protein, the first to be structurally characterized from a β-carboxysome. CcmP forms a dimer of tightly stacked trimers, resulting in a nanocompartment-containing shell protein that may weakly bind 3-phosphoglycerate, the product of CO2 fixation. The trimers have a large central pore through which metabolites presumably pass into the carboxysome. Conserved residues surrounding the pore have alternate side-chain conformations suggesting that it can be open or closed. Furthermore, CcmP and its orthologs in α-cyanobacterial genomes form a distinct clade of shell proteins. Members of this subgroup are also found in numerous heterotrophic BMC-associated gene clusters encoding functionally diverse bacterial organelles, suggesting that the potential to form a nanocompartment within a microcompartment shell is widespread. Given that carboxysomes and architecturally related bacterial organelles are the subject of intense interest for applications in synthetic biology/metabolic engineering, our results describe a new type of building block with which to functionalize BMC shells.  相似文献   

A protein with an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa that cross-reacts with barley glucanase antiserum was detected in healthy leaves of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). When sorghum leaves were infected with Exserohilum turcicum, the causal agent of leaf blight, the 30-kDa glucanase was substantially induced. The 30-kDa glucanase was partially purified from sorghum leaves using ammonium sulfate fractionation and anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-sephacel. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 30-kDa glucanase shows homology to glucanases of maize, barley, bean, soybean, tobacco and pea. The purified 30-kDa glucanase showed antifungal activity against Trichoderma viride.  相似文献   

Xue Y  Shao W 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(19):1511-1515
A thermostable beta-xylosidase from a hyperthermophilic bacterium, Thermotoga maritima, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli using the T7 polymerase expression system. The expressed beta-xylosidase was purified in two steps, heat treatment and immobilized metal affinity chromatography, and gave a single band on SDS-PAGE. The maximum activity on p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xylopyranoside was at 90 degrees C and pH 6.1. The purified enzyme had a half-life of over 22-min at 95 degrees C, and retained over 57% of its activity after holding a pH ranging from 5.4 to 8.5 for 1 h at 80 degrees C. Among all tested substrates, the purified enzyme had specific activities of 275, 50 and 29 U mg(-1) on pNPX, pNPAF, and pNPG, respectively. The apparent Michaelis constant of the beta-xylosidase was 0.13 mM for p NPX with a V (max) of 280 U mg(-1). When the purified beta-xylosidase was added to xylanase, corncob xylan was hydrolized completely to xylose.  相似文献   

A metagenomic library was constructed from microorganisms associated with the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum. Functional screening of this library revealed 13 novel putative esterase loci and two glycoside hydrolase loci. Sequence and gene cluster analysis showed the wide diversity of the identified enzymes and gave an idea of the microbial populations present during the sample collection period. Lastly, an endo-β-1,4-glucanase having less than 50% identity to sequences of known cellulases was purified and partially characterized, showing activity at low temperature and after prolonged incubation in concentrated salt solutions.  相似文献   

An endo β-1, 3-glucanase which is able to disrupt the cells of living yeast has been purified in homogeneous state from the culture filtrate of Flavobacterium dormitator var. glucanolyticae. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 17,000 ~ 22,000. The mode of enzyme action has been suggested to be a “random” type of β-1, 3-glucanase. The enzyme preferes larger chains saccharides as substrate for its action, however, smaller oligosaccharides such as laminaritriose and laminaribiose are also decomposed by the enzyme. The Km values of the enzyme for laminarin, laminarihexaose, and laminaritetraose were determined to be 0.26, 1.18, and 2.00 g/liter, respectively. The ability of this enzyme to disrupt the cells of living yeast is its remarkable point, since endo β-1, 3-glucanase of a smaller oligosaccharide-producing type from most sources has been recognized to be inactive (or very weakly active) on living yeast cells.  相似文献   

-Glucosidase and -xylosidase production by a yeastlike Aureobasidium sp. was carried out during solid-state and submerged fermentation using different carbon sources and crude enzymes were characterized. -Glucosidase and -xylosidase exhibited optimum activities at pH 2.0–2.5 and 3.0, respectively. These enzymes had the maximum activities at 65°C and were stable in a wide pH range and at high temperatures.  相似文献   

An endo β-l,3-glucanase was purified in crystalline form from a culture filtrate of Rhizopus chinensis R-69. Molecular weight of the enzyme was determined to be 23,000 by molecular sieve chromatography and the mode of action of the enzyme was suggested to be a less random type of β-1,3-glucanase. Km and Vmax of the enzyme for laminarin are 3.4 g/liter and 1541. U., respectively. The enzyme does not decompose the cell walls of living yeast; it decomposes, however, the preparation of yeast glucan.  相似文献   

Salecan, a linear extracellular polysaccharide consisting of β-1,3-D-glucan, has potential applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of salecan on soil microbial communities in a vegetable patch. Compositional shifts in the genetic structure of indigenous soil bacterial and fungal communities were monitored using culture-dependent dilution plating, culture-independent PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and quantitative PCR. After 60 days, soil microorganism counts showed no significant variation in bacterial density and a marked decrease in the numbers of fungi. The DGGE profiles revealed that salecan changed the composition of the microbial community in soil by increasing the amount of Bacillus strains and decreasing the amount of Fusarium strains. Quantitative PCR confirmed that the populations of the soil-borne fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Trichoderma spp. were decreased approximately 6- and 2-fold, respectively, in soil containing salecan. This decrease in the amount of fungi can be explained by salecan inducing an increase in the activities of β-1,3-glucanase in the soil. These results suggest the promising application of salecan for biological control of pathogens of soil-borne fungi.  相似文献   

β-defensin peptides are a family of antimicrobial peptides present at mucosal surfaces, with the main site of expression under normal conditions in the male reproductive tract. Although they kill microbes in vitro and interact with immune cells, the precise role of these genes in vivo remains uncertain. We show here that homozygous deletion of a cluster of nine β-defensin genes (DefbΔ9) in the mouse results in male sterility. The sperm derived from the mutants have reduced motility and increased fragility. Epididymal sperm isolated from the cauda should require capacitation to induce the acrosome reaction but sperm from the mutants demonstrate precocious capacitation and increased spontaneous acrosome reaction compared to wild-types but have reduced ability to bind the zona pellucida of oocytes. Ultrastructural examination reveals a defect in microtubule structure of the axoneme with increased disintegration in mutant derived sperm present in the epididymis cauda region, but not in caput region or testes. Consistent with premature acrosome reaction, sperm from mutant animals have significantly increased intracellular calcium content. Thus we demonstrate in vivo that β-defensins are essential for successful sperm maturation, and their disruption leads to alteration in intracellular calcium, inappropriate spontaneous acrosome reaction and profound male infertility.  相似文献   

An endo β-1,6-glucanase (β-1,6-glucan glucanohydrolase, E, C. 3. 2. 1.) has been purified from the culture filtrate of a strain resembling Rhizopus chinensis in homogeneous form. The procedures involved ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by column chromatography of DEAE-cellulose, CM-Sephadex C–50 and BioGel P–60.

Various physicochemical and chemical characteristics of the enzyme have been made clear, including complete amino acid composition. Optimum pH, optimum temperature, apparent activation energy for activity, Km and Vmax are 5.5~6.0, 60°C, 4.39 Cal per mole, 9.39×10?3m glucose equivalents (0.169%) and 43.13 International Units, respectively. The enzyme required no metal ions for its activity, and it hydrolyzed β-1,6-glucan larger than gentiotetraose, forming gentiobiose and gentiotriose as main products.  相似文献   

The β-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (β-IPMDH) gene of Acetobacter aceti No. 1023, which complemented the leuB mutation of Escherichia coli, was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Plasmids pCAL1 and pCAL4, carrying a 5.44 kilobase pairs (kb) HindIII-fragment in the opposite orientation, conferred the same β-IPMDH activity as that of the wild type strain of E. coli. Restriction mapping and deletion analysis indicated that the β-IPMDH gene was located on a 1.65 kb AatII-HindIII fragment. Plasmids pMVL1 and pMVL2, composing the cloned β-IPMDH gene and plasmid pMV102, a plasmid indigenous to Acetobacter, were constructed as plasmid cloning vectors which allow selection of leu+ transformants in an A. aceti leu- host. The A. aceti leu- host was obtained through the insertional inactivation occurring as a result of homologous recombination between the chromosome of A. aceti and the cloned β-IPMDH gene, which was disrupted by insertion of the kanamycin resistance gene from pACYC177 into the BamHI site in the AatII-HindIII fragment. This system constitutes a relatively simple technique for gene disruption or replacement in Acetobacter that requires a single transformation.  相似文献   

The basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium produces several β-1,3-glucanases when grown on laminarin, a β-1,3/1,6-glucan, as the sole carbon source. To characterize one of the major unknown β-1, 3-glucanases with a molecular mass of 83 kDa, identification, cloning, and heterologous over-expression were carried out using the total genomic information of P. chrysosporium. The cDNA encoding this enzyme included an ORF of 2337 bp and the deduced amino acid sequence contains a predicted signal peptide of 26 amino acids and the mature protein of 752 amino acids. The amino acid sequence showed a significant similarity with glycoside hydrolase family 55 enzymes from filamentous fungi and was named Lam55A. Since the recombinant Lam55A expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris degraded branched β-1,3/1,6-glucan as well as linear β-1,3-glucan, the kinetic features of the enzyme were compared with those of other β-1,3-glucanases.  相似文献   

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