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In the seagrassPhyllospadix scouleri (Zosteraceae) floral aggregates (spadices) occur on short lateral axes produced by subordinate vegetative shoots. The filamentous pollen is both dispersed on the surface of the sea as well as below the surface. In surface pollination, snowflake-like search vehicles (pollen rafts) float and collide with any rigid female inflorescences that emerge from the water surface. In submarine pollination, collinear bundles of pollen grains are dispersed. Analysis of seed set indicates ovule position within the inflorescence to affect likelihood of fertilization in submarine, but not surface-pollinated inflorescences. Agamospermy appears to be unlikely, but the strongly female-biased shoot sex ratio remains to be explained.  相似文献   

Ixianthes retzioides is a rare South African shrub with large yellow oil-secreting flowers. Populations studied previously revealed low levels of reproductive success and the absence of a specialized oil-collecting pollinator. We report the discovery of a population in which the predicted specialist pollinator,Rediviva gigas, is present. The presence of this oil-collecting bee resulted in a mean fruit set per plant of 97.2 ± 8.3% (N = 9) and a mean seed set of 331.6 ± 162.6 (N = 52). This represents a 7.4-fold increase in fruit set and a 7.8-fold increase in seed set over a previously studied population lacking the specialist pollinator. The contrast between populations with and without the specialist pollinator dramatically illustrates the potential benefits and costs of specialization for pollination, respectively.  相似文献   

Field observations on pollination in New World species of the genusSarcostemma R. Br. sensuHolm are reported. Morphological and anatomical comparisons of pollinated flowers ofSarcostemma subg.Ceramanthus Kuntze (New World) andSarcostemma subg.Sarcostemma (Old World) are presented.  相似文献   

A guild of 20 late spring- and early summer-flowering species ofIridaceae, Geraniaceae andOrchidaceae is pollinated partly or exclusively by the long-proboscid flyMoegistorhynchus longirostris (Nemestrinidae). This large-bodied fly, active in late spring and early summer, has mouthparts 40–70 (90) mm long and forages for nectar from a variety of species. These plants share a suite of convergent floral features including a straight or weakly curved floral tube usually 50–70 mm long but sometimes to 90 mm, relatively short petals or tepal lobes coloured white, cream or salmon with reddish nectar guides, and often violet or red anthers and pollen. Flowers of most species with these characteristics are zygomorphic with the stamens either arcuate (mostIridaceae) or declinate (Geraniaceae and someIridaceae). The flowers are odourless and typically secrete large amounts of nectar of relatively constant sugar concentration, mostly 24–29%, with a high sucrose:hexose ratio. Guild members utilize five separate sites of pollen deposition on the body of the fly, typically utilizing different deposition sites when two or more co-occur, indicating strong selection to aviod pollen contamination.M. longirostris is restricted to the west coast of southern Africa and at least 8 species appear to depend exclusively on the insect for pollination. The remaining species in the guild are pollinated by one or both of the long-proboscid fliesPhiloliche gulosa andP. rostrata (Tabanidae) over other parts of their range. Species and races pollinated entirely byM. longirostris have longer floral tubes which makes nectar unavailable to other insects, including other species of long-proboscid fly. The only insect with mouthparts long enough to forage effectively on these long-tubed flowers isM. longirostris and this fly must be considered a keystone species in the ecosystems in which it occurs.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

解季明  丁新颖  张宇杰  汪正祥  戴璨 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5446-5453
人工授粉作为一项关键性技术在生态研究与农业生产领域广泛应用,但是授粉过程中的工具有效性以及花粉保存尚未受到研究者的关注。以植物野慈姑为试验材料,研究了人工授粉方式和花粉保存条件对繁殖的影响。两年的结果表明,相较于直接接触式授粉,借助毛刷工具授粉显著降低了野慈姑的座果概率和种子数。花粉经过半小时野外高温保存后,其授粉的座果概率显著高于对照组,但单果种子数和种子大小保持稳定。综上,在野慈姑的人工授粉中应避免使用毛刷等工具,离体花粉可置于野外环境适当保存。在相关应用中,研究人员应当警惕工具授粉造成的负面影响,注意比较工具与其他授粉方式的等效性,保证实验的科学性。  相似文献   

The subfamilyPhytelephantoideae comprises three genera (Ammandra, Aphandra, andPhytelephas) and seven species of dioecious palms. The floral scents ofAmmandra dasyneura, A. decasperma, Aphandra natalia, Phytelephas aequatorialis, P. macrocarpa, andP. seemannii were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We studied the pollination biology ofA. natalia, P. aequatorialis, andP. macrocarpa, and tested how the synthetically produced main constituents of the floral scents ofAphandra andPhytelephas attracted insects in two natural populations ofPhytelephas. The genera are distinct in terms of floral scents.Ammandra has sesquiterpenes,Aphandra (+)-2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, andPhytelephas p-methyl anisol. These constituents dominated the scents quantitatively and qualitatively. The similarity between scents of male and female inflorescences was 76.5% inAmmandra, 84.2% inAphandra, and >99% inPhytelephas. Different species ofAleocharinae (Staphylinidae) pollinateAphandra natalia andPhytelephas species and reproduce in their male inflorescences.Derelomini (Curculinoidae) andMystrops (Nitidulidae) only visit and pollinatePhytelephas in which male inflorescences they reproduce. A species ofBaridinae (Curculionidae) only visits and pollinatesAphandra natalia, and reproduces in its female inflorescence. The apparent reliance on one or a few floral scent constituents as attractants and few and specific pollinators may indicate co-evolution. Sympatric species ofPhytelephantoideae have different scents. We suggest that species with similar scents have allopatric distributions due to the absence of a pollinator isolation mechanism.  相似文献   

Anthecological observations of an orchidBletilla striata were carried out in Kobe, Japan. The purplish pink flowers were visited by 26 species of insects belonging to Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera, although the flower did not offer food rewards of any kind. Candidates for pollination were seven species of aculeate Hymenoptera with a body size that well fitted the space in between the column and labellum. The most effective candidate was the male of the longhorn beeTetralonia nipponensis, judging from its abundance and legitimate intrafloral behavior. The female ofT. nipponensis and the other six species also contributed to promote out-crossing, but to a lesser extent than the maleT. nipponensis, since they occasionally exhibited illegitimate intrafloral behaviors for pollination and also, their flower visitation rate was lower.  相似文献   

Vegetative and floral features ofCajophora coronata (Loasaceae) suggest adaptations to pollination by rodents: (1) mammal guard represented by a covering of stinging hairs; (2) geoflory; (3) white corolla; (4) open flowers with copious low concentration nectar; (5) abundant pollen; (6) maximum pollen and nectar presentation in the afternoon hours and in the night. Palynological analysis revealed pollen loads ofC. coronata on the nostrils and whiskers of captured rodents (Graomys griseoflavus, fam.Muridae). Pollen and anther remains were also found in faeces sampled in the surroundings. Additional evidence includes rodent footprints obtained by placing smoked plates beneath the flowers, which revealed flower visitation during the night. These observations are to our knowledge the first evidence of flower visitation by rodents in South America and the first in the New World outside the range of flower bats and bat flowers.  相似文献   

Further evidence for a specialized plant-pollinator relationship in the weevil pollinatedCarludovicoideae (Cyclanthaceae) is presented, with emphasis on the previously uninvestigated genusSphaeradenia. Weevils use the carludovicoid inflorescence for feeding, shelter, mating, and oviposition, the last-mentioned activity in the usually caducous staminate flowers. While visiting the inflorescence, they effect pollination. Adaptations, advantages, and consequences for this sophisticated system, both of the plants and pollinators, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sporogeneses and gametogeneses inCordia sebestena are described. Anther wall develops according to the Dicotyledonous type. Pollen grains are three-celled at the time of dehiscence. The occurrence of enlarged, precociously developing, densely cytoplasmic cells toward the proximal end of the anther and between adjacent pollen sacs is a unique feature in this species. The possible functions of these cells are discussed. A placental obturator develops simultaneously with the ovules. The dual origin of parietal tissue (from nucellar epidermis and the archesporial initial) is an unusual feature in this species. Megagametophyte development is monosporic or (occasionally) bisporic. Megaspore tetrads are linear or T-shaped. Double dyads and tetrads are frequently observed.—Maintainance of subfamily status forCordioideae is supported.  相似文献   

Four types of floral breeding systems—(i) chasmogamy, (ii) aerial pseudocleistogamy, (iii) subterranean pseudocleistogamy and (iv) obligate subterranean true cleistogamy—are observed in the populations ofVigna minima inhabiting the Western Ghats (India). Five categories of phenotypes are recognized based on the number and kinds of floral breeding systems found in a given individual. The frequencies of different categories of phenotypes not only show intra- and interpopulation variation, but also fluctuate from generation to generation suggesting differences in the genetic structure of populations. This polymorphism in the breeding system of a single species is unique and may be adaptive. Obligate subterranean true cleistogamy and amphicarpy appear to be adaptations to jungle fires and soil erosion.—The flowers are of the flag-blossom type and insect visitors act as tripping agents. The tripping mechanism together with the polymorphic floral breeding system result in a balanced mixture of selfing and outcrossing. Such a recombination system may enhance the fitness ofV. minima which is essentially a colonizing species.  相似文献   

Dynastid scarab beetle pollination appears basic within the genusAnnona. Those species ofAnnona which are more morphologically derived, as well as allRollinia spp. possess reduced floral chambers and attract small beetles likeNitidulidae orStaphylinidae. Pollination of the primitive species ofAnnona byDynastinae would imply that the genus had not evolved before the Tertiary. The fossil record is in congruence with this hypothesis. Once again it is stressed that the cantharophilous syndrome, as it is found in theAnnonaceae, Magnoliaceae, Eupomatiaceae andCalycanthaceae, with beetles being exclusive pollinators, is a secondary and derived condition and obviously different from the expected basic entomophily of the original angiosperms.  相似文献   

The peacock moraeas are South African geophytes withIris-like flowers that are characterized by broad outer tepals with iridescent spots. Three of the seven species were studied and found to be exclusively visited and pollinated by beetles. The primary pollinators were hopliine (Scarabaeidae) beetles in the generaPeritrichia, Monochelus, Anisonyx andAnisochelus. These beetles visit flowers for nectar, pollen and mating.Peritrichia rufotibialis was the primary pollinator ofMoraea villosa, P. abdominalis was the primary pollinator ofM. tulbaghensis, whileMonochelus sp. nov. was the primary pollinator of the third species,M. neopavonia. High levels of fruit set attest to the effectiveness of these beetles as pollinators. Average fruit set ranged from 83.5 ± 34.8% (M. villosa) to 97.2 ± 11.6% (M. tulbaghensis). Average seed set in the various populations was more variable, but was also quite high, ranging from 77.3 ± 40.8 (M. villosa) to 342.2 ± 115.0 (M. neopavonia) seeds per capsule. Although hopliine beetles are abundant and diverse in southern Africa and commonly visit flowers, this is the first well-documented report of pollination by these beetles.  相似文献   

In Peruvian Amazonia pollination ecology of two palms, Chamaedorea pinnatifrons (Jacq.) Oerst. and Wendlandiella sp. was studied from October 1988 to January 1990. Both palms are dioecious understory species that form locally dense populations.In C. pinnatifrons both sexes flower synchronously during the dry season. Prior to anthesis, the pendulous male inflorescence is inhabited by numerous thrips (Thysanoptera) and Ptiliidae (Coleoptera). Staminate flowers open by a small basal slit between the petals. At anthesis pollen is shed and the movements of the insects inside the flowers trigger pollen release in small clouds. Thus, the powdery pollen becomes airborne and finally air currents act as a vector, carrying pollen to the inconspicuous female plants, which usually are not visited by insects. The term insect induced wind pollination is suggested for this pollination mode. Wendlandiella flowers during four months in the dry season. Male and female plants were not visited by insects. The dry condition of the pollen indicates that anemophily is the pollination mode in Wendlandiella. Fructification is rare but the plants show intense vegetative propagation.The significance of anemophily in the tropical lowland rain forest is discussed.  相似文献   

Leporella fimbriata is a self compatible orchid of southern Australia. It is dependant across its range on unique pollination by sexually attracted male winged antsMyrmecia urens, which pseudocopulate with the flower. Typical pollination sequences began with an initial circling then zig-zag flight to the flower. Vectors usually alighted on the inflorescence stem and quickly crawled to the flower where they adopted a copulatory position sideways along the wide labellum, pseudocopulatory probing immediately followed. In this position pollen carried on the thorax was deposited on the stigma. Departure from the labellum usually resulted in pollinium removal. Pollinator movements were restricted and the distribution leptokurtic with a mean of 3.141 ± 4.59 m. Pollination was widespread but variable from site to site and season to season with a maximum of 70% of all flowers being pollinated. Pollinator limitation is indicated. Traits essential for this pollination interaction include the coincidence of orchid and ant geographic distributions and the coincidence of flowering with the flight period of the ant. The production of pheromonelike substances and the distinctive floral morphology are also essential for attraction and manipulation of male ants. The ant mating system which the orchid can exploit is also important.  相似文献   

The importance of ants for pollination in the dioeciousBorderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae), a Tertiary palaeoendemic plant of the Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula) was studied. The frequency of different visitors (ants, lady beetles, andDiptera) to staminate and pistillate flowers was quantified, and their effectiveness as pollinators was examined by means of fruit and seed set in selective experimental exclusions. Although ants were less abundant on flowers than other visitors, they were the most effective pollinators. Some qualitative factors of this mutualistic ant-plant interaction may account for their effectiveness: the small size of the ants, their high visitation rate to pistillate flowers, and the lack of reduction in viability of the pollen transported on the integument. In addition, the sedentary nature of ants assures their presence during the flowering period. The most abundant floral visitors ofB. pyrenaica were therefore not the most effective pollinators.  相似文献   

The primary pollinator of Polynesian heliconias,Heliconia laufao andH. paka, is the Wattled Honeyeater,Foulehaio carunculata. This report is the first documentation of pollination by honeyeaters in the genusHeliconia and the first record ofF. carunculata as a pollinator of a plant species. The Polynesian heliconias bear inflorescences that produce 2–4 hermaphroditic flowers per day for a period of 2–3 months. Each flower secretes abundant nectar (125–184 l) with low sugar concentration (15–18% sucrose-equivalents, weight per weight basis) which is available at anthesis just before dawn. Ninety percent of flower visits occur between anthesis and mid-morning. The honeyeaters perch on inflorescence bracts, and probing of the flower results in pollen deposition on the head and bill from where pollen is transferred between flowers. No statements on compatibility can be made forHeliconia paka; however,Heliconia laufao appears to be self-compatible. Calculations of energetic values of nectar of the Polynesian heliconias and Daily Energy Expenditures ofF. carunculata suggest that populations ofH. laufao andH. paka serve as rich energy resources for their pollinators.  相似文献   

Hummingbird pollination is documented for a natural population ofStenorrhynchos lanceolatus Aublet. L. C. Rich. occurring in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. At the study site the plants are pollinated byPhaethornis eurynome (Phaethorninae),Thalurania glaucopis (females only) andLeucochloris albicollis (Trochilinae). The plants offer nectar as a reward and the pollinaria become stuck to the surface of the hummingbird's bill while it is probing the flowers. The orchid population received a few (0–4) hummingbird visits per day, with about 83% of the flowers being pollinated. In spite of the low frequency of visits, the granular structure of the pollinarium plus the behaviour of the most frequent pollinators, which tend to visit all the fresh-looking flowers of each inflorescence, a very high fruiting success was promoted. Experimental evidence suggests that the pollinaria may remain up to 6.30 hours on the hummingbird's bill, enhancing the chances of cross-pollination and long-distance pollen flow.  相似文献   

Dynastid scarab beetles are the main or exclusive pollinators ofAnnona spp. with large flowers and wide floral chambers. These nocturnal beetles are attracted by the characteristic odours which are caused by measurable temperature elevation of the flowers up to 10°C or even 15°C above the ambient air temperature. TheAnnona spp. investigated showed different floral rhythms varying from one to three days. The elaborate and wellcoordinated flowering processes, along with floral heating and olfactorial attraction of the night-activeCyclocephala spp., result in a very precise and effective pollination. The floral chamber provides alimentation for the beetles in the form of nutritious food-tissues and pollen and offers a mating place and a well developed shelter against predation and environmental changes. A staggered flowering period and an alternative attraction of different beetle species seems to be more a device for diminishing competition between the cooccurringAnnona spp. than a hybridization barrier.  相似文献   

The reproductive structures ofDeplanchea tetraphylla (Bignoniaceae) exhibit a significant number of unusual features: inflorescence with an apical platform; flowers yellow, short-tubed, strongly zygomorphic; mouth closed through lateral compression; stamens and style long-exserted, erect or slightly reclined; nectar dark brown, exposed in the spoon-shaped lowermost corolla lobe and apparently acting also as a visual cue. These features suggest a highly elaborate syndrome for bird pollination: the birds (probably lorikeets) perch on the inflorescence platform and bend downwards to take up the exposed nectar, thus touching the exserted anthers and stigmas with the throat or breast. The likely evolution of this syndrome by additive steps, effecting a change from head up to head down position of the pollinator, can be traced from the floral structure of the remaining four species of the genus.  相似文献   

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