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The exon junction complex (EJC) is a macromolecular complex deposited at splice junctions on mRNAs as a consequence of splicing. At the core of the EJC are four proteins: eIF4AIII, a member of the DExH/D-box family of NTP-dependent RNA binding proteins, Y14, Magoh, and MLN51. These proteins form a stable heterotetramer that remains bound to the mRNA throughout many different cellular environments. We have determined the three-dimensional (3D) structure of this EJC core using negative-stain random-conical tilt electron microscopy. This structure represents the first structure of a DExH/D-box protein in complex with its binding partners. The EJC core is a four-lobed complex with a central channel and dimensions consistent with its known RNA footprint of about ten nucleotides. Using known X-ray crystallographic structures and a model of three of the four components, we propose a model for complex assembly on RNA and explain how Y14:Magoh may influence eIF4AIII's RNA binding.  相似文献   

Deng-Ke Niu  Jian-Li Cao 《FEBS letters》2010,584(16):3509-3512
In non-mammalian eukaryotes, an abnormally long 3′ untranslated region (UTR) is generally thought to be the definitive signal in the recognition of a premature termination codon (PTC) in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). However, because the lengths of 3′ UTRs in normal mRNAs are widely distributed, “abnormally long” is hard to define. Distinct peaks of nucleosome deposition and DNA methylation have recently been found at coding region boundaries. We propose that nucleosomes and DNA methylation just upstream of a normal stop codon are ideal indicators for the position of a normal stop codon and may thus serve as signals in PTC recognition.  相似文献   

Yeast Ubp3 and its co-factor Bre5 form a deubiquitylation complex to regulate protein transport between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments of the cell. A novel N-terminal domain of the Ubp3 catalytic subunit forms a complex with the NTF2-like domain of the Bre5 regulatory subunit. Here, we report the X-ray crystal structure of an Ubp3-Bre5 complex and show that it forms a symmetric hetero-tetrameric complex in which the Bre5 NTF2-like domain dimer interacts with two L-shaped beta-strand-turn-alpha-helix motifs of Ubp3. The Ubp3 N-terminal domain binds within a hydrophobic cavity on the surface of the Bre5 NTF2-like domain subunit with conserved residues within both proteins interacting predominantly through antiparallel beta-sheet hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts. Structure-based mutagenesis and functional studies confirm the significance of the observed interactions for Ubp3-Bre5 association in vitro and Ubp3 function in vivo. Comparison of the structure to other protein complexes with NTF2-like domains shows that the Ubp3-Bre5 interface is novel. Together, these studies provide new insights into Ubp3 recognition by Bre5 and into protein recognition by NTF2-like domains.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved PUF proteins stimulate CCR4 mRNA deadenylation through binding to 3′ untranslated region sequences of specific mRNA. We have investigated the mechanisms by which PUF3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae accelerates deadenylation of the COX17 mRNA. PUF3 was shown to affect PAN2 deadenylation of the COX17 mRNA independent of the presence of CCR4, suggesting that PUF3 acts through a general mechanism to affect deadenylation. Similarly, eIF4E, the cap-binding translation initiation factor known to control CCR4 deadenylation, was shown to affect PAN2 activity in vivo. PUF3 was found to be required for eIF4E effects on COX17 deadenylation. Both eIF4E and PUF3 effects on deadenylation were shown, in turn, to necessitate a functional poly(A)-binding protein (PAB1) in which removal of the RRM1 (RNA recognition motif 1) domain of PAB1 blocked both their effects on deadenylation. While removal of the proline-rich region (P domain) of PAB1 substantially reduces CCR4 deadenylation at non-PUF3-controlled mRNA and correspondingly blocked eIF4E effects on deadenylation, PUF3 essentially bypassed this P domain requirement. These results indicate that the PAB1-mRNP structure is critical for PUF3 action. We also found that multiple components of the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex, but not PAN2, interacted with PUF3. PUF3 appears, therefore, both to act independently of CCR4 activity, possibly through effects on PAB1-mRNP structure, and to be capable of retaining the CCR4-NOT complex.  相似文献   

Key steps in mRNA export are the nuclear assembly of messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs), the translocation of mRNPs through the nuclear pore complex (NPC), and the mRNP remodeling events at the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. Nup358/RanBP2 is a constituent of the cytoplasmic filaments of the NPC specific to higher eukaryotes and provides a multitude of binding sites for the nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Nup358 N-terminal domain (NTD) at 0.95 Å resolution. The structure reveals an α-helical domain that harbors three central tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs), flanked on each side by an additional solvating amphipathic α helix. Overall, the NTD adopts an unusual extended conformation that lacks the characteristic peptide-binding groove observed in canonical TPR domains. Strikingly, the vast majority of the NTD surface exhibits an evolutionarily conserved, positive electrostatic potential, and we demonstrate that the NTD possesses the capability to bind single-stranded RNA in solution. Together, these data suggest that the NTD contributes to mRNP remodeling events at the cytoplasmic face of the NPC.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins are multifunctional proteins that bind to newly synthesized mRNAs in the nucleus and participate in many subsequent steps of gene expression. A well-studied Saccharomyces cerevisiae heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein that has several nuclear functions is Npl3p. Here, we provide evidence that Npl3p also has a cytoplasmic role: it functions in translation termination fidelity. Yeast harboring the npl3-95 mutant allele have an impaired ability to translate lacZ, enhanced sensitivity to cycloheximide and paromomycin, and increased ability to read through translation termination codons. Most of these defects are enhanced in yeast that also lack Upf1p, an RNA surveillance factor crucial for translation termination. We show that the npl3-95 mutant allele encodes a form of Npl3p that is part of high molecular-weight complexes that cofractionate with the poly(A)-binding protein Pab1p. Together, these results lead us to propose a model in which Npl3p engenders translational fidelity by promoting the remodeling of mRNPs during translation termination.  相似文献   

The protein kinase KIS is made by the juxtaposition of a unique kinase domain and a C-terminal domain with a U2AF homology motif (UHM), a sequence motif for protein interaction initially identified in the heterodimeric pre-mRNA splicing factor U2AF. This domain of KIS is closely related to the C-terminal UHM domain of the U2AF large subunit, U2AF65. KIS phosphorylates the splicing factor SF1, which in turn enhances SF1 binding to U2AF65 and the 3′ splice site, an event known to take place at an early step of spliceosome assembly. Here, the analysis of the subcellular localization of mutated forms of KIS indicates that the kinase domain of KIS is the necessary domain for its nuclear localization. As in the case of U2AF65, the UHM-containing C-terminal domain of KIS is required for binding to the splicing factors SF1 and SF3b155. The efficiency of KIS binding to SF1 and SF3b155 is similar to that of U2AF65 in pull-down assays. These results further support the functional link of KIS with splicing factors. Interestingly, when compared to other UHM-containing proteins, KIS presents a different specificity for the UHM docking sites that are present in the N-terminal region of SF3b155, thus providing a new insight into the variety of interactions mediated by UHM domains.  相似文献   

SR proteins are essential splicing factors whose function is controlled by multi-site phosphorylation of a C-terminal domain rich in arginine-serine repeats (RS domain). The protein kinase SRPK1 has been shown to polyphosphorylate the N-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS1) of the SR protein ASF/SF2, a modification that promotes nuclear entry of this splicing factor and engagement in splicing function. Later, dephosphorylation is required for maturation of the spliceosome and other RNA processing steps. While phosphates are attached to RS1 in a sequential manner by SRPK1, little is known about how they are removed. To investigate factors that control dephosphorylation, we monitored region-specific mapping of phosphorylation sites in ASF/SF2 as a function of the protein phosphatase PP1. We showed that 10 phosphates added to the RS1 segment by SRPK1 are removed in a preferred N-to-C manner, directly opposing the C-to-N phosphorylation by SRPK1. Two N-terminal RNA recognition motifs in ASF/SF2 control access to the RS domain and guide the directional mechanism. Binding of RNA to the RNA recognition motifs protects against dephosphorylation, suggesting that engagement of the SR protein with exonic splicing enhancers can regulate phosphoryl content in the RS domain. In addition to regulation by N-terminal domains, phosphorylation of the C-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS2) by the nuclear protein kinase Clk/Sty inhibits RS1 dephosphorylation and disrupts the directional mechanism. The data indicate that both RNA-protein interactions and phosphorylation in flanking sequences induce conformations of ASF/SF2 that increase the lifetime of phosphates in the RS domain.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic gene expression involves numerous biochemical steps that are dependent on RNA structure and ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex formation. The DEAD-box class of RNA helicases plays fundamental roles in formation of RNA and RNP structure in every aspect of RNA metabolism. In an effort to explore the diversity of biological roles for DEAD-box proteins, our laboratory recently demonstrated that the DEAD-box protein Dbp2 associates with actively transcribing genes and is required for normal gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We now provide evidence that Dbp2 interacts genetically and physically with the mRNA export factor Yra1. In addition, we find that Dbp2 is required for in vivo assembly of mRNA-binding proteins Yra1, Nab2, and Mex67 onto poly(A)+ RNA. Strikingly, we also show that Dbp2 is an efficient RNA helicase in vitro and that Yra1 decreases the efficiency of ATP-dependent duplex unwinding. We provide a model whereby messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) assembly requires Dbp2 unwinding activity and once the mRNP is properly assembled, inhibition by Yra1 prevents further rearrangements. Both Yra1 and Dbp2 are conserved in multicellular eukaryotes, suggesting that this constitutes a broadly conserved mechanism for stepwise assembly of mature mRNPs in the nucleus.  相似文献   

During protein synthesis, many translating ribosomes are bound together with an mRNA molecule to form polysomes (or polyribosomes). While the spatial organization of bacterial polysomes has been well studied in vitro, little is known about how they cluster when cellular conditions are highly constrained. To better understand this, we used electron tomography, template matching, and three-dimensional modeling to analyze the supramolecular network of ribosomes after induction of translational pauses. In Escherichia coli, we overexpressed an mRNA carrying a polyproline motif known to induce pausing during translation. When working with a strain lacking transfer-messenger RNA, the principle actor in the “trans-translation” rescuing system, the cells survived the hijacking of the translation machinery but this resulted in a sharp modification of the ribosomal network. The results of our experiments demonstrate that single ribosomes are replaced with large amounts of compacted polysomes. These polysomes are highly organized, principally forming hairpins and dimers of hairpins that stack together. We propose that these spatial arrangements help maintain translation efficiency when the rescue systems are absent or overwhelmed.  相似文献   

The recombination-activating protein, RAG1, a key component of the V(D)J recombinase, binds multiple Zn2+ ions in its catalytically required core region. However, the role of zinc in the DNA cleavage activity of RAG1 is not well resolved. To address this issue, we determined the stoichiometry of Zn2+ ions bound to the catalytically active core region of RAG1 under various conditions. Using metal quantitation methods, we determined that core RAG1 can bind up to four Zn2+ ions. Stripping the full complement of bound Zn2+ ions to produce apoprotein abrogated DNA cleavage activity. Moreover, even partial removal of zinc-binding equivalents resulted in a significant diminishment of DNA cleavage activity, as compared to holo-Zn2+ core RAG1. Mutants of the intact core RAG1 and the isolated core RAG1 domains were studied to identify the location of zinc-binding sites. Significantly, the C-terminal domain in core RAG1 binds at least two Zn2+ ions, with one zinc-binding site containing C902 and C907 as ligands (termed the CC zinc site) and H937 and H942 coordinating a Zn2+ ion in a separate site (HH zinc site). The latter zinc-binding site is essential for DNA cleavage activity, given that the H937A and H942A mutants were defective in both in vitro DNA cleavage assays and cellular recombination assays. Furthermore, as mutation of the active-site residue E962 reduces Zn2+ coordination, we propose that the HH zinc site is located in close proximity to the DDE active site. Overall, these results demonstrate that Zn2+ serves an important auxiliary role for RAG1 DNA cleavage activity. Furthermore, we propose that one of the zinc-binding sites is linked to the active site of core RAG1 directly or indirectly by E962.  相似文献   

The circadian control of cellular processes in cyanobacteria is regulated by a posttranslational oscillator formed by three Kai proteins. During the oscillator cycle, KaiA serves to promote autophosphorylation of KaiC while KaiB counteracts this effect. Here, we present a crystallographic structure of the wild-type Synechococcus elongatus KaiB and a cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) structure of a KaiBC complex. The crystal structure shows the expected dimer core structure and significant conformational variations of the KaiB C-terminal region, which is functionally important in maintaining rhythmicity. The KaiBC sample was formed with a C-terminally truncated form of KaiC, KaiC-Δ489, which is persistently phosphorylated. The KaiB–KaiC-Δ489 structure reveals that the KaiC hexamer can bind six monomers of KaiB, which form a continuous ring of density in the KaiBC complex. We performed cryoEM-guided molecular dynamics flexible fitting simulations with crystal structures of KaiB and KaiC to probe the KaiBC protein–protein interface. This analysis indicated a favorable binding mode for the KaiB monomer on the CII end of KaiC, involving two adjacent KaiC subunits and spanning an ATP binding cleft. A KaiC mutation, R468C, which has been shown to affect the affinity of KaiB for KaiC and lengthen the period in a bioluminescence rhythm assay, is found within the middle of the predicted KaiBC interface. The proposed KaiB binding mode blocks access to the ATP binding cleft in the CII ring of KaiC, which provides insight into how KaiB might influence the phosphorylation status of KaiC.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in our understanding of the numerous functions of individual subunits of eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 3, little is known on the molecular level. Using NMR spectroscopy, we determined the first solution structure of an interaction between eIF3 subunits. We revealed that a conserved tryptophan residue in the human eIF3j N-terminal acidic motif (NTA) is held in the helix α1 and loop 5 hydrophobic pocket of the human eIF3b RNA recognition motif (RRM). Mutating the corresponding “pocket” residues in its yeast orthologue reduces cellular growth rate, eliminates eIF3j/HCR1 association with eIF3b/PRT1 in vitro and in vivo, affects 40S occupancy of eIF3, and produces a leaky scanning defect indicative of a deregulation of the AUG selection process. Unexpectedly, we found that the N-terminal half of eIF3j/HCR1 containing the NTA is indispensable and sufficient for wild-type growth of yeast cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that deletion of either j/HCR1 or its N-terminal half only, or mutation of the key tryptophan residues results in the severe leaky scanning phenotype partially suppressible by overexpressed eIF1A, which is thought to stabilize properly formed preinitiation complexes at the correct start codon. These findings indicate that eIF3j/HCR1 remains associated with the scanning preinitiation complexes and does not dissociate from the small ribosomal subunit upon mRNA recruitment, as previously believed. Finally, we provide further support for earlier mapping of the ribosomal binding site for human eIF3j by identifying specific interactions of eIF3j/HCR1 with small ribosomal proteins RPS2 and RPS23 located in the vicinity of the mRNA entry channel. Taken together, we propose that eIF3j/HCR1 closely cooperates with the eIF3b/PRT1 RRM and eIF1A on the ribosome to ensure proper formation of the scanning-arrested conformation required for stringent AUG recognition.  相似文献   

The binding of RCC1 (regulator of chromosome condensation 1) to chromatin is critical for cellular processes such as mitosis, nucleocytoplasmic transport, and nuclear envelope formation because RCC1 recruits the small GTPase Ran (Ras-related nuclear protein) to chromatin and sets up a Ran-GTP gradient around the chromosomes. However, the molecular mechanism by which RCC1 binds to nucleosomes, the repeating unit of chromatin, is not known. We have used biochemical approaches to test structural models for how the RCC1 β-propeller protein could bind to the nucleosome. In contrast to the prevailing model, RCC1 does not appear to use the β-propeller face opposite to its Ran-binding face to interact with nucleosomes. Instead, we find that RCC1 uses a conformationally flexible loop region we have termed the switchback loop in addition to its N-terminal tail to bind to the nucleosome. The juxtaposition of the RCC1 switchback loop to its Ran binding surface suggests a novel mechanism for how nucleosome-bound RCC1 recruits Ran to chromatin. Furthermore, this model accounts for previously unexplained observations for how Ran can interact with the nucleosome both dependent and independent of RCC1 and how binding of the nucleosome can enhance RCC1's Ran nucleotide exchange activity.  相似文献   

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