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Therapeutic non-hinge-modified IgG4 molecules form bispecific hybrid antibodies with endogenous human IgG4 molecules via a process known as Fab-arm exchange (or called half molecule exchange). Analysis of the bispecific hybrids is critical for studies of half molecule exchange. A number of analytical methods are available to detect IgG4 hybrids. These methods mostly necessitate labeling or alteration of the model IgG4 molecules, or rely on time-consuming immunoassays and mass spectrometry. In addition, these methods do not allow isolation of hybrid antibodies. We report here the only analytical method to date that relies on chromatographic separation for detection of hybrids formed from intact antibodies in their native forms using pembrolizumab as an example. This method employs a mixed-mode chromatography using a Sepax Zenix SEC-300 column to separate a bispecific hybrid from the parental antibodies. The simultaneous quantitative monitoring of the newly formed hybrid and parental antibodies was achieved by UV absorption and/or protein fluorescence. The bispecific hybrid antibodies were purified with the same method for further biochemical characterization. The method has allowed monitoring of half molecule exchange between a human serum IgG4 and a tested IgG4 molecule, and has been implemented for the analysis of in vitro as well as in vivo samples.  相似文献   

目的探讨IgG4相关性乔本甲状腺炎(Hashimoto's thyroiditis,HT)的临床病理特征,并进一步分析凋亡相关蛋白Bcl2、Bax的表达与其临床、病理特征的相关性。方法用免疫组化检测46例HT和15例滤泡性腺瘤瘤旁甲状腺组织中IgG4+浆细胞、IgG+浆细胞及Bcl2、Bax蛋白的表达,依据IgG4+浆细胞20/HPF及IgG4+/IgG+30%的标准,将HT分为IgG4组和非IgG4组,分析两组间临床病理特征及Bcl2、Bax蛋白分布、表达的差异。结果 46例HT患者中11例为IgG4-HT(占23.9%)。与非IgG4组比较,IgG4组患者更容易出现亚临床甲状腺功能减退(P=0.02)、甲状腺纤维化程度更显著(P=0.006);IgG4-HT甲状腺滤泡上皮中Bax蛋白的表达显著高于非IgG4-HT组(P=0.001),且与甲状腺纤维化的程度呈正相关(r=0.622,P=0.04)。结论 IgG4-HT代表了更具破坏性的一种乔本甲状腺炎亚型,更容易出现甲状腺功能减退;凋亡促进蛋白Bax可能在IgG4-HT的病理进程中发挥了作用。  相似文献   

DNA sequence recognition by the homodimeric C-terminal domain of the human papillomavirus type 16 E2 protein (E2C) is known to involve both direct readout and DNA-dependent indirect readout mechanisms, while protein-dependent indirect readout has been deduced but not directly observed. We have investigated coupling between specific DNA binding and the dynamics of the unusual E2C fold, using pH as an external variable. Nuclear magnetic resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry show that pH titration of His318 in the complex interface and His288 in the core of the domain is coupled to both binding and the dynamics of the β-barrel core of E2C, with a tradeoff between dimer stability and function. Specific DNA binding is, in turn, coupled to the slow dynamics and amide hydrogen exchange in the entire β-barrel, reaching residues far apart from the DNA recognition elements but not affecting the two helices of each monomer. The changes are largest in the dimerization interface, suggesting that the E2C β-barrel acts as a hinge that regulates the relative position of the DNA recognition helices. In conclusion, the cooperative dynamics of the human papillomavirus type 16 E2C β-barrel is coupled to sequence recognition in a protein-dependent indirect readout mechanism. The patterns of residue substitution in genital papillomaviruses support the importance of the protonation states of His288 and His318 and suggest that protein-dependent indirect readout and histidine pH titration may regulate DNA binding in the cell.  相似文献   

We have constructed IgG1-Fc scaffolds with increased thermal stability by directed evolution and yeast surface display. As a basis a new selection strategy that allowed the application of yeast surface display for screening of stabilizing mutations in proteins of already high intrinsic thermal stability and Tm-values up to 85 °C was developed. Besides library construction by error prone PCR, strong heat stress at 79 °C for 10 min and screening for well-folded proteins by FACS, sorting rounds had to include an efficient plasmid DNA isolation step for amplification and further transfection. We describe the successful application of this experimental setup for selection of 17 single, double and triple IgG1-Fc variants of increased thermal stability after four selection rounds. The recombinantly produced homodimeric proteins showed a wild-type-like elution profile in size exclusion chromatography as well as content of secondary structures. Moreover, the kinetics of binding of FcRn, CD16a and Protein A to the engineered Fc-molecules was very similar to the wild-type protein. These data clearly demonstrate the importance and efficacy of the presented strategy for selection of stabilizing mutations in proteins of high intrinsic stability within reasonable time.  相似文献   

重组人MBD4蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达、纯化及活性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得重组人MBD4蛋白,将编码MBD4的开放式阅读框(ORF)插入原核表达载体pGEX6P1 GST基因下游的多克隆位点(MCS).将获得的表达质粒转化入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3) 菌株扩大培养并用IPTG诱导融合蛋白的表达.用谷胱甘肽琼脂糖凝胶 4B亲和介质从菌体裂解液中纯化了GST-MBD4融合蛋白.经过Prescision protease专一性裂解成功去除了融合蛋白上的GST标签.通过Mono Q阴离子交换层析获得了纯度达94%以上的MBD4蛋白,该蛋白具有甲基化DNA结合和糖苷酶生物活性.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of a biologically and therapeutically active recombinant homotrimeric fragment of human lung surfactant protein D with a series of bound ligands have been determined. While the structures reveal various different binding modes, all utilise a similarly positioned pair of mannose-type O3′ and O4′ hydroxyls with no direct interaction between any non-terminal sugar and protein. The orientation, position, and interactions of the bound terminal sugar depend on the sugar itself, the presence and form of glycosidic linkage, and the environment in the crystal, which, via Asp325, places stereochemical and electronic constraints, different for the three different subunits in the homotrimer, on the ligand-binding site. As a direct consequence of this influence, the other binding-pocket flanking residue, Arg343, exhibits variable conformation and variable interactions with bound ligand and leaves open to question which orientation of terminal mannobiose, and of other terminal disaccharides, may be present in extended physiological ligands. The combined structural evidence shows that there is significant flexibility in recognition; that Asp325, in addition to Arg343, is an important determinant of ligand selectivity, recognition, and binding; and that differences in crystal contact interfaces exert, through Asp325, significant influence on preferred binding modes.  相似文献   

Human IgG4 antibody shows therapeutically useful properties compared with the IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 subclasses. Thus IgG4 does not activate complement and shows conformational variability. These properties are attributable to its hinge region, which is the shortest of the four IgG subclasses. Using high throughput scattering methods, we studied the solution structure of wild-type IgG4(Ser222) and a hinge mutant IgG4(Pro222) in different buffers and temperatures where the proline substitution suppresses the formation of half-antibody. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that both IgG4 forms were principally monomeric with sedimentation coefficients s20,w0 of 6.6–6.8 S. A monomer-dimer equilibrium was observed in heavy water buffer at low temperature. Scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg was unchanged with concentration in 50–250 mm NaCl buffers, whereas the neutron Rg values showed a concentration-dependent increase as the temperature decreased in heavy water buffers. The distance distribution curves (P(r)) revealed two peaks, M1 and M2, that shifted below 2 mg/ml to indicate concentration-dependent IgG4 structures in addition to IgG4 dimer formation at high concentration in heavy water. Constrained x-ray and neutron scattering modeling revealed asymmetric solution structures for IgG4(Ser222) with extended hinge structures. The IgG4(Pro222) structure was similar. Both IgG4 structures showed that their Fab regions were positioned close enough to the Fc region to restrict C1q binding. Our new molecular models for IgG4 explain its inability to activate complement and clarify aspects of its stability and function for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The N-terminal regions of the members of Src family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases are intrinsically unfolded and contain the maximum sequence divergence among them. In this study, we have addressed the structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance of this region of 84 residues that encompasses the SH4 and the unique domains (USrc) of the human c-Src. With this aim, the backbone assignment was performed using 13C-detected experiments that overcome the spectral resolution problems and the large number of prolines that are typical for intrinsically unfolded proteins. The analysis of the residual dipolar couplings measured for the USrc indicates the presence of a low populated helical structure in the 60-75 region. No long-range contacts between remote fragments of the chain were detected with paramagnetic relaxation enhancement experiments. The structural characterization was extended to two different phosphorylation states of USrc that encompassed three different phosphorylated sites, Ser17, Thr37, and Ser75. The structural and conformational changes upon phosphorylation were monitored through chemical shift perturbations and residual dipolar couplings, indicating that modifications occur at local level and no global rearrangements were apparent. These results suggest a scenario where phosphorylation induces a global electrostatic perturbation that could be involved in the membrane unbinding of c-Src and that could be related with the localization of the enzyme. These observations suggest the unique domain of Src kinases as a source of selectivity and reinforce the relevant role of intrinsically disordered proteins in biological processes.  相似文献   

Transferrins are a family of bilobal iron-binding proteins that play the crucial role of binding ferric iron and keeping it in solution, thereby controlling the levels of this important metal. Human serum transferrin (hTF) carries one iron in each of two similar lobes. Understanding the detailed mechanism of iron release from each lobe of hTF during receptor-mediated endocytosis has been extremely challenging because of the active participation of the transferrin receptor (TFR), salt, a chelator, lobe-lobe interactions, and the low pH within the endosome. Our use of authentic monoferric hTF (unable to bind iron in one lobe) or diferric hTF (with iron locked in one lobe) provided distinct kinetic end points, allowing us to bypass many of the previous difficulties. The capture and unambiguous assignment of all kinetic events associated with iron release by stopped-flow spectrofluorimetry, in the presence and in the absence of the TFR, unequivocally establish the decisive role of the TFR in promoting efficient and balanced iron release from both lobes of hTF during one endocytic cycle. For the first time, the four microscopic rate constants required to accurately describe the kinetics of iron removal are reported for hTF with and without the TFR. Specifically, at pH 5.6, the TFR enhances the rate of iron release from the C-lobe (7-fold to 11-fold) and slows the rate of iron release from the N-lobe (6-fold to 15-fold), making them more equivalent and producing an increase in the net rate of iron removal from Fe2hTF. Calculated cooperativity factors, in addition to plots of time-dependent species distributions in the absence and in the presence of the TFR, clearly illustrate the differences. Accurate rate constants for the pH and salt-induced conformational changes in each lobe precisely delineate how delivery of iron within the physiologically relevant time frame of 2 min might be accomplished.  相似文献   

The function of the extrinsic 23 kDa protein of Photosystem II (PSII) was studied with respect to Mn binding and its ability to supply Mn to PSII during photoactivation, i.e. the light-dependent assembly of the tetramanganese cluster. The extrinsic proteins and the Mn cluster were removed by TRIS treatment from PSII-enriched membrane fragments and purified by anion exchange chromatography. Room temperature EPR spectra of the purified 23 kDa protein demonstrated the presence of Mn. Photoactivation was successful with low Mn concentrations when the 23 kDa protein was present, while in its absence a higher Mn concentration was needed to reach the same level of oxygen evolution activity. In addition, the rate of photoactivation was significantly accelerated in the presence of the 23 kDa protein. It is proposed that the 23 kDa protein plays an important role in providing Mn during the process of PSII assembly and that it acquires Mn during the light-induced turnover of D1 in the PSII damage-repair cycle and delivers Mn to repaired PSII.  相似文献   

Rv3291c is a member of the feast/famine regulatory protein family that is known to form stable protein-DNA complexes. We report a specific oligomeric transition between hexadecameric and octameric/lower-order oligomers in the presence of Phe that supports an effector-mediated model for the disassembly of a nucleosome-like particle. We had generated two mutants, Gly102Thr and Glu104Ala, which are part of the essential 100-106 effector-binding loop. The Gly102Thr mutant adopts an unusual ‘open’ quaternary structure and offers interesting functional insights co-related to the binding of an effector. This is similar to the previously reported Escherichia coli Lrp co-crystallized in the presence of DNA where the interactions of the substrate with the N-terminal DNA binding domain presumably lead to symmetry deviations to the oligomeric association. The present structure represents a direct evidence to support that changes made to the effector-binding domain at the C-terminus also result in a functionally relevant quaternary structural change. Conversely, the Glu104Ala mutant retains the closed quaternary association observed in the native protein and reveals nonsymmetrical interaction effects in the two subunits of the dimer. We also report that the native protein unexpectedly binds Lys but does not recognize Arg and offer a structural explanation for it. Error-scaled difference distance matrix analysis suggests that the protein has a relatively flexible core that is presumably needed to mediate the structural changes necessary for the protein's regulatory functions.  相似文献   

Deepak Kumar Yadav  Rakesh Kumar Sinha 《BBA》2010,1797(11):1807-8301
Singlet oxygen (1O2) scavenging activity of plastoquinol in photosystem II (PSII) of higher plants was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping technique. It is demonstrated here that illumination of spinach PSII membranes deprived of intrinsic plastoquinone results in 1O2 formation, as monitored by TEMPONE EPR signal. Interestingly, the addition of exogenous plastoquinol (PQH2-1) to PQ-depleted PSII membranes significantly suppressed TEMPONE EPR signal. The presence of exogenous plastoquinols with a different side-chain length (PQH2-n, n isoprenoid units in the side chain) caused a similar extent of 1O2 scavenging activity. These observations reveal that plastoquinol exogenously added to PQ-depleted PSII membranes serves as efficient scavenger of 1O2.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus erythropolis PR4 is a marine bacterium that can degrade various alkanes including pristane, a C(19) branched alkane. This strain produces a large quantity of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), which are assumed to play an important role in the hydrocarbon tolerance of R. erythropolis PR4. The strain produced an acidic EPS, mucoidan, together with a fatty acid-containing EPS, PR4 FACEPS. The chemical structure of the mucoidan was determined using (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy and by conducting 2D DQF-COSY, TOCSY, HMQC, HMBC, and NOESY experiments. The mucoidan was shown to consist of a pentasaccharide repeating unit with the following structure: [structure: see text].  相似文献   

Mammalian vacuolar-type proton pumping ATPases (V-ATPases) are diverse multi-subunit proton pumps. They are formed from membrane Vo and catalytic V1 sectors, whose subunits have cell-specific or ubiquitous isoforms. Biochemical study of a unique V-ATPase is difficult because ones with different isoforms are present in the same cell. However, the properties of mouse isoforms can be studied using hybrid V-ATPases formed from the isoforms and other yeast subunits. As shown previously, mouse subunit E isoform E1 (testis-specific) or E2 (ubiquitous) can form active V-ATPases with other subunits of yeast, but E1/yeast hybrid V-ATPase is defective in proton transport at 37 °C (Sun-Wada, G.-H., Imai-Senga, Y., Yamamoto, A., Murata, Y., Hirata, T., Wada, Y., and Futai, M., 2002, J. Biol. Chem. 277, 18098-18105). In this study, we have analyzed the properties of E1/yeast hybrid V-ATPase to understand the role of the E subunit. The proton transport by the defective hybrid ATPase was reversibly recovered when incubation temperature of vacuoles or cells was shifted to 30 °C. Corresponding to the reversible defect of the hybrid V-ATPase, the Vo subunit a epitope was exposed to the corresponding antibody at 37 °C, but became inaccessible at 30 °C. However, the V1 sector was still associated with Vo at 37 °C, as shown immunochemically. The control yeast V-ATPase was active at 37 °C, and its epitope was not accessible to the antibody. Glucose depletion, known to dissociate V1 from Vo in yeast, had only a slight effect on the hybrid at acidic pH. The domain between Lys26 and Val83 of E1, which contains eight residues not conserved between E1 and E2, was responsible for the unique properties of the hybrid. These results suggest that subunit E, especially its amino-terminal domain, plays a pertinent role in the assembly of V-ATPase subunits in vacuolar membranes.  相似文献   

CRAMOLL 1 is a mannose/glucose isolectin isolated from Cratylia mollis seeds. This lectin has 82% sequence identity with Con A and essentially the same quaternary structure. As with Con A, CRAMOLL 1 seems to undergo complex post-translational processing which makes it difficult to the use of traditional molecular cloning for heterologous expression. Here we report the expression and purification of functional recombinant CRAMOLL 1 (rCRAMOLL 1) in Escherichia coli. This was accomplished by introducing a chemically synthesized DNA encoding the mature CRAMOLL 1 amino acid sequence into a bacterial expression vector under T7 promoter control. Most of the recombinant lectin was found in insoluble aggregates (inclusion bodies), but we were able to recover reasonable amounts of soluble lectin in the active form by decreasing the protein induction temperature. The recombinant lectin was purified to homogeneity with one-step affinity chromatography. The plant CRAMOLL 1 (pCRAMOLL 1) and rCRAMOLL 1 share several physicochemical properties such as molecular mass, charge density and secondary and tertiary structures. However, pCRAMOLL 1 has a lower thermodynamic stability than rCRAMOLL 1 when probed by acidification, high temperature or high hydrostatic pressure, and this is probably caused by the presence of tetramers composed of fragmented monomers, which are formed in the plant cotyledon but absent from the recombinant protein. rCRAMOLL 1 behaves identically to its plant counterpart with respect to its specificity for monosaccharides, and to its agglutinating activities against rabbit erythrocytes and Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor that plays a crucial role in the regulation of hepatic bile acid and lipid metabolism. FGFR4 underlies high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis, suggesting that inhibition of FGFR4 activation may be an effective way to prevent or treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). To determine whether neutralization of FGFR4 ligands by soluble FGFR4 extracellular domain (FGFR4-ECD) can inhibit the activation of FGFR4, we constructed FGFR4-ECD expression vector and showed that FGFR4-ECD was effectively expressed in cells and secreted into culture medium. FGFR4-ECD inhibited FGF19-induced activation of FGFR4 signaling and reduced steatosis of HepG2 induced by palmitic acid in vitro. Furthermore, in a tetracycline-induced fatty liver model, expression of FGFR4-ECD in mouse liver reduced the accumulation of hepatic lipids and partially restored the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα), which promotes the mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation but is repressed by tetracycline. Taken together, these results demonstrate that FGFR4-ECD can block FGFR4 signaling and prevent hepatic steatosis, highlighting the potential value of inhibition of FGFR4 signaling as a method for therapeutic intervention against NAFLD.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones, besides their role in assisting protein folding, are key modulators of protein disaggregation, being consistently found as components of most macromolecular assemblies isolated in proteome-wide affinity purifications. A wealth of structural information has been recently acquired on Hsp70s complexed with Hsp40 and NEF co-factors and with small hydrophobic target peptides. However, knowledge of how Hsp70s recognize large protein substrates is still limited. Earlier, we reported that homologue Hsp70 chaperones (DnaK in Escherichia coli and Ssa1-4p/Ssb1-2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae) bind strongly, both in vitro and in vivo, to the AAA+ domain in the Orc4p subunit of yeast origin recognition complex (ORC). ScORC is the paradigm for eukaryotic DNA replication initiators and consists of six distinct protein subunits (ScOrc1p-ScOrc 6p). Here, we report that a hydrophobic sequence (IL4) in the initiator specific motif (ISM) in Orc4p is the main target for DnaK/Hsp70. The three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction of a stable Orc4p2-DnaK complex suggests that the C-terminal substrate-binding domain in the chaperone clamps the AAA+ IL4 motif in one Orc4p molecule, with the substrate-binding domain lid subdomain wedging apart the other Orc4p subunit. Pairwise co-expression in E. coli shows that Orc4p interacts with Orc1/2/5p. Mutation of IL4 selectively disrupts Orc4p interaction with Orc2p. Allelic substitution of ORC4 by mutants in each residue of IL4 results in lethal (I184A) or thermosensitive (L185A and L186A) initiation-defective phenotypes in vivo. The interplay between Hsp70 chaperones and the Orc4p-IL4 motif might have an adaptor role in the sequential, stoichiometric assembly of ScORC subunits.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) was purified for the first time from the bones of sturgeon and analyzed to evaluate its structure and properties. A single polysaccharide was extracted from sturgeon bone in a concentration of 0.28-0.34% for dry tissue and characterized as CS. By means of specific chondroitinases and HPLC separation of generated unsaturated repeating disaccharides, this polymer was found to be composed of ∼55% of disaccharide monosulfated in position 6 of the GalNAc, ∼38% of disaccharide monosulfated in position 4 of the GalNAc, and ∼7% of nonsulfated disaccharide. The charge density was 0.93 and the ratio of 4:6 sulfated residues was equal to 0.69, a value confirmed by 13C NMR experiments. Chondroitinase B confirmed that the purified sturgeon CS contained mainly GlcA (>99.5%) as uronic acid. PAGE analysis showed a CS having a high molecular mass with an average value of 39,880 according to HPSEC values producing a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 37,500. On the basis of the data collected, it is reasonable to assume that CS isolated from sturgeon bone might be potentially useful for scientific and pharmacological applications, making this bony fish, which is generally discarded after ovary collection, a useful source of this polymer. Finally, this newly identified source of CS would enable the production of this macromolecule having a particular repeating disaccharide composition, structure, and biological properties.  相似文献   

Besides an essential role in optimizing water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), it has been reported that the spinach PsbO protein binds GTP [C. Spetea, T. Hundal, B. Lundin, M. Heddad, I. Adamska, B. Andersson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 (2004) 1409-1414]. Here we predict four GTP-binding domains in the structure of spinach PsbO, all localized in the β-barrel domain of the protein, as judged from comparison with the 3D-structure of the cyanobacterial counterpart. These domains are not conserved in the sequences of the cyanobacterial or green algae PsbO proteins. MgGTP induces specific changes in the structure of the PsbO protein in solution, as detected by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy. Spinach PsbO has a low intrinsic GTPase activity, which is enhanced fifteen-fold when the protein is associated with the PSII complex in its dimeric form. GTP stimulates the dissociation of PsbO from PSII under light conditions known to also release Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions from the oxygen-evolving complex and to induce degradation of the PSII reaction centre D1 protein. We propose the occurrence in higher plants of a PsbO-mediated GTPase activity associated with PSII, which has consequences for the function of the oxygen-evolving complex and D1 protein turnover.  相似文献   

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