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Molecular analysis of an acatalasemic mouse mutant   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Csb acatalasemia mouse mutant differentially expresses reduced levels of catalase activity in a tissue specific manner. In order to pinpoint the molecular lesion that imparts the acatalasemia phenotype in Csb mice we have utilized the polymerase chain reaction technique to isolate catalase cDNA clones from control and Csb mouse strains. Sequence analyses of these cDNA clones have revealed a single nucleotide difference within the coding region of catalase between control and Csb mice. This nucleotide transversion (G----T) is located in the third position of amino acid 11 in the catalase monomer. In control mouse strains glutamine (CAG) is encoded at amino acid 11, while in Csb mice this codon (CAT) encodes histidine. This amino acid is located within a region that forms the first major alpha-helix in the amino-terminal arm of the catalase subunit and, as such, may render the catalase molecule unstable under certain physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Molecular and genetic mapping of the mouse mdx locus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
mdx is an X-linked muscular dystrophy mutant of the mouse and a putative homolog of the human X-linked muscular dystrophy locus--Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Utilizing a C57BL/10/Mus Spretus interspecific cross in which the mdx mutation was segregating, we have constructed a detailed genetic map around the mdx locus on the mouse X chromosome. We were unable to detect recombinants between mdx and exonic probes derived from the human DMD gene. These genetic data support the contention from biochemical studies (E.P. Hoffman, R. H. Brown, and L. M. Kunkel, 1987, Cell 51: 919-928) that DMD and mdx are homologous genes.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic markers spanning mouse chromosome 10   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric forms of mouse liver catalase have been shown to express peroxidatic activity while the tetrameric form expresses the catalic activity. Autosomally inherited acatalasemia, produced by X-ray irradiation of mice results in almost complete loss of catalic activity of catalase but has no effect on the peroxidatic activity. Liver catalase from normal and acatalasemic mice was purified by following the catalic and peroxidatic activity, respectively. Antiserum produced in rabbit against catalase from normal mouse completely precipitated the catalatic and peroxidatic activity from normal liver, and peroxidatic activity from the acatalasemic liver homogenate. Similar results were obtained when antiserum against peroxidase from acatalasemic mice was used. These studies indicate that acatalasemia in mice is due to a structural gene mutation which leads to synthesis of structurally altered catalase subunits. The altered subunits express peroxidatic activity but do not combine to form a tetramer which expresses catalatic activity.  相似文献   

The methanol metabolism in acatalasemic mice was studied by administering [14C]methanol and [14C]formic acid to acatalasemic and normal mice and determining the radioactivity of exhaled carbon dioxide. Methanol metabolism was also studied in acatalasemic and normal mice treated with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT), which is known to be an inhibitor of catalase (EC The metabolism of methanol and formic acid was inhibited in acatalasemic mice as seen by reduced [14C]CO2 production. Similar results were obtained when AT was given prior to the methanol injection into the normal and acatalasemic mice. The results indicate the peroxidative activity of catalase plays the major role in the methanol metabolism in mice. On the other hand similar studies with [1-14C] ethanol showed that the metabolism of ethanol was not inhibited in acatalasemic mice.  相似文献   

We have generated a moderate resolution genetic map of mouse chromosomes 4 and 6 utilizing a (C57BL/6J x Mus spretus) F1 x Mus spretus backcross with RFLPs for 31 probes. The map for chromosome 4 covers 77 cM and details a large region of homology to human chromosome 1p. The map establishes the breakpoints in the mouse 4-human 1p region of homology to a 2-cM interval between Ifa and Jun in mouse and to the interval between JUN and ACADM in human. The map for mouse chromosome 6 spans a 65-cM region and contains a large region of homology to human 7q. These maps also provide chromosomal assignment and order for a number of previously unmapped probes. The maps should allow the rapid regional assignment of new markers to mouse chromosomes 4 and 6. In addition, knowledge of the gene order in mouse may prove useful in determining the gene order of the homologous regions in human.  相似文献   

The catalase activities in blood and organs of the acatalasemic (C3H/AnLCsbCsb) mouse of the C3H strain are lower than those of the normal (C3H/AnLCsaCsa) mouse. We conducted a study to examine changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the total gluathione content, and the lipid peroxide level in the brain, which is more sensitive to oxidative stress than other organs, at 3, 6, or 24 hr following X-ray irradiation at doses of 0.25, 0.5, or 5.0 Gy to the acatalasemic and the normal mice. No significant change in the lipid peroxide level in the acatalasemic mouse brain was seen under non-irradiation conditions. However, the acatalasemic mouse brain was more damaged than the normal mouse brain by excessive oxygen stress, such as a high-dose (5.0 Gy) X-ray. On the other hand, we found that, unlike 5.0 Gy X-ray, a relatively low-dose (0.5 Gy) irradiation specifically increased the activities of both catalase and GPX in the acatalasemic mouse brain making the activities closer to those in the normal mouse brain. These findings may indicate that the free radical reaction induced by the lack of catalase is more properly neutralized by low dose irradiation.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of ribosomal DNA in the mouse   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
In situ hybridization of I125-labelled ribosomal RNA to mouse chromosomes was used to determine the location of the rDNA loci. The results demonstrate the presence of rDNA sites on chromosomes 15, 18 and 19.  相似文献   

Liang LZ  Zheng BJ  Zheng J  Fang F  Wu Y  Guan MX 《生理学报》2012,64(4):481-488
Although the basic principles for the function of peripheral auditory system have been known for many years, the molecular mechanisms which affect deafness are not clear. In recent years, the study of hereditary deafness associated mouse models has revealed the molecular basis which is related with the formation and function of the hair bundle and the mechanosensory organelle of hair cell. This review focused on the role of protein network, which is formed by the proteins encoded by the Usher syndrome type 1 genes, in hair-bundle development and mechanotransducer channel gating. And the review also showed how the stereocilia rootlets contribute to the hair bundle's mechanical properties and how the hair bundle produces suppressive masking. Finally, the review revealed multiple roles of the tectorial membrane and extracellular matrix in the hair bundles stimulating in the cochlea.  相似文献   

Recent studies of mouse fertilization have identified two complementary gamete receptors that mediate sperm-egg binding. Sperm surface β1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase) binds to specific oligosaccharides of the egg coat (zona pellucida) glycoprotein ZP3. Evidence suggests that these same molecules may stimulate the acrosome reaction in sperm. After the acrosome reaction, it is thought that sperm remain adherent to the zona by binding another glycoprotein, ZP2. The acrosome-reacted sperm releases hydrolytic enzymes, including acrosin and N-acetylglucosaminidase, enabling it to penetrate the zona pellucida. After the penetrating sperm binds to the egg membrane and activates development, N-acetylglucosaminidase is exocytosed from egg cortical granules and, as part of the zona block to polyspermy, globally removes the sperm GalTase binding site from ZP3 oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

A genetic locus controlling the electrophoretic mobility of an acid phosphatase in mouse kidney is described. This locus, called acid phosphatase-kidney (Apk), is not expressed in erythrocytes, liver, spleen, heart, lung, brain, skeletal muscle, stomach, or testes. The product of Apk hydrolyzes the substrate naphthol AS-MX phosphoric acid but is not active on a-naphthylphosphate or 4-methylumbelliferylphosphate. It is not inactivated by 50 C for 1 hr, nor is its electrophoretic mobility altered by incubation with neuraminidase. The locus is invariant among 31 inbred strains (Apk a), with a variant allele (Apk m) observed only in Mus musculus molossinus. Codominant expression was observed in F1 hybrids of M. m. molossinus and inbred strains. Apk was mapped on Chr 10, near the neurological mutant waltzer (v).This work was supported by Contract NO1-ES42159 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and by Grant 1-476 from the National Foundation—March of Dimes. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   

Summary Liver cell lines with very low catalase activity were established from an acatalasemic mouse. Hepatocytes isolated by a collagenase-liver-perfusion technique were cultured in Williams’ E medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The acatalasemic liver cell line showed approximately 20% of the catalase activity of a normal mouse liver cell line, whereas its glutathione peroxidase activity was approximately equal to that of the normal liver cell line. DNA sequence analysis of this cell line showed the same mutation in the catalase gene as is seen in the acatalasemic mouse. Our observation of intracellular content of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) radical and increased susceptibility of the cells to H2O2 were compatible with the existence of low catalase activity in the acatalasemic mouse. This hepatocyte cell line should be useful for studying effects of oxidative radical stress at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombinations in the proximal region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are clustered within certain segments of chromosome, known as hotspots. In this study, we found that one of such hotspots, previously mapped between the Pb and Ob genes, is located very close to the 3′ end of the Lmp2 gene, which encodes a subunit of a proteolytic proteasome. To analyze the molecular basis of the site specificity of hotspots, we examined the structure of the chromatin around this Lmp2 hotspot and another one located in the MHC class II Eb gene, by monitoring DNase I-hypersensitive sites (DHSSs) of the chromatin. DHSSs were detected at the both hotspots in the somatic cells. In the meiotic cells, DHSS was detected within the Eb hotspot, as previously reported, but not in the Lmp2 hotspot. Thus, open structure of chromatin during meiosis, as monitored by hypersensitivity to DNase I, is not a general feature of mouse recombinational hotspots, contrasting the case of the lower eukaryote, S. cerevisiae, in which hotspots are always associated with DHSSs. Received: 25 January 1996 / Accepted: 21 March 1996  相似文献   

To analyze immunopathologic events within the central nervous system (CNS) during various stages of actively induced chronic relapsing EAE in SJL/J mice, animals were sampled at various timepoints post inoculation (PI) and T cells, T-cell subsets, Ia+ cells and Ig+ cells, albumin, and Ig deposits were localized in frozen sections by immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, sections were stained for the demonstration of Ia antigen, myelin basic protein (MBP), and galactocerebroside (GC) on endothelial cells and astrocytes. During the acute phase of the disease, large numbers of all types of inflammatory cells studied (Lyt-1.2+, L3T4+, Lyt-2+, Ia+, Ig+) were randomly distributed throughout lesions, a finding similar to that described previously for acute EAE. A more distinct distribution pattern of infiltrating T cells was found during active chronic disease in that L3T4+ cells predominated within the CNS parenchyma, while Lyt-2+ cells were more numerous in meningeal and perivascular areas. During all chronic stages, a low-grade diffuse infiltration of the neuraxis by hematogenous cells was present. Ia and myelin antigens were detectable on some endothelial cells and astrocytes. Damage to the blood-brain barrier, as indicated by albumin and Ig deposits, was more extensive during the acute than during chronic stages of the disease. Taken in concert, the results further support the possibility of local antigen presentation on endothelial and astroglial cells and an essential involvement of helper (L3T4+) T cells in CNS lesion formation. These findings correlate well with events reported previously in acute and chronic multiple sclerosis lesions.  相似文献   

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