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In the E1 state of the Na,K-ATPase all cations present in the cytoplasm compete for the ion binding sites. The mutual effects of mono-, di- and trivalent cations were investigated by experiments with the electrochromic fluorescent dye RH421. Three sites with significantly different properties could be identified. The most unspecific binding site is able to bind all cations, independent of their valence and size. The large organic cation Br2-Titu3+ is bound with the highest affinity (<μm), among the tested divalent cations Ca2+ binds the strongest, and Na+ binds with about the same equilibrium dissociation constant as Mg2+ (∼0.8 mm). For alkali ions it exhibits binding affinities following the order of Rb+≃ K+ > Na+ > Cs+ > Li+. The second type of binding site is specific for monovalent cations, its binding affinity is higher than that of the first type, for Na+ ions the equilibrium dissociation constant is < 0.01 mm. Since binding to that site is not electrogenic it has to be close to the cytoplasmic surface. The third site is specific for Na+, no other ions were found to bind, the binding is electrogenic and the equilibrium dissociation constant is 0.2 mm. Received: 7 August 2000/Revised: 14 November 2000  相似文献   

Membrane phospholipids represent a potential influence on the enzymatic properties of the Na,K-ATPase. Little is known concerning the effects of the fatty acid environment surrounding the enzyme on the kinetic properties of the Na,K-ATPase. We used the most obvious difference among the α isoforms of rat, their affinities for digitalis glycosides, to examine the relationship between the lipid environment and the Na,K-ATPase. Specific membrane environments that differ in their fatty acid composition were produced by drug-induced diabetes, as well as variations in diet. The α1 isoforms in various tissues were then characterized by their resistance to ouabain in Na,K-ATPase-enriched membrane microsomal fractions. The Na,K-ATPase activity in nerves and hearts were altered by diabetes and partially restored in nerves after a fish oil diet. Evaluation of enzyme kinetics (dose-response curves for ouabain) in membrane preparations allowed us to correlate the ouabain affinity of α1 isoform with fatty acid composition. The affinity of the α1 isoform for ouabain was significantly increased with accretions in the total amount of fatty acids of the n-6 series (P < 0.0001). Our observations provide a partial explanation for the observed difference in isoform properties among tissues. Moreover, these results underline the interaction between membrane fatty acids and the glycoside binding site of the Na,K-ATPase α1 subunit. Received: 15 June 1998/Revised: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

The function of the Na,K-ATPase is known to be considerably impaired in the presence of free radicals such as OH. While previous experiments were largely based on the loss of enzymatic activity of the protein, this is the first communication dealing with partial reactions of the pump cycle in the presence of free radicals produced by water radiolysis. Three different system states, which are directly involved in ion transfer catalyzed by the enzyme, showed similar sensitivity to free radical action. This is indicated by largely identical D37-doses of the decay of the reaction amplitudes investigated. The decrease in the efficiency of the enzyme functions was largely due to a lethal damage of pump molecules. A kinetic analysis of the ATP-induced conformational transition E1→ E2 revealed, however, that a minor component of the inactivation is due to a reduction of the transition rate constant. The decrease of the enzymatic activity could be simulated by the decay of the rate-limiting conformational transition. This finding indicates the conservation of a close coupling between ATP-hydrolysis and sodium translocation process throughout free-radical induced inactivation. As a result of the tight coupling, enzyme modification at different system states leads to similar functional consequences for the protein. Received: 19 July 1996/Revised: 21 October 1996  相似文献   

This study explored whether Dictyostelium discoideum can be used to express the avian Na,K-ATPase, a heterodimeric membrane protein. Dictyostelium was able to express mRNAs encoding the avian Na,K-ATPase subunits. However, Dictyostelium expressed avian Na,K-ATPase protein when only when a Dictyostelium consensus ribosomal binding sequence, AAAATAAA, was inserted in front of the open reading frames of the α1- and β1-subunit cDNAs and the first eight codons following the start-translation codons were changed to Dictyostelium preferred codons. These modified mRNAs appeared to be much less stable than the forms that were not readily translated. Dictyostelium could express the avian β-subunit alone but only expressed the α1-subunit when the β1-subunit was co-expressed. Subunit assembly occurred in cells expressing both α1- and β1-subunits. The bulk of the exogenously expressed sodium pump subunits remained in an intracellular compartment, presumed to be the endoplasmic reticulum. Dictyostelium exported little or no Na,K-ATPase or free β-subunit to the plasma membrane. Received: 7 July 1998/Revised: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary In the first part of the paper, evidence has been presented that electrochromic styryl dyes, such as RH 421, incorporate into Na, K-ATPase membranes isolated from mammalian kidney and respond to changes of local electric field strength. In this second part of the paper, fluorescence studies with RH-421-labeled membranes are described, which were carried out to obtain information on the nature of charge-translocating reaction steps in the pumping cycle. Experiments with normal and chymotrypsin-modified membranes show that phosphorylation by ATP and occlusion of Na+ are electroneutral steps, and that release of Na+ from the occluded state to the extracellular side is associated with translocation of charge. Fluorescence signals observed in the presence of K+ indicate that binding and occlusion of K+ at the extracellular face of the pump is another major electrogenic reaction step. The finding that the fluorescence signals are insensitive to changes of ionic strength leads to the conclusion that the binding pocket accommodating Na+ or K+ is buried in the membrane dielectric. This corresponds to the notion that the binding sites are connected with the extracellular medium by a narrow access channel (ion well). This notion is further supported by experiments with lipophilic ions, such as tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) or tetraphenylborate (TPB), which are known to bind to lipid bilayers and to change the electrostatic potential inside the membrane. Addition of TPP+ leads to a decrease of binding affinity for Na+ and K+, which is thought to result from the TPP-induced change of electric field strength in the access channel.Deceased (September 13, 1990).  相似文献   

Summary Membrane fragments containing a high density of Na, K-ATPase can be noncovalently labeled with amphiphilic styryl dyes (e.g., RH 421). Phosphorylation of the Na,K-ATPase by ATP in the presence of Na+ and in the absence of K+ leads to a large increase of the fluorescence of RH 421 (up to 100%). In this paper evidence is presented that the styryl dye mainly responds to changes of the electric field strength in the membrane, resulting from charge movements during the pumping cycle: (i) The spectral characteristic of the ATP-induced dye response essentially agrees with the predictions for an electrochromic shift of the absorption peak. (ii) Adsorption of lipophilic anions to Na, K-ATPase membranes leads to an increase, adsorption of lipophilic cations to the decrease of dye fluorescence. These ions are known to bind to the hydrophobic interior of the membrane and to change the electric field strength in the boundary layer close to the interface. (iii) The fluorescence change that is normally observed upon phosphorylation by ATP is abolished at high concentrations of lipophilic ions. Lipophilic ions are thought to redistribute between the adsorption sites and water and to neutralize in this way the change of field strength caused by ion translocation in the pump protein. (iv) Changes of the fluorescence of RH 421 correlate with known electrogenic transitions in the pumping cycle, whereas transitions that are known to be electrically silent do not lead to fluorescence changes. The information obtained from experiments with amphiphilic styryl dyes is complementary to the results of electrophysiological investigations in which pump currents are measured as a function of transmembrane voltage. In particular, electrochromic dyes can be used for studying electrogenic processes in microsomal membrane preparations which are not amenable to electrophysiological techniques.Deceased (September 13, 1990).  相似文献   

The NHE-1 isoform of the Na+/H+ exchanger is excessively activated in cardiac cells during ischemia. Hence NHE-1 specific inhibitors are being developed since they could be of beneficial influence under conditions of cardiac ischemia and reperfusion. In this study, the Cytosensor™ microphysiometer was used to measure the potency of four new drug molecules, i.e., EMD 84021, EMD 94309, EMD 96785 and HOE 642 which are inhibitors of the isoform 1 of the Na+/H+ exchanger. The experiments were performed with Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO K1) which are enriched in the NHE-1 isoform of the Na+/H+ antiporter. The Na+/H+ exchanger was stimulated with NaCl and the rate of extracellular acidification was quantified with the Cytosensor. The proton exchange rate was measured as a function of the NaCl concentration in the range of 10–138 mm NaCl stimulation. The proton exchange rate followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a K M = 30 ± 4 mm for Na+. Addition of either one of the four inhibitors decreased the acidification rate. The IC50 values of the four compounds could be determined as 23 ± 7 nm for EMD 84021, 5 ± 1 nm for EMD 94309, 9 ± 2 nm for EMD 96785 and 8 ± 2 nm for HOE 642 at 138 mm NaCl, in good agreement with more elaborate biological assays. The IC50 values increased with the NaCl concentration indicating competitive binding of the inhibitor. The microphysiometer approach is a fast and simple method to measure the activity of the Na+/H+ antiporter and allows a quantitative kinetic analysis of the proton excretion rate. Received: 3 September 1998/Revised: 20 November 1998  相似文献   

Metal-fluoride complexes have been used to induce E2P-like states with the aim of studying the events that occur during E2P hydrolysis in P-type ATPases. In the present work, we compared the E2P-like state induced by a beryllium fluoride complex (BeFx) with the actual E2P state formed through backdoor phosphorylation of the Na,K-ATPase. Formation of E2P and E2P-like states were investigated employing the styryl dye RH421. We found that BeFx is the only fluorinated phosphate analog that, like Pi, increases the RH421 fluorescence. The observed rate constant, kobs, for the formation of E2P decreases with [Pi] whereas that of E2BeFx increases with [BeFx]. This might wrongly be taken as evidence of a mechanism where the binding of BeFx induces a conformational transition. Here, we rather propose that, like for Pi, binding of BeFx follows a conformational-selection mechanism, i.e. it binds to the E2 conformer forming a complex that is much more stable than E2P, as seen from its impaired capacity to return to E1 upon addition of Na+. Although E2P and E2BeFx are able to form states with 2 occluded Rb+, both enzyme complexes differ in that the affinity for the binding and occlusion of the second Rb+ is much lower in E2BeFx than in E2P. The higher rates of Rb+ occlusion and deocclusion observed for E2BeFx, as compared to those observed for other E2P-like transition and product states suggest a more open access to the cation transport sites, supporting the idea that E2BeFx mimics the E2P ground state.  相似文献   

Summary Nonstationary pump currents which have been observed in K+-free Na+ media after activation of the Na,K-ATPase by an ATP-concentration jump (see the preceding paper) are analyzed on the basis of microscopic reaction models. It is shown that the behavior of the current signal at short times is governed by electrically silent reactions preceding phosphorylation of the protein; accordingly, the main information on charge-translocating processes is contained in the declining phase of the pump current. The experimental results support the Albers-Post reaction scheme of the Na,K-pump, in which the translocation of Na+ precedes translocation of K+. The transient pump current is represented as the sum of contributions of the individual transitions in the reaction cycle. Each term in the sum is the product of a net transition rate times a dielectric coefficient describing the amount of charge translocated in a given reaction step. Charge translocation may result from the motion of ion-binding sites in the course of conformational changes, as well as from movement of ions in access channels connecting the binding sites to the aqueous media. A likely interpretation of the observed nonstationary currents consists in the assumption that the principal electrogenic step is the E1-P/P-E2 conformational transition of the protein, followed by a release of Na+ to the extracellular side. This conclusion is supported by kinetic data from the literature, as well as on the finding that chymotrypsin treatment which is known to block the E1-P/P-E2 transition abolishes the current transient. By numerical simulation of the Albers-Post reaction cycle, the proposed mechanism of charge translocation has been shown to reproduce the experimentally observed time behavior of pump currents.  相似文献   

The rotational motion of an ouabain spin label with sheep kidney Na,K-ATPase has been measured by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and saturation transfer EPR (ST-EPR) measurements. Spin-labelled ouabain binds with high affinity to the Na,K-ATPase with concurrent inhibition of ATPase activity. Enzyme preparations retain 0.61 ± 0.1 mol of bound ouabain spin label per ATPase β dimer. The conventional EPR spectrum of the ouabain spin label bound to the ATPase consists almost entirely (> 99%) of a broad resonance which is characteristic of a strongly immobilized spin label. ST-EPR measurements of the spin labelled ATPase preparations yield effective correlation times for the bound labels of 209 ± 11 μs at 0°C and 44 ± 4 μs at 20°C. These rotational correlation times most likely represent the motion of the protein itself rather than the independent motion of mobile spin probes relative to a slower moving protein. Additional ST-EPR measurements with glutaraldehyde-crosslinked preparations indicated that the observed rotational correlation times predominantly represented the motion of entire Na,K-ATPase-containing membrane fragments, rather than the motion of individual monomeric or dimeric polypeptides within the membrane fragment. The strong immobilization of the ouabain spin label will make it an effective paramagnetic probe of the extracellular surface of the Na,K-ATPase for a variety of NMR and EPR investigations.  相似文献   

The effects of organic quaternary amines, tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride and benzyltriethylammonium (BTEA) chloride, on Na,K pump current were examined in rat cardiac myocytes superfused in extracellular Na(+)-free solutions and whole-cell voltage-clamped with patch electrodes containing a high Na(+)-salt solution. Extracellular application of these quaternary amines competitively inhibited extracellular K(+) (K(+)(o)) activation of Na,K pump current; however, the concentration for half maximal inhibition of Na,K pump current at 0 mV (K(0)(Q)) by BTEA, 4.0 +/- 0.3 mM, was much lower than the K(0)(Q) for TEA, 26.6 +/- 0.7 mM. Even so, the fraction of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o) activation of Na,K pump current (lambda(K)), 39 +/- 1%, was similar to lambda(K) determined in the presence of TEA (37 +/- 2%) and BTEA (35 +/- 2%), an indication that the membrane potential (V(M)) dependence for K(+)(o) activation of the Na,K pump current was unaffected by TEA and BTEA. TEA was found to inhibit the Na,K pump current in a V(M)-independent manner, i.e., inhibition of current dissipated 4 +/- 2% of the membrane electric field. In contrast, BTEA dissipated 40 +/- 5% of the membrane electric field during inhibition of Na,K pump current. Thus, BTEA inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase is V(M)-dependent. The competitive nature of inhibition as well as the similar fractions of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o)-dependent activation and BTEA-dependent inhibition of Na,K pump current suggest that BTEA inhibits the Na,K-ATPase at or very near the enzyme's K(+)(o) binding site(s) located in the membrane electric field. Given previous findings that organic quaternary amines are not occluded by the Na,K-ATPase, these data clearly demonstrate that an ion channel-like structure provides access to K(+)(o) binding sites in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The interactions of divalent cations with the adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and para-nitrophenyl phosphatase (pNPPase) activity of the purified dog kidney Na pump and the fluorescence of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled pump were determined. Sr2+ and Ba2+ did not compete with K+ for ATPase (an extracellular K+ effect). Sr2+ and Ba2+ did compete with Na+ for ATPase (an intracellular Na+ effect) and with K+ for pNPPase (an intracellular K+ effect). These results suggest that Ba2+ or Sr2+ can bind to the intracellular transport site, yet neither Ba2+ nor Sr2+ was able to activate pNPPase activity; we confirmed that Ca2+ and Mn2+ did activate. As another measure of cation binding, we observed that Ca2+ and Mn2+, but not Ba2+, decreased the fluorescence of the FITC-labeled pump; we confirmed that K+ substantially decreased the fluorescence. Interestingly, Ba2+ did shift the K+ dose-response curve. Ethane diamine inhibited Mn2+ stimulation of pNPPase (as well as K+ and Mg2+ stimulation) but did not shift the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) for the Mn2+-induced fluorescence change of FITC, though it did shift the IC50 for the K+-induced change. These results suggest that the Mn2+-induced fluorescence change is not due to Mn2+ binding at the transport site. The drawbacks of models in which Mn2+ stimulates pNPPase by binding solely to the catalytic site vs. those in which Mn2+ stimulates by binding to both the catalytic and transport sites are presented. Our results provide new insights into the pNPPase kinetic mechanism as well as how divalent cations interact with the Na pump.  相似文献   

In the gills of rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, the alpha1a- and alpha1b-isoforms of Na,K-ATPase are expressed reciprocally during salt acclimation. The alpha1a-isoform is important for Na(+) uptake in freshwater, but the molecular basis for the functional differences between the two isoforms is not known. Here, three amino acid substitutions are identified in transmembrane segment 5 (TM5), TM8 and TM9 of the alpha1a-isoform compared to the alpha1b-isoform, and the functional consequences are examined by mutagenesis and molecular modeling on the crystal structures of Ca-ATPase or porcine kidney Na,K-ATPase. In TM5 of the alpha1a-isoform, a lysine substitution, Asn783 --> Lys, inserts the epsilon-amino group in cation site 1 in the E(1) form to reduce the Na(+)/ATP ratio. In the E(2) form the epsilon-amino group approaches cation site 2 to force ejection of Na(+) to the blood phase and to interfere with binding of K(+). In TM8, a Asp933 --> Val substitution further reduces K(+) binding, while a Glu961 --> Ser substitution in TM9 can prevent interaction of FXYD peptides with TM9 and alter Na(+) or K(+) affinities. Together, the three substitutions in the alpha1a-isoform of Na,K-ATPase act to promote binding of Na(+) over K(+) from the cytoplasm, to reduce the Na(+)/ATP ratio and the work done in one Na,K pump cycle of active Na(+) transport against the steep gradient from freshwater (10-100 microM: Na(+)) to blood (160 mM: Na(+)) and to inhibit binding of K(+) to allow Na(+)/H(+) rather than Na(+)/K(+) exchange.  相似文献   

Summary Nonstationary electric currents are described which are generated by the Na,K-pump. Flat membrane sheets 0.2–1 m in diameter containing a high density of oriented N,K-ATPase molecules are bound to a planar lipid bilayer acting as a capacitive electrode. In the aqueous phase adjacent to the bound membrane sheets, ATP is released within milliseconds from an inactive, photolabile precursor (caged ATP) by an intense flash of light. After the ATP-concentration jump, transient current and voltage signals can be recorded in the external circuit corresponding to a translocation of positive charge across the pump protein from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side. These electrical signals which can be suppressed by inhibitors of the Na,K-ATPase require the presence of Na+ but not of K+ in the aqueous medium. The intrinsic pump currentI p (t) can be evaluated from the recorded current signal, using estimated values of the circuit parameters of the compound membrane system.I p (t) exhibits a biphasic behavior with a fast rising period, followed by a slower decline towards a small quasistationary current. The time constant of the rising phase ofI p (t) is found to depend on the rate of photochemical ATP release. Further information on the microscopic orgin of the current transient can be obtained by double-flash experiments and by chymotrypsin modification of the protein. These and other experiments indicate that the observed charge-translocation is associated with early events in the normal transport cycle. After activation by ATP, the pump goes through the first steps of the cycle and then enters a long-lived state from which return to the initial state is slow.  相似文献   

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