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1.  Climate change will cause changes in average temperature and precipitation as well as increased fluctuations around the mean, yet few studies have considered the impacts of altered climate variability on plant populations. We tested whether life-history traits (expected life span, generation time and seed size) can predict plant responses to increased environmental variability across similar plant species sharing the same habitat.
2.  We combined long-term demographic data on 10 prairie forb species with stochastic demography techniques to estimate the effects of potential changes in matrix element means and variances on the long-term stochastic population growth rate.
3.  For all 10 species, recruitment had higher contribution and elasticity values than survival, meaning that climate change is more likely to influence population growth through effects on recruitment than on survival for these relatively short-lived forbs. Species with longer generation times had lower elasticities to increases in matrix element variability.
4.   Synthesis. Our analysis of a unique, long-term data set suggests that longer-lived plant species will be less vulnerable to the effects of future increases in climate variability. While this relationship was previously reported for diverse taxa from many locations, our results show that it also applies within a guild of short-lived species from a single community. The generality of the pattern demonstrates the potential for using life-history traits to make predictions about which species may be the most vulnerable to climate change.  相似文献   

For some species, climate change has altered environmental conditions away from those in which life-history strategies evolved. In such cases, if adaptation does not keep pace with these changes, existing life-history strategies may become maladaptive and lead to population declines. We use life-history theory, with a specific emphasis on breeding strategies, in the context of the trophic match–mismatch framework to form generalizable hypotheses about population-level consumer responses to climate-driven perturbations in resource availability. We first characterize the income and breeding traits of sympatric caribou and muskoxen populations in western Greenland, and then test trait-based hypotheses about the expected reproductive performance of each population during a period of high resource variability at that site. The immediate reproductive performance of income breeding caribou decreased with trophic mismatch. In contrast, capital breeding muskoxen were relatively unaffected by current breeding season resource variability, but their reproductive performance was sensitive to resource conditions from previous years. These responses matched our expectations about how capital and income breeding strategies should influence population susceptibility to phenological mismatch. We argue for a taxon-independent assessment of trophic mismatch vulnerability based on a life-history strategy perspective in the context of prevailing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In variable environments, it is probable that environmental conditions in the past can influence demographic performance now. Cohort effects occur when these delayed life-history effects are synchronized among groups of individuals in a population. Here we show how plasticity in density-dependent demographic traits throughout the life cycle can lead to cohort effects and that there can be substantial population dynamic consequences of these effects. We show experimentally that density and food conditions early in development can influence subsequent juvenile life-history traits. We also show that conditions early in development can interact with conditions at maturity to shape future adult performance. In fact, conditions such as food availability and density at maturity, like conditions early in development, can generate cohort effects in mature stages. Based on these data, and on current theory about the effects of plasticity generated by historical environments, we make predictions about the consequences of such changes on density-dependent demography and on mite population dynamics. We use a stochastic cohort effects model to generate a range of population dynamics. In accordance with the theory, we find the predicted changes in the strength of density dependence and associated changes in population dynamics and population variability.  相似文献   

Evaluating the relative importance of ecological drivers responsible for natural population fluctuations in size is challenging. Longitudinal studies where most individuals are monitored from birth to death and where environmental conditions are known provide a valuable resource to characterize complex ecological interactions. We used a recently developed approach to decompose the observed fluctuation in population growth of the red deer population on the Isle of Rum into contributions from climate, density and their interaction and to quantify their relative importance. We also quantified the contribution of individual covariates, including phenotypic and life-history traits, to population growth. Fluctuations in composition in age and sex classes ((st)age structure) of the population contributed substantially to the population dynamics. Density, climate, birth weight and reproductive status contributed less and approximately equally to the population growth. Our results support the contention that fluctuations in the population's (st)age structure have important consequences for population dynamics and underline the importance of including information on population composition to understand the effect of human-driven changes on population performance of long-lived species.  相似文献   

Environmental changes, such as climate change, lead to the opening of new niches. In such situations, species that adapt to new niches can survive and/or expand their ranges. However, gene flow can hamper genetic adaptation to new environments. Alternatively, recent models have highlighted the importance of phenotypic plasticity in tracking environmental change. Here, we investigate whether phenotypic plasticity or genetic evolution (or both) allows an amphibian species to exploit two divergent climatic niches. In the Mediterranean region, the parsley frog Pelodytes punctatus breeds both in spring, as do most other species, and in autumn, a temporal niche not exploited by most other species, but which may become increasingly important with global warming. Conditions of development are dramatically different between the two seasons and deeply impact tadpole life-history traits. To determine whether these temporal niches are exploited by two genetically differentiated subpopulations, or whether the bimodal phenology arises in a panmictic population displaying plastic life-history traits, we use two complementary approaches. We measure both molecular genetic differentiation and quantitative-trait differentiation between spring and autumn cohorts, using microsatellites and common garden experiments, respectively. Seasonal cohorts were not genetically differentiated and differences in tadpole life history between cohorts were not maintained in laboratory conditions. We conclude that phenotypic plasticity, rather than genetic adaptation, allows Parsley frog to exploit two contrasting temporal niches.  相似文献   

Environmental change is as multifaceted as are the species and communities that respond to these changes. Current theoretical approaches to modeling ecosystem response to environmental change often deal only with single environmental drivers or single species traits, simple ecological interactions, and/or steady states, leading to concern about how accurately these approaches will capture future responses to environmental change in real biological systems. To begin addressing this issue, we generalize a previous trait-based framework to incorporate aspects of frequency dependence, functional complementarity, and the dynamics of systems composed of species that are defined by multiple traits that are tied to multiple environmental drivers. The framework is particularly well suited for analyzing the role of temporal environmental fluctuations in maintaining trait variability and the resultant effects on community response to environmental change. Using this framework, we construct simple models to investigate two ecological problems. First, we show how complementary resource use can significantly enhance the nutrient uptake of plant communities through two different mechanisms related to increased productivity (over-yielding) and larger trait variability. Over-yielding is a hallmark of complementarity and increases the total biomass of the community and, thus, the total rate at which nutrients are consumed. Trait variability also increases due to the lower levels of competition associated with complementarity, thus speeding up the rate at which more efficient species emerge as conditions change. Second, we study systems in which multiple environmental drivers act on species defined by multiple, correlated traits. We show that correlations in these systems can increase trait variability within the community and again lead to faster responses to environmental change. The methodological advances provided here will apply to almost any function that relates species traits and environmental drivers to growth, and should prove useful for studying the effects of climate change on the dynamics of biota.  相似文献   

Peary caribou Rangifer tarandus pearyi is the northernmost subspecies of Rangifer in North America and endemic to the Canadian High Arctic. Because of severe population declines following years of unfavorable winter weather with ice coating on the ground or thicker snow cover, it is believed that density-independent disturbance events are the primary driver for Peary caribou population dynamics. However, it is unclear to what extent density dependence may affect population dynamics of this species. Here, we test for different levels of density dependence in a stochastic, single-stage population model, based on available empirical information for the Bathurst Island complex (BIC) population in the Canadian High Arctic. We compare predicted densities with observed densities during 1961–2001 under various assumptions of the strength of density dependence. On the basis of our model, we found that scenarios with no or very low density dependence led to population densities far above observed densities. For average observed disturbance regimes, a carrying capacity of 0.1 caribou km−2 generated an average caribou density similar to that estimated for the BIC population over the past four decades. With our model we also tested the potential effects of climate change-related increases in the probability and severity of disturbance years, that is unusually poor winter conditions. On the basis of our simulation results, we found that, in particular, potential increases in disturbance severity (as opposed to disturbance frequency) may pose a considerable threat to the persistence of this species.  相似文献   

Records of 232 moth species spanning 26 years (total catch of ca. 230,000 specimens), obtained by continuous light-trapping in Kevo, northernmost subarctic Finland, were used to examine the hypothesis that life-history traits and taxonomic position contribute to both relative abundance and temporal variability of Lepidoptera. Species with detritophagous or moss-feeding larvae, species hibernating in the larval stage, and species pupating during the first half of the growing season were over-represented among 42 species classified as abundant during the entire sampling period. The coefficients of variation in annual catches of species hibernating as eggs averaged 1.7 times higher than those of species hibernating as larvae or pupae. Time-series analysis demonstrated that periodicity in fluctuations of annual catches is generally independent of life-history traits and taxonomic affinities of the species. Moreover, closely related species with similar life-history traits often show different population dynamics, undermining the phylogenetic constraints hypothesis. Species with the shortest (1 year) time lag in the action of negative feedback processes on population growth exhibit the largest magnitude of fluctuations. Our analyses revealed that only a few consistent patterns in the population dynamics of herbivorous moths can be deduced from life-history characteristics of the species. Moreover, the diversity of population behaviour in one moth assemblage challenges any conventional wisdom suggesting predictable patterns. Our results raise several questions about perceptions and paradigms in insect population dynamics and stress the need for research on detritivorous insect population dynamics, as well as the need for more assemblage-wide studies using common trapping methods to provide comparative data on related and unrelated species with different life-history traits.  相似文献   

1. Although both endogenous and exogenous processes regulate populations, the current understanding of the contributions from density dependence and climate to the population dynamics of eruptive herbivores remains limited. 2. Using a 17‐year time series of three cereal aphid species [Rhopalosiphum padi L., Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), and Diuraphis noxia (Kurdumov)] compiled from a trapping network spanning the northwestern U.S.A., temporal and spatial patterns associated with population fluctuations, and modelled density dependence in aphid abundances were tested. These models were used to analyse correlations between climate and aphid abundances in the presence and absence of residual variance as a result of density‐dependent effects. 3. The temporal dynamics of aphid population fluctuations indicated periodicity, with no clear evidence for a spatial pattern underlying population fluctuations. 4. Aphid abundances oscillated in a manner consistent with delayed density dependence for all three aphid species, although the strength of these feedbacks differed among species. 5. Diuraphis noxia abundances were negatively correlated with increasing temperatures in the absence of density‐dependent effects, whereas M. dirhodum abundances were positively correlated with increasing cumulative precipitation in the presence of density‐dependent effects; yet, R. padi abundances were unrelated to climate variables irrespective of population feedbacks. 6. Our analysis suggests that endogenous feedbacks differentially regulate aphid populations in the northwestern U.S.A., and these feedbacks may operate at an expansive spatial scale. It is concluded that the contributions of density dependence and climate to aphid population dynamics are species‐specific in spite of similar ecological niches, with implications for assessing species responses to climate variability.  相似文献   

Adaptation to temporal variation in environmental conditions is widespread. Whether evolution in a constant environment alters adaptation to temporal variation is relatively unexplored. We examine how constant and diurnally fluctuating temperature conditions affect life-history traits in two populations of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta : a field population that routinely experiences fluctuating temperatures; and a laboratory population (derived from this field population in the 1960s) maintained at a constant temperature for more than 250 generations. Our experiments demonstrate that diurnal fluctuations significantly alter body size and development time in both populations, and confirm that these populations differ in their responses to a mean temperature. However, we found no evidence for population divergence in responses to diurnal temperature fluctuations. We suggest that mean and extreme temperatures may act as more potent selective forces on thermal reaction norms than temperature variation per se.  相似文献   

Traditional conservation biology regards environmental fluctuations as detrimental to persistence, reducing long-term average growth rates and increasing the probability of extinction. By contrast, coexistence models from community ecology suggest that for species with dormancy, environmental fluctuations may be essential for persistence in competitive communities. We used models based on California grasslands to examine the influence of interannual fluctuations in the environment on the persistence of rare forbs competing with exotic grasses. Despite grasses and forbs independently possessing high fecundity in the same types of years, interspecific differences in germination biology and dormancy caused the rare forb to benefit from variation in the environment. Owing to the buildup of grass competitors, consecutive favorable years proved highly detrimental to forb persistence. Consequently, negative temporal autocorrelation, a low probability of a favorable year, and high variation in year quality all benefited the forb. In addition, the litter produced by grasses in a previously favorable year benefited forb persistence by inhibiting its germination into highly competitive grass environments. We conclude that contrary to conventional predictions of conservation and population biology, yearly fluctuations in climate may be essential for the persistence of rare species in invaded habitats.  相似文献   

1. A central question in ecology is to separate the relative contribution of density dependence and stochastic influences to annual fluctuations in population size. Here we estimate the deterministic and stochastic components of the dynamics of different European populations of white stork Ciconia ciconia. We then examined whether annual changes in population size was related to the climate during the breeding period (the 'tap hypothesis' sensu Saether, Sutherland & Engen (2004, Advances in Ecological Research, 35, 185 209) or during the nonbreeding period, especially in the winter areas in Africa (the 'tube hypothesis'). 2. A general characteristic of the population dynamics of this long-distance migrant is small environmental stochasticity and strong density regulation around the carrying capacity with short return times to equilibrium. 3. Annual changes in the size of the eastern European populations were correlated by rainfall in the wintering areas in Africa as well as local weather in the breeding areas just before arrival and in the later part of the breeding season and regional climate variation (North Atlantic Oscillation). This indicates that weather influences the population fluctuations of white storks through losses of sexually mature individuals as well as through an effect on the number of individuals that manages to establish themselves in the breeding population. Thus, both the tap and tube hypothesis explains climate influences on white stork population dynamics. 4. The spatial scale of environmental noise after accounting for the local dynamics was 67 km, suggesting that the strong density dependence reduces the synchronizing effects of climate variation on the population dynamics of white stork. 5. Several climate variables reduced the synchrony of the residual variation in population size after accounting for density dependence and demographic stochasticity, indicating that these climate variables had a synchronizing effect on the population fluctuations. In contrast, other climatic variables acted as desynchronizing agents. 6. Our results illustrate that evaluating the effects of common environmental variables on the spatio-temporal variation in population dynamics require estimates and modelling of their influence on the local dynamics.  相似文献   

Understanding how multiple extrinsic (density‐independent) factors and intrinsic (density‐dependent) mechanisms influence population dynamics has become increasingly urgent in the face of rapidly changing climates. It is particularly unclear how multiple extrinsic factors with contrasting effects among seasons are related to declines in population numbers and changes in mean body size and whether there is a strong role for density‐dependence. The primary goal of this study was to identify the roles of seasonal variation in climate driven environmental direct effects (mean stream flow and temperature) vs. density‐dependence on population size and mean body size in eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). We use data from a 10‐year capture‐mark‐recapture study of eastern brook trout in four streams in Western Massachusetts, USA to parameterize a discrete‐time population projection model. The model integrates matrix modeling techniques used to characterize discrete population structures (age, habitat type, and season) with integral projection models (IPMs) that characterize demographic rates as continuous functions of organismal traits (in this case body size). Using both stochastic and deterministic analyses we show that decreases in population size are due to changes in stream flow and temperature and that these changes are larger than what can be compensated for through density‐dependent responses. We also show that the declines are due mostly to increasing mean stream temperatures decreasing the survival of the youngest age class. In contrast, increases in mean body size over the same period are the result of indirect changes in density with a lesser direct role of climate‐driven environmental change.  相似文献   

Whilst studies have shown that climatic (North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)) and biotic (acorn production) factors influence rodent populations, mechanisms driving temporal and spatial fluctuation of rodent populations are understudied. This study evaluates relationships between the influence of environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) and phenotypic characteristics across two rodent feeding guilds (granivorous and non-granivorous species) represented by four species of rodents in Central Europe. We hypothesise that the relationship between acorn density and population growth rate are indirectly affected by climatic factors (winter NAO) and that these effects differ amongst herbivorous and granivorous species. In addition, we also tested whether effects of weather and competition on individual phenotype characteristic vary amongst mast and non-mast years. Rodent populations were estimated by catching individuals in snap traps during the growing season (from March to November) over a period of 9 years at three sites. The results of the generalised linear model provide evidence that acorn production best explained the population fluctuations. We therefore conclude that the between-year population fluctuations in rodent abundance were governed by density dependence and initiated primarily by acorn mast years. Auto-regressive models also revealed direct density dependence in combination with the direct effects of mast years. Therefore, strong intraspecific competition for food is likely in years following mast years. Our results also showed that abundance of non-granivorous species is mainly influenced by local weather conditions which could regulate food quality and abundance. On the other hand, population dynamics of granivorous species are caused directly by acorn density and indirectly by climatic condition influencing acorn production.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Life-history traits and density were assayed in seven populations of two sympatric species of wolf spider for three consecutive years. The goal of the study was to quantify population dynamics and its relation to spatial and temporal life-history variation.
2. Adult female body size and fecundity varied significantly, among field sites and among years, in both species. Female spiders of both species differed in mean relative reproductive effort among sites, but not among years. The size of offspring was invariable, with no significant differences due to site or year.
3. All populations of both species tended to either decrease or increase in density during a given year and this was tightly correlated with changes in prey consumption rates.
4. Since life-history patterns are determined primarily by selection, it is concluded that size at sexual maturity for females is phenotypically plastic and responds to changes in prey availability. Offspring size however is not plastic and it is likely that other selection forces have determined offspring size. Temporal fluctuations in population size are correlated over a large area relative to dispersal capabilities for these species and conservation efforts for invertebrates must take this into consideration.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of life-history traits and the effects of density upon them were studied in an island population of the lizardEumeces okadae. Although life-history traits such as clutch size, egg size and the proportion of mature reproductive females varied little over 7 years in the intact population, manipulation of density to simulate decreased population density enhanced juvenile growth rate, age at first reproduction, frequency of female reproduction and size-specific clutch mass. In particular, the proportion of mature females reproducing annually increased almost 10 times from 5.6% to 53.8% after the removal of some lizards. However, body size at first reproduction and egg size were almost identical under both high and low density conditions. This study suggests that there were strong density-dependent effects on several life-history traits and thatE. okadae attained a density close to the carrying capacity of the environment.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews and provides discussion on the evidence for, and nature of, density-dependence patterns in r and K-selected species. In this review, I discuss how life-history strategies cause different nonlinear density-dependence patterns and I provide a simple modeling recommendation to incorporate nonlinear density dependence in population growth equations. Second, I discuss the importance of incorporation of environmental stochasticity and local extinction associated with nonlinear density dependence associated with life-history patterns through a novel modeling exercise. Last, I discuss the importance of considering how life-history nonlinear density dependence could affect optimal harvest yields. Though these topics are extensive, this review should spur wildlife biologists and managers to consider more inclusive population models that incorporate life-history strategies and stochasticity in their decision-making processes. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of mosquito population dynamics under natural environmental forcing requires adequate field observations spanning the full range of temporal scales over which mosquito abundance fluctuates in natural conditions. Here we analyze a 9-year daily time series of uninterrupted observations of adult mosquito abundance for multiple mosquito species in North Carolina to identify characteristic scales of temporal variability, the processes generating them, and the representativeness of observations at different sampling resolutions. We focus in particular on Aedes vexans and Culiseta melanura and, using a combination of spectral analysis and modeling, we find significant population fluctuations with characteristic periodicity between 2 days and several years. Population dynamical modelling suggests that the observed fast fluctuations scales (2 days-weeks) are importantly affected by a varying mosquito activity in response to rapid changes in meteorological conditions, a process neglected in most representations of mosquito population dynamics. We further suggest that the range of time scales over which adult mosquito population variability takes place can be divided into three main parts. At small time scales (indicatively 2 days-1 month) observed population fluctuations are mainly driven by behavioral responses to rapid changes in weather conditions. At intermediate scales (1 to several month) environmentally-forced fluctuations in generation times, mortality rates, and density dependence determine the population characteristic response times. At longer scales (annual to multi-annual) mosquito populations follow seasonal and inter-annual environmental changes. We conclude that observations of adult mosquito populations should be based on a sub-weekly sampling frequency and that predictive models of mosquito abundance must include behavioral dynamics to separate the effects of a varying mosquito activity from actual changes in the abundance of the underlying population.  相似文献   

Considerable debate has accompanied efforts to integrate the selective impacts of environmental stresses into models of life-history evolution. This study was designed to determine if different environmental stresses have consistent phenotypic effects on life-history characters and whether selection under different stresses leads to consistent evolutionary responses. We created lineages of a wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) that were selected for three generations under five stress regimes (high boron, high salt, low light, low water, or low nutrients) or under near-optimal conditions (control). Full-sibling families from the six selection histories were divided among the same six experimental treatments. In that test generation, lifetime plant fecundity and six phenotypic traits were measured for each plant. Throughout this greenhouse study, plants were grown individually and stresses were applied from the early seedling stage through senescence. Although all stresses consistently reduced lifetime fecundity and most size- and growth-related traits, different stresses had contrasting effects on flowering time. On average, stress delayed flowering compared to favorable conditions, although plants experiencing low nutrient stress flowered earliest and those experiencing low light flowered latest. Contrary to expectations of Grime's triangle model of life-history evolution, this ruderal species does not respond phenotypically to poor environments by flowering earlier. Most stresses enhanced the evolutionary potential of the study population. Compared with near-optimal conditions, stresses tended to increase the opportunity for selection as well as phenotypic variance, although both of these quantities were reduced in some stresses. Rather than favoring traits characteristic of stress tolerance, such as slow growth and delayed reproduction, phenotypic selection favored stress-avoidance traits: earlier flowering in all five stress regimes and faster seedling height growth in three stresses. Phenotypic correlations reinforced direct selection on these traits under stress, leading to predicted phenotypic change under stress, but no significant selection in the control environment. As a result of these factors, selection under stress resulted in an evolutionary shift toward earlier flowering. Environmental stresses may drive populations of ruderal plant species like S. arvensis toward a stress-avoidance strategy, rather than toward stress tolerance. Further studies will be needed to determine when selection in stressful environments leads to these alternative life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Latitudinal gradients of life-history traits in animals are thought to be shaped by environmental variables. For example, it has been suggested that the increase in avian clutch size from the tropics towards the northern temperate regions is caused by a reduced survival of adult birds in the north due to increasing environmental seasonality. However, the tropical savannahs of East Africa show pronounced seasonality in resources caused by distinct rainy and dry seasons. This raises the question of whether survival and other life-history traits of birds living in these tropical savannahs are influenced by this seasonality, making them more similar to northern temperate species. We used 2-year monthly resighting data, a multistate modelling approach and the program MARK to test whether survival, transition probabilities between breeding states and other life-history traits of two resident Kenyan Sylvia species (Aves: Passeriformes: Sylviidae) are shaped by seasonality of rainfall in their environment. Contradicting our hypotheses, the two species showed only very slight influence of seasonality of rainfall on their survival. Survival in the dry months was hardly lower than in the rainy months. The species in the more seasonal environment ( S. boehmi , annual survival 71%) survived as well as the one in the more constant environment ( S. lugens , 56%). The observed survival rates correspond well to other life-history traits of the two species and are of similar magnitude to survival rates of other tropical passerines. This implies that either seasonality is not the driving force behind the life-history traits of the two species or the birds do not experience their environment as seasonal, as might be suggested by fluctuations in rainfall.  相似文献   

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