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A method for isolation of higher frequency of regenerated protoplast fromPleurotus florida andP. ostreatus is reported.  相似文献   

Rice straw, used as a substrate for three successive crops of the fruiting bodies ofPleurotus florida having 22% protein, had less cellulose but more nitrogen and ash than the original straw.In vitro digestibility using bacterial cellulase released 4.3-fold more reducing sugars per g cellulose from spent straw than from plain straw. There was 8-fold increase in biogas production from the spent straw compared with the original when used either in 31 (w/w) or 11 (w/w) combination with cattle dung.
Résumé La paille de riz, utilisée comme substrat pour trois récoltes successives de corps fruités dePleurotus florida, à 22% de protéines, contenait moins de cellulose mais plus d'azote et de cendres que la paille originelle. La digestionin vitro par une cellulase bactérienne, relarguait 4.3 fois plus de sucres réducteurs par g de cellulose à partir de la paille résiduaire qu'à partir de la paille originelle. On observe un accroissement de 8 fois dans la production de biogas à partir de la paille résidualle par rapport à la paille originelle lorsque cellesci sont utilisées en combinaison avec la bouse de vache dans les proportions soit de 31 soit de 11 (p/p).

Mutants of Neurospora deficient in aryl sulfatase   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  

Spontaneous and ethyl methanesulfate induced mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with partial and complete deficiency of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT, EC, were isolated by selection for resistance to 8-azaadenine. Matings between totally deficient mutants and tester strain resulted in diploid heterozygotes that were sensitive to azaadenine. Upon sporulation and tetrad analysis, azaadenine resistance (and APRT deficiency) segregated as expected for a single Mendelian gene. Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC activity in the mutants was similar to that in the wild-type cells. There was no detectable activity of adenine aminohydrolase (EC in the wild-type or mutant cells.  相似文献   

Mutants of Chinese hamster cells deficient in thymidylate synthetase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stable mutants of Chinese hamster V79 cells deficient in thymidylate synthetase (TS; E.C. have been selected from cultures grown in medium supplemented with folinic acid, aminopterin, and thymidine (FAT). After chemical mutagenesis, the frequency of colonies resistant to the "FAT" medium increased more than 100-fold over the spontaneous frequency. The optimal expression time of the mutant phenotype was 5-7 days after mutagen treatment. The recovery of FAT-resistant colonies in the selective medium was not affected by the presence of wild-type cells at a density below 9,000 cells per cm2. All 21 mutants tested exhibited thymidine auxotrophy; neither folinic acid nor deoxyuridine could support mutant cell growth. There was no detectable TS activity in all 11 mutants so far examined and only about 50% of wild-type activity in three prototrophic revertants, as measured by whole-cell and cell-free enzyme assays. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate and inhibition constant (Ki) for 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate, measured by whole-cell enzyme assay, appear to be similar for the wild-type and revertant cell lines. Using 5-fluoro-[6-3H]-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate as active site titrant, the relative amounts of TS in crude cell extract from the parental, revertant, and mutant cells were shown to exist in a 1:0.5:0 ratio. Furthermore, the enzymes from two revertants were more heat labile than that of V79 cells. These properties, taken together, suggest that the FAT-resistant, thymidine auxotrophic phenotype may be the result of a structural gene mutation at the TS locus. The availability of such a mutant facilitates studies on thymidylate stress in relation to DNA metabolism, cell growth, and mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium deficient in an endoprotease.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Three bands of hydrolytic activity toward the chromogenic protease substrate N-acetyl-DL-phenylalanine beta-naphthyl ester (NAPNE) can be observed after gel electrophoresis of crude extracts of Salmonella typhimurium or Escherichia coli. Mutants deficient in one of these three activities have been isolated using a staining procedure that identifies colonies that show reduced ability to hydrolyze NAPNE. These mutants lack the strongest of the three bands of activity. The Salmonella mutations (designated apeA) are all co-transducible with purE, and the order (pro)-apeA-Hfr K17 origin-purE has been established. Strains carrying apeA mutations have wild-type doubling times. None of the apeA mutants isolated gains an auxotrophic requirement as a result of loss of the apeA gene product. The rates and extents of protein degradation during starvation for a carbon source or during growth after exposure to the amino acid analogue canavanine do not seem to be affected by apeA mutations. Revertants of apeA mutations (selected by screening for clones that have regained the ability to hydrolyze NAPNE) frequently contain a new enzymatic activity not found in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli deficient in the fermentative NAD-linked lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) have been isolated. These mutants showed no growth defects under anaerobic conditions unless present together with a defect in pyruvate formate lyase (pfl). Double mutants (pfl ldh) were unable to grow anaerobically on glucose or other sugars even when supplemented with acetate, whereas pfl mutants can do so. The ldh mutation was found to map at 30.5 min on the E. coli chromosome. The ldh mutant FMJ39 showed no detectable lactate dehydrogenase activity and produced no lactic acid from glucose under anaerobic conditions as estimated by in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. We also found that in wild-type strains the fermentative lactate dehydrogenase was conjointly induced by anaerobic conditions and an acidic pH. Despite previous findings that phosphate concentrations affect the proportion of lactic acid produced during fermentation, we were unable to find any intrinsic effect of phosphate on lactate dehydrogenase activity, apart from the buffering effect of this ion.  相似文献   

G E Jones  P A Sargent 《Cell》1974,2(1):43-54
Spontaneous mutants of cultured Chinese hamster cells (line CHO) deficient in APRT have been isolated by selection in 8-azaadenine (AA). Loss of APRT activity occurs in two discrete steps. In the first step, about 65% of total activity is lost; in the second step, most or all of the remaining activity is lost. Cells totally deficient in APRT are highly resistant to AA and cannot utilize exogenous adenine as a source of purines for cell growth. Cells partially deficient in the enzyme exhibit resistance to AA intermediate to that of wild type and fully deficient cells. Growth of cells partially deficient in APRT is inhibited in medium containing drug by the presence of large numbers of wild type cells, but cells totally deficient in the enzyme are not inhibited by the presence of either partially deficient or wild type cells.Stepwise loss of APRT activity probably has a genetic origin. The mutants exhibit stable phenotypes, and the frequency of fully deficient cells in a partially deficient population is enhanced by treatment with a mutagen. The rate of spontaneous mutation from partial to total deficiency is 3 ± 0.8 × 10?7 per cell generation, and reversion from full to partial deficiency can occur. Total lack of APRT activity is recessive to its presence, but the specific activity of the enzyme in hybrid cells depends quantitatively upon the specific activities in the two parents.  相似文献   

Summary A lovastatin-hyperproducing culture ofAspergillus terreus was shown to produce several co-metabolites extracted from whole broth. The predominant co-metabolite was the benzophenone, sulochrin, reported to arise from a polyketide biosynthetic pathway. This compound was targeted for elimination by classical mutagenesis and screening. A surface culture method employing microtiter, plates was used to ferment mutants for the primary screen. Qualitative determinations of lovastatin and sulochrin production were achieved by high-performance thin-layer chromatography. A mutant, strain AH6, which produced lovastatin titers equivalent to the parent culture and no detectable sulochrin was isolated. In addition, a lovastatin-hyperproducing mutant designated CB4 was capable of producing 16% more lovastatin and 30% less sulochrin than the parent culture in shake flask fermentations. In a pilot-scale 250-gallon fermentation, strain CB4 gave a 20% increase in lovastatin titer while producing 83% less sulochrin than the parent culture.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - The original article has been updated.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K12 mutants lacking phenazine-methosulphate-linked formate dehydrogenase (FDH-PMS) activity, but still capable of producing normal levels of benzyl-viologen-linked formate dehydrogenase (FDH-BV) and nitrate reductase activities, have been isolated following P1 localized mutagenesis. The relevant mutations mapped with the same cotransduction frequency close to the rhaD gene, at 88 min on the E. coli chromosome. They were further subdivided into two classes. Class I consisted of six fdhD mutants which synthesized an inactive FDH-PMS protein with the same subunit composition as the wild-type enzyme. In contrast, class II contained four fdhE mutants totally devoid of this antigen. Construction of merodiploid strains harbouring various combinations of the mutated alleles, fdhE on the episome and fdhD on the chromosome, led to the restoration of FDH-PMS activity by complementation of the products encoded by the respective wild-type alleles. Difference spectroscopy suggested that both fdhD and fdhE mutants contained normal amounts of the cytochrome b559 associated with FDH-PMS although the cytochrome had lost its capacity for formate-dependent reduction.  相似文献   

A new screening technique has been developed for the rapid identification of Neurospora crassa mutants that are deficient in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase (NADase) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate glycohydrolase (NADPase) activities. Using this procedure, five single-gene mutants were isolated whose singular difference from wild type appeared to be the absence of NAD(P)ase (EC All five mutants were found to be genetically allelic and did not complement in heterocaryons. This gene, nada [NAD(P)ase], was localized in linkage group IV. One of the nada alleles was found to specify an enzyme that was critically temperature sensitive and had altered substrate affinity. Mutations at the nada locus did not affect the genetic program for the expression of NAD(P)ase during cell differentiation, nor did they have a general effect on NAD catabolism. Nada mutations did not have simultaneous effects on other glycohydrolase activities. Tests of dominance (in heterocaryons) and in vitro mixing experiments did not provide evidence that nada mutations alter activators or inhibitors of NAD(P)ase. Thus, the nada gene appears to specify only the structure of N. crassa NAD(P)ase.  相似文献   

To determine the regulation of morphogenesis of the outermost layer, the thick layer outside the inner coat, of the Bacillus megaterium spore, we isolated 15 outermost layer deficient mutants of B. megaterium using transposon Tn917. Three mutant strains lacked both synthesis of the 48-kDa outermost layer protein and induction of two initial enzymes for galactosamine-6-phosphate polymer synthesis, evidence that these biochemical events are regulated in the cascade system during morphogenesis of the outermost layer.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causes bacterial leaf blight, a serious disease of rice. A virulence- and xylanase-deficient mutant of Xoo was isolated following ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. A cosmid clone that restored virulence and xylanase secretion was obtained from a genomic library by functional complementation. Transposon mutagenesis and marker exchange studies revealed genes on the cloned DNA that were required for xylanase production and virulence. Sequence analysis with transposon-specific primers revealed that these genes were homologues of xps F and xps D, which encode components of a protein secretion system in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Enzyme assays showed xylanase accumulation in the periplasmic space and cytoplasm of the xps F mutant and the complementing clone restored transport to the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Summary The conditions for protoplast isolation and reversion inPleuro tus sajor-caju were determined. Spherical, osmotically sensitive protoplasts were released from the mycelia through the action of Novozym 234 and cellulase CP in a suitable osmotic solution. A maximum protoplast yield was obtained from young mycelia at an early exponential growth phase by the use of 0.6 mol/l MgSC4 in a 0.01 mol/l phosphate buffer at pH 5.0. Mannitol appeared to be more suitable forPleurotus protoplast reversion. Two patterns of morphological development of the protoplasts were observed in the osmotic liquid medium. The reversion frequency was, however, low at 4–5%. There appeared to be no significant difference in the reversion frequencies of the protoplasts grown on the complete medium and on the minimal medium.
Resumen Aislamiento y reversión de protoplastos en Pleurotus sajor-caju Se determinaron las condiciones para el aislamiento y reversión de protoplastos enPleurotus sajor-caju. Protoplastos esféricos y osmóticamente sensibles se obtuvieron a partir de micelio mediante la action de Novozym 234 y celulasa CP en un medio osmótico adecuado. El máximo numéro de protoplastos fueron obtenidos a partir de miclio joven en la primera parte de la fase exponencial de crecimiento utilizando 0.6 mol/l MgSO en un tampón fosfato (0.01 mol/l) a pH 5.0. Manitol parece ser adecuado para la reversion dePleurotus. Se observaron dos patrones de desarrollo morfológico de los protoplastos en el medio osmótico líquido. La frecuencia de reversion fue, sin embargo, baja (4–5%). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre los protoplastos obtenidos en el medio completo y los que lo fueron en un medio mínimo.

Résumé Isolement et réversion des protoplastes de Pleurotus sajor-caju Les conditions pour l'isolement de protoplastes dePleurotus sajor-caju et pour leur réversion ont été déterminées. Des protoplastes sphériques et osmotiquement sensibles ont été préparés à partir du mycélium par action de Novozym 234 et de cellulase CP en milieu osmotiquement approprié. Le rendement maximum en protoplastes est obtenu à partir du mycélium jeune, en phase exponentielle précoce, dans un tampon phosphates 0,01 M à pH 5,0, contenant MgSO4 0,6 M. Pour la réversion des protoplastes, l'agent le plus favorable est le manitol. Deux modes de développement morphologique des protoplastes en milieu osmotique ont été constatés. Toutefois, la fréquence de réversion est faible (4 à 5%). Il ne semble pas que la fréquence de réversion soit significativement différente lorsque les protoplastes sont cultivés en milieu complet ou en milieu minimal.

This work is part of the first author's PhD thesis submitted to the Department of Biology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Mutants of Aspergillus nidulans defective in conidiation (asexual sporulation) can be classified according to whether they are blocked before or after induction of conidiation. Mutants blocked before induction (preinduction mutants) appear to be unable to respond to the inducing stimulus and thus are defective in one of the earliest events in the sporulation process. Three preinduction mutants have been isolated and characterized. Each was found to exhibit the same pleiotropic phenotype: they also were defective in sexual sporulation and secreted a set of phenolic metabolites at a level much higher than did wild type or mutants blocked at later stages of conidiation. One of the metabolites has been identified as the antibiotic diorcinal (3,3'-dihydroxy-5,5'-dimethyldiphenyl ether) which is known to be involved in the synthesis of certain farnesyl phenols of unknown function. These results suggest that preinduction mutants are blocked in a phenolic metabolic pathway, one or more product of which participates in the initiation of sporulation.  相似文献   

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