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Identification of molecular markers defining the end of tuber dormancy prior to visible sprouting is of agronomic interest for potato growers and the potato processing industry. In potato tubers, breakage of dormancy is associated with the reactivation of meristem function. In dormant meristems, cells are arrested in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle and re-entry into the G1 phase followed by DNA replication during the S phase enables bud outgrowth. Deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dUTPase) is essential for DNA replication and was therefore tested as a potential marker for meristem reactivation in tuber buds. The corresponding cDNA clone was isolated from potato by PCR. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 94% similarity to the tomato homologue. By employing different potato cultivars, a positive correlation between dUTPase expression and onset of tuber sprouting could be confirmed. Moreover, gene expression analysis of tuber buds during storage time revealed an up-regulation of the dUTPase 1 week before visible sprouting occurred. Further analysis using an in vitro sprout assay supported the assumption that dUTPase is a good molecular marker to define the transition from dormant to active potato tuber meristems.  相似文献   

Improved purification of potato tuber invertase was achieved by utilizing a form of affinity chromatography between the enzyme and Concanavalin A (Con A) bound to Sepharose. Twenty-fold increases in specific activity were routinely obtained with this step and the enzyme was purified 190-fold over that found in the crude homogenate. The Con A-Sepharose chromatography step gave a greater purification than any other step in the invertase isolation procedure. There was up to 170% recovery of the activity loaded onto the column. α-Methyl-d-mannoside, sucrose, d-glucose and d-fructose eluted the enzyme from the Con A-Sepharose column with similar recoveries, although the volume of eluent required varied with the sugar. This unusually high recovery of invertase activity was obtained with some batches of tubers but not with others. There was evidence to suggest that the high recovery, or activation, may be due to the release of an inhibitor from the enzyme in the presence of Con A-Sepharose. Adsorption of invertase to Con A-Sepharose could be eliminated by incubation of the enzyme with α-mannosidase and β-glucosidase, indicating that potato tuber invertase is a glycoprotein. Proteinaceous inhibitor purification was improved by treatment of the tuber extract at low pH.  相似文献   

Tubers produced from crosses between the wild potato, Solanum berthaultii Hawkes (Solanaceae), and the cultivated species Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae) are resistant to potato tuber worm (PTW), Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), infestation compared to those of the popular commercial North American cultivars Allegany, Atlantic, Chieftain, Katahdin, MaineChip, NorDonna, Norwis, Russet Norkotah, Snowden, and Yukon Gold. Given a choice between Atlantic and hybrid tubers, female PTW deposited ca. 50% fewer eggs on hybrid tubers than on those of Atlantic; larval survival and production of prepupae on hybrid tubers were reduced similarly. Time needed for neonates to penetrate eye buds was ca. 100 min greater on hybrid tubers compared to that on cv. Atlantic. Periderm of hybrid tubers is thicker than that of cv. Atlantic and may contribute to the delay in larval penetration of tubers and the success of initial establishment.  相似文献   

White potato tuber tissue reacts upon wounding with a rapid increase in activity of both chromatin-bound DNA-dependent RNA polymerase I and II as well as protein phosphokinase. This enhancement is more pronounced if 0.1 mM of the synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is added shortly after wounding. The effect of the hormone on protein kinases becomes evident only after a lag phase of about 10h and lasts throughout the wound-healing period. Different protein kinases with different substrate specificity (i.e. histone, phosvitin, casein phosphokinases) are distinctly more active in auxin-treated tissues. The phosphate is apparently introduced into proteins via seryl and threonyl bonds. Acyl or histidyl phosphates are not involved.The properties of protein phosphokinases are virtually identical in wounded and auxin-treated tissues. However, the pattern of chromosomal proteins and the pattern of their phosphorylation in hormone-treated tissues is different from those in wounded ones. A drastic stimulation of phosphorylation of both high and low-molecular weight chromosomal proteins is characteristic for auxin-treated cells.  相似文献   

Superoxide anion regulates plant growth and tuber development of potato   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Kim MS  Kim HS  Kim YS  Baek KH  Oh HW  Hahn KW  Bae RN  Lee IJ  Joung H  Jeon JH 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(10):1717-1725
A higher concentration of H2O2 was detected in the sense transgenic potato plant (SS4) with the lily chCu,ZnSOD sequence, whereas higher levels of O2 was detected in the antisense transgenic plant (SA1) than the WT plant. The elongation growth in SA1 was significantly inhibited by treatment with diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of O2 generation, and promoted in the SS4 on treatment with herbicide methyl viologen, a generator of apoplastic O2. Higher concentrations of GAs were detected during plant growth and the early stage of tuberization in SA1. Complete recovery of the above elongation growth and microtuberization pattern in transgenic plants following treatment of GA3 or an inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis, paclobutrazol, indicate that these changes were mainly caused by active GA levels. In conclusion, a specific ROS (O2 ) acts as a signal transducer via GA biosynthetic pathways for the regulation of plant growth and tuber development of potato.  相似文献   

Confirming an earlier report, it was shown that the endogenous inhibitor of potato tuber invertase forms an essentially undissociable complex with the enzyme. Consequently, several previous analyses of potato tuber invertase which were based on equations derived for highly dissociable enzyme-inhibitor complexes are presumed to be in serious error. The complex formation proceeded slowly, requiring approximately 1 day to reach completion at 2 C, and 1 hr at 37 C. Allowing complex formation to reach completion before assaying enzyme activity did not affect the noncompetitive nature of the inhibition.  相似文献   

Potato tuber formation starts with the stolon swelling and is regulated by jasmonates. The cascade of events leading to tuber formation is not completely understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate phospholipid composition and phospholipase activities during four stages of stolon-to-tuber transition of Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Spunta, and involvement of phosphatidic acid (PA) in stolon cell expansion during early stages. Effects of jasmonic acid (JA) treatment on phospholipid content and activation of phospholipase D (PLD) (EC and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-specific phospholipase C (PIP2-PLC) (EC were studied in the early stages (first stage, hooked apex stolon; second stage, initial swelling stolon) of tuberization. All the phospholipid species identified, phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), PA, and cardiolipin (CL), decreased as tuber formation progressed. PLD and PLC were activated in control tissues at an early stage. JA treatment caused a decrease of PC and PS in first stage stolons, accumulation of PA in second stage stolons, and modification of PLD and PLC activities. PA increased stolon cell area in the first and second stages. These findings indicate that phospholipid catabolism is activated from the early stages of tuber formation, and that JA treatment modifies the pattern of phospholipid (PC, PS, and PA) composition and phospholipase (PLD and PLC) activity. These phospholipids therefore may play a role in activation of an intracellular mechanism that switches the developmental fate of stolon meristem cells, causing differentiation into a tuber.  相似文献   

Plants adjust their sink-organ growth rates, development and distribution of dry matter in response to whole-plant photosynthate status. To advance understanding of these processes, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants were subjected to CO(2) and light flux treatments, and early tuber growth was assessed. Atmospheric CO(2) (700 or 350 micro mol mol(-1)) and light flux (shade and control illumination) treatments were imposed at two growth stages: tuber initiation (TI) and tuber bulking (TB). Elevated CO(2) increased accumulation of total net biomass when imposed at both stages, and increased tuber growth rate by about 36 %, but did not increase the number of tubers. Elevated CO(2) increased the number of cells in tubers at both TI and TB stages, whereas shade substantially decreased the number of cells at both stages. Generally, treatments did not affect cell volume or the proportion of nuclei endoreduplicating (repeated nuclear DNA replication in the absence of cell division), but the shade treatment led to a decrease in cell volume at TB and a decrease in endoreduplication at TI. Elevated CO(2) increased, and shade decreased, glucose concentration and soluble invertase activity in the cambial zones at both TI and TB, whereas sucrose concentration and activities of glucokinase, fructokinase, cell-wall-bound invertase and thymidine kinase were unaffected. Modulation of tuber cell division was responsible for much of the growth response to whole-plant photosynthate status, and treatments affected cambial-zone glucose and soluble invertase in a pattern suggesting involvement of a glucose signalling pathway.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify promising microorganisms to improve potato productivity in low-input systems of tropical highlands and to compare results from in vitro, greenhouse and field experiments to advance the development of a screening method for rhizobacteria and develop an efficient assessment of their effect on plant growth in field conditions. A total of 150 bacterial strains were screened in vitro, in greenhouse and field trials. The series of experiments confirmed the plant growth-promoting ability of a range of rhizobacteria. Although in vitro and greenhouse results were promising, the field experiment showed variability and the results require further verification. The in vitro tests might have limited value for screening as no correlation could be found between in vitro tests and pot trial results. However, trials in controlled conditions produced insights into the mechanisms causing better plant growth in potato, such as early tuberisation, fast development of leaf area and probably greater photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

Stems of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Dianella) were immersed in solutions containing water (control), sucrose, glucose, paclobutrazol, and gibberellic acid. The effects of these treatments on the ethylene release, levels of endogenous gibberellins, glucose, sucrose, and starch were correlated with tuberization of nodal cuttings, excised from potato stems. Paclobutrazol and sucrose improved the percent of tuberization and/or increased tuber weight. In contrast, GA3 inhibited tuber formation compared with the control. The level of endogenous free GAs was negatively correlated with percent tuberization. However, the level of conjugated GAs was positively correlated with both percent tuberization and tuber weight. The effect of sucrose on potato tuber induction in relation to the possible role of sucrose in GA-conjugate formation is discussed.  相似文献   


The potato tuber moth (PTM) Phthorimaea operculella is a critical potato pest. Larvae infest both foliage and tubers and mature larvae pupate in the soil or other safe places. Cordyceps tenuipes, an entomopathogenic fungus, infect lepidopteran pupae. To determine the effectiveness of this fungus as a biocontrol agent for PTM, we evaluated the time-concentration-mortality (TCM) response of PTM pupae to C. tenuipes using the following bioassays: (1) direct immersion in conidial suspensions, (2) incubation in sterilised or (3) unsterilised soilpremixed with conidia, and (4) incubation in unsterilised soil drenched with conidial suspensions to simulate field conditions. Fungal infection caused 100%, 83.3%, 73.3%, and 85.0% mortality of PTM pupae in assays 1–4, respectively. At 108 conidia/mL or conidia/g concentration, assays 1 and 4 had short lethal times (LT50) of 2.2 and 2.6 days compared with 3.7 and 4.8 days for assays 2 and 3, respectively. On day 7 after inoculation, assays 1 and 4 also had low lethal concentrations (LC50) of 1.69 × 103 conidia/mL and 1.10 × 105 conidia/g compared with those of assays 2 and 3, which showed low virulence, with LC50 of 3.50 × 105 and 3.60 × 106 conidia/mL, respectively. Our results demonstrate that C. tenuipes is a promising candidate for PTM biocontrol at the pupal stage. Drenching the soil surface with conidial suspensions may be the most effective method of field application.  相似文献   

Effects of cold exposure in vivo and treatment with laurate, carboxyatractylate, atractylate, nucleotides, and BSA in vitro on potato tuber mitochondria have been studied. Cold exposure of tubers for 48-96 h resulted in some uncoupling that could be reversed completely by BSA and partially by ADP, ATP, UDP, carboxyatractylate, and atractylate. UDP was less effective than ADP and ATP, and atractylate was less effective than carboxyatractylate. The recoupling effects of nucleotides were absent when the nucleotides were added after carboxyatractylate. GDP, UDP, and CDP did not recouple mitochondria from either the control or the cold-exposed tubers. This indicates that the cold-induced fatty acid-mediated uncoupling in potato tuber mitochondria is partially due to the operation of the ATP/ADP antiporter. As to the plant uncoupling protein, its contribution to the uncoupling in tuber is negligible or, under the conditions used, somehow desensitized to nucleotides.  相似文献   

Messenger RNAs of a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor(s) (PKPI) were present in potato disks excised from tubers stored for 14 months (old tubers) or 2 months (young tubers) after harvest, and disappeared during the aseptic culture. The PKPI mRNA accumulation was found to be induced in potato disks from the old tubers by the addition of jasmonic acid (JA) [3-oxo-2-(2-cis-pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-acetic acid].  相似文献   

Growth and oxygen uptake of potato callus is faster in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere (70% oxygen, v/v; oxygen-callus) than in air (20% oxygen, v/v; air-callus). Especially the non-mitochondrial, so-called residual respiration is increased in oxygen-callus. The capacities of the mitochondrial respiratory pathways (cytochrome pathway, Vcyt and alternative pathway, Valt) are also higher in this callus. In both callus types only a small part of the alternative pathway capacity is used in uninhibited respiration. The lower oxygen uptake of air-callus at normal air oxygen pressures is partially due to diffusional impedance. Measurement of the respiratory parameters of air-callus in oxygen-saturated medium leads to higher values than measurement in air-saturated medium, although these values are still lower than those of oxygen-callus.ATP-production was calculated from the oxygen-uptake data and compared with the dry weight production of the callus to give values of 10.0 and 10.8 g dry weight produced.-mol ATP-1, for air-callus and oxygen-callus respectively. As no harmful side-effects are observed, cultivation of callus under elevated oxygen pressures may be useful, when rapid callus-growth is necessary.Abbreviations AA antimycin A; A; - BHAM benzohydroxamate - DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - 8-OHQ 8-hydroxyquinolin - RC respiratory control - SHAM salicylhydroxamate  相似文献   

Effects of cold exposure in vivo and treatment with laurate, carboxyatractylate, atractylate, nucleotides, and BSA in vitro on potato tuber mitochondria have been studied. Cold exposure of tubers for 48-96 h resulted in some uncoupling that could be reversed completely by BSA and partially by ADP, ATP, UDP, carboxyatractylate, and atractylate. UDP was less effective than ADP and ATP, and atractylate was less effective than carboxyatractylate. The recoupling effects of nucleotides were absent when the nucleotides were added after carboxyatractylate. GDP, UDP, and CDP did not recouple mitochondria from either the control or the cold-exposed tubers. This indicates that the cold-induced fatty acid-mediated uncoupling in potato tuber mitochondria is partially due to the operation of the ATP/ADP antiporter. As to the plant uncoupling protein, its contribution to the uncoupling in tuber is negligible or, under the conditions used, somehow desensitized to nucleotides.  相似文献   

The effects of the plant growth retardant tetcyclacis on in vitro tuber formation in potatoes was studied, using two different approaches: 1. tuber formation in various lines that did not or hardly form tubers under control conditions, and 2. tuber formation by the variety Bintje, which readily forms tubers. The ABA-deficient (droopy) lines of S. phureja hardly formed tubers without the addition of tetcyclacis. In the presence of this growth retardant tuberization was nearly 100%, within three weeks of in vitro culture, even in the absence of cytokinin. A series of somatic hybrids between S. tuberosum and S. brevidens, that did not form tubers in field and pot experiments, were tested. They all formed tubers in vitro in the presence of tetcyclacis. Stoloniferous shoots formed on single-node cuttings from in vitro grown Solanum tuberosum var Bintje plantlets were transferred to media containing a high level of sucrose. In the presence of tetcyclacis, tuber formation started after 4 days, reaching a maximum level of 80% at day 7. Tubers formed in the presence of tetcyclacis, accumulated starch and expressed several tuber-specific genes. These effects were fully antagonized by gibberellic acid. It is concluded that the growth retardant tetcyclacis is a potent tool in the study of tuber formation in potatoes.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BAP benzylaminopurine - GA3 gibberellic acid - STS silver thiosulphate - TET tetcyclacis  相似文献   

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